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When Jiang Cheng was told to return to a family that he never knew or had a relationship with, he had never expected to end up meeting a young girl, and eventually, her seemingly roguish brother Gu Fei, as a first encounter in the new city.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Chasing the Light (drama)
Run Freely
Sa Ye / Run Wild (Official English Title)
SAYE「Act Wildly」
Set It All Free
Warm Sun (donghua)
Related Series
Qing Kuang (Shared Universe)
Unbridled (Shared Universe)
Wolves of a Pair Prowl Together (Shared Universe)
San Fu (Shared Universe)
A Certain Someone (7)
Through The Strait Gates (4)
Qing Kuang (4)
Give Me A Hug (4)
Seizing Dreams (4)
Fake Slackers (3)
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  5. danmei i have finished

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06/21/20 AmidstWoods c36
07/16/20 Sae c36
06/06/20 AmidstWoods c35
07/14/20 Sae c35
07/01/20 Sae c34
05/12/20 AmidstWoods c34
06/17/20 Sae c33
04/27/20 AmidstWoods c33
06/08/20 Sae c32
04/08/20 AmidstWoods c32
05/29/20 Sae c31
04/06/20 AmidstWoods c31
05/21/20 Sae c30
04/05/20 AmidstWoods c30
05/20/20 Sae c29
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73 Reviews sorted by

strongandindie rated it
February 22, 2024
Status: Completed
OUT OF THIS WORLD AMAZING - my favourite contemporary Danmei and contemporary audiodrama ever, and an all-time favourite (one of 38 favourites out of the 1171 books I've read). So utterly real, engaging, engrossing, moving, and heartwarming.

You will not regret getting to know Jiang Cheng and Gu Fei - what are you waiting for?
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Mariadsss rated it
November 28, 2023
Status: c111
This is truly the best slow burn romance novel I have ever read. Yet, I cannot finish it because there are no more chapters in English (or Spanish) available : (

It's difficult to find an story this beautiful, really heartwarming. The plot. The characters. The narration. Their (love) language.

If someone knows where can I find a proper translation please REACH OUT. I need to finish this, but there are only RAWs with poor English...
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yvwhat rated it
August 11, 2023
Status: c131
started 7/19, 8/5 caught up.

literally changed my brain chemistry. I love both gu fei and jiang cheng and how much they love each other and id do anything for them to get to be happy. I hope to read about their happy ending with gu miao someday. The translation is great. The story is great. It's very character driven. Had me ijboling screaming crying throwing up. I made a twt thread and now I probably have 100+ screenshots that I don't want to dlt bc I'm attached. The last few... more>> new chapters are literally breaking my heart. It's perfect tho.

anyways yeah jc and gf r both so funny, loving, talented, and honestly perfect in a very imperfect human way. They deserve the best I really enjoyed reading this and I would recommend it if I had anyone to recommend it to. <<less
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twobada rated it
July 28, 2022
Status: c1
Slice of life that doesn't get boring and episodic. Full of life and spirit.

It's not exactly my cup of tea - as I felt like there were too many parts that were dragged on for too long to help build up the angst and feels - but it's definitely top tier writing, not to mention the translation was very good as well.

The characterization is amazing. Each character mentioned, even the side characters, are so distinct and full of their own personalities and life. Everyone interacted with each other as if... more>> they were truly alive and breathing and it's very easy to get carried away into the story. The dialogues, glances, gestures, any big and small movements... the characters jumped out of the story as if they were living and breathing right in front of us.

Plot-wise, there are several arcs going on, but the threads were weaved together so beautifully that nothing felt jarring or abrupt. The author never launches into a plot event or change in character outright. There's always some subtle foreshadowing going on, and you won't notice them if you don't immerse yourself into the story (which is very easy to do because, again, great characterization).

Most importantly, there are no excessive virtue signalling segments here nor are there chunks of text discussing philosophy, psychology, etc etc as other novel writers often do to explain the behavior of the characters.

