SSS-Class Sui**de Hunter


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I want an S-Rank skill too! I want it so badly, I would even die for it!

[You have awakened an S-Rank skill.] [But it only works when you die.]


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SSS-Class Hunter who Dies to Live
SSS-Class Revival Hunter
SSS-Class Suicide Hunter
SSS급 자살헌터
SSS급 죽어야 사는 헌터
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Solo Leveling (4)
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215 Reviews sorted by

tempelis rated it
July 29, 2023
Status: c114
Absolutely agree with Shimatta's review. Many of my point is the same with Shimatta

First, there are many minor mistake and loophole even before that arc but it's bearable. And then everything change in romance arc. It's garbage. Drop the novel because of it. Their love is too forced.

... more>>

Why the heck MC fall in love with Raviel??? It come out of nowhere. AND THEN HE AND SHE IS CHEATING. I hate that. If Raviel is single and even the MC is force himself to love her, it's okay. But Raviel is fiancée of crown prince!

Let's says it's okay to cheating but then the story (in the incomplete book library) will be like :

.... Ravelia that gave all of her heart to crown prince suddenly fell in love with the butler. The butler too. They announced their marriage in 10 days....

What the hell? There is no romance story like that. They are not childhood friend, no hardship together, never talk to each other, barely recognize each other, they have no connection whatsoever! But they suddenly love each other?????? Garbage. And hell, it became that the villainess (Ravelia) is the one who the first to cheating, not the crown prince, because crown prince has not yet met the heroine.


Second, in this novel there is just main character. The side character is just a decoration to make MC shining more.

There is many more, but you can read Shimatta's review. It conveys my feeling to this novel completely.

Anyway, this novel is mediocre. It's not bad (except romance arc), but it's not that good either. <<less
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GoldenEye rated it
June 18, 2023
Status: c200
Absolutely love this series. A lot of WN are pretty flat in terms of character depth and development, I’m sure we’ve all read our fare share and don’t expect much and they’re still awesome series even if they’re missing a little bit of soul.

However this series truly is well written in every sense of the words. It’s made me cry and laugh and re-read it many times, as I’m writing this I’m getting ready to re-read it again. The different genres it covers and the development of the main and... more>> side characters in this strange new world they have to live in is really wonderful to read and so different from the usual. The sadness of existence and the joy of love and the consequences of power, all covered and wonderfully described while still fulfilling that OP MC craving and cute romance. Everyone has different tastes and you really can’t judge how much you like something based on reviews so please don’t put too much weight on them as you read mine and others. But no one can deny that this will really make you feel things.
Very poetic series, absolutely love it.

however probably don’t read it after a certain point. You will know it when you get to it. I think the author went crazy or something, whole thing spirals into a mess and it takes a long time to even make sense of what is happening. But all the cool and important plot points have happened by then so really just stop reading when you get to that point you aren’t missing much.

still five stars though, if that doesn’t makes sense to you then read it and it will. <<less
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GGbookluver rated it
January 24, 2023
Status: --
You enter expecting a cliché leveling up novel, and leave with a rough but emotional story. SSS class isn't the best story, nor does it have a very good plot. But it makes up for it in its characters, so much in its characters and their interactions. The story has a unique concept on the typical modern dungeon troupe. And I absolutely love how it was executed. The author knows how to write pain, anguish, hunger, happiness, loss. And it's so beautiful to read. So even if there are many... more>> plot holes, and some characters that don't make sense. The story is so good at the one thing it does great, that I can forget about everything. <<less
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demongordon rated it
January 22, 2023
Status: c113

I got with low expectations for this novel and was pleasant surprise to be above average on the genre.

However it still a busted super OP skills with dubious drawbacks as they seen to not really impact much if not to chance to gain more info by the MC.

The start is not very good, and I thought in dropping it. Specially as the MC personality was so bad that I thanked god it did a 180 in a few chapters going from tr*sh to be able to play with the guild... more>> leaders.

It also suffer from things always going his ways in strange places not all related to his time powers but straight up making the tower change the rules of 10 floors. Or the fact that the 5 guild leaders or anyone else give much trouble to the MC.

Another problem is the terrible worldbuilding, I don't even know why the author use "the tower" as a setting if he going to skip most details and multiple layers. That to not talk about weird the ranking system work as it seen complete arbitary and even the benefits seen to be dubious. And then adding the idea of Aura, that also is not explored.

This story is all about a few arcs where a handful of floors are really important, and the exploration of some of the problem that floor present, but because the many time skips we often only have overall view of his progression.

The interactions with character is pretty interesting if still somewhat swallow as people seen to really go along with what he is saying and they have minimal conflict with each other beside some banter and exposition. As I said before is above average whe compared to others novels both CN, JP and KR.

The story really shine (for me) is on the Murim arc, that the author decide to focus more on the worldbuilding and few characters rather than big vague goals. The author view of Good and Evil sects (staple trope of the genre) was interesting.

