Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God


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Starting over once more, he has entered this “living game” in order to control his fate.

This time, he will not be controlled by others.

Previously the Level 200 Sword King, he will rise to a higher peak in this life.

Money earning methods! Dungeon conquering strategies! Legendary Quests! Location of equipment! Undiscovered battle techniques!

Even the secrets Beta Testers had no knowledge of, he knows of them all.

Massive wars, entering godhood, reaching the peak with just a sword; the legend of the sword god has just begun.

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Zackarotto rated it
April 26, 2019
Status: c2918+664+
(Updated February 2024)

Moreover, The Green Giant Company, in addition to being known for their peas, were also known for bullying and tyrannically killing players in an MMORPG.

It was the dream of countless top-rank experts and super-level guild combatants to join such a corporation, and not merely for their delicious peas. It should be known that not every top-rank expert was a super-level guild combatant, but every super-level guild combatant was a top-rank expert. Moreover, each could be expected to be fully geared in Shiny Bronze set equipment, which was better than regular Dark-Gold gear. Hey, did you stop listening? Pay attention, this is important. In addition, at the apex-rank genius level, which in Premium Guilds could be expected to reach the fifth trial level, peas had even more uses.

One Green Giant Point could be traded for 10, 000 peas. Of course, nobody would exchange it for such a low price. Moreover, one could find people trading Green Giant Points for several thousand more peas on the black market.

However, the real use of Green Giant Points was to exchange for S-rank Nutrient Fluids, such as Gatorade Endurance Formula Thirst Quencher, in both Lemon-Lime and Orange flavors. Not to mention, a single Lemon-Lime Thirst Quencher could raise one's chances of ascending from jiu-jitsu blue belt to purple belt by 30%. Such items simply could not be purchased in ordinary currencies such as peas, or Dogecoin.

However, of course, meanwhile, moreover, in addition, not to mention, thus, however.

Meanwhile, Shi Feng was very tempted by the quest reward, which could allow him to grow up to 20, 000 peas per day. However, he would first have to upgrade his Guild Garden to the Peak Advanced Silver level, assuming of course he could get the Legendary-rank Guild Garden Upgrade Scroll, which dropped in Level 500+ Team Dungeons, and were worth the equivalent of 47 fragmented legendary items, which are now tr*sh as of this sentence.

System Warning: Are you sure you wish to accept this Super God Quest? If you fail this quest, your account will be deleted, your g**itals will be removed in real life, and your actual immortal soul will be marked for Hell.

Of course, considering the peas he could potentially earn, Shi Feng chose to accept the quest without hesitation.

Meanwhile, Purple Smile, not to be confused with similar stock characters Purple Rain or Blue Smile or Heavenly Smile or Purple Heart, was astonished by these quest rewards.

"Once news of these rewards gets out, even the post-post-transcendental powers' genius peak genius experts wouldn't be able to sit still!" the middle-aged man standing beside Purple Smile exclaimed.

It had to be known that genius peak genius experts of post-post-transcendental powers had the qualifications to be arrogant, because they were more likely to be outfitted in 1-piece fragmentary Sacred Bronze Set (Upgraded) equipment than the apex-rank geniuses of Premium Guilds.

Of course, even though Shi Feng found Legacies of this caliber every time he tripped over a rock, the congomerates behind the post-post-transcendental powers, including Pepsi and Microsoft, would annihilate whole Realm Clusters to obtain them. It had to be said that each of these Realm Clusters consisted of billions of God's Domains, and such an action would be crippling as many as 10^57 players in real life.

That's right -- we have to use scientific notation now to count how many people would pointlessly have their lives ruined over a video game item. When this kind of havoc is unleashed upon a player's whole universe -- and statistically speaking, it will -- they ought to remember one thing: "This crippling was brought to you by Pepsi."

Of course, it won't ever happen to the main character, so let that go.

Characters such as Green Smile, the Third Successor of Microsoft, had so much influence that even the Green Giant Company would have to lower its head and exit the pea business forever if she so much as sneezed on them, even though she was only a three-star punch fighter, which was equivalent to the fourth trial level or the red belt rank, but must still exist as separate concepts for convoluted reasons which will never be clearly articulated. Such was the nature of her family background!

Although Shi Feng accepted the quest, Red Smile (a different character) was not going to take this laying down.

"There is no way Shi Feng will be able to defeat Red Smile, who is two trial steps above him, outfitted entirely in Legendary equipment, three minor punch fighter ranks above him in real life, and an apex-rank genius, while clearly anyone who has eyes can tell by looking that Shi Feng is only a transcendentally-almost-peak genius, and a blue belt, " said the middle-aged man beside Purple Smile, who was still a different character from Red Smile.

Just then, before anyone could blink, Shi Feng merely punched outward, causing Red Smile's HP bar to hit zero, drop into the negatives, and then max out at full health again due to an integer overflow, technically meaning he was healed.

"This... How is this possible?!"


RSSG is s*upid as hell, and I have a lot of fun reading it. There's much to complain about, don't get me wrong. It steals ideas liberally from "Rebirth of the Thief", and ChatGPT could probably fill in the blanks. It's extremely formulaic, the author is emotionally immature, and it's not what I'd call well-planned. But if you want to read garbage, this novel is the beating heart of garbage. If I dedicated my life to writing garbage, I could never pull this off. Lesser writers would be too embarrassed and balk at the multi-universe-crossing scale of this silly game, stopping far short of RSSG's several million words. Rebirth of the Thief was a garbage novel too, but the author didn't have what it took to bring it to this level.

Every RSSG reader who has stuck around this long knows the cyclical pattern of its story arcs by heart. There's no ignoring that repetition. It's so trope-heavy and cyclical that it often feels like it was written by an algorithm; even all the character names feel like they come out of the same two-word username generator. On the other hand, it's a pretty effective algorithm, and fun to read. I've enjoyed it more than many "better-written" works, and stuck through. Sometimes I want masterful planning and well-rounded characters, but when I don't, or can't find it, I come back to RSSG, because it's reliably fun. It rarely wastes the reader's time on pointless details about some guy Shi Feng has to fight, because it's the novel where he kills someone in one hit, and if his friends have to fight someone, we can gloss over that too, because his friends don't matter. There's no frustrating s*upidity and if he's frequently underestimated, as all webnovel protagonists are, it's probably because he's competing under extra hidden rules nobody else has had the fortune of discovering.

