The Academy’s Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunter


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I possessed the weakest character in my favorite game’s Hell Mode. I want to survive, but the way the main character is being controlled is atrocious.

It can’t be helped.

I have to stop the bad ending myself.

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아카데미 최약체는 마족 한정 먼치킨이 되었다
Related Series
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Academy’s Second Seat (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Academy Novel
  2. Best Harem Novels.
  3. Stuff I like(Tentative)
  4. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (KR On-Going)
  5. Peak Hidden Gems Part 3

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66 Reviews sorted by

Kleini rated it
November 10, 2023
Status: c56
I was hooked right from the start on this novel! It drew me in with its unique premise of a weak student suddenly gaining amazing demon-hunting powers.

At first I thought Isaac would follow the typical OP main character route, effortlessly defeating everyone in flashy ways. But I was pleasantly surprised that his newfound strength only applies to fighting demons. Against human opponents he's still weak, which creates an interesting dynamic.

The demon battles are exhilarating to read, especially when Isaac strategizes about how to exploit their weaknesses. And when he's challenged... more>> by other students, it's fun seeing how he creatively uses his specialized skills to survive.

The plot keeps things moving at a steady clip, with new mysteries and adventures in every arc. The story never feels repetitive or formulaic. I also like the way the author incorporates familiar western fairy tales and folklore with added twists into the backstories.

While there's some romance, it's not overly dominant. And I appreciate that the heroines feel like real people with their own goals, rather than prizes for Isaac to collect.

Overall this is an entertaining fantasy academy novels I've come across. If you're looking for something that combines demon-hunting action with witty humor and great characters, definitely give this a try! <<less
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November 7, 2023
Status: --
A nice novel to spend your times. Its generic isekai academy but done mostly right, the pushover part of protagonist is annoying tho and you can find his dense moment like generic isekai but you can’t make a perfect MC anyway. And importantly even when he surrounded by many women he had priorities for 1 love interest (I’m not a harem haters but most of the story who had this tag are thrash)
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hyahhaa rated it
November 6, 2023
Status: c106
As of chapter 12, personally it doesn't look so good. Cliche scenarios, obvious plot-armour, jarring plot-holes. I know I only read so much chapter yet I'm frustrated by MC's lack of logic and FLs' dumb misunderstandings. This is just a rant, and I'll update this later after I've read more of this story

Update as of chapter 106:

Glad I decided to read the rest of the chapters. Indeed, we definitely could have a better start, but it's fun to read if you ignore that. The emotional scenes are a bit... more>> cringe, but there's only a few of that so no problem. This was supposed to be hell-mode difficulty, but the author made it a bit too convenient for the MC. Too much onomatopoeia at times, usually when the demon talks. The misunderstanding sometimes feel too forced that I feel they're truly like an 'NPC' that follows what the 'game developer' wants. Still, this is an enjoyable read if you know how to just simply skip unimportant parts and turn off your brain at times when you found something off with the story. Updated it to 5/5. <<less
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EduardoTR rated it
October 30, 2023
Status: c102
So far the story has been great, the MC Isaac actually knows what he is doing and gets what needs to be done with careful planning.

Isaac is a more passive and calculated MC (up to 102 that I read) compared to other groundbreaking protagonists that immediately break the setting with their knowledge like in Flashing Genius, and tends to plan things out way in advance to assure his odds are actually possible in hell difficulty since he can't blitz everything. The other characters are all full of personality and care... more>> by the author, especially a certain bubbly senior and best girl named Dorothy. The system is very easy to understand because it's not unnecessarily complicated like many out there not being the focus.

Overall a very good read, would recommend it if you like a mix of SoL, action and harem. <<less
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s3978871 rated it
October 9, 2023
Status: --
The translation is amazing but the writing is the problem.

I'm okay with the fact that the MC knows and uses the game's knowledge to his advantage and every other action scene is him just K.O. Ing the demons like a W.W.E. Champion.

But what turns me off is the NPCs and the femcs:

As other reviewers have stated: the newer girls will always be in the spotlight, the older ones will be put in a zip file on a cheap usb somewhere. FeMCs in this novel sparks and fades like fireworks.

