Spirit Realm


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Thirty thousand years ago, the Heaven Fighting Race who called themselves “Gods” invaded Spirit Realm. Hundreds of races rose up in resistance, but ultimately suffered a crushing defeat. The human race was the first to concede, and the rest of the Hundred Races soon followed in succession.

During the subsequent ten thousand years, all of the races were ens*aved by the Heaven Fighting Race. They were cruelly treated, and lived beneath the shadow of terror.

The Heaven Fighting Race’s march of conquest did not stop there. With Spirit Realm as the starting point, they invaded other secret dimensions, and spread war to all corners of existence. After greatly exhausting their combat strength, they were finally defeated by the Hundred Races who took advantage of this opportunity. With no other choice, they fled to the starry skies outside the realm.

Thirty thousand years later, in an era where the Heaven Fighting Race has already faded to become ancient legend, an amnesiac youth possessing the Heaven Fighting Race’s bloodline is being fostered in an insignificant household. Whilst struggling to live on, he silently awaits the day of the bloodline’s awakening.

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Ling Yu
Linh Vực
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89 Reviews

Sep 10, 2016
Status: c1612
First of all i'd like to say that you guys are blessed of having this translated by an excellent translator, I have been reading the novel in Chinese since chapter 1 to chapter 1612, haven't finished yet, and I wont. This series is so amazing that I wish to read it completely in English. I'm serious in waiting Alsychu team to reach where I am, and I will keep supporting them.

Now, let's get on the review.

灵域 may not be that famous on america or europa, but on china is one of the greatest, it has games, comics, animations and various live actions, the quality of the writing is that good that it amazed china for a while, we have to consider that in most Xianxias novels apart from the MC and his "eternal" companion/pet/spirit that follows him/her everywhere all the other characters get ignored gradually to a big extent.

'Well, since I am strong enough to choke god with a hand while I'm playing with my wives with the other I'll treat everyone as shit, oh yeah, i'll rage and kill everyone for them but 90% of the time i'll ignore them'.

Now, this is a reality for most xianxia novels, one of the few exceptions is 灵域, 逆蒼天 (author) treasures each one of his characters, true, there's polygamy and there a shit-ton of companions, enemies and random characters, but believe me: You'll love every single one of them. Except the ones you should hate, to them you will feel REAL hatred. (I even cried several times with this novel)

The story starts in a backwater town where everyone believes the MC is a ret*rded but due to some coincidences things start get moving and damn, believe me, this just keep gradually increasing to the point where the MC has no choice but to feel helpless
-'How the f*ck did I get to this space castle when I was just eating chicken in ma home'. -Kinda aspect.

The story will drawn you in it, the characters will immerse you in it and the quality of the writing will make you feel it. For me this is one of the best novels I have ever read and I really hope that Alsychu team get way more popular with it than with AGT. And you all know AGT is really good, well, SP is better. Go read it!

79 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 02, 2016
Status: --
A month ago I read hundred of chapters of this novel using machine translations and I really liked the novel. I'm glad that it is picked up by veteran translators. It's much better than author's other works "God of Slaughter" and "Great Demon King" ^^ It sure does have some annoying stuff at times.

Of course the story has the usual Xuanhuan stuff (nothing original) but that doesn't decrease the fun at all even though it do makes you punch the MC at times and curse the author.

It's a good novel... more>> for wasting your time. <<less
52 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 20, 2016
Status: c54
Well, as usual the crowd from wuxia world immediately overrated the novel. It's a pity the ATG team chose such a trite work as their side project. As it is the case with many lesser quality xuanhuan novels, while the premise is entertaining, the author doesn't care about the consistency of nuances no matter their significance, and he reasons unsophisticatedly and without foresight with the result that the plot feels artificial. Nonetheless, I give it 2 stars because, particularly if you haven't covered many novels, yet, the story is still... more>> able to draw you in at the beginning and is well-paced so it suits as binge-reading material. <<less
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Sep 20, 2016
Status: --
Has potential, but suffers from lazy combat syndrome, where fights usually just consist of people yelling out their power levels - "Ha, my artifact is lvl 5 but yours is only lvl 4.5! Our cultivation power level is the same, therefore you cannot beat me!" - that sort of grating drivel perpetuates deeply into this novel.

