Shinwa Densetsu no Eiyuu no Isekaitan (LN)


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Once upon a time, a boy was referred to as a “War Hero.”

In another world called Aletia, the boy who had saved the Lost Kingdom, conquered their neighboring countries, and led to the rise of a grand empire decided to throw everything away, returning to the modern era at the cost of his memories.

As three years passed, the boy who was happily enjoying his daily life was once again called back to the other world.

However, what awaited him was the Aletia of 1000 years in the future.

As his past glories became a “myth,” the legend of the youth referred to as the “Twin Black Hero King,” begins.

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Mythical Hero's Otherworld Chronicles (LN)
The Otherworldly Tales of a Mythological, Legendary Hero
Related Series
Shinwa Densetsu no Eiyuu no Isekaitan (WN) (Web Novel)
Bug Player (1)
The Duke’s Eldest Son Escaped to the Military (1)
Clearing an Isekai with the Zero-Believers Goddess – The Weakest Mage among the Classmates (WN) (1)
The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne (1)
I Become a Rogue Lord in a World Where Only I Level Up (1)
Reincarnated as an Emperor ~ Will the Emperor at Birth Survive? (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. JP novels that don't make me want to kms
  2. Cliche or mid
  3. My List Harem LN/WN (MC Polygamy) V2
  4. War Stories
  5. Novels

Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/05/22 NyX Translation v10c2 part2
11/16/22 NyX Translation v10c2 part1
11/16/22 NyX Translation v10c1 part7
11/10/22 NyX Translation v10c1 part6
11/10/22 NyX Translation v10c1 part5
11/02/22 NyX Translation v10c1 part4
11/02/22 NyX Translation v10c1 part3
11/02/22 NyX Translation v10c1 part2
11/02/22 NyX Translation v10 prologue & c1...
11/02/22 NyX Translation v10 illustrations
10/12/22 NyX Translation v9 afterword
10/12/22 NyX Translation v9c5 part4 +...
10/12/22 NyX Translation v9c5 part3
10/12/22 NyX Translation v9c5 part2
10/12/22 NyX Translation v9c5 part1
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20 Reviews sorted by

novelsAREwastingMYtime rated it
March 9, 2021
Status: --
I really like this novel. It fulfills all my fantasies and wild imagination thought it might be a little bit childish but that's fine. I don't want the translator to drop this novel, the light novel version in english has not come out yet.

Hope that the translation of this novel continues
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Little Rookie
Little Rookie rated it
November 28, 2021
Status: v1c4
I can't. I just can't. Why do all these Japanese author have to take out the practicality and reasoning out of the equation??

... more>>

The princess sleeps with a random stranger (who is our mc) the very first night they meet. She hugs him to sleep and no one in the army thinks that it's weird. She changes her clothes in front of him as if he is air.

But there is this one guy who keeps on complaining whenever he meets the MC and sees him with the princess for no reason.

prince wants to go against the emperor and mu*der his 6th daughter despite knowing that once it's done he will be executed... the reason he wants to kill is cos he is afraid that the princess might become the successor to the throne.

Children barely 15 years old are given important positions in army and they are portrayed as the most prefect beings in existence.

King orders to execute all the ministers cos he was loosing the war...

This is full of such dumb logic... I don't know what goes through he author's mind when he uses these kind of logic....

dumb writing.

Should I have read more chapters before commenting ?

Maybe.... but I can't read a novel where the starting itself is flawed and illogical.... maybe I am being biased but this sh*t is not for me.

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Heimlich Manure
Heimlich Manure rated it
June 6, 2021
Status: v4 afterword
Looking good so far, the characters are fleshed-out even more so for the MC. I'm a sucker for schemes, psychological battles, and war-type novels, and the author executed all of them really well.

The MC's past is still a mystery as to what happened because there are some bits of monologue that hints the dark and tragic events that lead to the MC being who he is. Hiro will not hesitate to kill anyone if they get in his way even if they're high ranking in the hierarchy... more>>

Hell he will even kill a duchess if he needed to and the duchess is the main love interest's sister


The plot is interesting too since we are slowly learning more and more about the MC, whilst simultaneously reading about the perspective of the side characters and the antagonists. The antagonists have their own realistic reasons for declaring war, not just battling for the heck of it. Each of the sids characters are unique in their own way

I need more interactions between Altius and our boy Hiro


Please note that the novel is not for the faint of heart, it is a serious novel without much comedy. This focuses on the lives of generals, commanders, and other leaders and strategies used in war, and I'm warning you, it gets bloody. The romance is there but it isn't shown much at all because most of the time, the characters (including the MC) are either currently in war, or interacting with other characters and scheming behind the scenes. Also translation is very good

Edit: it has come to my attention that someone reviewed the MC as "dense", or "beta" without even reading 3 volumes at least. These types of reviews infuriate me the most; they're like Journalists, they don't finish even 3 volumes of the novel to see who the MC becomes. 5 volumes in, the protagonist isn't dense nor is he a "beta" where did he even get that assumption from? Please read the first 3 volumes of this novel then review because these volumes are what shapes the MC and turns him into the badass we know <<less
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spacerin rated it
August 18, 2022
Status: --
Why people tag misleading?

