The Emperor Reverses Time


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In the majestic heart of a sprawling empire, the story of Emperor Leonhardt and Empress Elizabeth Isolde von Elysium unfolds. When tragedy strikes and the beloved—by all but one—Empress perishes, Leonhardt discovers a diary that reveals her silent struggles and undying love for him. Overwhelmed with remorse, he seeks out the mystical Witch of the Clock Tower to turn back the sands of time.

Awakening in the innocence of his youth, Leonhardt once again meets his future bride, Elizabeth, and he’s determined to treat her right. With the weight of past memories on his shoulders, he aims to foster a bond built on genuine understanding and love. Yet, Elizabeth’s past is fraught with dark family secrets and pressures that threaten to break her spirit. As the empire watches, Leonhardt and Elizabeth must navigate their love amidst a backdrop of treachery and the heavy burden of past mistakes.

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그 황제가 시곗바늘을 되돌린 사연
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Came for the cover
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
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05/11/21 Capricious c7
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3 Reviews sorted by

Audmod rated it
March 1, 2021
Status: c2
Im looking forward to this one. It’s the typical “don’t know what you have until it’s gone” trope BUT I love how it’s the ML going back in time instead of the FL. We get to see it from his point of view and see him struggle to figure out how to make her happy.
12 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Angsty Turtle
Angsty Turtle rated it
March 19, 2021
Status: c4
While the turning back time trope is definitely a cliche this book is a breath of fresh air. The male protagonist having a chance to atone sets up what looks like a cute story. I typically avoid leaving ratings this early, but it's too annoying that there are 1-star reviews. At the time of this writing there are only 4 chapters, so give little credence to the low reviews and give it a shot
11 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Crazy _Sue
Crazy _Sue
March 7, 2021
Status: --
I love how the ML is going back in time to save the FL rather than the other way around something new I'm looking forward to it (not going to preciate your hard work till you're gone)
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