SSS-Class Sui**de Hunter


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I want an S-Rank skill too! I want it so badly, I would even die for it!

[You have awakened an S-Rank skill.] [But it only works when you die.]


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SSS-Class Hunter who Dies to Live
SSS-Class Revival Hunter
SSS-Class Suicide Hunter
SSS급 자살헌터
SSS급 죽어야 사는 헌터
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215 Reviews sorted by

LightDragon rated it
August 22, 2022
Status: --
I'd have given it a 10/5 if possible. Truly the best novel I've ever read. It's got action, romance, drama and so much more. The characters have so much depth, the world building is phenomenal and the main character just steals my heart and so does the female lead. It truly was an experience reading this.
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NeedSomeLife rated it
April 3, 2022
Status: c197
This is my first time really read novel and I absolutely love it.

this got everything in cover, you got teacher student relationship. You got romance which is I don't expect but I love it

I really just wanted this novel update daily. Evertime I read one chapter I read the manhwa from the beginning again and again for the sake my imagination can imagine the action in this novel. This is really my first novel bcs I really love the manhwa too
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iadzulf rated it
February 21, 2022
Status: c187
Currently has catched up with the translations. I must say this also has made me breathless in many places.

To put it simply, the author has woven wonderful words with care and I really am left breathless in every step Gongja took. The journey starts at ending many childs' sufferings from the blazing hell and slowly it becomes more and more awesome. Gongja has really outgrow his old self and I love him so much.

A 5 star indeed.
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bakaemon rated it
January 8, 2022
Status: c193
I've delved into the dark art of MTL because of my heartache of binging new chapters. I gotta say this story is worth the addiction! Though I personally feel the romance part of the story is a bit weak, however, the fighting and training part are both highlights of this novel. Both scratched my itches of longing something epic and full of satisfaction.

The only big memorable minus of this novel is the translator insists using wife/husband word in other way around, which the MC (male) is "wife" and his... more>> wife (female) is the "husband". I know it's for respecting the nature of Korean language, but it's killing my braincells, this is English for god's sake! It's pained me reading it in a span of several chapters. Whenever I think of this novel, my recollection is it's niche and cringe (the husband/wife business).

"Then, shall we go, Raviel?"

"Hmph. I told you to call me 'Husband' in front of others." (Raviel, female)

"Ahh, pardon me. Husband. My mouth isn't used to calling you that yet... " (MC, male)

"My wife is so silly. But I like everything about you, including that part." (Raviel, female)

"I love you."

"I love you."


Just what I've read? Also another big minus for the translator didn't listen to readers at all. So 4 stars.

Overall, the story is very good (which is an understatement) and it's horrible for you if you dislike cliffhangers and struggling against binging withdrawal, plus wife/husband. So painful. <<less
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Evhe rated it
September 21, 2021
Status: c154
The Murim arc is one of the best arcs I have ever read, everything after that just pales in comparison.

So for me, I highly recommend reading till the end of the Murim arc (ch 87) as a good stopping point, then if you have nothing else to do you can read the rest.
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bnap rated it
July 14, 2021
Status: c143
The romance is beyond weak. The weakest romance I have almost ever read, like the author wanted to use it to change the plot but didn’t actually want to invest in things like, I don’t know, character development?
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schnellyjohn rated it
June 14, 2021
Status: c84
This story truly fits in so many genres! After reading the intro, I expected this story to make me laugh. And it did. What I didn’t expect was how often it made me cry as well. This story is a gem in the genre of “Clear the Dungeon/Tower”. Where most stories would show you the protagonist’s accomplishments, this story connects you with the accomplishments themselves. It’s a joy to find a story that makes those connections while still being true to itself!

This is a must read, hands down
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Xuper9 rated it
May 10, 2021
Status: c127
Went from the manwha to the novel and have enjoyed every step of the way. Now I’m not one to write reviews but this story defiantly deserves it as I can proudly say it is one of Top 10 novels I have found using this site.

The highlight of this story are truly the characters. You can feel for all of them ... more>>

save for one ponytailed bastard

especially the main character’s growth in just the first 10 chapters is astonishing.


I don’t know about you but I’d have a pretty difficult time killing myself 5 times let alone over 4000


Every character has their own story about how they came to Tower or otherwise and it’s hella interesting to see how one character can affect another in theory run.