I read this because it got harem, and polygamy. And it's pretty disappointing.

At first, I hope this will be a well balanced harem, and well, it's not. It's only focused on red haired girl, and even worse that not really romance.

I skipped to the end of vol 13. And I don't see any wedding even tho it's tagged with "polygamy"
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BluNyte rated it
November 23, 2021
Status: v4 afterword
This one is to you Antithetic.

At first, I thought this would be a amnesia novel like those old animes where protag remembers his past and power only when he's in trouble and then forgets it afterwards. But as soon as I reached the end of the first volume. I was speechless. The Protags behaviour did a 180. I was hooked.

I know he acts like a Beta in the first volume. But it's only limited till the chapter 4. His behaviour does a total 180 and stays that way.

Antithetic, I highly... more>> encourage you to read the volume 1 atleast. I also thought it was boring and was almost giving it up. But I was surprised.

Novel is very real. And incidents that happen have a real depth to them.


There was once a situation where someone wrote on a parchment but didn't roll it up immediately because it wasn't dry


The attention to detail given is outstanding. Though it doesn't compare to legendary works like GOT or the Witcher.

But this is definitely the best realistic "light novel" I have ever read.

(Yes, it's not the realist hero)

p.s. : No offense was intended to any individual in this review. <<less
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wyvrusgriffion rated it
February 16, 2022
Status: --
Firstly, I don't know why this novel has a harem tag, saying this that this is harem is overstretching it.

There are a couple of females around the MC but most of them are with the MC because they are using him and the MC knew about it so their cooperation was mutual. The only person the MC really trusted and care is the main heroine.

Good Points:

... more>> MC is not a generic character.H e is willing to kill but he is not cold-blooded and willing to spare those innocent.

Almost everyone is scheming against each other, with only few exception, so most characters are not a cardboard characters and have their own motivation

The MC is strong but not overpowered so he need to rely on strategy to win. The strategy are somewhat believable.

Bad points:

On the start, you are immediately thrown to politics of the world without explaining of who is who and which is which.

Some Arcs are just too long and overcomplicated, dragging the story pace to halt. <<less
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Liger0 rated it
December 15, 2021
Status: v6
I don't agree with the author the characters he like I don't like. The MC's plan is dumb and really the world is full of unlikable characters. The author doesn't want the MC to be the typical black hair character who is the focus unfortunately I found the other characters boring.
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matengelem rated it
July 21, 2021
Status: v3
This is one of the few good Japanese Novels out there. The MC is not dense, not trying to turn this world in to Japan, he has the mentality of a warrior not a Japanese like other JP novels (I mean killing is not allowed in Japan so I will not do it in this world sort of sh*t)...

give it a try atleast wait till the MC recovers his memory then you will see how awesome this novel is.

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fusionhaha rated it
June 3, 2023
Status: v11
LOL idk I felt I had to write something after whatever the hell the last reviewer wrote. The guy said it himself, he didn't even read half of volume 1 and then somehow wrote a 4 paragraph review about it. That is wild.

If you read that review it seems his main problem was the MC being the typical beta loser tr*sh Japanese protag. Which even at the start of volume 1 he isn't. But I guess if you are as dumb as that guy you could see it that way... more>> so sure let's just say he is. However if you even bothered reading the synopsis of the story it clearly says he lost his memories. Meaning he will get them back. When does he get them back? Oh just 3/4s of the way through volume 1. Is he a beta loser after getting his memories back? Surprise! Not even a little bit.

As for the rest of the story its honestly a very entertaining novel. Keyword entertaining. I won't call it peak fiction or anything, but the author knows what he wanted out of the novel and he delivered. This is a chuunibyou novel, with a chuunibyou MC, written by an author who not only acknowledges that, but FULLY embraces it. Which only makes it more entertaining.

I cba writing a long review for the story itself, just complete volume 1 and if you enjoyed it you will enjoy the rest. After volume 1 it introduces politics and war strategy and both of those are written well. So if you enjoy that all the better. <<less
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BobrykRori rated it
December 5, 2022
Status: v6c1 part3
Can say that I feel frustrate from the story.

