Reign of the Hunters


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The happiest thing in the world is to be able to amend what you have done wrong. She who acted willfully because of a game, was reincarnated into a time when she still had her parents’ love.

For the sake of her family, she began her life as a pro gamer.

But this time, she was no longer the Human Sorceress that she was familiar with. She was an Elven Huntress. Could she still acquire the power to be the Right Hand of God?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Liè zhě tiān xià
Related Series
Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World (9)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Strong Female Protagonists? Where?! (With Synopsis...
  2. Female MC no romance
  3. For the Gamers
  4. BG novels shojo Josei Historical Modern Fl's
  5. Modern Reincarnation

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vbcherukuri rated it
May 23, 2017
Status: c468
First off, I started by reading the translation up to chapter 72, then I read the rest machine translated, so I have read the entire series.

Starting off I really liked this series. It has a virtual reality game, time-traveling reincarnation, and even has a female lead for a change. All things that make a very good book. Also, not everything ends perfectly just because the protagonist has lived through it before. There are things that she can't fix even though she knows they will happen, which is much more realistic.... more>> Midway in to the plot, there is also a love story.

The only reason that I didn't give it five stars is because at the last 20 or so chapters, it seems the author was in a rush to finish and it didn't really conclude properly. All the character relationships are fully resolved, but it rushed through several years in like 20 chapters, and the plot involving the quests in the game, which actually had a lot of lore and was pretty interesting, was never resolved. Things just got kind of interrupted and never continued. I don't know the circumstances of the author, but it feels like they lost interest in the plot and were just trying to finish up the love story so people wouldn't complain too much. It is hard to feel completely satisfied by a story that doesn't end properly. <<less
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lamb rated it
March 6, 2017
Status: c36
It is a good book, with an awesome protagonist. The protagonists motivations while not forced, she seems to have changed on a dime. Other than that the only problem with this book would be that the goons are getting to many sponsored chapters and end up rushing the releases leading to simple mistakes. If I had to make a choice this book is better than RoTRW.
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Testtube10 rated it
August 12, 2022
Status: Completed
Basically, it's a fun novel for people who haven't played games before. If you are an experienced gamer, you may be driven mad by the gameplay, but if you don't play games seriously, or if you are willing to turn off your brain in this aspect, it's an excellent novel. There are few plotholes, despite what people have said. Game balance problems and inacuracies, yes. Plotholes? Not unless you go looking for them.

Don't be fooled by topmost comments like I was. Try it out for a bit, and if the... more>> first few chapters disagree with you, then back out.

For me, who doesn't play games at all, Reign of the Hunters was great. The MC was cool and very decisive, there is plenty of plot and action and adventure. I loved seeing her play the game. And even though the ML shows up later, she doesn't go all s*upid when she faces him, and they have an interesting dynamic. More on the romance:


I liked it, though there were kisses with dubious levels of consent, except that it's not bad. Both are new to love. Both are awkward. MC declines ML's proposal to propose herself. Also, when a love rival shows up, she can't even be bothered to remember her name. She trusts the ML and knows the ML has declined said love rival numerous times, so the lovers don't fall out or have icky drama and stuff.

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July 18, 2022
Status: c461
It’s a great read, translation is great, I love the story and characters but as almost all of it takes place in the game world I found it slightly unsatisfying. They seemed to be treating events in the game as real world issues yet at the same time reiterating that it’s only a game. I wish they showed more of the interactions and impact that happened in the real world as it just made all the “dire” situations seem trivial because it was all in The game. Not sure if... more>> this makes any sense but oh well! Overall a great and enjoyable read but I would have liked it if they made the characters face some more real world issues and character development <<less
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Neleothesze rated it
March 19, 2022
Status: Completed
1 star for the translator's effort.
*Morally bankrupt MC that we're supposed to cheer on because she's 'trying to get a better life'.
*Unrealistic game design + a forgetful author = a painful read for any real mmo gamer.

Pet peeve: I hate authors who try to excuse bad behavior with child-friendly labels such as ambition, resilience, optimism... when it's really cunning, selfishness, ruthlessness. If I want to read about an anti-hero, I'll read about them without an author trying to be manipulative about it.

If you don't mind reading about a MC with those sort of character traits and you're not a gamer who will be pissed off by story inconsistencies, it's a decent 3.5/5 read.
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April 22, 2020
Status: c207
Slightly above mediocre, I was constantly considering dropping it as I read.

