The Grandmaster Strategist


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This is an alternate history. Decades after the fall of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the world is still in chaos, although there is hope for reunification.

Of poor background, Jiang Zhe, styled Suiyun, has finally, after ten years of hard work, passed the imperial examinations and become a scholar within Hanlin Academy. Unwittingly, he becomes involved in the succession dispute of the Great Yong Dynasty. He faces conspiracies and machinations and countless battles of strength and wits. Intending to avoid court politics, he ultimately has no choice but to become involved. With no alternative, Jiang Zhe can only follow the crowd, joining the chaotic political turmoil. In this conniving world, he uses his intelligence and knowledge to provide for himself and his companions a stable environment to survive.

Watch nations fall, great men rise, and supreme martial artists kneel before the quiet whispers of a frail, unassuming scholar.

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67 Reviews sorted by

chernie11 rated it
September 23, 2019
Status: v6c4
What an amazing translation by the translation team! Thank you for bringing us this novel.

Very long chapters and lots of poems.

There is very minimal romance with enticing storytelling.

Highly recommended!
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IcyDraft rated it
August 22, 2019
Status: Completed
Once I started reading the novel, I couldn't stop, and I proceeded to read the machine translated version of the novel to see how the story ends.

Overall, it was an interesting read, and it kept my attention throughout the story, so kudos to the author, and the translating team.
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November 6, 2018
Status: v5c19
This is, what is it, the greatest novel that I read in last 3 years.

The way it write stories, the way they convey characters feeling, the timing of happening, and the realism of time flow. I don't know. Everything about this novel is perfect. The imperfection of protagonist make the story has a better nuance than most novel that always keep the happening happen immediately.

Too bad the novel has not finished, a little bit more.
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lolli rated it
April 30, 2017
Status: --
Lol I felt like I was rereading I'm really a superstar with all the poems that they have in common. Especially the part where the poems aren't in actuality theirs but they were the ones that created it. Of course the difference is that IRAS knows he's cheating and its a totally different world. Only in the poems sense they are the same.

The story is interesting so far and I'm glad it's not 1000 or so chapters long, that way I won't have to wait too long before it's completely... more>> translated. It's a calming read with lots of political manuverings, so if you are looking for cultivation novel where the MC is op this might not be the book for you. But if you are looking for a novel where the MC relies on his wits and intelligence to get out of trouble, you'll enjoy this book. <<less
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Tang Ning777
Tang Ning777 rated it
March 13, 2024
Status: Completed
One of the best novels I've ever read!

There's so much to say that I am finding it hard to trace all my thoughts about it to properly pen it down.

After finishing it, I am filled with melancholy and sadness. One, because I wouldn't be able to read this novel for the first time again. Second, though it was easy to deduce the tragic ending of some side characters early on, when I am finally faced with their ending I couldn't help but shed tears.

The writing style of this novel is... more>> one of a kind. At least, I haven't encountered this style yet. It felt like I was flipping through pages of actual history and was witnessing the events that took place hundreds of years ago with my own eyes.

There's also so many inclusion of poems. I reckon that for actual Mandarin speakers, it'd be even more enjoyable to read considering all the classics the translators included in the footnotes to help better understand the implications.

Interestingly enough, it is mostly written in first person pov but we're unable to really see the depth of our master strategist as the story progresses. Sometimes even feeling that he's such childish character whereas his emotions are portrayed perfectly while seeing his maturity in his actions. His machinations and vicious plotting is one of a kind, even Fan Xian from Joy of Life falls short.

Every character was three-dimensional. Even when the supposed antagonists were opposing our MC, it was hard to feel any hate or frustration a reader normally feels.

The first thirty percent of the novel, at least, may seem a bit misogynistic at times. But I would say to have patience because this issue that tickled the back of my mind didn't last long. There were valiant and heroic female characters who gave as good as they got.

If I talk about every side characters one by one, it would take a long time leaving alone the fact that it'd potentially spoil the novel. But the bond between Xiaoshunzi and our main character is truly one of a kind.

If I have to criticize one thing about this novel, then it is the rapid development between our MC and Piaoxiang which was at best unrealistic, at worst choppy. Other than this, I cannot really find any fault.

It is tagged tragedy in Novelupdates. Though, the MC didn't have a tragic ending along with his family members and close friends, there's certain tragic undertone at the end. Especially, I can't help but mention Lu Can. The bond he and the MC had and their ending drenched my pillow with tears.

This is one of the best novel out there. Similarly, our protagonist, Jiang Zhe, Jiang Suiyan, would always have a place in my heart. He was humorous, vicious, kind but also tragic at times.


There cannot be a better cover than this! It truly suits the novel as a whole. <<less
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Lala.Lala rated it
September 24, 2023
Status: Completed
I love it! So great! Nice story development.

It's true that there are times that it's difficult to remember some characters specifically some characters who were introduced at some point, but only showed up after many chapters.

Also, I'm not good with poems, so I don't understand most of them.

Still, that did not stop me from liking this novel.
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Mavsynchroid rated it
November 9, 2017
Status: --
Absolutely great novel. Actually feels like a real novel for once, if that makes sense. The chapters are long and descriptive, and it's anything but another novel where the MC finds a special item, cultivates, and kills. Highly recommend this if you're looking for something akin to a normal novel rather than the same old web novel.

HOWEVER, it hasn't been updated in like 6 months. What's EXTREMELY aggrivating is that there are only like 40 or so chapters left in the entire book, yet no one has bothered picking up... more>> the translation. Again, it's probably due to how complex the novel is. It's a little more than "coughes up blood" / "doesn't know whether to laugh or cry" etc.

Really hope someone picks this up. <<less
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