There's only madman & fanatic warriors. No logic, no science, no normal relationship.

And what our ML? We don't know about his family, friends, past etc. We didn't know that from 1st vol. And same at the 6th.

It's interesting only at the begging, but that was would be boring so fast.

Author madman? Or his mind was affecting from mushrooms?
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bryku rated it
August 17, 2022
Status: v2c1
Short Answer: Meh

There are a lot of unbelievable events. I don't mean like magic or fantasy, but just things that almost wouldn't happen in any society. For example, if I walked into your house and just lay next to your sister and no one knows who I am, but everyone is just randomly ok with it. That is basically every event in the first 3 chapters. It continues to happen, but some things do start getting some explanations.

Also... WTF would you name a white wolf Cerberus? It is a crime... more>> against fantasy! <<less
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Zakorak rated it
September 15, 2021
Status: v5 afterword
Novel is probably one of the better jp Isekai novels. This isn't really a harem nor a romance. Romance is more of a subplot if anything. The focus would be between the redhead and MC. So far enemies faced have their own agendas and reasoning for what they do. Characters have their own personalities.

MC is op in military strategy and ability. There hasn't been any real difficulty for the MC, opponents move to his plan every volume. But it was enjoyable to read. He's not dense and is aware of... more>> his surroundings but he focuses on his objective rather than the women around him. He does not spare his enemies unless they can be useful pawns and doesn't shy away from killing then either. <<less
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Antithetic rated it
August 24, 2021
Status: v1c4
Dense, Beta MC. Thus 2 stars. These types of MCs make me f*cking squirm in disgust.

However, lore, plot, girls, are decent for a read with lunch and tea. Would recommend if one can handle beta pieces of shit. Thankfully he isn't always like that. Yes I know it's early on. It's still disgusting.
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Asphyxia778 rated it
August 22, 2021
Status: v7c2
The first chapter really hooked me and I kept reading. (this was back in 2017)

At first I read the web novel version but after it got discontinued I started over the light novel.

The war aspects are fun to read and the time difference between the MC's first time being sent to the world and going back 1000 years later is interesting as I'm wondering how the time axis works between them.

... more>> There are some flaws which can be overlooked and it doesn't really detract from the story.

It is one of the more sensible isekai as the MC has killed in wars in the first time he was transferred to the world and he is not a f*cking dumbass. He's actually a sensible leader.

The war and strategies are really fun to read and is highly entertaining. The side characters as well don't feel completely bland. I think this series has a lot of potential.

I'm just waiting when the people will find out that MC is the War God Emperor himself lololol.

Overall 3.9 stars

Edit on 1 Dec 2021: well I read the final chapter of volume 6 and sh*t just got real man. Man this is so cool. I don't care whatever someone says Hiro is f*cking cool. The ending of vol 6 made me totally enjoy this story and now my rating is a solid 4.3 stars ✨

I started vol 7 immediately cause I couldn't wait and now the plot thickens and I NEED to know wtf actually happened in MC's backstory man. I need the deets. (If someone has read the entire LN series spoil me in the dm's) (I need the info man...)

There are definitely some flaws but man author really managed to reel me in through MC's sheer mystery and badassary.

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Uzumaki Naruto
Uzumaki Naruto rated it
July 29, 2021
Status: v4 afterword
I really loved this novel. This novel is one of best in war genres I have ever read filled with schemes and Conspiracies, constant cool fighting scenes with overpowered MC having a high IQ for detecting potential threats and scheming. In short reason, I really love this novel is because here though MC is Hero, he doesn't hesitate to "Kill" unlike our most of Japenese light Novels where our MC is goody two shoes who can't kill being born in peace filled world which irritates me to no end as... more>> how is it possible to live in a world of constant killing from Monsters and Bandits without loosing people or killing back at all? I mean it obviously sounds s*upid right? So my friends this novel here is an extremely realistic fantasy setting according to me as it allows you to feel anxiety, pain, love and sadness all these raw emotions hit you like a storm since it is a novel where your life is constantly on edge as again this is a proper "War Novel."It also employs lots of war strategies and tactics and makes an effort to sound MC's overpowered strength and intelligence reasonable. Although as usual, our MC being overpowered will overcome through all these hurdles a little more easily than acceptable.