It started out interestingly enough and I'm hoping it picks up, but the lazy way that fights are choreographed as nothing more than comparisons of dong size / yelling contests leaves me skeptical.
47 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 07, 2016
Status: c26
Even if there are good elements to the story and characters, this whole thing seems a bit rushed and not very well thought out.

The author is trying really hard to make this title have unique aspects, but instead of coming up with something good,

He forces the MC to act ret*rded even though he doesn't have to and the excuse is: MC wants to have no responsibilities in the clan. That's great, except MC never had any responsibility there, because he's NOT part of the clan and the clan owes his grandfather a debt...

He struggles to maintain his ret*rd-cover for no reason and that creates really s*upid and completely UNNECESSARY situations with the clan he stays in.


In addition, MC being saved by thunder clouds JUST when he needs it and without explanation is really a s*upid and random type of plot armor.

Also, when MC later realizes (c26) that everyone is in danger and the enemy is waiting for reinforcements, HE DOES NOTHING FOR THREE DAYS instead of telling them to maintain his mentally-ret*rded-cover that has ABSOLUTELY NO USE!!!!!

I really like certain aspects of this authors works, but his shortcomings drive me insane and I have to stop reading EACH ONE after a certain amount of chapters.
43 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Dec 04, 2016
Status: c167
After I learnt that this novel is by the same author as God of slaughter and Great Demon King. I got hooked right off the bat, but to my disappointment this has nothing like that cruel, evil, gory and anti-hero MCs like in those novel. This novel has actually none of that, in fact it feels pretty much your generic shounen/harem story.

-Even that I can pretty much forgive, but women in this novel OMFG don't get me started on that. Aside from the main female lead, pretty much everyone else... more>> is a bit*h and egoistic tsundere who are just too proudy of their looks. They don't bat a single eye to our MC and pretty much ridicule him throughout the entire arc until that one moment when he does something badass or something mysterious that they take an sudden interest to him and our dummy MC just pretty much goes with the flow. I am starting to think that he might be an M because he likes getting orders from women like he is some toy? I am more than 150 chapters in and I still can't take a note on MC's character and his personality. Sometimes he acts like a saint, sometimes he acts like a ruthless and cold protagonist and sometimes he becomes a wimp in front of strong women. Truly a major disappointment and this is coming from a fan of author's other works. <<less
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Feb 26, 2017
Status: c303
Why isn't this novel #1 in the rankings??

Normally I don't review for novels that are clearly good and established but this one deserves an exception. I've read most of the novels in the top 20 rankings, but Spirit Realm really takes the cake! It's the only novel in the top 20 that I still regularly follow. It's that good!

Interesting MC that isn't OP and also plays it smart. But most importantly, the tension in this story is top notch! The author knows how to write! Despair, relief, restlessness, rage; the... more>> MC's emotions are well conveyed and felt by readers. On top of that, despite its long length it always manages to stay fresh and interesting. Unlike other novels at the 300 chapter mark, Spirit Realm has managed to keep each arc distinct and different. There's also quite a number of story threads that weave together, so at any point in the story there's generally at least two or three interesting things going on. And it also manages to stay unpredictable. There were more than a few times where the MC seemed seriously screwed and it was unclear what would happen next.

In my opinion, this is hands-down the best xuanhuan in the top 20. It's managed to consistently interesting through 300 chapters, with few boring moments and no repeating arcs. It's not predictable and developments are also original. And on top of that, the writing is excellent. Spirit Realm is like a distillment of good storytelling and is an absolute joy to read. <<less
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Nasz D
Nasz D
Dec 05, 2016
Status: c702
This is the first novel by Ni Cang Tian's work that I read. I read the novel description, and it piqued my interest. I don’t know about his other work, but because it is being translated by Alyschu team so I gave a try.