... more>>

I'm a girl so I'm just gonna give my perspective on this story's harem set a bit:

I feel like Kaya, who was raised with a solder mindset all her life, should be more rigid and stiff, I think her shyness comes from everyone around her not acting like a soldier so she might felt like she's the odd one out and have an inkling about her family's weird ass parenting philosophy. So she's trying her best to control her impulses to salute and stand at attention every time she heard sb calling her name, which will in turn cause her to be shy, not necessarily in a way that is "oh so cutesy I'm shyy~~" kinda way but a "I need to stay away because I might act like a creep to these poor innocent people" kinda way. To me, it's not psychologically logical how she acts but she has her own charm in a way: She has a very imaginative mind, combined with the intelligence of a top-tier wizard which results in her automatically filling the gap in information every time the MC does something weird, I feel a bit regretful how the MC (who can read minds) doesn't pray on this and just make her his loyal servant in the span of 2 or 3 chapters but that just proves how good-natured our MC is. It does saddens me that Kaya, who could prove herself very much useful to the MC in various ways, is forgotten over time.

Luce is a total creep. I understand that she never had a friend before and sometimes if their 1st friend is trying to get away or hang out with other friend groups, they might get a bit obsessive a jealous. But seriously?? Out of all the books of friendships and how to build connections she has never even remotely heard of the word "boundaries". She astounds me in many different ways. As soon as Luce and the MC became friends and WARNED her not to stand out too much, she came to the main gate waiting her him to come like a stalker who found their new target. Completely disregard the difficult situation that she has put him in, and gatekeep the MC like he's a rare animal. I'm sorry but this kind of relationship from my perspective is totally predatory and toxic. IMO, she was okay during the time when she was just watching the MC train from afar but when she got closer the red flags were screeching.

Dorothy is the only one who didn't give me the creeps. She and the MC share the same interest in watching the starry sky. The fact that the MC cares greatly for her goes unnoticed and she also knows when or where to stop and help. If the other FeMCs are like fireworks then Dorothy is like a shooting star. She exudes an air of complexity and mysteriousness that draws people in. I can see why Dorothy is the Mc's number 1 favourite character. I wish she would have more screen time over the other Femcs.

In conclusion, the list of female characters feels like a new iPhone product, the next one will probably come out sooner than you would expect.



The NPCs here are very 1-dimensional, characters like Mateo definitely have their moments to have character development but the other ones are not so lucky. The original protagonist, for example, faints all the time and I don't feel like he's gonna have a power-up during sleepy time. The author didn't even give a perspective on what he thought during the kidnapping scene of his childhood friend, and how he decided to hug her instead of patting her back.



The protagonist is okay in my opinion. Sometimes I feel like he could utilise his assets, knowledge and connections in a more effective way but he is only human. I feel like hell mode for him is normal difficulty, the times our MC had a near-death experience in the training grounds is wayy more than when he faced death during combat. I like his cold demeanour and the bold way he utilized his abilities to destroy demons. He's a very good law-abiding citizen by day and Batman by night with the power of racism.


It's a good junk-food read <<less
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joemambagggg rated it
September 26, 2023
Status: c70
This novel is the typical weak-to-strong story and is almost identical to 'fast food novels' (Novels with little quality writing but fast update speed). For starters, the MC is a literal simp for some mary sue who is all-so-powerful and playful and the author has to emphasize how perfect she is in everyone else's' eyes. The MC also has the power of plot armor (mind reading and almost every major villain being a demon) and the novel is full of the awful misunderstanding trope (like the MC being lowkey even... more>> though he's practically sh*t in other fields) and the romance feels rushed and forced as the characters act so superficial. Let's not forget, the author conveniently states that the original MC is so important and has powerful "magic" from our mc's perspective yet this guy gets knocked out every time to make our MC shine for some reason instead of the author demonstrating his power or growth (so he could be a rival for our mc). <<less
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Drake888 rated it
September 11, 2023
Status: c81
This is a great fantasy school story where the MC is secretly OP. This is an isekai light novel with a harem tag, so you better be looking for that when you start reading this. That said, this is better than average for that genre and it is really fun to keep seeing the story develop.