Lastly the romance, it was really abrupt and I must confess that is not the type I enjoy reading about as some aspects of it didn't seat well with me. And seen to change the character personality and goals so much and in such difficult way (involve alot su*cides). However, I found it charming in their own way and if the author had spent more time buildig it up it would been better. But is not my cup of tea specially when I saw what was the conclusion.

I guess one problem is the co stant break of 4th wall, as the MC almost seen to know he is on a novel, specially with the library arc on the nose mention. <<less
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Red1000r rated it
August 15, 2022
Status: c120
I'm finally dropping the novel after completing the third arc. I enjoyed the novel thoroughly but continuing after this would only be forcing myself to read. To give you a brief overview of the novel, it begins with the MC. He starts off as a jealous dude who forces himself to regress back to 11 years in the past because of some circumstances.

The allies were fleshed out. Although you would get turned off by the sudden introduction of the allies, the writing doesn't force you to remember their names... more>> and quirks. Rather, it helps you get used to it.

But the novel had glaring problems, at least for me.


The first arc, AKA, the Demon King Arc was where the story was at its peak. It showcased MC's growth as a person and his qualities. It showed his justice and we also get to see a hint of cunningness. The backstories of each and every character were meaningful and actually emotional.

The Heavenly Demon arc was probably an arc you cannot dislike. It's gloomy, sad, and beautiful. There was a problem though. It tries to give a flurry of different kinds of emotions and expects you to sympathize with them. If you are a normal reader, you probably wouldn't have experienced something terribly harsh (like real terrible beyond what normal people experience). Even so, you could make it out how it feels to experience something harsh. That's being empathetic. The story tries to go beyond that.

And trying too hard only has the opposite effect. When I was reading the parts, it did not feel like - 'ah, that's rough' but rather - 'ah, it could be possible'. Still, it had some fine moments like the death of Heavenly Demon and the final verbal fight. Of course, the relationship between MC and his master is also to be mentioned. They were great.

Now, I'll address the elephant in the room. The third arc. It's terrible. Not just the romance, everything else was equally terrible. Until this point, we had actually great characters but aside from MC's lover, other characters were just not up to the mark. I liked her and MC but the way romance was dropped was something very few liked. From what I could tell, the author probably wanted the arc to just be the romance arc and that ruined it.

I would probably be the last person to call out unrealistic romance but as much as I liked their interactions, I have to admit that the author tried too hard. Everything about the arc has to be about romance. MC's character turned inconsistent. This ruined a good story, (again) at least for me. Even the final fight was lacking in substance (unlike MC vs DemonKing and SwordEmperor vs Heavenly Demon).


I went in thinking the story would be action-packed but I wasn't disappointed with how it turned out to be. I acknowledge that the novel is a good novel and perhaps, it gets better after the third arc. Recommended if you want to get a taste of a slightly different novel of the regressor genre. <<less
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Shenghuan rated it
August 3, 2022
Status: c220
Honestly a perfect novel in every aspect. Everything about it just suits my taste perfectly. Each arc was phenomenal. And every character is really unique. The author explains everything really well, and nothing is really dragged out too long. I definitely recommend it.
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orario rated it
May 21, 2022
Status: --
SSS tier novel.

I swear this is good shit. You know how many stories start off strong and gradually decline?

Yeah, nah, yeah, this isn't the case with this novel. The start is actually only so-so but damn, it gets so freaking good as story progresses. The arc about his master and the demonic path is probably one of the best arcs I've ever written in any novel. Ever.

Incredible author.
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PSpaulo rated it
April 23, 2022
Status: c106
This novel is great, translation is pretty good too.

Some people may be turned off in the beginning, but trust me, read it until the Murim arc, that arc is one of the best arcs I've ever read in a KR novel, and I've read dozens of KR novels, from the most popular to obscure ones.

I don't really like murim arcs that much in KR novels, but man, that one hits hard, after that arc, I can say that even if the author messed up the rest of the novel, I'd... more>> still consider it 5 stars.

Do yourself a big favor and read until then, you won't regret it. <<less
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Aegri rated it
March 14, 2022
Status: --
This is the best light/web/whatever novel I've ever read.

It's well written, it's interesting, the characters feel like real people, I like most of them, and I never feel bored reading this.

This is the only series that has ever been good enough to actually make me cry during that one sad moment (boss of the tenth floor memorial service).

... more>> The power system is well thought out and intriguing, the pacing is great and the gradual increase in ability by the MC is satisfying.

You should definitely read it if you havent yet.

Edit: I've since read even further, had more moments where I cried, and more moments where I was awed by the quality of the story telling by the author. Every other novel I've read, KR, JP, CN is all garbage compared to this series. <<less
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MimoBrown rated it
February 24, 2022
Status: c188
This novel is simply breathtaking. It's one of my best reads currently, unfortunately I've caught up with the translations. The author has an accurate grasp of his characters, placing them in different situations that immerse the reader, the character development being exquisite and many touching scenes that would carry even the most unfeeling of humans through a spectrum of emotions
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wait321 rated it
November 29, 2021
Status: --
I love this story at first but it goes downhill after a few arcs. The MC in this story uses his head to solve problems and always resolves them in an unexpected and interesting way. However the story revolves around distinct arcs or challenges, each of which is a completely different genre. Some are action, some mystery, some romance. I liked some but hated others. Over time, it caused me to lose interest as it kept telling different mini stories that appeal to a different audience than the ones before... more>> it. <<less
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kuroyasha404 rated it
October 18, 2021
Status: c160
It's a pretty good tower climbing type story. MC is good, but not naive. He tries to save at least people he knows, which I'm sure any MC would if they had similar skills.