RSSG is popcorn filler, ticking progression boxes forever. Shi Feng is the strongest guy, and there are plenty of fist-pumping moments where he gets one over on everyone else with his reincarnator foreknowledge. That's about it. You just have to go in with the right frame of mind and not let yourself be bothered when Shi Feng wastes attribute points by leveling up wrong according to the author's own rules, or forgets about a useful skill he has, or whatever.

Actually, a thought I've had several times while reading is, "The bigger picture is really cool, but I wish a different person was rewriting it." I think that says a lot -- all the random game systems competing to do the same things which could have all been streamlined, the paragraphs in every other chapter about how someone's wearing secret silver gear, and how this is the current standard of such-and-such level players who can reach the fifth floor of the Trial Tower, and that it's equivalent to dark gold gear five levels lower, and blah blah blah. It all kind of sucks, but then Shi Feng gets some insane magic array manipulation skill or whatever, and I forget all about those slow parts. But as for why it doesn't really bother me that badly, I think that while it is beyond tedious, it doesn't hurt like true tedium, because you can just keep reading without even thinking about it.

There are many missed opportunities, and it occasionally will bug me. For example, Shi Feng's party members have no reaction to meeting him IRL. This was the kind of stuff I found really exciting in other VRMMO novels, but RSSG is terrible at it. Does he look different from his avatar? What do they think of the real him? The author doesn't care. And whenever some great secret is revealed to his core guildmates, rather than having any kind of reaction, it happens off-camera. As if it's not even worth a scene. Imagine if you were reading Superman and you were like, "I can't wait for Lois Lane to find out that Superman is actually Clark Kent!" and then the next page said, "By the way, he revealed his secret identity to her last week. She was really shocked." You'd want to tear the comic up, right? But that's the most you can expect to get when someone becomes a core member and finds out that Ye Feng and Black Flame are the same person.

The author's very bad at that human element. He gains an item that allows him to fly, and despite flying around all the time, barely a word is uttered about it, even though he's like Tier-1 at the time, and even the most basic "Hover" is later described as a Tier-4 spell! Or how about this one? He says he wants to help his parents out, but why is there never another word about it? If I had written RSSG, there would definitely have been a throwaway scene of Shi Feng's parents getting shipped a couple bottles of S-rank nutrient fluids, having no idea what these are, and criticizing their wasteful son for using an expensive shipping service to mail them a couple bottles of "some kind of Gatorade". But this is kind of what I mean -- if the author had the kind of brain that cared about those touches, he wouldn't be able to do this. Not nearly so consistently, for so long.

There's no romance either, but when I think about how bad it might be if there were, this may be for the best.

The human players somehow have less personality than the NPCs, and repeat themselves far more often... I think that's often a problem with MMO novels. When all your characters come from the same background, with the same motivations -- a gamer playing a game, who wants to be at the top of the game -- everyone is the same. But the NPCs can be anything.

If I do find anything truly tiresome, it's babysitting the guild and protecting its territory from rival guilds. The novel is far more suited to solo questing and individual power, and I often found myself wishing Zero Wing would just collapse, and he'd be freed of the burden. It's a case where the author took an idea from Rebirth of the Thief but just wasn't as good at establishing its self-sufficiency. A small adventurer team might've been cool too, but that would also demand a richer level of characterization.

A bit of a spoiler here, but after the "main story", the novel basically hits the reset button. I didn't think I'd want to keep reading it, but as the series became more and more bogged down with plot threads, introducing two for every one it resolved, it kinda was exactly what the story needed. Best to no longer have to worry if some item from 2000 chapters ago in Shi Feng's inventory would suddenly come into play again. The writer figured out that his character relationships are so empty and meaningless that he didn't even have to worry about erasing them. And honestly, it's still making many of the same mistakes, it's still not what I would call well-planned, but it's been a kind of joy.

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Krazyguy75 rated it
November 24, 2019
Status: c2143
I loved this for the first 100 chapters. I liked it for the next 300 or so. I enjoyed it for the next 600 or so. I tolerated it for the next 1000+. You'll start this, thinking "man, this seems good". But the longer it goes on, the less interesting it is. The reason for this: the author doesn't keep hold of his plot threads and characters:

  • Characters that were core (up to and including the MC's best friend) go completely unmentioned later on for hundreds of chapters. Those that are mentioned are mentioned in passing as if they were background characters and maybe get a handful of lines.
  • Even the MC's backstory is forgotten; Shadow vanishes from the plot completely, as do the MC's parents. What is the reason the MC is even playing this game? According to him, it was just to make money to care for his parents. He should have resolved that about 1500 chapters ago. He's incredibly rich IRL. What is he still doing playing the game? Everything since then has just been consecutively bigger powers picking on him, with each tier being made up out of thin air as the threat of the last one disappears.
  • Even the MC seems to have lost track of his own powers; he has powers such as a massive AoE silence that he repeatedly used over and over, but recently hasn't used or mentioned in like 500 chapters. This is hilariously dumb when you consider that the MC is so overpowered even the author can't keep track of everything he can do.
  • Villains will start plans that just go completely missing. At one point a villain hired an assassin to kill the MC. But that was almost 1500 chapters ago, and that plot thread hasn't even shown back up. Countless other similar plot threads go completely missing.
  • All the rules the author sets in place are forgotten. At one point, the author said that people couldn't break promises or the server would punish them, and if they create alt accounts the server will realize they are doing so and punish them. But literally a couple hundred chapters later, people are backstabbing and being backstabbed left and right, and players are creating alts to evade system punishments.
  • Another forgotten rule is that you have to leave every so often to sleep, and you have to replenish nutrient fluid. Instead, the MC just exists in the virtual world now, living in there for 100% of his time.
Overall, it's just... bad! I tried so hard to keep up with it, because a release rate of 3 per day is just insanely good, and I really respected the translators for it. And while unlike most chinese novels, 3 chapters will actually contain developments... none of them matter! The MC never loses, the MC never suffers setbacks, the MC never learns from his actions! Sure, he grows stronger and gets more OP stuff, but it's completely lost any anchor... more>> to the real world! He has no reason to keep playing save to beat the people oppressing him, and they have no reason to oppress him other than "the guild which literally never lost a single fight against consecutively bigger opponents run by a leader who also never lost with completely unknown limits seems like an easy person to oppress".