Rebirth of the Legendary Thief is pretty much the same premise but a bit better. The only thing this novel had going for it was a couple more interesting character interactions that strung me along.

Its pretty decent popcorn level reading but if you think deeper at all it makes less and less sense.

Details are constantly forgotten and not resolved, the game mechanics are often ridiculous, solutions to problems are always brought up conveniently just when they're needed with no... more>> foreshadowing.

I was never certain what level of realism the game was, 'mechanical skill' was often brought up but thats a term for manual input methods, this is a supposed VR game so the 'mechanical skill' should just mean physical coordination but its not. In one chapter our MC is described to have difficulty climbing because she does not have the in-game skill 'climbing' and is not physically talented enough to overcome it. How then does she control her character to such a level that is recognized as godly by all other players? Surely that also is demonstration of coordination?

Another example is how ranged weapons have a restriction of not being used in less than 8 feet distance from the target, this is completely unnatural limitation in a game that lets you rob other guild's storage specifically because "why cant you?" so why cant you fire a bow at point blank range?

This is probably the biggest reason I don't recommend this novel, no consistency in its logic. How do I invest myself in a game world that is impossible to understand?

A personal gripe is the lore stuff, whenever the MC sneaks off to solo some impossible obstacle before gaining the requisite power up we get a lore dump explaining the scenario. This is something I just don't find interesting anymore, so many novels have to come up with something like this and its all a blur, started skipping these sections but hey, maybe its someone elses jam. <<less
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Gon of the Dra
Gon of the Dra rated it
December 27, 2019
Status: c261
I've read the whole thing twice while waiting for the updates. Gonna read it again once enough time has passed for me to not literally recall every dialogue.

Strongwilled female protagonist, but still with a human side to her. The romance is slow to start and slow to progress; but that means it's not what the story is about. She is OP yes, but not game-breakingly so. Unlike many of the other Reincarnation+VRMMO LNs, knowing what's going to happen doesn't necessarily give her the ability to single-handedly exploit it right of... more>> the bat. Also as the story progresses she increasingly gets involved in things that are different from her previous life, or that she wasn't aware of before. Her moral compass won't lead you to Santa's workshop, but might just get u around the world in 80 days...

Oh, and the world-building is beautiful (in-game at least)

This is my all-time favorite amongst all the anime/manga/light novels I've read ever.

Please please PLEASE read this. I'm one half-joking when I say I'm kept up at night despairing for all of u that haven't read it. <<less
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sleepingjay rated it
July 26, 2018
Status: c468
I enjoyed reading this novel a lot. What I like the most is that the characters feel very human. They all have good and bad points. Not all of them are likable characters, but they are still well-written characters. Each character is the star of their own life and you can really feel that they have lives outside of their interactions with MC. While the MC plays a huge role in the development of the game, she's not be-all and end-all.

The MC isn't perfect. Although she resolves to change herself... more>> in her new life, it takes her time. She also makes mistakes along the way, sometimes overcompensating, sometimes falling back to old habits. And some things are just part of her personality: she's stubborn, ruthless, prideful. But in this second life, she's learned to temper herself. She's more flexible, turning losses into gains. She uses her ruthlessness to benefit her guild. What's most important is that while in the last life she was completely alone, in this life she learns to connect with others.


I liked that she continued to play solo, while learning to balance her guild's interests with her own. Her experience in her first guild shows that changing her whole personality (obeying the norms and playing with teams) isn't the answer for a better life. Because she is who she is (this line is often repeated in the novel), this will inevitably end in conflict. Her second guild shows that what she needs are people that can let her be who she is, while giving her human connection so she learns to care for and trust others.


Another point I loved is the game setting. I think this is the first time I've seen a game setting handled so well, because it actually feels like a game. It's neither underplayed nor overplayed (see *Edit), and no one character is unrivaled, not even the MC. In other novels, sometimes the human side of the story undermines the game setting (usually romance or some cannon fodder with an endless grudge against MC), to the point I've wondered whether these characters actually want to play the game with how much time they waste. Or, the MC becomes an OP existence in the game (too many novels to count). Here, the players (and guilds) had huge influence in the story and how the game developed. Also, this novel didn't need to make the NPCs become rogue AIs to make me care or get emotional for NPCs and the story of the game. The author also did well with the quests, storyline, and the in-game universe. As I read, I felt the same excitement as the MC to discover the world of the game, the same trepidation when there were guild conflicts, etc.