The MC transmigrates into a mob character and has plot knowledge from the game plus a power up against demons but things still manage to stay interesting as he tries to navigate to the best... more>> outcome. There are a lot of satisfying scenarios where we get to read about other people reacting to how OP the MC is, which is always a an important part of these "secretly OP" stories. Another bonus is that the MC's training gets mentioned enough to let you feel that he is trying to get stronger, but never so much that it overstays its welcome.

The harem works pretty well and the girls orbit him with pleasant interactions. It is pretty tame, with no major R-18 content. Thankfully, this isn't because the MC gets comically flustered or nervous around girls but is instead because he is an adult who is very concerned about keeping the situation in check to keep the protagonist alive.

Definitely give this a shot if you are looking for a story about an MC secretly being OP in a magical academy setting. <<less
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JoeMama15 rated it
September 3, 2023
Status: c82
I was going to rate it 3 stars but change my mind because the main cast of characters are pretty good even the MC.

As for the review, this has a lot of cliches which I don't usually mind much, what I do mind is the repetitiveness the of the plot. As you read in the description, MC in transported to a game he used to play and once the story starts is when the plot is basically divided in two.

  1. MC fighting the boss of the next big event
  2. MC developing his relationship/friendship with the harem or with a new girl he met
#2 is always enjoyable for me. Author always finds a way to keep it entertaining and fresh for us, the girls are unique and likeable. I wish there were also... more>> some male characters that MC could befriend but oh well.

Another plus is that MC isn't the usual dense idiot who never notices when someone likes him. He knows and he sets boundaries (or at least tries to). He knows he doesn't have the time for a romantic relationship so that's why he doesn't reciprocate their feelings.

Now for #1, the complete opposite of #2; author doesn't try to keep things interesting and fresh. It is boring. There's nothing enjoyable about fighting "big bad bosses" that we never go to meet before the fight itself. There's no hype, no tension because obviously MC wont lose. There's no consequences nor bad aftermath that lets you know that IT WAS a big bad boss fight.

The only exceptions were the first few boss fights and it was because (minor and obvious spoliers)


Thats when future harem members watch his fight and they start to uncover mc's secret identity


Other than those moments, the boss fights aren't enjoyable, at least not to me. Don't get me wrong, they are written good but they are predictable. You can literally just skip entire boss fights because nothing unexpected happens (with only a few exceptions). I wouldn't mind this fights if it wasn't for the fact that there are SO MANY of them. Like I said before, the plot is divided in two, and it switches between them after the latter is over. Preparing for boss and the boss fight itself for a few chaps >>> spend time with harem for a few chaps >>> then back to prepare for next boss. Over and Over again.

One thing that I hate is that author spends so much time giving us all the details to the next "big bad boss fight". Example: MC starts a monologue in his head, in which he talks about the next big event where he'll fight the next boss fight. But he first tells us how that event/boss fight should've been in the game originally. He tells us how exactly would have happened, who was involved in the fight, how it ended, how the original MC would've beaten it. Also how that event would have affected the academy and other characters.

After he is done with that, he starts telling us how his past actions could affect/change the coming event (sometimes MC kills enemies before they were meant to be killed in the game), and he comes up with a few theories on how it could have change. And after he is done, he then finally tells us his plan for the event and how he will be preparing for it.

All of that ^^ is way too much information in a short amount of time and for an uninteresting enemy that most people will probably not remember. Let me talk about another novel quickly; Omniscent First-person's viewpoint. I have read 111 chaps of that novel, and in those 111 chaps there have been a total of 3 big enemies (maybe I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure I'm not), with a lot of space in between them. I can name you right here and right now who those enemies were, what were their goals, how there were defeated, their fighting style, their story.

That is something that I can not do with the enemies in this novel. In those 82 chaps that I read, there have been like ten big enemies and I cannot named even one. The only thing I can say about them is that they are pure evil because they are demons, nothing more.