I can't recommend this. I wasted too much time hoping it would reclaim the joy and interest it held in the first 100 chapters, but it never does. It just gets worse, and worse, and worse, and worse, and worse, and worse, and worse, and worse, and worse, and worse, and worse, and worse, and worse, and worse, and worse, and worse. One "worse" for every 100 chapters I read past the first. <<less
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beddedOtaku rated it
January 5, 2019
Status: c1059
Oh my. Here we go.

Now there are a lot of reviews giving this novel 1 star and, quite frankly, it deserves it. But, as the novel has managed to at least keep my attention of over 1k chapters, I suppose 2 stars isn't all that unwarranted. However, based on quality alone, this is, well, shit.

RSSG is your everyday second-chance sort of a novel set in a VR game God's Domain. As with quite LITERALLY every other novel with a game-like setting, absolutely nothing makes any sense and your brain WILL... more>> fry if you try to understand the concepts behind certain aspects of the game world itself. As I've got quite some free time to burn, I'll list just a few I've come across.

  1. Every so often, the author will introduce us to some monster. To tell us just how awesome this monster truly is, he'll then emphasize that in the MC's past life, Guilds used to throw literal tens of thousands of players at the monster and still fail to kill it. We would be reminded of this repeatedly -- that is until it was MC's turn to fight the monster. Forget tens of thousands of players, I don't recall him ever needing more than 20 to conquer literally everything. Good job on the consistency author; truly a marvel.
  2. So far I've read over a 1000 chapters. MC currently isn't even Level 50, and is still Tier 1. To put into perspective, he used to be a Tier 3 dude in his past life. That means that in over a thousand chapters, the author has squeezed so much sh*t into it that we've yet to even catch up to MC's past standard. This is simply f*cking insane.
  3. On another note, the game hasn't been running for too long. Although I've been too lazy to pay attention, I don't think it's even been a couple of months since the game has launched (most-likely not even that many). Yet, for some reason, every company and their mother is investing into this game like it's an endless source of oil. We're not talking about a couple of grand here and there, we are talking about tens of billions. Tens of billions of investments with literal 0 profits. Yeah, sure.
  4. On another note, does author even understand how the currency works? Clearly not as he contradicts himself so often it's headache-inducing. He first tells us that the amount of resources are finite, and that every Guild is scraping at each other to sustain themselves, yet he'll then introduce some random new company that invested into the game which over the course of a few days will have greater in-game funds than the Guild MC has been supporting since the start of the novel. Mind you, the companies can't buy gold directly from the game, but from the players selling it. Suffice the say, the biggest owners of the gold coins -- the Guilds themselves -- aren't selling any. So am I supposed to believe that a company has somehow managed to leech of over half a million gold coins off of the general player base in the matter of a few days? If that was possible, the value of gold would f*cking plummet within a day. Inflation would hit so hard everything aside from the physical assets would lose all value. Yet, this never happens. Right. Sure.
  5. Everything about MC is just dumb. His greatest asset - the fact that he'd come back from the future - is utilized only when MC is in sudden need of something, and to inform us of some random figures that used to be super-figures in the past. If anyone else worth any salt was this dude, no other Guild would stand a chance. He knows the best grinding grounds, the best leveling zones, the strategies, numerous hidden quests, locations of treasure chests, value of items whose prices would soar in the future... yet, aside from at the start, he rarely utilizes this, relying entirely on the wuxia-style component of luck (which is insane, honestly, only ever toppled by the Shura Wrath's MC. He also decides to provoke everyone and their mother (another beautiful aspect of the wuxias where every character that isn't with our MC is seemingly holding some lifelong grudge against him for some reason, hellbent on destroying him and his guild) while he knows his Guild is basically shite comparatively speaking. He's currently so far and beyond of everyone else in terms of equipment it's f*cking ridiculous. Author even had to make up the whole 'special realms stuff' just to somehow give MC challengers. It doesn't matter 'cause the MC never loses anyway, so what's the point? Guys, sh*t like 'omnivision' isn't real. It doesn't exist in the real world. At least not to the degree author claims it does. You also can't force other people to suddenly ignore your presence because of how you move your feet. That's nonsense for f*ck's sake.
  6. The entire section past the point of Guild establishment is simply repetition. It's boring as all hell. Here's how it all develops: MC and his Guild are in a good standing, they're prospering, they've defeated the previous baddie or whatever, everyone's celebrating and sh*t and suddenly author will introduce this new, previously unheard of power that's all kinds of magnitudes greater than anything MC has ever faced before. These newfound baddies of course all have experts that can match MC's level and gear for some reason and they're fully stacked with funding despite nobody ever hearing about them prior to that moment. They will approach the MC then and offer to buy him out or something, he'll flip them a good one, they'll start throwing tantrums like little children and literally start a war with the Guild. MC will of course win there's no doubt about it, but that's your 300 chapters in a nutshell. Rinse and repeat.
  7. General public. Just... ah. Nobody, nobody behaves like that. Not everyone has an EQ of a 3 year old kid author. Just FYI.
  8. MC's companions are just dead weight. He could have literally accomplished just as much if not far more if he never established a guild. He's the source of all the designs, all the new items, new skills, new ways to increase one's strength, strategies, etc. He's the sole reason the Guild can even fart at the moment.
  9. Let's talk about the game design at the moment. As with every other game-novel, it's broken... except it's many times more broken than anywhere else I've read. The game is a literal definition of 'unbalanced'. Starting from equipment, leveling, penalties (wth?), NPCs, dungeons, numbers (tell me, when has your guild ever gathered a couple of hundreds of people at one time to do something, let alone literal tens if not hundreds of thousands? never, that's when), item effects which make any other gear literally useless scrap, I've already mentioned the currency which simply loses any meaning past 'oh look how much shine it's here whooooo', skills, classes (again with the hidden f*cking bullshit. Please, game-novel-writers, stop with this s*upidity. No game that wants to prosper will ever have exclusive hidden classes, inheritances, exclusive items etc. just stop), titles (oh boy, here we go again) -- just to mention one, 'City Protector', makes MC major noble in every city he visits. To put it into perspective, others need to grind out a 1000 rep points to get to that. Per city. Goooooood luck. There's a myriad of other stuff, but I'm too tired to remember them all. Most of them are related to the so-called 'lifestyle' players (professions, basically) and their s*upidity.
  10. Guilds. When I saw author stating that small guilds tend to have a few thousand players, I gave up. Then he mentioned how Super Guilds have hundreds of thousands of players. It was then that I understood the author has never been a part of any guild in any game ever.
That's enough. I'm tired and my free time's over. I'm already quite tired of reading the novel so I doubt I'll soldier on any longer, though I might if I get bored. Start at your own risk. You've been warned. <<less
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NirvanaFlame rated it
September 16, 2017
Status: v1c28
With only 20 chapters released it is always hard to gauge the quality of the writing, the plot and characters. While it is blatantly obvious that the story has taken parts from Sword Art Online along with the image which I think is s*upid but on an overall it is pretty similar to most other VRMMORPG story's around with the usual Chinese influence. However this doesn't mean that the story itself is bad, the author has at least made an attempt to put a newer perspective on certain ideas. Those... more>> familiar with SAO's second season where Kiritio earned like 300000 gold from the untouchable game, a similar scenario is in this but rather it's the gnomes game and it's cash reward is far smaller along with a skill book for the MC for the first clear. The major Characters are actually quite well developed and you can grasp their temperments from the way the novel is written, the only thing I think is silly is the misuse of the reincarnation term. Reincarnation implies life after death, in the novel the MC doesn't die but just goes to bed drunk and wakes up young. That for me was the only real negative as it is simply a lazy and poor plot device to start the story that a lot of reincarnation stories use and even then I don't really think this is a reincarnation story. Just think of it as more the MC know the special locations where he can get a headstart than the other players. But on an overall I have really enjoyed it and all those negative ratings are from people who hate the fact that it has used some ideas from SAO.