I loved that this game setting was driven further by the biggest antagonist of the novel: corporate politics. So many novels use AIs or other players for the biggest antagonist and it just doesn't feel real or threatening enough. But in real life, so many games are ruined by corporate issues and money, and this is reflected in the novel.


*Edit: I've seen other reviews say that the plot isn't strong enough, and I think it's because this novel isn't about the main storyline of the game. What it is, is a story about a normal person playing a game. She may be a god-level player, but she is still a normal person. She gets invested in the main storyline of the game, but there are still many other things taking her attention such as guild wars, relationships, leveling, pets, PvP, etc. So there's indeed no focused storyline. The Epic Quest line that usually becomes the main focus of game novels is just one of many subplots here. In fact, I think this novel can be considered a slice-of-life -- though it's a slice-of-life of adventuring in a game, fighting monsters, completing quests, guild conflicts, etc. The closest comparison I have is the anime Log Horizon.

This novel isn't perfect. The author occasionally forgot to finish subplots. Some things that happen to MC definitely screams "protagonist's luck". The volumes go down in quality: the last volume really slacked off in terms of game world-building, and side characters gradually became more underutilized and undeveloped as the story goes on (mostly to give way for other stuff). I felt the author skipped too much of the slower parts of MC and ML's relationship development. I'm a bit unsatisfied by the resolution because I wanted more from both the game world and the main couple's relationship, though at the same time I'm glad it ended at the 4th volume because I hate when novels drag on endlessly and you can tell the author is losing interest in the story.

Overall, this novel is a good read, I definitely recommend it. The feel, though not the execution, is similar to the anime Log Horizon. <<less
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Butterfly Angel
Butterfly Angel rated it
June 13, 2018
Status: c208
I love the fact that the MC received a second chance to straight things up, and although she changed herself for better the events don't get smoothly.

Really touchy at the beginning, and really painful when money get in the way of childhood friendship.

I'm still waiting for MC's knight in white!?

Give the novel a chance to show you it's hidden world! You won't regret it!?

Desu Vult! First Blood!
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eligy rated it
February 26, 2018
Status: c177
It's basically The King's Avatar but worse. A good time waster, but not really a substantial read in terms of content quality. I read it for the sake of reading, but the plot and execution are average.
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JHeresy rated it
January 14, 2018
Status: c170
A good read.

I'm not as proficient in literature to really expound as to the why..... wow that line reads like a pompous ass. That said, I think it's an easy read. As in, I don't receive migraines from trying to read it. It's an interesting and compelling story.
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doroppu rated it
October 21, 2017
Status: c148
In the first chapters when she started dropping impossible drop rate numbers, I almost dropped the read. THEN, I decided to let that slip because 'hey, that's a female MC in a MMORPG novel!'. It's all it has going for it tho...

Like Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed the World it has the problem of people not really delving too much in the reason of HOW THE HELL the MC knows what he knows about the RECENTLY RELEASED game they're playing.

The MC's motivation is kinda all over the place. I... more>> get the 'she was a bit*h to everybody and brought shame to her family and cow', BUT THERE'S NO REAL OVERSHADOWING ON IT. The author hints that it's going to happen, it never does :) (gimme'em flashbacks, not just some 'it happened')

This has some nice characters? No. I mean, they could be good, but there's no development nor anything. MC just gets random lucky encounters with god level players from her timeline (this is a rebirth novel, right?) and then she gets'em (to join her guild). There's a sh*t ton of characters like that. Just name dumps with no substance. The only real character besides the MC is, obviously, her cousin and that's only cuz he gets enough screen time. <<less
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August 20, 2017
Status: c123
A really good story with lots of fun and friendship (and dinosaurs). A great translator and editor help give pretty regular posts and Jimmi is always conversing with the readers in the comments and in the notes section.

9/10 Read it!
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Daisy Poppins
Daisy Poppins rated it
August 20, 2017
Status: c122
As a female myself, being able to read a novel that has a female MC who is so bad ass and unique is simply amazing. There are quite a few novels with female MC's that also feature a really strong character but the story can lead to more of a romance, which don't get me wrong I enjoy as well. But I really enjoy how this is all about her rediscovering the virtual game and also rewriting her life day by day. You should definitely begin reading this! If you... more>> are still unsure, just read a couple chapters and I promise you that you will be hooked! <<less
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heminasti rated it
April 14, 2023
Status: c442
It's pretty good. One arc really dragged in the middle. Lots of small contradictions. Flow of time is really strange.

