The Baby Who Regressed Refuses Childcare


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First Life.

She was an orphan but was adopted as the nobleman’s second daughter at the age of five.
But happiness was short-lived.

“You’re too selfish, Anellia.”

When the real daughter appeared, the family suddenly changed.
So, on the day of her seventeenth birthday, Anellia died alone in her solitary room.
Why did she return to a day just a few weeks before being adopted?

[I’m a genius.
I promise I won’t ask for anything.
I’ll be a great help to the Abner family.]

To avoid repeating the same life, she met a different family this time. She tried to live with them until adulthood, providing information about the future.

“Oh my, our little puppy Anellia is here!”

The Queen called me a little puppy, and…

“Can I feed her?”
“Of course. She’s my disciple.”
“I told you! Our little baby is undoubtedly a genius!”

The new family members were somewhat strange…

“At that time, I will be your escort. So, just bear with it until then.”

The one and only Prince of the Empire insisted on being my escort, and…

“Why are you calling her ‘Grandmother’?”
“Why do you always call the Empress Dowager ‘Grandmother?”
“What about me.”
“Why am I only called ‘Duke’ or ‘Your Grace’? It’s not right to discriminate against people like this.”

Sharon Abner, whom I thought was only my contractual guardian, was wishing that I’d call her ‘Grandmother’?
Hey, why is everyone acting this way…

Associated Names
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회귀한 아기는 육아를 거절합니다
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Latest Release

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3 Reviews sorted by

Avanalae rated it
March 20, 2024
Status: c32
I don't want to give too high a score yet, since I imagine this is just the beginning of a long story, but I'm pretty hopeful. I wouldn't call the translation very high quality, as Xerber does, but it's at least very good.

The premise of this hyper intelligent child - I don't think she managed to make it into adulthood in her first life - doing her all out of unrequited love for her family may not be a new idea, but I like this approach, especially with how even... more>> if she has returned and is more knowledgeable this time around, she is still a child and you cannot beat biology. 😆 I'm already looking forward to seeing how else she uses what she has to benefit herself and her new family. I'm holding out hope for her "new mom, " mom's son is worth less than shit, I love the employees, and then there's the prince. Kelicant makes it seem like all focus shifts to him for an extended period of time, but this isn't the case. Most exposition and such is led by Anellia and its an excellently done setup to help the prince, thus securing him as a central figure for later in the story. And the whole thing lasts, like 4 chapters. There are 32 at time of this review, and 18 at that one. 😒 Anyway, I'm all for an MC providing hope and motivation to a downtrodden and hopeless ml/character. I look forward to seeing his progress later. 😁 <<less
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kelicant rated it
December 11, 2023
Status: c18
It seems interesting so far.

The disconnect between the MC being mentally an adult, with the knowledge / skills relfecting that, but with a child's emotional control causing her trauma to show was interesting. As an adult she experienced a lot of manipulation from the people around her at a young age which leads to her being in a unique spot mentally.

But the MC has barely been introduced and put into her new home when the focus immediately shifts from her to a male character who has his own trauma. Ignoring... more>> that she is new here and an important guest in the house can just walk in her room and start a huge interaction with no supervision. We don't know much about the situation / MC and now we're reading chapters of backstory for some random person. It's clearly setting this person up as a love interest, but the way it's done makes me lose hope that the story is going to pace things or have any depth. <<less
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Xerber85 rated it
November 2, 2023
Status: c2
Only two chapters have been released so far, but this looks very promising. I love stories where a small and intelligent child is the MC and this seems to fit that description perfectly. Can’t say much else based on two chapters, but the current translation is of very high quality. Looking forward to more chapters!
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