This novel shines the brightest when there is no "big bad enemies" (with very few exceptions). Now let's talk about another novel, Interspecies wives. I was very surprise when I was reading that novel, because in the first major battle, they only showed us the first few minutes of the battle and then they skipped until the ending of the battle. And I was very glad, bc everyone knows the outcome of the battle without reading it. So why waste all that effort in writing something that everyone already knows. If you are going to write a battle, at least do something different, up the stakes, kill a character, make it so that it greatly injurers physically or mentally the MC or someone close to him, ANYTHING that will keep the reader interested.

Sadly this novel barely does that when it comes to fights

I have been shitting on the novel a bit too much so lets end it at a good note. I really enjoy this MC, that is something that I normally don't do. I wish they expanded a bit more on him. There are times where I as a reader feel like he is depressed or overwhelm with all the responsibility he has, to the point that I sometimes feel sorry for him, those are the stuff that I wish were expanded on. Instead of another boss fight, they could just develop him more, and then write one of the girls helping him through those tough times.

The girls are very good, I like them all, specifically Dorothy. Luce a close second. MC interactions with them are also great. There was one of the girls that I didn't really like much; but then something happen and then not only her character but also her interactions with MC greatly improved.

The fights between other students are good, and the way MC gets through them while being so weak is entertaining and enjoyable. Mc's training is also enjoyable and even inspiring.

Like I said twice before already, everything outside the events/boss fights is really good. You just have to ask yourself, are you willing to put up with the boring parts just to get to the good parts?

For now I am, but Idk if I'll change my mind in the future, but at least for now, I'm willing to put up with it.

To be honest, in the last two boss fights, I just 'speed-read' them. So it has been easier to put up with it <<less
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sinbadw rated it
August 21, 2023
Status: c38
The Academy’s Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunter follows a fairly common template but executes it in an entertaining fashion. It tells the story of Isaac, a gamer who becomes an extra character in a fantasy RPG. While the set-up is familiar, the novel succeeds by avoiding many pitfalls of the genre.

Isaac makes for a refreshingly grounded protagonist. Despite receiving a special power, he struggles against human foes and only excels at fighting demons. This keeps his progression feeling earned as he methodically trains himself up from a weak student.

The supporting... more>> cast provides variety and depth beyond common tropes. The female leads in particular are well-realized, with distinct motivations and evolving relationships with Isaac. Even side characters feel human rather than just plot devices.

The story balances school life, adventuring, and romance at a measured pace. Isaac’s demon hunting provides exciting action sequences. Meanwhile, the mystery surrounding Isaac’s transmigration adds intrigue. The narrative strings the reader along with plot twists and new story arcs rather than growing repetitive.

Overall, The Academy’s Weakest avoids the pitfalls of many gaming-transmigration stories by ensuring consistent character development. Isaac and the cast grow together through interpersonal relationships, not just level-grinding. With steady progression and an engaging plot, this novel succeeds as an entertaining fantasy read. <<less
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Kuro1079 rated it
August 9, 2023
Status: c62
a very fun read and a must read novel, story is interesting and will keep you crave for more

MC is hardworking and not your typical MC and he's powerful against demons, his fight against demons is well written/well explained.

As for the heroines they are kinda lacking though in my opinion :/ I think its because im fed up already with those kinda tropes but hey its not bad! Maybe they will have character developments in the future.. Who knows.

Overall 7/10 (for now) I want to read the whole thing :p
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Sertian75 rated it
July 30, 2023
Status: c58
Demon Limited Hunter is a story that although it seems pretty cliched with its name and plot, manages to become a pretty good read and interesting story. Probably the most interesting aspect of this novel is the interactions between the protagonist Isaac, and the heroines of the story. Also how he slowly becomes stronger as the plot progresses.

The story starts when our protagonist is sudenly transmigrated into his favourite game as the weakest character, but there is a catch thanks to the extra level points he got before transmigrating he... more>> uses it on combat vs demons. And like that is how he becomes the strongest whenever he is fighting a demon, otherwise he is really weak.

The premise of being a OP character but at the same time not is the selling point of this novel, and how our protagonist does everything he can to improve himself and become stronger without relying on his cheat ability.

And also what makes this novel intresting is the relationship between Isaac and the heroines. Most of the female main characters that we have seen thus far are pretty interesting and charming in their own way. <<less
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Pratt_42 rated it
July 16, 2023
Status: c51
The Academy's Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunter overcomes its cliché title and premise to deliver an entertaining story with proper pacing and multidimensional characters.