Basically read the novel. <<less
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April 22, 2021
Status: --
This protagonist is naive s*upid and immature he's a child in a mans body. Also the MC is a complete psychopath from chapter 1 he saw the emperor kill a girl because she set him up to die and he gets killed because he saw the mu*der happen and since he can literally reset time every 24 hours due to an ability he stole he gets off Scott free but instead of using this new ability to change his life he stabs himself 4000+ times to go back in time... more>> to kill the flame emperor because he's a bastard. Do not come into this novel expecting a relatable or likable protagonist he's a man child with serious mental issues. The flame emperor killed a woman who literally killed him 24 hours in the future and he kills her in return. The protagonist after killing the flame emperor in the past throws a fit and says "how dare you hurt all these people" he killed one person and it's not like he did it for no reason. Although 'my not saying that there weren't a couple of people he took advantage of to reach the top guy probably had a couple of deaths under his belt still not a reason for the MC to Stan himself 4000+ times though. I rate this story a 2/5 but the protagonist is that unlikable <<less
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Tully rated it
April 14, 2021
Status: c116
To those who did not read beyond 50 plus. You are sorely mistaken!

I also thought he was petty but then I realized why the FE needed to be killed. He's worse than the heretic, he just kills. A scumbag. His existence would threaten the MC. He would never let the MC live. There is no loop hole with how he acquired the skill. It was probably the doing of the tower owner.

I have no words. It's even comparable to Solo Levelling and Praise the Orc based on writing. Ofcourse these novels are unique but they share a common trait, of effective and affective writing. The author is able to convey several emotions with the dialogues. Dont be fooled by the generic title and tower concept. Because this tower is very unique, including the MC and concepts. The MC is very human, shrewd, sometimes vengeful, and prideful but very kind. His personality is very balanced. The side characters are gold. They have a very detailed personality and are not just brutes. This tower does not only represent a power struggles, but is also an economical and political eden for the outside world. It is not just a dungeon type.

In a sense the MC is OP. But his OPness is brought from struggles haha. Sometimes I pity him. I like his power but it's hard to keep sane. He is a top class insane haha Also this explains his mindset, "the worse they can do is kill me". So he is unafraid. He is used to dying by his own hand which is so beautifully explained in the upper floors past 20th. The constellations are different from the ORPOV, they are not streaming for entertainment. The dynamics between the constellations and the MC is different. Including the MC and the guilds. I've read tons of novels and they have this running theme of guilds and authority figures are evil trope. It's getting tiring. So this is a fresh air! The tower floors are like a portal to another world.

Also the romance

he falls in love with an outsider. Very unexpected! I did not like her at first but as the author writes, you start to warm up at her. Hahah she just seemed sus to me. But oh my! It's the first time, I've seen a romance so stable and not a harem lol

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superyunyun rated it
April 5, 2021
Status: c113
It's good. Not too good, but it was a positive experience overall. No it's not as juvenile as Arifureta, but there was certainly times that I wanted to roll my eyes and it's not out of an endearing moment. In my opinion, it really does pick up after we reach the 21-30 floors, specifically ... more>>

at the 25th floor.


There were a few instances where clearly the amount of time he'd spent on a spot would instantly double because he had died and the author had decided to skip what he needed to pass to get to that point once again before dying. The issue I find here would be that in these instances, he feels exactly like he used to prior to dying with no change or even palpable impatience, the change does not feel like it comes bit by bit, but is cheaply implied by adding the [You have died.] line before directly moving onto the next sentence. Every [You have died.] means 23 hours and 59 minutes of maddening repetition. Take Homura from PMMM for example:

Her concept as a character is very much similar to the MC in this story, where she fails repeatedly in an infinite loop in a desperate, stubborn and insane attempt to save just one person's life.


It's about the unseen sacrifices that these characters make that nobody will know about that is a very big charm to these stories. But the issue is the continuity that only these very specific characters experience. For example: a player that has died to the same boss for the 1st time will most likely feel only slightly miffed, but a player that has died to the same boss for the 23rd time will have a more clear frustration especially towards the unskippable cutscene between their last save point and the boss that keeps destroying them. However, to that world's perspective, this is your first and only attempt at it despite the truth that it is in fact your 24th. In Homura's case, she's very clearly impatient from hearing the exact same words, spoken in the exact same tone, followed by the exact same actions to the point that she was effectively mashing the A button so she could just get to the goddamn boss already.