The only major bad point in the novel is the plot convenience in the beginning. He literally becomes like ... more>>

Subaru (from re:zero

by luck.

A good point that I feel is that the time looping is kept simple. I have seen many novels drop to sh*t due to making things overcomplicated. As far as I read there is no multiverse branching of time into different worlds.

The romance was sudden but not unwelcome. This is one of the few good non harem but not focused on romance novels.

Overall it is a simple story of a guy trying to climb higher. Good for a light entertaining read. <<less
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cpzombie rated it
October 6, 2021
Status: c56
It's not like it's the worst thing I've read, but I haven't felt any desire to continue reading in a few weeks... I'm normally the type to binge until I catch up. The characters are all really dumb, the world building isn't the best so far either (granted, I only read 56 chapters, it could get better). I dropped it, but considering the average rating I'm definitely the odd one out so I'd say to give it a shot anyway.
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mikere645 rated it
September 11, 2021
Status: c154
One of the best of the best when it comes to action novels but also one of the only ones that make me feel emotions again. 5/5 a Korean WN Classic.
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SunderHero rated it
July 7, 2021
Status: c100
Probably one of the best regression, weak to strong, plot line development, each relevant character development, game like elements, hunter genre novel out there. The drama, the wits and emotions reading this makes me shudder every time. Only few novels made me feel like that.
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ruduuT rated it
May 19, 2021
Status: c131
TLDR: an emotional, well-written story with a clever, determined, good protagonist (the MC isn't a bad person, just a tad bit crazy). Read more than just the beginning, the good stuff starts after floor 20 (~c60). It gets better and better from then on. The tower concept in this novel is very well-written and somewhat different.

The beginning of the novel is only the introduction, so don't start rating it after having only read a few chapters. When you start hating him in the beginning, it's still too early because the... more>> most enjoyable part of this novel is its emotional depth and beautiful writing. This isn't a novel, where he just ploughs through his enemies, everything has a meaning behind it. He doesn't use his powers to only progress forward, he searches for the best ending with the smallest number of casualties, but that doesn't hinder him, as he uses it for his progress as a hunter. The side characters have their personalities, backstories and interests too.


The arcs so far (c130) : Regression, Training, Hellfire maiden (floor 10), Aegim Empire (floor 11-20), Murim (floor 21), romance (floor 25), floor 28-29

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srrrahim rated it
May 16, 2021
Status: c115
I'll stop in chapter 115, and may resume reading it later

It's not a boring story, It's actually prett good. MC's skill make it infinite possibilities of good story line

I kinda feel lazy to read it when I know MC finally find his other half that also has regressor ability. The problem with FML is, she is only an NPC!

... more>> Why?? I actually prefer the black with or the alchemist master then her

I know FML is actually pretty cool. She is strong and independent woman, but I don't know why I still can't accept her

I think I am going to pause reading it, and resume it later

I am waiting for more chapters, and marathon reading it

Overall, I think the MC, side character, and all the npc are awesome, the story line is also awesome. It's kind of unfair if people give it 2 star just because you can't accept the fml <<less
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May 10, 2021
Status: Completed
I've read it all and what I can say is...

This novel author did a good job in focusing for character development, similar but not quite alike to Overgeared, Omniscience Reader Viewpoints, Legendary Moonlight Sculptor, and other Korean "Good" novels.

It's not in a bad way, ofc. The romance in this novel is meh but you shouldn't focus on romance when reading this novel, it is MC's awareness of his surrounding, and line of thinking that he will redo what he did until he get a satisfying ending according to his standard.

I... more>> rate 4/5 for this awesome novel and i'll break it down to 0/5 for the name of this novel, 5/5 for it's story, 5/5 for it's character, 5/5 for it's world building, 5/5 for the climax in each arc. <<less
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GoldenCookie rated it
April 22, 2021
Status: c120
Genuinely amazing. Well, it's less that this novel is amazing and more that I've gotten used to the low quality of translated webnovels, but it's undisputedly very good. Translation is top notch, characters and plot are fun and engaging without dragging on.

The only thing I have to complain about is the incredibly cringeworthy title- I never would have read this if not for someone's recommendation. I don't really have anything else to complain about- while I do want to know more about the worldbuilding and how the tower works in... more>> relation to Earth, there are enough implications to figure it out and I wouldn't want the story to slow down for the sake of exposition. <<less
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April 22, 2021
Status: c120
Frick, it just gets better, I thought that this novel will be like consistently good, but dang it's more like consistent surprises.
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