thats all from me so peace out. <<less
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0000000 rated it
October 6, 2017
Status: c1889

A very cliche second chance work. Light read, nothing serious

There happened to be many things I hate in this work that are commonly found in most works, so just a short rant.

He have the convenience of forgetting about his bloody parents after brief mentions of them in the early chapters, even though they are supposed to be his motivation and scenes about him in RL is non-existence in latest chapters.

Plus side, MC is overpowered but not omnipotent, much. Actions everywhere so much so that you can forget about some as they pile up then have some pop right back in your face after a couple of chapters.

Also, as quoted by the MC himself, he has the ability to cause betrayal happening in the guilds/parties he is working with, lots of bs later, MC saves the f-king day.



Lets be honest, GIRL is Guy In Real Life.

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DidYunCheGoddamnDieAgain rated it
August 22, 2021
Status: c2656
Let me preface this by saying that the three stars are for the enjoyment I got out of it during the beginning of the story.. The only reason I got this far is because I'm reluctant to drop novels I originally liked.

To be honest, I don't have much of a problem with the lucky drops (some of them), enemies that should be much weaker giving the MC trouble or everyones levels being "equalized", because that's something that unavoidably happens in most novels.. What I DO have a problem with is... more>> few things:

  1. The no IQ NPC behavior of every enemy.. Every single one of MCs enemies is the exact same person with a different name, and every single time they "start a war" it goes the same way.. They buy shops in the same cities where candlelight is and drop prices (which, at the point starlink did it should be impossible since candlelight had probably well beyond hundred shops and they keep repeating how it's super hard to buy property), when that doesn't work, they put bounty on Zero wing (which everyone participates in, even tho they got f*cked over like 5 times already), then when that doesn't work they somehow get the cooperation of like 20 other random guilds that had nothing to do with it and try to attack one of the cities.. And in the true RotSSG fashion, all of those things get resolved by an item the MC found 15 minutes before sh*t hit the fan..
  2. A lot of the side characters and loose allies are interesting and fleshed out for 5-10 chapters and then they become that phone number that you have from one of the people who went to the same school but you don't like enough to ever consider calling.. The worst offender is Anna and Kite. They were actual interesting characters in the beginning but even tho they appear all the time, I'm pretty sure that both of them added together had a grand total of one line of conversation in the last 2000 chapters.
  3. "XYZ happened.. Zero wing has no chance to survive this time"... This is the absolute worst.. I'd say that a good 1/6 of the novel is random people in a bar somewhere talking about how doomed Zero wing is this time.. There are whole chapters of this.. You have a chapter of this, zero wing wins, chapter of people being surprised that they won, then immediately another chapter of people saying that they're absolutely screwed this time because of something else.. EVERY SINGLE TIME something happens, the author just has to do this to emphasize how serious it is.. Even when it's some inconsequential bs, the bar dwelling doomers still describe it as if the guild will implode in the next 5 minutes..
  4. Very impressive things being relevant for few chapters, then promptly becoming absolutely useless.. The MC always gets some sort of 1/100000 drop that'll be the "unshakable foundation" of his guild, has a faceslapping moment, then gets sidetracked by something else and the first thing is just kinda there barely doing anything
  5. Beast emperor.. Gods domain is a game.. Why tf would they ever introduce a class as toxic as that.. the dude literally just sits in a fortress somewhere, sending waves of overpowered monsters anywhere he wants and the only reason why he didn't just steamroll through everyone (and he could.. At that point there was literally not a single player org that could win against him) is that he decided to go against the plot armor clad MC.. He kinda just gives unfair advantage to MCs enemies to counterbalance the unfair advantage that the MC has.. Also, anyone his monsters kill can't log into the game for a few days.. Thank you Blizzard..
  6. Nine dragons emperor.. How does he keep losing against Zero wing every single time and openly tries to get Phoenix and other guildmates killed but for some reason, all of the elders support him.. What's with the dynamic? Phoenix is allied with the MC, while NDE is his enemy, but both of them are from the same guild, so he can't retaliate? how does that work?
  7. And lastly, the reason I'm dropping. You know how sometimes, the MC just gets too powerful, so the author tries to stealthily tune him down a bit? That didn't happen here.. What happened was the laziest and most ridiculous case of power balancing i've seen to date.. Essentially what happened was, in the game sometimes there are locations where the time flows differently than usual.. Whether it goes down to 1:1 or higher all the way to 10:1 (10 days ingame one day irl).. But apparently, what can rarely happen is that over 100 people get trapped in a dimensional maze where 7 hours is 9 days irl while teleporting.. Which is almost 1:31.. You randomly lose 9 days of your life because of a random in game event... Good chunk of the people among the 100 didn't have the game capsules that give you nutrition.. They kinda just slept for 9 days without eating or drinking.. Did I mention that even tho they were well staffed and protected, a ridiculously unbalanced enemy attacked the moment they got stuck? Did I mention that the chapters went: People whining about Zero wing being boned into them getting stuck into people whining about Zero wing being extra boned?
TLDR: The author wrote a decent story, then copypasted it 10 times.. <<less
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TheBlood rated it
June 6, 2021
Status: Completed
I HONESTLY HAVE NEVER FELT SO F*************** Pissed off at a novel before... First 500ish chapters had so much potentional, battle were so interesting, questing was so fun... There comes the issue where almost all Cn novels suffer from.. repeatition.. Ok I accepted that.. I liked the novel so I accepted it.