In a few cases of this with the author, they seem to just skip parts of the grind (obviously for reader comfort) but the execution kind of cheapens the experience, in my opinion. <<less
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Quail_birb rated it
March 16, 2021
Status: c103
Background wise it's a generic start but the plot that continues is not short of being legendary. The story is nicely paced, with fleshed out side characters (although they mostly only last at specific arc points but this is already better than so many novels out there).

Everything is great. He isn't too smart, too naive or too dumb either. A mix of everything sprinkle with a dash of character development. For new readers I recommend reading what's translated in the mangas before coming here to get more attached to the... more>> characters.

Although some hate the fact that the new arc makes him hopelessly in love with a random lady in less than 10 days, I have to say that you thought of him too much. The MC isn't stable. If you died 4000+ times you wouldn't be stable either. He meets another regressor whose fate isn't great. He can't understand her but he sees that whatever it is she's doing and it's beautiful.

Take it with a grain of salt. This might not be the romance of the century but for a man who had never had his first crush, being presented with a female character that he can share some of his true thoughts can give him mental suggestions. Also the lady is so bomb I don't know what you expected? Did you want him to meet a girl who would grow stronger beside him like slow romance development? Can anyone understand the feeling of repeating everything over and over again like him? No. And that's the reason why she is so precious to him.

Female interests aside, I love the MC's character. There's enough emotion and grit to last us the whole arc. Haven't skipped any chapters because it was all good.

Wrote a review to balance the previous ones I made. Yes I need to cleanse myself and see there are good novels out there ;) <<less
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Leinyl rated it
January 17, 2021
Status: c42
Read this immediately after reading the latest chapter of the manhwa, enjoyed the parts until before he retried in flr 12 but after that is just extremely dumb. His solutions for the problems are nothing more than a speedrunner retrying until they get the best results, his use of his regression skill is so f*cking simple it hurts.

... more>>

In addition, his way of clearing flr 12 is such lazy writing. It is bad enough that he basically just use the brute force method for it but he also got the best results out of nowhere. He basically changed history because he cleared it so unconventionally but there never an indication that was what would happen, basically the result was a f*cking asspull and it even made further floors easier since changing history made the main boss of 11-20 much weaker. It felt more like creating a purposely despairing setting only for you go say "f*ck it, let's give it a happy ending" rather than a story that develops properly


Edit: I decided to keep reading anyways and what I can say is that the backstory of the floor bosses and things related to it are interesting and enjoyable. Unfortunately, I have to tolerate how dumb his methods and the occasional asspulls that happen to get to that point are.

Edit2: I think my score right now should be 4 stars for how incredible the next arc was compared to the last one. The side characters were given some focus, the setting was incredibly interesting, the emotions conveyed felt like it was said by someone who actually experienced those hardships, the solution was not straightforward where you just need to "try and try until you succeed" and there were no asspulls for the sake of the best possible ending. <<less
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1536539 rated it
April 12, 2019
Status: c5
I have read a lot of stories and I think of myself as someone who knows potential when he sees it, and I see great potential here.

I really like the premise of the story and hope with all my heart that the translators will resolve their problems as soon as possible, I really can't wait any more.

... more>> It's too early to judge if this is a good novel or not since only 5 chapters were translated, but if I were to rate only the first 5 chapters

Story : 4.5

story progression : 4.7

translation quality : 5

translator's release speed (before they stopped) : 4.3 (6 chapters per week)

characters : NA (too early to judge) <<less
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valzione rated it
April 5, 2019
Status: c5
4 stars out of 5

I won't give you in depth analysis of the story as I can't read moonrunes and as of writing there are only 5 chapters out.

I went in expecting nothing, maybe carbon copy of every single KR story ever where the MC is masochistic money obsessed scrooge.

What I found out instead was a broken MC, someone really mad. The first 5 chapters are too short to see whether this will also fall into the same KR copypaste category, but my first impression was: damn that's clever, I... more>> have questions and there is potential here. <<less
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Ashie123 rated it
May 19, 2024
Status: c400
This is a masterpiece of a novel, it is among my top favorite web novels. I love the way the author explores heavy emotion while still keeping the novel light hearted. Like the author notes, this is a story about love, life and death, choices and responsibilities, about loneliness and heroes. It’s depressing at time but also idealized at other time. It’s a novel that I have reread before and will reread again. Each time I reread the novel, certain things that I missed stood out more and I again... more>> marveled at the foreshadow. Things that I took for granted actually signified something that would get explore much deeper later on.
The characters in the novels are complex (many started out extremely twisted as they are abandoned by the world) and their growth are astonishing (as they learn to trust and find a family to belong to), especially so with the MC. It’s a great tower climbing novel where each 10 levels signify a different theme and eventually it all comes a full circle to wrap things up nicely. It has a beautiful ending. Overall, this is a very emotional read that needs time to contemplate while reading but it’s worth it. A must read for me. <<less
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Infermite rated it
March 3, 2024
Status: c241
It's pretty good, though later on it is becoming a bit obvious that the author is struggling to figure out the direction of the story, with things becoming more spontaneous. The author even redone a chapter and changed a large part of it due to reader backlash, which never bodes well. Overall it is still good, and I recommend reading it still as it contains some great sub-plots.
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Celi.Alika rated it
December 31, 2023
Status: c227
*I red the manwha before reading the novel