This novel also belongs to genre where MC has tragic past which is overshadowed for a long time (till now I mean, it is not brought in open to other characters) and he is fighting that pain alone but is slowly getting filled by love of main female lead and other people around. Although this is a Harem novel, till now MC's strong bond has been shown with only one main female lead and other 3-4 potential Harem members seem to have appeared but frankly overall romance has been on a little weak side till now especially with other potential Harem members. I hope it will get better in this aspect. As for female main lead and others, they have their unique personalities which are very attractive With some being innocent, other scheming, ruthless or brave warrior and ofcourse one being our openly seducing girl which is quite fun to watch. So female characters are all fleshed really well till now and hope in future all of them will give us a proper picture of Harem romance. In other words, it can be said it has been a slow burn turn till now. But here thankfully, female characters have not been shown all as idiots throwing themselves at MC's foot and atleast author is attempting to form slowly closer bond with some girls. <<less
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hamxabu rated it
November 9, 2023
Status: v13
What was the reason for fighting if he was not going to take the throne? The main character appears to lack certain qualities, and he seemed to be manipulated by the Red Head Girl. Additionally, the other male characters are depicted as unintelligent or lacking in development. The novel seems to strongly advocate a feminist agenda, and, in my opinion, this is the worst isekai I have ever read
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ZeroA2 rated it
June 4, 2023
Status: v3 afterword
Not sure if I'll keep reading this one. The mysteries and world keep me interested, but the author is overly ambitious. The content is probably YA in maturity but it's written at a child's level. The MC's military strategies just always work even when he chooses lesser strategies for the military in order to better unify leadership. Part of it could be due to the MC's fighting abilities but the enemies and allies all act exactly as he predicts. It all feels unbelievably railroaded. It's not even a matter of... more>> him overturning expectations, it's just that he wins because he's the MC. He's not tricking anyone, his enemies are tricked because the writer says they're tricked.

I agree with the reviewer who was annoyed by the female lead being shameless/absurdly innocent with the MC and her aide bursting a blood vessel with his aggression towards the MC. Even with indications that she was corrupted this way purposefully, it's the sort of thing that only makes sense if the MC never talks to her about needing to wear clothes in front of others even while he has the exact-needed war strategy advice council she needed to hear with her in one of their many off-screen conversations.

Again though, if the demographic is like 5th or 6th graders, then it's probably really fun and good? Feels like it was intended for older kids but I think it would be a less pleasant experience to read if you were already exposed to media with internal logic or one that had events happen for any reason other than the writer wanted them to happen, so if you're OK with the extreme violence, death, nudity, implied s*xual dangers, and stuff and also are a child, then it's probably super awesome. <<less
1 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 20, 2023
Status: v1c2 part2
Ugh, the reviews got my hopes up, but unfortunately there are bad signs very soon. I won't score, because I haven't read much (equivalent of 7 short chapters, well, 8 with prologue), but there are multiple bad signs in those chapters.

To put it clearly, MC has that shy virg*n beta doormat energy (the kind that lets girls walk all over him) with chad moments (but "chad" here doesn't refer to male-female relations at all). Basically the author seems to be one of those Japanese ret*rds that think that the best... more>> romance is a doormat guy and a girl who will take initiative to make advances on him while walking all over him in the process (example from the novel: the first love interest woke up MC by stepping on his stomach, clearly not lightly, and acts as though it's just a harmless prank at most, while the MC complains like a little bit*h and forgets 5 seconds later). I think Japanese ret*rds think it's endearing or something. Except that it's both disgusting and delusional (real-life romance doesn't work that way unless it's a masochist-sad*st pairing or a woman is looking for a simp to pay her bills, and she's going to cheat on him later with a chad).

Yeah, I hate beta dude shit. I mean, it's fine for there to be beta protagonists, but don't go making them harem "kings." They're as much of a king as a student council president is the strongest person in the country. Both are only possible in anime.

If you can look past the beta garbage, then the novel seems relatively promising. We have a story with some actual character descriptions (something relatively rare in web novels these days), characters that offer at least some promise of depth early on, a mysterious premise that isn't dumb or nonsensical, nice character drawings (I think this is the light novel version, right), and the novel is close to being completely translated (iirc, the translator is on the volume 12 out of 13 at the moment). You can give it a try. <<less
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Unfairness rated it
May 2, 2022
Status: v7
The translation is good. The story is also good. After his memory returned the MC no longer a Naive idiot, he is willing to kill his enemy, because he knows if he let them go they will bring harm to those whom he loved. His personality become more cool after his aweakening. I personally ship Hiiro with Elizabeth, but vol 7 onward they started going down a different path, hopefully they will get together again soon.
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korat56 rated it
October 30, 2023
Status: --
it tries be be a mature story but can't follow through, a one of the characters gets captured starved and beaten half to death but one of the people in the other army is let off with a slap on the wrist because they are sorry the same character is always going on about chivalry and protecting women but did not just kill the people doing it also no trauma from the experience, the story is ok but the characters just dont feel human.
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