I still enjoyed it, except I quit reading shortly before the end because something happened that ruined the plot for me and wasn't repairable in 26 remaining chapters. It was a slap in the face such that I decided to imagine my own ending and quit.
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March 29, 2022
Status: c459
I actually don't get the call out other people try to force. This story has obviously been under attack.

I wonder if that is the reason why it good dropped.

For some reason it ended to early... As its mayor flaw the change from vrmmorpg novel to romance was not noticeable at first, but later they just dropped everything in a sobby ending...

I love the story. As I have a more complicated character myself I really enjoy Ye ci struggling between solo content and guild activity. Okay fine its always been a... more>> romance story. Why else the name. Anyway. You are not getting into a box of the unknown. The only problem everything got dropped.. and it seems to be prematurely finished. The story is not the most complicated.. but if you are a fan of white and black characters.. you see the reviews below. It was fun while it lasted and I miss Ye Ci and Fleeting time. <<less
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Pristine Xia
Pristine Xia rated it
April 8, 2020
Status: Completed
4.4/5 stars actually

... more>>

I really, really want to give it 5 stars. I truly did. I enjoyed every arc in the story.

However near the end, while I got to read about the HEA of our main couple, there are some loose ends in the plot which involves the game's world. I feel pretty helpless with this kind of open ending regarding the game.

Starting from when Ye Ci's level dropped and she had to start all over in the dark side. I want to see her rise up again. Seeing her enthusiasm, persistence, and tenacity while increasing her skills and levels. Her previous development before the meeting with Naga seemed almost pointless now. Also, I didn't see the appearance of Alaunar (Ye Ci's first servant/NPC friend from the Dolo Tribe) during the battle at all. He was pretty OP (imo) to assist Ye Ci so she didn't need to sort of 'sell her soul' to the dark aka Naga's side.

While it has its own fun to see Ye Ci can continue battling against Fleeting Time as he is in the light side and Ye Ci is in the opposite, but I don't know why I still feel sad for Ye Ci. Huhu..

Nonetheless, it was quite a ride of a story. Thank you for sharing this with us, dear author♡

P.S: finishing this story through MTL/machine translation, so some details might be missed and/or misintrepreted

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sgrey rated it
December 5, 2019
Status: c260
It is pretty much the "rebirth of the thief" lite. MC gets reincarnated after what I guess is a su*cide? It was not particularly clear to me. Then she goes back and starts fixing the mistakes she made. She is not as strong, as clever or as cunning as the MC in the "rebirth of the thief" and also for some reason changed her occupation in the game.

She is, however, shown to have many weaknesses and often loses confidence in herself and does need help from friends. So you don't... more>> get the epicness of uber OP all-knowing god MC, but she is more relatable and realistic. The game also does not have as much BS as the "rebirth of the thief". Overall this story might be milder, but more relatable.

One big thing to note, there is not really a villain in the novel. In her past life, she was her own villain and she has to overcome herself in this life, that's kinda it. Because MC changes the situation this time around, she gets betrayed and what seemed to be a small disagreement became a big thing. But it is not really at a level where her life is at stake or her livelihood. She seems to be doing just fine. So not that much of an external conflict, just some smallish fights here and there.

Overall the novel is fairly interesting and MC has emotional and personal growth, which is actually rare in these novels. <<less
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YiMo rated it
September 22, 2019
Status: Completed
The female lead is an adorable, tsundere kind of character. She’s cold, benefits/gains motivated, has a terrible temper, and has no apparent gentleness whatsoever. However, her OP-ness, or rather the things that make her OP such as her persistence, confidence, and all-or-noting attitude is very bewitching not only to the other characters but the reader as well. I recommend for the character growth and dedication to detail that the author has for the world of the game, Fate. Also the romance and romantic tension is fantastic, even if it doesnt occur until much later in the story.
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Samkesh rated it
August 17, 2018
Status: c218 part2
Hi. I love novels and have been reading severals. This particular novel have me glued to it. I m. Re reading the chapters again. The plot is simply good. The story of someone coming back to life. And a chance to make everything better than her previous choices... And making a better person of herself than lonely one before. Although at times she is lone wolf at present too but she does have a wolf pack of her own. The event of her past self. The value of frenship. The... more>> deception.. And screwed morality of people around is well portrayed. Not only the life in game but her real life as well takes some changes... Really if u guys love playing games and reading novels u will b able to find ur self immersed in this novel. I thank the author and translator for bringing this story to the whole world.:) <<less
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