But eventually the battles and questing all become very lame and boring, speech between enemies is essentially "So what if you have X friend X item X prestige, We have X person who is X skill with X cliche"... more>> "You have no chancce!"

Background characeters: "Ha the Main character is charging to his death"
MC: "One shot:"

Initially it's okay but repeated throughout 2000 chapters and anyone would want to puke...

The cool and amazing items mentioned soon get replaced with even better ones and the author just forgets about the initial items he writes about or doesn't use them or anymore or classify them as useless or weak despite the effort initially used to get said ITEM...

All enemies and all allies with some form of initial personality soon become your average plastic character who either hate the MC for no reason or listens to him obediently like zombies without souls..


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Eriht rated it
June 17, 2019
Status: c748
While this novel had many flaws/plot-holes, it was still pretty enjoyable until around 600+ ch. Then IT become weird xianxia with everyone having cheats like Void Steps, Omnivision, many attacks in 0.01s, etc.

Basically at this point, novel just stopped being MMORPG game, THE ONLY thing keeping readers.

Rest of stuff is similar to many reviews.

  1. Leveling. Even at very beginning of story, 1 level should take others days, then weeks, then much more... YET everyone around can keep with almost cheat grinding of MC and his crew. And he is online all time.
  2. Quests. Epic+ quests are AUTO forced on player, have ridiculous punishment and difficulty. Therefore, it don't look like author ever played one RPG in his life.
  3. Numbers. How hard it is to organise thousands of people? They are no army, but modern individuals, yet they show highest possible discipline and coordination on battlefield.
  4. Herem. Honestly it came from game to harem building. Only relevant companions are females, etc.
  5. In game money. Everyone other then MC get their "cash" from what they describe "money farms". Yet all "farm" workers apparently exist in other universe, and only to give they money others. In game where botting is impossible, glitch/bugs/exploits don't exist. YEAH...
  6. Quests again. His first epic quest require him to gain (and spend) around 300mil $ in game currency, in month, and punishment is account delete. Rest of quest still require ridiculous amounts of cash to complete.
  7. Motivation. As I mentioned, he could easily retire with above 300mil (even more) after less than 2 weeks of playing. Billions more after few months. Yet he still don't have any target in life, other than grinding.
  8. Worth. 1000 of top world company's decided to spend everything they have into random game created by 1 company. You know, instead of buying this company, they somehow spend billions on in-game currency.
  9. Intelligence. Everyone is ret*rded, MC included. For not giving face, they issue guild wars (black holes for moneys), at very very early stages of game, when they can gain nothing from it.
  10. Logic of game. After someone die, in next 30 min everyone can revive him, allies neutrals enemies even his killer. It should be easiest way in PVP to mass kill others, yet author only remember about ressing when it is convenient for MC, in places where it should not be possible by game design (bosses and dungeons).
  11. Taverns. Apparently many of pros spend most of their time, you know in taverns/not grinding/just messing around, yet they are still at highest possible levels.
  12. Pacing. Even with all his cheats, MC level is still around others. It took him 10 years to grind into 200lvl, all this while dying may times. Yet at 1746ch he's like level 60 something, so just imagine how many ch it will take him to go back to 200.
  13. Intelligence of MC. Yeah to show his mental level: He got offer: 0.1% of guild shares for 1 billion of $. Our protagonist refused deal, just to taunt other party. Then next 1000ch he constantly whine about no cash.
  14. And last point, even with all his OP items, abilities, ets., he is ALWAYS struggling against others. Higher level, superior attributes, superior equipment, superior titles, superior experience (10y), superiors skills, STILL fighting for his life at any time against random enemies.
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Axemption rated it
September 24, 2018
Status: --
Seriously this novel is awful. After around 600+ chapters, the MC still had to carry his shitty team. After giving training, gold, equipments, item, special place to farm, etc, they were still shit. Any random expert that pops out could beat the sh*t out of them and could fight the MC who is like items ahead and knowledge ahead. Still shit.

I suggest not to waste your time. It might look good in the early chapters, but in the end you will feel the s*upidity of this novel.
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kecskepasztor rated it
June 26, 2018
Status: c481
I don't get this novel. Here is a reincarnated guy with shitton of info about the game which allows him to get the fancy stuff before anyone else. He states that he was not a "pearless existence" but his knowledge should put him waaaay ahead of any of those geniuses. At least early game where everybody is learning how the game works. Instead he struggles with some two it assassin who sits all day in the tavern. I get that the guy is trained in real life which makes him... more>> an 'expert', but this is a game. Real world skill shouldn't be able to overwrite or owerpower in-game skill\techniques.