The story of this novel is pretty much standard like the other novel of its genre, nothing new. You'll find ton of ranking systems in it, starting from cultivation, materials, weapons, currency, power, etc. Almost everything is ranked. Unless you are a detailed guy or someone who... more>> likes detail you'll find this ranking system is very annoying.

The story is very detail, almost at level of Transcending The Nine Heaven. But unlike TTNH, this detail is a drawback, the story gets boring as there are so many unnecessary fillers. The "forced" plot armors are what this novel offers. Well, to my taste, I don’t like this kind of writing style. Repetitive, and fells like reading a financial report, if you know what I mean.


As I’m at the later part of the 2nd arc, I found a similar plot at the 1st arc is being used again here. At the time when he is needed, MC pretty much disappoints everyone. They disdain and ridicule MC's action and praise the MC rival for saving the day (for a while) until the MC rival was unable to hold the situation under control, the author made the MC save them in a heroic scene. After that everyone was flabbergasted to the MC power and then praise him to the end. Predicted and lame plot (if you read it yourself, you might find it more the way I felt.


The world building inside this novel is quite good. There are many continents, realms, and secret places. But it is still under the other novel like DE, Lord Xue Ying, TGR, ISSTH, King of God.

The fight scene and combat is simple, plain, crowded and fragmented. I don’t know how to describe it (one thing it is not enjoyable)


Now let’s talk about the character as this is the most unbearable part (for me). There are ton of characters like companions, enemies, side characters, or random characters. I don’t know what in author mind, but almost characters on this novel are arrogant, egoist, deceitful, especially the female character aside the main female lead. FYI, the 1st female lead (MC fiancée) is then "rested" by the author the other female is introduced in which pretty much a bi**h and MC sticks to her almost the whole time (MC like a toy in her hand)

The MC character is broken. Like the review before me, sometimes he acts like saint, sometimes he acts like a ruthless and cold protagonist and sometimes he becomes a wimp in front of strong women. And the most disappointing is, he is so s*upid, no nothing about the world. He created trouble everywhere. Provoked enemies that way stronger than him and at the end he is saved by plot armor.


I know everyone has their own preference, it just that this novel is not to my preference and is not enjoyable to me. I don’t know if ever want to continue reading, maybe someday when bored or don’t have anything to read. <<less
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Feb 21, 2017
Status: c301
Spirit Realm is pretty good. World Building is quite big and we get introduced to the cultivation rank system and sect rank system in chapter 1 so you get a general idea of the scale of the current events. And the cultivation system is well though out as well, it isn't just "level name" #1~10, so it is interesting to see him get stronger. And because the sect rank system is introduced in chapter 1 alone you know how vast the world of Spirit Realm is.

The romance in this story... more>> takes a bit of time but it is ok. As of the chapter I'm reading there are 3 (or 5 depending on how you interpret things) girls who show interest to MC and by interest I mean are potential lovers. All of the girls get a bit of screen time. MC also isn't that oblivious to love and is shown that he can be flustered, his interaction with the main girl is quite warm so it's all good. MC is MC. In terms of comprehension he is quite far up there, quite expected since he has a supreme background as stated in the summary and his family/sect/protector left him a useful treasure which also sealed his memories (grants him his reason for cultivating and not just "I want to become strong because becoming strong is cool"), later on he gets other reason for becoming stronger. His personality is a bit warped and inconsistent but that's because his memories are sealed so it doesn't bother me that much (not really a spoiler as it is explained in the first few chapters). There are some male characters (and have pretty good backstory) who aren't enemies but are friends/rivals (not in love but rival like Ash/Gary rival) to MC. You won't get that "this is so s*upid" feeling since the author doesn't overuse the arrogant young-master trope and the enemies have motives and aren't just driven by blind jealousy or wanting to shame MC. It doesn't follow the generic "find lucky event>>>training>>>trouble/fights>>>find lucky event>>>etc" stuff some other cultivation novels do. It actually has a plot but it makes it less hype than other cultivation novels and there is less anticipation because the readers can't see very far into the story (you might think you do at first but the novel doesn't follow the flags it sets up). The overarching story is quite good and because the story does not follow the flags it set up there are some nice plot twists. All in all a good novel. It does have some bit of fun here and there but usually it is serious. 4.5/5.0 but I rounded it up to 5 because I enjoyed the novel even though there aren't many comedic scenes. <<less
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I Eat Monsanto
Mar 25, 2017
Status: --
I hate harem novels but I can normally suffer through them well enough but what this author did just made me sick to my stomach:


The initial romance was one of the best romances I've seen in any xianxia. The MC basically acted ret*rded his whole life and the people in his clan all thought he was brain dead.

The MC was initially betrothed the daughter of the clan leader but because she was too talented to marry the 'brain dead' MC her older sister volunteered to take her place. So the older sister is a few years older than the MC so she feels insecure about marrying him but even though everyone treats him like a ret*rd she still cleans his home for him and brings him food and all that and the romance developes fairly nicely

Now to the part that pissed me off.

You have your cliche "girl gets taken away and MC has to get stronger to win her back" scenario. That's all fine and dandy except after they got seperated and the MC is supposed to be getting stronger so they can get back together the author decided to make this a harem. How he did it is the real issue.

There was a girl that the MC didn't even know and when he touched her their souls became permanently connected.

That has got to be the shittiest way of forcing a harem I have ever read. The author might as well have told me that he touched the girl and she got pregnant. Would have worked just as well for forcing a relationship.
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Jan 03, 2017
Status: c232
I would say people who have dropped this novel early on are missing alot. This is one of the best light novels I have ever read. The characters have clear traits, and develop really well. The MC is rational, thinking and smart, though he is pretty powerful, and he is quite underpowered in the universe and has many close shaves. The only defect I see in the MC is that he probably should show more affection towards his girls. But yeah it's amazing, and it's really hard to wait for... more>> the next chapter :) <<less
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Mar 04, 2017
Status: c313
Very interesting novel. All the elements that make a good martial arts/cultivation novel is in it yet different from the mind numbing storyline common to this genre. Very real threats to the MC appear early in the story and thus always keeping a pressure on him to train rather than the usual villains who are almost always just lacking a bit after a cliche MC power breakthrough. Almost all characters around MC turns out to be good/evil of varying degree as opposed to the single line of thought they share... more>> in similar novels. MC's origin and flashes of power his potential is capable of delivering keeps the reader expecting through out the story. Overall a well written attention-grabbing novel and a genuine effort to make an exceptional story. 5/5 <<less
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Nov 20, 2016
Status: c175
Whew. Just binge read this all or yesterday and today. What I can tell you about this novel is that it is very very good. Not sure why the other reviews are so negative. You have a very likeable MC. Harem hasn't been seen yet and the heroine is also very sensible. Not sure why there is all this hate. Read up to where I currently am, you won't be dissatisfied. I am thoroughly enjoying this. Of course it has the usual tropes, but I think it is very enjoyable... more>> none the less! <<less
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Oct 11, 2016
Status: c56
This novel is really good. I personally think that the detailed description is a very good thing to the story. We know every character deeply, unlike others novels that the are all one-sided. We actually got emotially attached to the charachter and we care about something other than the MC. I think that this novels deserves 10 star, its a real injustice to rated this with 3 stars or lower.

And I really liked the others authors works but in writing slyle and history, this the best for me. But the... more>> others are nice too. Great translater also helps. <<less
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Nov 07, 2016
Status: c151
I enjoyed the story, I don't know what's there to not enjoy.