The author created these incredibly real characters and simply let them do the living. It's up to the readers to discover what gems they may find between the words. <<less
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heyitsmiaa rated it
October 26, 2021
Status: c103
i have to say I love them both so much, , their love is so genuine & pure ~

s/n I tend to not give five stars till the series is completed but I love this so much that I created an account here to hopefully get updates when the next chapter is out heheh
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yyecn rated it
September 24, 2021
Status: c99
fell in love with this novel. Not the an enthusiast when it comes to web novels but this one stole my heart. It captured my attention like no other. Main characters are wonderfully written, they're not perfect yet they're lovable. Both makes up for what the other is lacking and at the same time, are just as strong individually as they are when together. I cried, I squealed, I screamed all in one sitting. Haha I binged but regardless. This novel is currently at the very top of my list... more>> and I know i'll be suffering from post novel depression once the translations are complete. <<less
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humanpotato rated it
September 22, 2021
Status: c102
i love everything about this novel with my entire being. Saye is not only a wonderful romance, but also a very well-constructed psychological sol. It can get from adorable, heart-warming & wholesome to heart-wrenching & even hilarious - it can shift between all modes in the most natural way.

its character are fantastically-written, gorgeously fleshed out & developed. They're multi-layered with their lives, struggles & relationships feeling real & sincere. You can tell the author wrote everyone with great care.

saye often deals with sensitive issues such as mental illness, strained relationships... more>> & even death & it does so in a very delicate manner. It may get very emotional at times, but never gets *too* heavy.

it presents youth & first love in an extremely realistic manner, one I haven't often stumbled upon in fiction. The relationship between GF & JC is not only ridiculously sweet, but also incredibly balanced & healthy. The romance in saye is not just about two people being cute together & doing lovey-dovey stuff, but mostly about two people who stand by, support, fulfill & help each other constantly evolve & become a better version of themselves.

i adore the dialogue in this novel, whether it's silly everyday talk between the characters or serious, heart-to-heart conversations, its beautifully-written, keeps the reader invested & gives more & more insight into the characters & their relationships as the story goes.

i have no idea how this story will proceed & end, it's as unpredictable & surprising as life itself, yet I have faith it won't disappoint. Eagerly waiting for more chapters to be translated. (Gotta add a mandatory huge thanks to the translators at this point. Thanks for bringing this story to us, you're doing a gorgeous job <3) <<less
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AniKing rated it
August 11, 2021
Status: c85
WOW! I have read a lot of BL (all translated) and this is really an incredible story, plus the translation is outstanding. I was going to try and take this one slow since it's still in translation but I haven't been able to put it down. Will edit later with more detail, but this is one that will stick with you.
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Rainbowlad rated it
July 31, 2021
Status: c95
I’ve never liked slice-of-life type stuff before whatsoever, but this book is really refreshingly light and warm-hearted. The pace is great, it’s hilarious even through the translations, and the characters are very thought out.
It’s a joy to read every chapter. I’m only on ch.95 but I can’t see this getting ruined because I have full trust in the author!
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Hades97 rated it
June 29, 2021
Status: c92
What! I haven't reviewed this yet!

The short ver: No regrets here. I love how very very real the characters are thanks to the author generously sprinkling personality into the characters.

Cheng ge and Gu fei are an unlikely match but slowly become the stable support the other is looking for when they find themselves being closed in on by the gloom of the decrepit town they're living in. Gang fights, run down towns and a straight A student that's been forced into a school that doesn't take education seriously.

It's hilarious, it's... more>> got tension and it's romantic.

Long ver with all my feelings: I LOVE IT! *Screams into the wind* Ok now go enjoy. <<less
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April 27, 2021
Status: c2
I've only read like 2 chapters of this story.

I will say I am absolutely loving the dialogue between the characters. They are fluid and feels natural between them. Their interaction is also good and I already can feel how the surroundings around our MC is feeling.

Sadly I know I'm right now not in the mood for a tearjerker. I won't be dropping this story. But I will have to return to it later.

Already in love with the writing and the translation so I definitely want to give this story a... more>> go. <<less
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demonkingofsalvation rated it
April 26, 2021
Status: c82
I have read many, many novels, and most of them never hit quite like this one did. Wu Zhe's writing style is very heart-warming, humorous, and light, yet deep and emotional at the same time. I must thank the translators for giving us a clean, very understandable translation because I never would've been able to read this without them.

First off, the characters are written very well. Their emotions, conflicts, and feelings are very relatable. While reading, there were several times I found that I had experienced emotions similar to Jiang... more>> Cheng's. Their interactions are very realistic, so much that I could believe these characters were actual people telling their story.

The setting is also very fun to read about, since it's something nearly everyone can relate to in some fashion. Everyone has been through school at some point in their lives, and it's refreshing to read about the exciting things like getting a first crush and all the chaotic moments with friends.

Now, I must include how this novel is not all happy moments and fun. Seldom do I cry when reading a novel, but this novel has made me cry at least a couple times. Still, all of the sad moments and conflicts are part of why the novel is able to establish such a deep connection with you as you are reading through it.