That's my my main point against this novel. Everyone and their mother knows these real-life skills and can use them in the game, which basically ruins the game. The games point is that everyone starts from zero and has a chance of becoming strong and awesome. I would accept that for example your neural responses are above normal numbers and that makes you more op in the game, but your martial arts skill shouldn't trump whatever you can use in the game.

Plus all the stuff the author changes or leaves out. Annoying. <<less
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k8J2H9tmN7Gf8Jk2dotcom rated it
June 22, 2018
Status: --
To be honest this novel just doesn't make any sense. Why:

  • Guy comes from future. However, he is SURPRISED when he finds out an enemy guild that has 1, 000, 000 people are surrounding him from everywhere vs his 3, 000. He should have known this fact from the start.
  • The main protagonist doesn't know what the hell his doing. Their are 1.6 billion players playing this game and his guild is only made out of 3, 000 players
  • He literally got recognized as first human guild in the entire game and got a ridiculous amount of guild points (30, 000; which would have taken other guilds years to get the same) and free guild hall. If he wanted to he could have recruited literately every single player in the game because he has SUCH A BIG ADVANTAGE (Advantage: lots of extra quest NPC gives to guild because of recognition points. Therefore, huge incentive for players to want to get the quest rewards which NO WHERE ELSE OFFERS). However, he said he wanted loyalty over numbers and created shitty guild with shitty players that can't even compete with 1% the number of his enemy. He DISREGARDS ALL ADVANTAGES which is why this novel is shit.
  • Like come on. He has 10 yr advantage over everyone and can't even snowball out of control like crazy. Are you kidding me? With all the advantages he has he should be number 1 in 1.6 billion. However, he is more like 100, 000 out of 1.6 billion. Why? Because his ret*rded

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Katherine rated it
September 26, 2017
Status: c35
The Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God is the kind of Novel I liked the most, Novel that have elements like :
- Time Travel,
- Rebirth/ Reincarnation,
- Second Chance,
- Virtual Reality,
- Sword and Magic,
- Fantasy World,
- Fantasy Race and Creature
- Crafting,
- Dungeon,
- Cunning MC,
- Hard-working MC,
- Cheat[like future information, Bug, or even Ability/ Skill and so on], Game Elements[Quest, skill, stats, skill books, etc],
- Level System
- Sci-fI [the Technology to create Virtual Reality itself already in the Science Fiction Area, it would be better if in the future Story there will be robotic race and monster, like Automata, Android, Synthoid, Machina, Cyberoid, Angeloid, Autobots, Steel Magic Puppet, Magic Doll, Demon Machine, Machine Titan (Machine Dragon, Giant Animal and Insect Robot, Machine God and so on]
-Changing Future and Destiny.

And There are some similar genre novel to this one that will not make you bored :
-Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World
-The Great Thief
-Reign of the Hunters
-Emperor of Solo Play
-MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian
-One Man Army
-Rebirth of the Super Thief
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AussiePandas rated it
September 9, 2021
Status: Completed
Okay, so I've recently finished the entire story. And here are my thoughts if you want to read it:
Scroll further down to read the TLDR.

If you are reading this review, you probably already have read the other reviews so I will not mention the common things.

-There is absolutely no romance in this story whatsoever. The MC has seen so many "Goddesses" in his past life that he does not give a single f*ck.

-You don't like the Snow Goddess and Zhao Yeru? Just keep reading and they'll be fine.

-Things start to change, obviously the players are dumb as f*ck, as the previous reviews mention which stays the same throughout the whole story. However, not exactly everything turns out to be expected by the MC, because of his actions, he creates the butterfly effect, which puts the world he is in on a f*cking speed drug. Expansion packs are coming in left and right when they were meant to be applied years later.

-The guild wars are fantastic in my opinion, I've always loved large scale wars and the gradual scale of these wars throughout the novel increases. From hundreds to f*cking 100 million.

-The reviews that ask why companies in the real world would invest in the game are reasonable, however, as the story progresses you'll start to understand why. First off, God's Domain is a sort of revolutionary game, it has aspects that can improve the human brain and as the author constantly reminds, a "second world" with accelerated time.

-You can play the game while you're asleep and then go to work when you are awake. The working class do not play the game 24/7. They are able to keep up with the main player base because they get carried by the players that DO play 24/7.

-Now back to why companies would invest, another aspect to think about is, who wouldn't want to go to another world that has breathtaking adventures and gives you a superhuman body? Also, it's not just the money the major companies are looking for in the game. It's something much more important, but that's a huge spoiler, it'll take you up to like 2500+ Chapters to discover.

-How does the MC keep up both his smithing skills and levels? Well, as the author mentions before, due to his vast knowledge of the game, this man can grab certain items that help bridge the gap of his smithing skills falling behind. Remember, this game is not expecting one player to monopolize all the hidden quests and such. These hidden quests are meant to be found extremely rarely by many other individual players.

[WHAT I REALLY CARE ABOUT]: Anyways, if you can accept the "overpowered" MC, I think you'll start to appreciate the story. However, I'm afraid that all ends drastically towards the end of the story.

So basically, what turns me off the most after finishing the story is that:

Went from your like "King's Avatar" basic game, world building, MC is OP, just playing the game! AND THEN SUDDENLY, IT WENT TO LIKE A MYSTERY THRILLER, somehow, I believe if I remember correctly, two f*cking Super Guilds vanish, at least, the like Guild Leader and Upper Echelon vanish. Which would be the Dragon-Phoenix Pavillion that I'm referring to.

-And then the pacing of the story, although I can understand since the higher tier you are, the easier the game is, it's a bit too much still.

-What I really was displeased with the most was the sudden change in like genre of the entire story. They suddenly introduce Interstella Continents that apparently 100 years ago, humanity launches part of the world's population into outer space. And then suddenly they introduce a bloody "Fourth Dimension" sort of Civilisation that left ancient technology or something for our current Earth??? AND THEN AT THE END OF IT ALL, ONCE THE MC BECOMES A TIER 6 GOD, THE ENTIRE STORY STARTS AGAIN! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? HE WILL LIVE A THIRD BL**DY LIFE! AND HE STARTS AGAIN! LIKE HOLY HELL! I had like a HUGE headache trying to sort the information. And they don't explain why Phoenix Rain was "smuggled" into another world and apparently, God's Domain is just a sub-world, and holy f*ck I can't explain all of this. Like, I thought MC was gonna be like Prince Charming and save Phoenix Rain from whatever but NOPE, just when you thought MC finally reached the pinnacle of all things, it was only the beginning.