When I first started reading, I did not have a good opinion of this novel. I thought that the MC was tr*sh, believing that he deserve so much better and hating the world for everything when he is responsible, the type of person that got a victim complex... It was really bad, even hating the tower for giving such a tr*sh skill (I mean, if he didn't have the regress ability then yeah it's tr*sh so I can understand him) and his obsession... more>> with the flame emperor was disgusting. All he could do is envy the flame emperor, and hating the world for not giving him the same life or something.

But it got better, after he regressed to the past (I was very delighted with the amount of su*cides he has to do and the emotional part of overcoming one's fear of death) and the rest is history. It is a bit strange however how someone can change so much, from a selfish b*stard to a kind, savior complex guy who wants to understand the world and help everyone or some sh*t. Could a person change that much? I doubt it. Maybe some details were missing in the manhwa, but I find it weird how fast he switched.

The author's writing is beautiful, full of emotions and is really showing, immersing the reader in the story and really being able to make us feel. Even in the manhwa the few texts made me cry, so imagine the novel... The writing is not harsh, not cold, and does not make me feel uncomfortable at all. Some tragedy novels I red are written very coldly, and makes me feel as if the world has no hope but this author's writing was warm, in a sense, and kinda ressemble a mother's embrace (full of warmth but emotion at the same time).

The romance part seems to be really rushed. I don't understand why he asked to learn about love or some b*llsh*t and then, poof, he smooth talked the FL and they fell in love. Maybe I'm prejudiced, believing that a male protagonist could never have a good romance (I mean... It's normally a harem with a MC that doesn't deserve it at all) but it is well written after the fast start.

BUT, the author seems to have a knack for writing confusing stuff, which appears 'deep' but when you think about it it's just b*llshit. Like the backstory of the tower master, I understood nothing about what's going on and how she became what she is. Maybe because the arc isn't fully translated yet, but until now (chapter 227) the reason for why the tower master

sacrifuce herself is because she self blame herself for not changing bad events happening??? Like, why doesn't she change it then??? Why does she wants to take the blame and suffer??? Is it because she's a god or smth so she wants to be all benevolent and kind and sh*t so she wants to take responsibility???


Anyway, the reason why it's 5* is because of the writing style mostly. The plot was ok, deep but also wannabe deep and the characters have distinctive traits that doesn't confuse me on who's who. <<less
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Blazing Chimney
Blazing Chimney rated it
September 20, 2023
Status: c262
This novel is goated, the way the writing was done by the author is extremely beautiful, the emotions being portrayed in every character, every tragedy and laughter that happens in a event, every scenery and location that they go through on each floor, they are all depicted with beauty.

Character development is also great, not only the main character got it, but every side character in novel got them. Unlike what others said about the romance, it's actually not bad, yes it came out pretty unexpectedly but Raviel did helps a... more>> lot in making the MC get his character development.


Tower master arc suck, it will make your head spin so make sure to turn your brain off for that arc since even the translator have a hard time understanding what is happening.


Overall it's a pretty great read, would recommend. 10/10 <<less
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Yeoha rated it
July 30, 2023
Status: --
I'm normally, a pretty logic-driven, realistic kind of person.

But I got totally swooned over the romance arc as it truly opens my eye. The romance arc completely caught me off guard.

Honestly I just want to continue reading right now so I'll just end the review here. I totally agree with endspell's review though.

About the romance;

... more>>

To be fair, I don't find it wrong for the MC to be obsessed in love. Everyone has different definitions on love, and if you think yours is the best, you might have never understood your own partner, or you might have never dated before.

But men might feel insulted, thinking he turned into a woman's pet or something.

Honestly, Gongja falling in love doesn't make him weaker does it? What's the issue even? It's just some readers projecting their ego on Gongja

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