Saving 80,000 Gold in an Another World for Retirement


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An 18-year-old girl who lost her family in an accident, Yamano Mitsuha falls off a cliff one day and transferred to a different world with a civilization level of medieval Europe. Mitsuha who discovered it was possible to go and return to Earth after a deadly fight with wolves decided to live in both worlds.

「For the sake of security in old age, I will aim for 80,000 gold coins!」

I will try not to let strange things circulate and distort the progress of the world, but I won’t hold back for the sake of my easy life and safety! While carrying three handguns along with words and deeds that appear decent, in her head, Yamano Mitsuha is a sly girl.

Making an effort to make money even with a small body that looks like a child to foreigners!

Oh, my secrets are too dangerous, you said? It’s fine, it’s fine! I’ll transfer away when push comes to shove!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Rougo ni Sonaete Isekai de 8-manmai no Kinka wo Tamemasu
Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for my Retirement (LN)
Related Series
I Said Make My Abilities Average! (Shared Universe)
I Shall Survive Using Potions! (Shared Universe)
I Shall Survive Using Potions! (7)
I Said Make My Abilities Average! (5)
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10 nen goshi no HikiNiito o Yamete Gaishutsushitara Jitaku goto Isekai ni Ten’ishiteta (1)
Takarakuji de 40-oku Atattandakedo Isekai ni Ijuu Suru (1)
Netooku Otoko no Tanoshii Isekai Boueki (LN) (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Female mc third part
  2. Kingdom/Village Building with Heart
  3. On Hold
  4. Other World-Easy Going
  5. Family x Fantasy, why not?

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/23/22 Fans Translations c317
09/19/22 Fans Translations c316
09/12/22 Fans Translations c315
09/07/22 Fans Translations c314
09/05/22 Fans Translations c313
08/23/22 Fans Translations c312
08/15/22 Fans Translations c311
08/14/22 Fans Translations c310
08/01/22 Fans Translations c309
07/28/22 Fans Translations c308
07/18/22 Fans Translations c307
07/10/22 Fans Translations c306
07/07/22 Fans Translations c305
06/27/22 Fans Translations c304
06/20/22 Fans Translations c303
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38 Reviews sorted by

January 1, 2018
Status: c21
The MC is a girl right? She got brilliant mind, merchant skills, survival skills, trained by American Mercenaries, and try to save money so that she can have a relaxing life.

The MC is likeable indeed. But the story was too light. The author made the MC so lucky that everytime she brings a weird items, nobody dares to ask.

But, because I like to read this story...i forgave the author.

The story was fun to read, but sometimes too many monologue, but still quite easy to read. Unlike other isekai story... more>> (forgot the title) about a middle age guy that reincarnated and developed rubbers, that story got too many ramblings... felt so unreal. While this story felt real enough.

Read if you like the story.. thats all <<less
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reader1612 rated it
October 8, 2019
Status: c99
Man, FUNA, the first few chapters really interesting, the theme is intriguing, but at chptr 60-99 it's all focused too much only on sabine, colette and mitsuha. And the innermonologue keep talking about unimportant things again and again and again. Mitsuha or FUNA seems kinda forget the objectives most of the times. Lot of other characters but their story are either not developed or dull. Created an account just to write this cause I am so invested in this, but now I'm just disappointed. Going to drop this, new readers... more>> don't even bother to try, just read the manga. <<less
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Karzard1010 rated it
November 8, 2018
Status: c27

Light Novel. Vanilla with some ridiculous required suspension of disbelief. Plot armor to the Max! Nonsensical circumstances done in nonsensical ways.

Ergo, a time waster novel. Good enough for that, but don't expect anything serious.
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February 1, 2018
Status: c27
To keep this short...

If you liked "I will survive using potions!", you're likely to enjoy this as well, as there are A LOT of similarities (well-reused ideas)

This is a pretty light read with the biggest fault probably being how convenient things usually are for the MC.

For What it is, 4/5. Overall, 3.5/5
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cavler rated it
May 21, 2022
Status: c329
The overal story went in a completely different direction from expected, but was still an enjoyable read.

My expectation was that the MC would become an gunslinging adventurer, instead the guns are mainly for self defense and uses other methods to make money.