-Everything is explained, if you think something is broken, you just didn't read the actual explanation that the author provided. Hidden quests weren't expected to be completed by 1 player. MC just monopolized.
-There are Valid reasons for International Companies investing in-game, just finish the story.
-I don't recommend you read the novel unless you don't care about anything.
-This story is not as simple as you think it is. So much so, it's a f*cking turn-off.
-I came here for the OP Reincarnation MC junky stuff, and I got "Otherworlds" "4th Dimension Civilisations" "God Domain is just a sub-world".
-Pacing is questionable.
-No Romance, don't expect anything. (I ship Fire Dance with MC as well as Phoenix Rain)
-Characters are tolerable, just read the story.
-Players are indeed r*tarded.
-There are some aspects that the author introduced early on which just get thrown out of the window as you dive further, but you won't remember them until you read the reviews that point it out for you. (So it doesn't actually impact your experience if you don't realize it)
-Not everything goes according to plan, Welcome to Butterfly Effect.
-I was thinking of making a War Mapping Youtube Video for this web novel for their countless wars, but I threw that out the window after reading the ending.
-Whatever you do, do not read the ending.
-Would've given it a 5 Star if they didn't put the sh*tty ending imo.

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Qoo rated it
June 18, 2020
Status: c2328
A word of warning to anyone scoping this novel that the potential for it to cause brain rot is high. The concept is interesting and that's what pulled me in at the beginning but it goes downhill from there.

The MC and his guild will forever be treated as the underdogs no matter how strong they are. Is it for the face slapping value? Probably but I may be wrong. OP yet brainless antagonists who crawl out from god knows where are attracted to the MC like flies are to dung.... more>> There are so many characters, quests and details that some are inevitably forgotten by the author. Each new arc is a wash, rinse and repeat of the previous one.

The MC is supposed to be the model guild leader but his communication and leading skills are questionable if not non-existent. I don't understand how his guild is still standing to be honest - he never tells his fellow guild members anything and they just blindly put their faith in him while gritting their teeth. No matter how many achievements MC and his guild wrack up, they are always in dire financial straits and never able to match up to random rivals who appear out of thin air.

There are too many shortcomings but what I find most terrifying is that I keep reading it... It's the novel equivalent to MSG - you know it's bad for you but you can't stop. Do yourself a favour and save yourself before it is too late. I am on chapter 2328 and have left it alone for a few months but the chances are high that I'll crawl back to this work some day and subject myself to the torture all over again. I'm conflicted over the rating to give it - technically 2 star story but giving it 3 stars to lessen the shame I feel from actually reading it... <<less
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senseilinx rated it
March 22, 2020
Status: c2501
What started off as interesting later turned into a Trainwreck. It's not surprising that the novel is on hiatus (though the author says they are sick, etc), I personally believe that even the author couldn't keep up with their own writing.
    • More than half of a chapter is filled with repetitive comparisons. The author makes it their duty to engrave the same things in our mind every single time; elites vs experts vs peak experts vs monsters vs peerless monsters, first rate guilds vs superpowers, grand lord ranked monsters vs mythics, etc, etc aaand idk? Etc.
    • Why does it look like the MC treats his guild members like tools and not like tools at the same time? There is no sense of friendship (Blackie?). All his 'friends' are just working for the guild. What about the possible love interest? Vanished, just like that.
    • What happened to his Otherworld 'projects'? Why is he waltzing across the east continent? Oh wait, now he's on the west continent.
    • I don't even know how I reached this point of the story. I may have held hope for something. The initial phase was great, but the writer bit off more than they could chew.
Many things have been dropped of and even more have been pushed into the storyline. Connections are made and they disappear as the chapters go on.

It's like the author tried to shoot an arrow, but it fell short of its target, so they threw a stone to make up for it but when that didn't work too, they just up and went, aight imma head out. What was this work supposed to be?
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zekund rated it
March 2, 2019
Status: c488
If you want to enjoy VR MMO with second chance/OP MC, read up to 400-ish and drop at game's second update or something. After that, the author will break every game rules he established and introduce cultivation like realms and techniques. The worst part is that he will continue to use game stats in some places and change to cultivation realms in others. I don't know what happens after chapter 488 but it is annoying to continue now.
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Fan2zz rated it
December 27, 2021
Status: Completed
A great novel that deserves more recognition. Was a top novel on Webnovel in its run for a reason. Its only real flaw is its rushed ending.

To address some issues brought up.

1. Romance. There is none, but you weren't promised any. MC is 100% professional in his second life.

2. MC makes dumb decisions. This couldn't be further from the truth. The MC knowing the future doesn't get caught up small to large set back, and moves forward with confidence. Making enemies with powerful guilds means little to him with his... more>> plans.

3. His guild Zero Wing are elites, but non named members get killed all the time by random players. This is a complaint by someone who wasn't reading the novel properly. ZW follows the path of the elite, but that doesn't mean they are peerless. They are only elites by normal people standards. Skill wise (Not game Lv) normal people are 1-3, ZW members are 4-6. MC, main party, and top guilds super elites are lv 7 and up. Lastly, the people who PK zw either use zerg tactics, or are elites who are also 4 and up. The guys who put a hit on zw members have to pay a large price and most go bankrupt.

4. Mc's personality. MC is calm and collected 99% of the time, but he is ambitious. Not at all passive. Day 1 he set out to build a virtual empire and every move he takes is calculated using his game knowledge from the future. He hardly has plot armor in the sense things just work out for him. He makes them work out.

5. People and guilds consistently look down on zw. That's a fair point, but you have to keep in mind zw is a guild built by a commoner like you and me, and MC never compromised or showed respect/fear for the ruling powers of the world. Literally top 100 to top 10 companies, billionaires, and the hidden powerful families of the world.