Protagonist Isaac starts off weak after transmigrating into a game as an extra, but leverages a demon-hunting system to grow in power. However, he only gains boosts when fighting demons specifically, creating an engaging balance where he's OP against monsters but struggles in other conflicts.

The academy setting is downplayed compared to immersive fight scenes and Isaac's bouncing between heroines. Romance is a subplot that develops slowly and... more>> realistically. The diverse love interests feel like actual people with fleshed out backgrounds and goals.

Isaac himself is witty and likeable rather than a typical obtuse self-insert. Side characters have their own roles beyond propping up the protagonist. While the early chapters establish a solid foundation, the story continues to expand in scale and stakes while unveiling secrets about Isaac's past.

There's a good blend of lighthearted school life, bloody demon battles, and emotional drama. The novel subverts expectations by fleshing out tropes commonly played straight. With steady writing quality and broad appeal, The Academy's Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunter executes the genre well enough to entertain veteran readers. <<less
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Yukaura rated it
May 8, 2023
Status: c32
"The Academy’s Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunter" is an enjoyable, albeit generic, isekai novel that follows the story of a transmigrator named Isaac who finds himself in a game world that he used to play. The unique aspect of this novel is that the main character's strength is situational - he's incredibly powerful against demons but weaker against non-demonic opponents. This leads to many misunderstandings and humorous situations throughout the story.

The novel is an easy read with a somewhat predictable plot, making it perfect for taking your mind off things.... more>> The story is filled with misunderstandings, which may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it does add a layer of humor to the story. The characters are intriguing, and their interactions with the main character as they uncover his secrets are entertaining.

While the story has its flaws, such as the lack of immersion due to the author revealing that the main character is from another world, it still manages to be a fun, quick read. The world-building is well done, and the characters are fleshed out, making for an enjoyable experience overall.

In conclusion, "The Academy’s Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunter" is a decent isekai novel that may not be a literary masterpiece but is still worth a read if you're looking for something lighthearted and engaging. The misunderstandings and situational strength of the main character add a unique twist to the story, making it an enjoyable escape from reality. Give it a chance, and you might find yourself pleasantly surprised. <<less
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Hosh rated it
May 2, 2023
Status: c33
Sooo this novel has a unique premise in that the MC's strength is very situational. As the title suggests. Against demons. You're gonna absolutely despise this novel if you dislike misunderstandings in novels because thats what the entire novel is based on but everyone sees the MC clashing with demons and misunderstand how strong he is. This allows for everyone to respect him while keeping the stakes in battles against weaker, non-demon opponents.

My primary complaint is that the romance is somewhat slow compared to other Academy Transmigration but tbh that... more>> probably has more to do with the rate at which Genesis TLs is translating this. I'm sure it'll be Gucci if I'm binging. The misunderstandings also get a bit excessively sometimes but it's just a minor flaw. <<less
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Hitori Saigomade
Hitori Saigomade rated it
April 20, 2024
Status: c172
The Academy's Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunter is a novel worth reading, especially if you enjoy the trope of the Main Character hiding his true power, though that is not entirely accurate for this novel. Honestly, in terms of innovation, The Academy's Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunter doesn't do much, in fact its premise is the standard "MC gets reincarnated into his favourite game which he knows all the hidden secrets to" but in terms of execution it's a 9.5/10. The harem aspect is very well done and each heroine... more>> feels like they get some development and are in similar levels of importance, for the most part. The Academy's Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunter also succeeds at having amazing character development for most of the important characters.

A few examples of this are

Isaac having to face his fears and anxieties of when he was back on Earth that he hadn't yet overcome in the Rock Trial and



Tristan's character arc, truly one of the best characters in the novel and an amazing subversion of a common trope


Overall, I would recommend giving The Academy's Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunter a try for at least 80 or so chapters to figure out if it is up to your tastes <<less
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abhijeet619 rated it
March 17, 2024
Status: --
It's a fun novel to read and easy to follow as the story is very linear. MC is op but only against a specific enemy type;so he works extremely hard to overcome his deficiencies. The girls are great. They are all likable. Every girl gets their own arcs. The translation quality is excellent. Anyway you should definitely check out the novel.
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tanjin rated it
November 29, 2023
Status: c112
I would rate Demon-Limited Hunter a 4.5/5, it is a really good novel in my opinion. The novel has several good points along with some minor bad ones. For starters, the characters are good including both allies and antagonists.