Heroine so far is likable, has depth compared to other series. Does not look like a harem, a massive plus on my side, I mean if I want harem XianXia, they're everywhere.... The awkward minor romance at the start due to the massively inexperience MC is cute. Interaction with other female characters that appear in the story is okay, at least it's not like Emperor Domination (I don't hate it) or ATG (once again no hate) where every... more>> time a girl is deemed beautiful, it is already set in stone to be a harem member. So far girls have a favorable impression on MC, none of them randomly falls in love with MC to make harem. *cough jp novel cough*

MC has secret on his body that gives him an advantage over others, not to mention his overbearing cultivation method.

For those with issue about MC acting a fool:

To the MC, ling family is just a business partner, they provide him food and shelter while he cultivates. Interactions with the ling family is unneeded and uncalled for. He is going to the village when he can cultivate without the herb mountain help. By proving yourself to not be an idiot might also invite unnecessary problems.

He's already gathering hate from the engagement (the 2 Du kids), if those 2 Du kids know that he is not a fool, they might try to eliminate the MC at an earlier date to prevent Ling Yushi from loving the MC more.... He was left alone cause he is "an idiot" and Ling Yushi would probably not fall in love with an idiot, hence left alone.



If I'm sent to a place I MIGHT die, but my team leader told me " Hey no worries, we have 2 secret weapon here, they can help us"

If one of those 2 secret fail to work when I'm going to die, if I don't hate it, I don't know what to do? I mean that 1 spot could've been place with a guy that can help with the barrier and protection/attack, but instead what we have instead is a baggage that is said to be helpful... Really I don't what to feel other than disdain. I would probably think that the said baggage just bragged about how he can do stuff, but probably not do it when the time comes, I'm sure feeling disdain for him is fair.


Especially in this case, everyone has high hope for the MC to call down a thunder (Which is unfair for MC, seeing how he can't call it down whenever he wants yet), but he has failed to call down the thunder which causes disdain and disappointment to others. Without expectation, there would not be disappointment.

16 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Nov 04, 2016
Status: c145
This story is amazing. It definitely should be up there with ISSTH / DE / CD / whatever.

The story seems to be a little aimless at points, but later on you find that it leads somewhere. All of the characters are built with personality, and the MC isn't the only person to acquire good fortune. The girls attraction/unattraction to the MC have valid reasons, and the characters you're meant to love you really identify with, while those meant to be hated make you really want to punch them. This story... more>> grabs your attention, emotion, and interest and just reels more and more of it in. You actually feel worried for the MC, and if you think about some of the unamiable characters that turn, you can find that they had a reason for what they did. Meanwhile, the characters that end up as enemies, you end up respecting for their conniving skills, but still hoping and hoping for the MC to kill them.

The story so far hasn't really gone into the premise at all (No idea what this "heaven fighting race" is yet), but its definitely interesting enough on its own. It also gives details that allow avid readers to envision the scenario, making the world seem right in front of you.

tl;dr: Story grabs emotions very well and you should read it. <<less
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Apr 04, 2017
Status: --
Great read. I like characterization in this novel, everybody personality keeps developing on as the story goes with their power and fame. Great side characters. There are several twists and turns. Normally MC is calm, rational, cautious but during the fight like a spilt-personality, he becomes crazy. Really badass.

Cultivation system and forging are detailed and well done. There are hardly any fillers, no tr*sh talks, and no arrogant young masters. Most of the time plot is moving forward, there is some mystery that keeps appearing and getting solved.... more>> Mostly related to MC background or world building. It adds nice thriller feels to it.

It is not really unique, but if you're looking for the story in this genre then I would say this one is one of the superior quality works.

@SemperAmbroscusOdium - There is a misunderstanding on your review, you need to read few chapter more to understand it.


She is not in love with him because of charm spell nor their soul is connected. It got cured just a few chapters laters. It got mostly used to trick someone else.