6. Slow pace and info dumps. True, but novel is complete now. The pain of daily releases of filler are done.

7. Upset MC always wins. That's like every novel.

8. Upset MC used his regression to succeed in life. I don't get it. Especially reviews saying read the non canon sequel/continuation as he's back before regressing. MC has new skills and cheats, so it's all the same. <<less
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BAttle_God rated it
April 19, 2021
Status: Completed
After so many years, another novel bites the dust. Finished in chapter 2918.

This is definetely one of the most memorable novels I have ever read, and it gets a lot of unnesescarry hate.

I remember when I started reading this novel, i'd get mad and critisize the author as well, but now that I look back amongst many novels I have read this definetely will leave its mark, amongst my favorites.

This novel has many flaws, repetition as well as a very linear storyline. But still if you ask me to name... more>> a novel which offers more hype, adrellanine and give you goosebumps more than this one, I dont think I can.

This novel was one of my guilty pleasures, of which I could reread over and over again and now that its finally over it leaves a feeling of emptiness.

I wish it could continue for 2000 more chapters, but you know we deal with what we have.

I wish I could forget the whole novel just so I could read it again, while following Black Flame's Epic Journey to the Top of Gods Domain.

Reading this novel made me happy, excited, high, while it also made me mad whistl giving me occasional headaches and migraines but nontheless I never regret reading it.

Definetely a novel which will give you good and bad memories and emotions. How I wish this novel would go on and on and keep getting me mad for reading it...... Unfortunately, after author restarted the story again I feel like he rushed everything, just so he could end the novel. Some things were improved, while others became worse...

Now that I look back all these conflicting emotions are giving me some serious melancolia issues, while the mix of good and bad emotions I received, is what makes this novel one to remember.

Farewell, Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God and thank you for an amazing journey! <<less
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August 5, 2020
Status: c2520
For this novel, if you're expecting likable and well developed characters and villains somewhat of a complex side to them, HAHAHAHAHAHA, yeah no, don't read this. All characters but the MC have no personality, except for when they are introduced. The only things they are contributing to the plot is constantly saying how great and amazing the MC is. And talking about the MCs personality, HOO BOY, it... exists, I guess. The email part of of his character is how calm he is. That's basically it, and you'd better believe... more>> he's call. The fact that he is super calm is constantly said, over and over again. It's to the point where if a meteor was about to hit his house he'd be completely nonchalant about it. "Just a meteor that's going to mu*der me, nothing to worry about". So yeah, that's basically all there is to him. Now the villains, and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, they singlehandedly took this novel from a 4 to a 3. All of the villains are the same, with very minor differences. Here is the villain formula for the entire series. They start of very arrogant, full of confidence that the MC will be easily defeated by their greatness. Then, when the MC is beating them after that, they are still arrogant as ever, thinking that the MC is just a mere upstart not matter how many times the MC has beaten impossible odds before and came out better. Then, after they do a full assault and fail, they get super angry, and do more devious methods but still end up failing. This is where the formula diverges a bit, while the superguilds draw back and continue to plan now that they now of the MCs greatness, the smaller enemies get rolled over and get destroyed. This repeats on mass. So many villains do this exact formula with very minor differences along the way. No matter how many times the MC pulls out his seemingly endless Trump cards, the enemies always way underestimate him, and none of them think that he can possibly get out of the countless traps that he easily avoids. It got so sickening my the point I'm at that I lost interest.

Now, after all of the negativity about the characters, why did I say I would give it a 4 if the villains weren't so f*cking insufferable. Well, to another person who had read this, it would be obvious. The story isn't about the characters at all, it's about God's Domain, and more specifically the MCs guild Zero Wing. I genuinely loved all of the guild building aspects, the combat scenes are great, the power system, specifically realms and tiers is really well done in my opinion. With stuff like the thief who roams the world, with the guild building you never get a real sense of struggle. It's not easy per say for the characters, but it's not very hard. But with Zero Wing, you feel the immense pressure that the guild is under, which I enjoyed because it felt like every step forward is a major struggle for the guild, and you feel so much satisfaction when they succeed. This is a positive aspect to the Villain formula I mentioned up above, although the cons of it far out way the pros. Overall, enjoyable the read at the start but the villains made reading through it a drag. I can't say I recommend it, but I wouldn't say to absolutely never ever read this. <<less
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ItsRAptorXD rated it
July 23, 2020
Status: c1741
This novel is such a mess to be honest... The starting was quite good and there is a good reason for his OPness as well being all travel-back-in-time thing but all the bullsh*t MC halo stuff that happens just makes you wince from time to time and makes you think "really? you're really going with that?".. I dont remember how many times just a single sentence is repeated on so many chapters. Players are more like NPCs than NPCs because the players just say the same line over and over... more>> again. And the novel portraits that everyone other than the MC cant really think much and think and everything around them belongs to them and those that are not their own are weak. I mean most of the thoughts of those third-rate villians' thoughts go something like
"heh this MC is just lucky even though I just watch him slaughter 100 players. I can totally kill him with my measly skills and levels." sometime later "how dare you kill my men when Im trying to kill you? kneel down and kill yourself wahaha" after sometime "gwaaa how is he is fast and powerful!? he must've used a long cooldown skill heh dumbass" once again some time later "how dare you kill me? I will kill you back to level 0!"

and dont even start with the monotonous lines other players give regarding the MC and his guild
"MC is quite arrogant, he has angered this nobody villain he will surely have to delete his account"
"all hail MC!!"
"MC's guild has angered this guild, they will surely get destroyed.. so sad"
"wow MC guild so powerful I will join"
"MC's guildmates will surely to killed this time"
"wow so powerful"

This sh*t gets so repetitive that you wish that the novel just ends right there. Sure I get that the game is quite a competition which garnered quite a lot of attention from the real world but every villain-type characters are just a greedy piece of sh*t who cant see others prosper and will ruin things for others if they dont get it.

and if you've read past 1500 chapters then congratulations you've unlocked the title "skimmer" which will give you 100% chance to skim bullsh*t paragraphs so that you dont have a decrease on your hidden mental attribute. <<less
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