They have good backstories, presentation, and are memorable in my opinion. Even though the story is confined to the academy settings, the slight glimpses at other places and areas add a subtle touch at world building.

The power system, or in this case magic, has a good sense of versatility (Especially when doing... more>> combinations or joint spells). The story is enjoyable with excellent pacing and isn't boring or a slog to get through for newer readers and is overall an enjoyable read.

Now it wouldn't be a review without mentioning the stuff I didn't like, firstly, the enemies at the start are really lack luster. I mean, I get that MC is suppose to be powerful against demons, but the fights are so short and lack tension.

Another thing I dislike is how the main character hides his identity (Which while it's fine that he wants to hide it, it can be frustrating when there is clear evidence against him).

This novel is quite good in my opinion, again, the bad points are minor so this would be something I'd totally recommend. <<less
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LonelyMatter rated it
November 1, 2023
Status: c102
Waking up in the body of Isaac, the weakest side character of the game, our MC decides to take matters into his own hands after watching the real Main Character fumble and faint while facing a demon. Investing the points he obtained after using a cheat in the game, he becomes a Demon-Limited hunter. With his powers being below average under normal circumstances, he becomes one of the strongest beings in the presence of Demons.

Not just being satisfied with the limited powerup, Isaac sweats blood and tears, pushing himself to... more>> get stronger. Though the system does aid him, it's not all powerful or unconditional. Using his in-game knowledge, he takes advantage of all possible scenarios to aid his growth.

Aside from Isaac and the original MC, there's a huge cast of characters. Each character is well fleshed out, having a part to play in the story, instead of just being spectators. Here I can clearly state that Isaac isn't the dense harem MC we usually get to see. He clearly notices the feelings of the girls around him, even stating that he doesn't mind having a harem. Though he does hold out on giving them an answer till he completed his main goal.

To sum it up, a pretty entertain academy isekai story with good balance of humor and suspense to keep you hooked and wanting more. <<less
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MarketResearchReading114 rated it
September 29, 2023
Status: c85
This isn't a bad work, but it could be better.

My overt observation and comparison is that its inferior to "Fated To Be Loved By Villians"

It feels like it has the same dynamic in power being subjective to a context, and it also feels like a similar tone, but the feeling I get is that one is taking itself a little to seriously, and the other is just enjoying every element of what the setting, plot, and character arcs lead us through, and nailing everything with an A+...I wish I had... more>> more to say about this novel in comparison but there really is an apples to apples comparison to be made here.

The novel is definitely fun if you enjoy this sort of story, but there is a superior work if you wish to dig it up. <<less
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Teddy1337 rated it
August 16, 2023
Status: c345
This novel isn't bad, although every part of it is some kind of cliche. I would say that it gives you exactly what you would expect from its genres and description.


- What I liked the most in this novel is really fast paced plot. While reading, pace of hero becoming stronger and clearing different "game" chapter wasn't decreasing at all. There were almost no fillers and those which presented felt like it's needed for fan service and small rest from main storyline.

- All characters are kind of cliched, but there... more>> were no irritating character, and I don't need more from this kind of novel.

- I'm not a big fan of harem genre, but here it's kind of implemented in a fun way, there were lots of yandere, tsundere and other kinds of gags, which sometimes were even fun to read.

- Plot is consistent and logical through almost 90% of chapters. This is a really rare thing that I wasn't facepalming every 10-20 chapters like I would on almost every harem-fantasy-harem novel.


- I don't really like some main plot twists, it felt like brazilian drama at some moments.

- Almost no male characters except for main hero. I would say that every strong character except for main hero is woman, and it sometimes catches the eye and you remember what genres this novel has.

Overall, I really liked it and if to compare with other harem-fantasy-academy novels in current top-25 I liked it the most (I've read it till the end and it's really rare for me). <<less
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