The speed of the story is a little inconsistent where parts are over explained. I enjoy most of the main cast though, they feel realistic. Other then the teleporting, it feels like a story that could have actually happened in the past.

if you enjoy a slice of life with... more>> the occasional action sequence, you will enjoy this. (It is a similar vibe to 'killing slimes for 300 years' but with guns and less magic) <<less
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February 19, 2022
Status: c251
if you like Gate then you will like this

its the same fantasy military capitalism ho ! Can go to fantasy world and go back as she like.

i recommended read the manga first to understand the plot and some details that maybe you miss in the wn because how thick the text is.

... more>>

she not only bring product to other world but also try to create the product (hello mr copyright where are you ? Powerless here ? Lol) with her local residence's, that is what I like in this novel, for example she bring boards games from japan and bring it to fantasy world so board games become popular and make her carpenter able to make board games for profits, her metal worker also tries making bicycle / other stuff that she bring to fantasy world.

she does not bring product but also teach the local people how to make it.


i mean its the purest capitalism ho ! And to enjoy this wn you must pay attentions to small details that easily skip by your own eyes.

reasons to drops this web novel

MC is the main Villains in this story she Scam people, Lies, money loundry and other tipical evil where you can get sentence life time jails or death in IRL, I wish later will get ending in this WN I hope MC get punish in jail or something.


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Jastermasher 1029
Jastermasher 1029 rated it
August 15, 2021
Status: --
It is something that would give reader a good experience throughout reading.

Although the plot itself is repetitive, common, and very cliché, I don't think it is subpar compared to every other novel. It serves is purpose as a laidback, casual novel, unlike how other ret*rded Japanese novels does. The MC thinks like a normal person, although it can't be said to be big-brain smart, it is enough for the situation.

Overall, it is a great novel to read if you don't like to furrow your brows while reading some frustrating novels... more>> where all sh*t happen as if the world wants the MC dead and he/she can somehow fend off those threats ret*rdedly by becoming OP as crap or if you don't want typical whiny MC who gets somehow bullied by his s*aves or servants.

I have read tons of good novels but I still like this one, even though my standards somehow had improved compared to when I first read it, the quality remains the same throughout over time just like how the first time I read it. <<less
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Random1009 rated it
June 18, 2020
Status: --
This is my first review, sorry for bad English. I'm come from the manga because slow update, expecting some good business process and territory management and only got small amount of them. Bring products from modern japan and sell them just as is? Come on, at least change the package. Worried about her power vanish or killed someday but keep abusing her power to bring goods that cannot be produced and repaired with that world current technology. There's no smart villain.

In conclusion, if you expect a heavy storyline, don't read... more>> this, but if you want to read this novel as a pastime, then go ahead <<less
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N0r rated it
January 18, 2019
Status: --
I read up to the most recent translated chapter and I enjoyed the story, but it’s started to meander. There isn’t much drive behind the story anymore and it’s losing the excitement and engagement from the beginning. Still, it’s well written and has an interesting plot.
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Steam Bun
Steam Bun rated it
August 12, 2018
Status: c47
Steam Bun here~~


I give rate 3/5 star. Its possible to have 4.5 star from me, the why???

Although the story is pretty good (B+), no I think it will be exellent (A-).

I just can't enjoy it because that translation

I almost have to read 2x/paragraph to understand.

Thats all what I have to say.

If you like isekai, then I think this isekai is better than death march

Ok thanks for read my review see you again in another Novel

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January 4, 2024
Status: c346
I'm dying. This book is written very anime/light novel style. It has moments of jesus-sama, which I'm not really happy about but get. But I love the way she used her tools. The longer I read and hung on the more I started smiling and enjoying. It's not on my all time list of greats but its well excuted overall. It also has heart. I read her other works and it has an aimelessness I've never been about.

... more>>

Lolita Army has me cracking up.


4 stars. Strong four stars and in a weird way gets better deeper you get into it. Except in a weird way the anime opens the story better than the book orginally does and you don't miss too much watching the anime. Then switching to the light novels then switching to the web novel. <<less
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Shawjohn rated it
November 24, 2023
Status: c257
I've been reading Potions, Average Abilities, & 80k Gold and have gotten fairly far into them, far enough to sufficiently give my piece.

On that note, all three are roughly the same, generally speaking with the top three persistent issues being:

1. Bloating and Overuse of common tropes

... more>> 2. One Dimentional and Shallow Characters

3. Lack of significant development and growth

As far as I've determined anyways.

For instance, MC is practically the same old OP Isekaid Female Protagonist that seeks an easy going life that though is made to appear as someone with a good head on their shoulders but just as easy can be foolish of which is quickly shown, not to mention the consequences or lack thereof, to say the least. Though I do wonder if it's just the Author being indecisive whether to make the MC smart or just average but with special circumstances since they go back and forth a fair lot with that.