In conclusion, this is a phenomenal novel. It is and will forever be one of my all-time favorites, even beyond a few of MXTX and Priest's works, though they are both very skilled authors as well who I would definitely recommend if you haven't already binged their works, but this one will hold a special place in my heart. <<less
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pHantomRJ rated it
March 30, 2021
Status: Completed
Bad with words but I have to say few words about SaYe. 5/5

The ordinary came to my mind when I started to read the first chapter. Wait don't jump to the conclusion yet. To me, ordinary & simple words are the most powerful in my dictionary. Everything flows naturally in the novel. MC is a child 17 years old and yet he had to face the reality and he is a very crude stubborn boy. What should he do knowing that he is not meant to be there (his adoptive... more>> family) so he chose to leave but still can not let go what is the right word for it? Frustration? Sadness? Disappointment? Loneliness. MC is strong. He is trying and learning. People can relate to it.

ML is not like how people think he is. He is so sensible, mature, handsome hardworking, (need to learn more adjectives) argh I like it.
At first, MC & ML fought like kids, awkward. Later, it became the sweet romance I've ever read. One thing I forgot to say I love JC's phantom acting. LOL And GF caught him red-handed doing it. That was so hilarious.
MC tried so hard for the ML's sister. She is so sweet. He went through so many struggles just for the sake of GF's sister. NOt because she is GF's sister but also MC loved that girl. She was the key to the freedom of their relationship. Because of her GF had to left JC. I cried at that part. GF doesn't want to drag MC down.
If anyone tells me why like it? I could only answer because I get the same vibe as "Are you addicted?" And ordinary. I melted the rest of the chapters, sentence by sentence by google translation. So I know the ending. Now I can say I loved it not just because of the vibe but because I fell in love with the author's writing style. Only He (Wu She) can give you something like this.

People who are living in fantasy will not get it. They would say it's toxic or unhealthy etc. But If one knows the beauty of the mundane world they would never say it.

I love the song~~~ Chathersis is my favorite now. I'm listening to it for 2 months already every day still I can't get out of the "Saye" world. <<less
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Sisithatlikestoread rated it
December 9, 2020
Status: Completed
This is a very awsome novel. I MTLed it already but I will DEFINITELY reread it once fully TLed. It's so amazing! Seriously!! I love it sm♡

Go read it you guys--
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mandreoli rated it
July 30, 2020
Status: c41
I am loving it so far, great story and awesome characters. Looking forward to reading the complete English translation <3

Love that we have such strong MC and ML
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rosierosie rated it
February 20, 2020
Status: --
I read this, and I loved it :) !!! I'm still looking forward to reading all of it in English. I like the relationship and dynamic of the story between our OTP. It's getting to the interesting part, and I will be patiently waiting for it.
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nancerio rated it
February 24, 2023
Status: Completed
One of the best danmei novels I have ever read. I've been putting this novel on my TBR list, I should have read it sooner cause it was SO GOOD.

Thank you to the author, Wu Zhe laoshi, for creating this beautiful masterpiece.
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HopeWorld rated it
February 4, 2023
Status: Completed
Saye is such a beautiful and heartwarming novel. As a historical danmei novel fan, I never knew how refreshing a slice of life could be. I was constantly hooked on it and didn’t want to stop reading. Gu Fei and Jiang Cheng’s relationship is so realistic and precious. Gu Miao really impacted me as well, I love her so much. I don’t think any other danmei novel that I will read in the future can top SaYe.
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MagBlueRoses rated it
December 15, 2022
Status: Completed
What is a book if it doesn't evoke a sense of pure elation within you that makes you forget about reality...

SaYe is a master piece and that's all I can say. From the way it's written to how each character welcomes you into their world, it is an immersive experience filled with warmth, pain, and just a whole lot of wholesomeness.

It might just be a typical high school romance. But it is also the story about how two broken individuals come together to heal each other and it couldn't have... more>> been executed more beautifully than this. <<less
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Scar21 rated it
November 28, 2022
Status: Completed
This became one of my all time favorite novels and that fact really caught me off guard.

I used to love reading school life stories at one point when I was younger. But slowly, I realized that such stories started feeling more and more childish as I grew older. This one thought, was near perfect in every way. The characters feel like real people and they have thoughts and opinions of their own. The writing is goddamn perfect too! It's been a long time since I last read a novel that... more>> resonated with me, this much.

A must read. That's all I'll say. <<less
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