As for the girl that joined the sect. It was because she needed to keep getting stronger to keep up with MC. He doesn't need to stronger to get her back.

14 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Feb 06, 2017
Status: c262
Spirit Realm, a good novel from the author of the massacre of God and the Great Demon King. An original product with a distinctive world, and cultivation techniques. The characters are pretty good and the characters are well spelled out. The world is divided into clans and sects, where the power of it all. The protagonist is not s*upid and cold-blooded, sometimes courage bordered on insanity. The story is intriguing, and in fact the main enemy is not even visible on the horizon. But it is yet to come, because... more>> the story is gaining momentum. And we will see the whole world in all its glory. <<less
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May 07, 2017
Status: c250
Interesting novel, however, very inconsistent.

A strong protagonist drives the plot, he is not swept along by it. In this novel, our MC is not only swept along by the novel, he is dragged completely all over the place. The beginning of the novel was interesting enough, and presented us with what (I think) was a somewhat unique situation for the MC making you begin to build an interest in him. However, after the a while while, it's all thrown out the window. The MC undergoes a massive personality shift, the... more>> story goes completely haywire, and the same continues to happen throughout the story. Eventually, instead of the MC constantly changing, it becomes obvious the problem isn't the changing personality, but rather the fact that the MC never had a personality at all! The MC can at one point stand up to mistreatment and injustice, while seeming quite brave, only for him to completely cower in fear at the next moment, or act completely helpless in front of some random individual. The MC has no real character, changing as the plot would see fit, rather than adjusting to the world around him. I saw some of the other reviews mention that a strength of the novel is that the side characters are well-developed instead of only the MC being so, like in other novels. However, I completely disagree with this. Rather than the side characters being well-developed, all of the characters are simply bad. The side characters exist as mediocre entities for the purpose of providing some semblance of a world that revolves around more than the MC, but it's abysmally executed.

The novel isn't really that bad. It can just be incredibly frustrating. Reading 200 chapters and still seeing the MC make completely rash, uncharacteristic decisions that have no basis and no motivation for no reason every few chapter quickly grows irritating, and it really draws you out when you start to see it happen again and again. If anyone else is like me, romance is absolutely essential and, I can confidently say the romance is not the best, but, at least it exists. While many of the future prospects of the novel are somewhat intriguing, I am held back by the fact that I believe the characters will be consistently bad. Therefore, even if the situations and plot change, the crippling problem will remain, and for that, it's become one of the few novels out there that I've lost interest in. However, I do believe it is worth a shot, because despite its problems, the novel managed to at least pique my interest for a while, and some other might find it more enjoyable. <<less
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Apr 13, 2017
Status: c250
The saying "You are how other's percieve you" is very much emphasized at the very beginning of this story. The first couple of chapters shows the perspective of the other people surrounding the protagonist without letting you see his point of view, and it works really well. The reviews I saw describing how good the beginning of this story was were absolutely correct. This mechanic worked out great...

... and then I got to around chapter 80 and it completely gave up. The series already declines from the first 10 or... more>> so chapters, but I'd say chapter 80 is the point where the author just gave up. Exposition / filler bullsh*t is what makes up the rest of this story. Is it worth reading?

.................. no, probably not.

The main protagonist's personality is kind of ridiculous. So is his priorities.

Like, if you love someone, wouldn't you be working towards them? But for some reason, this idiot gets sidetracked for his ego and bullsh*t over and over again, at the expense of those he supposedly cares about.

Now, I get the Wuxia trope of "me vs the world" in that the protagonist doesn't bow his head "because he wouldn't be himself otherwise", but this goes beyond that. He's just... a kind of psychopathic dick.

I'm not rooting for this character. I hope he dies. Him and all of the plot conveniences that allow this sh*t story to continue.

If it weren't for the beginning, this would be a 2 star.

Don't. Just don't. <<less
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