That said, though it is definitely far from being one of the top titles--objectively speaking--It can still be worth a try cause:

1. It does not take itself seriously.

2. It is generally laid back.

3. The Story can still be interesting and Characters likable.

So, for a simple read and fun read, it can still provide a good amount of entertainment. There are several bizzare and hilarious moments, a fair amount of mundane scenes, as well as times where there is a fair bit of drama and conflict involved of which can keep one invested on reading.

Long story short, as a substantial read, definitely a far cry. But as a simple media for consumption, worth a try still. <<less
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Sora Aoi
Sora Aoi
October 15, 2023
Status: c132
I am enjoying this novel, but I have a question, why doesn't anyone ever ask Mitsuha her exact age, like for paperwork or any purpose, I know people can guess approx age but you have to use your exact age in legal works, or this world doesn't require your age in legal works or does she tells everyone her fake age
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fdtrtwedge rated it
January 9, 2023
Status: c120
FUNA wants to go to a 16th century world and sell hardcore p*&n for gold coins, only a woman would write this, Once branded by the church as a heretic including the mercs and everyone that has come in contact with her, the death toll would be upwards of 500 including entire commoner villages and noble families being totally wiped as heretics throwing entire territories into disarray. She also brought electricity, propane gas, propane powered scooter, solar panels gaming console and digital cameras and gives out photos left and right... more>> in a medieval world. The cultural contamination is obscene. <<less
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expensivepeanuts rated it
April 20, 2022
Status: c260
If I have to sum up this novel in a single sentence it would be "The main character is exhausting to watch." Or read, in this case. Story started alright but the problems with the author's writing shows up early and gets worse as the novel progresses. I really don't like it when the author writes in short sentences and barely describes anything but this novel is on the opposite of that spectrum in a REALLY bad way. So much unnecessary rambling and monologues from the MC, sporadic POV switches,... more>> repetitive and convoluted paragraphs, it gets so annoying after 100+ chapters.

As for the MC, I wouldn't say she's not intelligent but rather she is not very wise. There's a running gag in the novel where she would speak out her inner monologue, effectively embarrassing herself as the people around her point it out. It was amusing the first time but the author inserts this joke at least once every 3 or 4 chapters. She gets forcefully roped or tricked into doing things she doesn't want to do a lot of times too it's honestly annoying to watch.

The MC loses her backbone completely when dealing with the aristocrats she is close with and her band of friends composed of very young girls. They demand things from the MC and get jealous of each other as well, when MC does something for GirlA, then GirlB or GirlC will demand the same thing from MC or ask for something much better to one up each other. Along the way, MC tells them that using a specific skill of hers uses up her life force and they would show concern for her but whenever they want something from MC they conveniently forget about this issue.

If you don't like stories where the MC works hard for other people's sake and gets rewarded by being disrespected and bossed around by her peers then don't bother reading this novel. Literally the only group of people who actually respects the MC is the servants or the commoners.

Other than those things and the author's obsession with loli characters I don't have a problem with anything else and it's a pretty standard kingdom building isekai, brings nothing new and not different compared with the other similar novels I've read. There's s*upid logic here and there but that's a staple in this genre. <<less
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tholovar rated it
August 4, 2021
Status: c25
The concept is good, the MC is fun, just a pity it is a very hard read. The translation very much reads like a Machine Translation (and it gets worse when Estelion's Secret Imouto takes over the translating duties for around 10 chapters). I am not sure if the issue is with the original author or the translator, but I suspect it is the original Author. Story: 3/5

Main Character: 4/5

Writing: 2/5
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mashimizu rated it
March 6, 2018
Status: c29
After reading all the chapter up to date that it is translated (c29 as of typing) I can say that this isekai novel is what you called fluffy, vanilla or can be called as relaxing. It is almost similar to Takarakuji de 40-oku Atattandakedo Isekai ni Ijuu Suru, where the protagonist can go back and forth to earth and to the other world. Aside from the fantasy monster like the orc and all, the story focuses on yamano mitsuha on road to riches. My only problem here is that she... more>> is relying too much on the earth item which can be a problem later on, even if she can deceived most of them for now the story will somewhat go to that topic, the only good thing that I can think of is that the mercenary code for both worlds are kinda respectable or at least the people who are following it.

im giving it a 3.8/5 as of now, hope the quality dont drop like any other isekai novel where only the first few arcs are good and the following will be boring already. <<less
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