Rebirth of a Supermodel


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In his past life, Ming Yu struggled in the European and United States fashion circles, eventually becoming the well deserved king of the catwalk.

After dying from a serious illness and being reborn, Ming Yu was surprised to find:

Huaxia stars shone brightly, there were successful names everywhere!

In this better world, on a more vigorous and brilliant stage, the first supermodel tries to reproduce the glory of another world!

Interviewer: May I ask Mr Xi, this year Ming Yu said he would surpass you. As the number one global supermodel, what is your opinion on this?

Xi Ze: This is a bad question. My family has very strict rules.

Home Owner Ming Yu: …….

The pair of black-hearted husbands will sweep the fashion industry, conquering the world.

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Trọng Sinh Siêu Mẫu
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Recommendation Lists
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Delhaia rated it
February 4, 2020
Status: Completed
What I don't like is how the author doesn't really seem to have a plot going on? It's like they had a vague idea of what they wanted the novel to be, but never bothered to actually think it through, so it doesn't have much depth, even for this genre.

The author emphasizes as much as they can, through the eyes of side characters, just how incredibly amazing the MC is, in almost every way possible (about modelling). The only characters that don't think the MC is astounding are the antagonists

It's... more>> gets really repetitive towards the end, and the characters themselves don't have many dialogues, if any at all, so it got really boring at parts, and I wanted to just skip chapters... It's like the author just really wanted the novel to be over with, and filled it with descriptions


So the ending itself felt like a 30 chapters too short, because I felt like many things were done very carelessly, like the "final boss". His outcome was dealt with in less than three sentences, and we don't even get to see how he reacts. It felt like we were dragging him along for half the plot for nothing.


I think people are way too critical of this novel, and it doesn't deserve that much bashing. Obviously it's not a masterpiece, but it's not like it ever pretended to be one <<less
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fakeluff rated it
February 4, 2020
Status: Completed
Don’t overthink or expect too much and you’ll be pleasantly diverted by this holiday-style novel where nothing ever goes too wrong for the MC or OTP!
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ooreeee rated it
January 22, 2020
Status: Completed
Idk where to begin about this novel

Granted, it is a fictional novel set in a fictional country so not much realism is expected, but the whole journey is pretty much like that kind of shounen transmigration novel with plenty of faceslapping and unparalleled OP character--- but make it gay.

This novel is plenty unrealistic, as you can read on a lot of reviews above. But then again, the matter of it realisticity (or lack thereof) can just be tallied as the author's whim and laziness, this one though, irks me so... more>> much by over the top cringiness:

THE FACESLAPPING. As an avid reader of webnovels and danmei I truly love me some good faceslapping, it's great, it's gratifying. But this novel pretty much took it and made the good ol' revenge on the wicked thing too far until it becomes a pile of mushy, icky, uncomfortable, tr*shy mess.

A good faceslapping is metodhical, we get to see the character's peril under the pressure of slander or whatnot before the sweet sweet revenge to make it even more satisfying. But in RS it just so happen for the sake of.... happening. It's like the author got a google note tickboxes with the cannon fodder's name and sort of "A'ight, he's next, ok done. Next one."

And I cant believe I'm saying this but the method is sort of


Exaggerated and at times quite violent. There's this one guy that got beaten up badly by ML's lackeys to threaten him into taking a pic, while he's legit lying on a hospital bed with a broken leg and literally not one (1) being in the whole hospital heard him screaming or paid him any regard at all because?? bribery I guess? idk the author thought about this less than I do apparently.

And no kidding, this guy got the karma from getting the MC an actual minor gashes and minor slandering that couldve been solved with a little bit of clarification or whatev. The author stressed a lot about how MC could've actually died. Like as if, but it just fell flat and serves as ML's fuel to go full mafia mode on the cannon fodder.

There is no actual tension in reading this novel, because we know that the all powerful ML and MC will solve it by the next chapter, much much worse than what the villain actually deserves


Well that's just one example out of many. So if you enjoy that then please go ahead.

If there's something that I really really like is the author's description about the looks of various photoshoots, runway walks, and makeup that makes it quite easy to imagine and is plenty touching as well. The interaction of ML and MC at the end; their career and heartfelt resolution summed up the novel in a pretty sweet way.

Overall, 3.2/5 <<less
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Ferroh rated it
December 15, 2019
Status: Completed
Ah, I didn't expect to finish a novel with 200+ chapters in less than a week. That just says how I'm in love with this novel. I can't get this novel out of my head. It still has some flaws but it's pretty fine in my opinion. Saying that I actually didn't read the extras with the side couple... because I'm not interested. So I'll be focusing on the main novel and the main extras.

MC (Ming Yu) is cool, but I guess you can say almost 'Mary Sue-ish' in terms... more>> of modeling. He's almost perfect in everything except cooking, acting, and writing. He gets better with acting though. Although that didn't really bother me much.
I'm pretty satisfied with the ML (Xi Ze) too. He doesn't take advantage of the MC and is caring.

They hook up around Chap 80

. There isn't unnecessary drama between them. No actual jealousy that would be dragged on for 50 chapters.

There is also a bit of Xenophobia around chap 150, so you can get ready for that in case you get offended.

The 'arcs' (I don't know what else to call it) are also short and can get repetitive.

It's literally "MC gets ridiculed by others, the arc's villain would be destroyed and face slapped later on" every time. The long-lasting arc villain is I guess Cheng Su.

Most of those 'arcs' are around 5 chapters or so before the face slapping starts.

The author has a funny writing style, the translation wasn't perfect but great. The novel is pretty easy to follow without getting confused much.

And speaking of the transmigration...

No one finds out that MC transmigrated from an alternate world. I guess ML knows? But not really? In one of the extras, ML gets a dream of the MC's original world but the ML seems like he only saw it as a surreal dream.

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Shybreeze rated it
October 27, 2019
Status: Completed
I just like those story about model/actor that crawl their way up to the top from underdog. So I love it!!
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Tessa rated it
September 18, 2019
Status: --
An enjoyable novel.

It is different from most BL's where there will usually be one who takes up the more "masculine" role and one will take up the more "feminine" role, giving it a more "real" feel to it.... more>>

Especially those novels that start off with R*pe. That's right, you know who you are.


Main character is well written, he has his own flaws but knows them well and using to his advantage.

Relationship dynamic between both main characters are great. They are not the verbal kind, seem to trust each other very much and talk their issues out when they face any.

Overall characters are pretty solid.

Story line is great and the ending is relatable. However the story seems repetitive and bland at times. The way the translation comes off as is also a tad weird with such as the emojis and many exclamation marks. However it is understandable, as they were in the original novel as well.

TLDR: Good read if you want a BL where the couple trust each other very much and where there is no "more masculine" and "more feminine" role. <<less
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Katerina rated it
May 18, 2019
Status: c128
So, here's what I thought when I decided to read this novel: Oh, it's by Rainbow Turtle? It must be promising! It's cuz I really love Game, Loading and The Earth is Online that I wanted to try this novel.

Trust me, Rebirth of a Supermodel might seem promising at first but when you gradually advance to around 100 chapters, the story goes downhill. I don't really mind if the author wants to use a premise of both MC and ML being black-bellied but the ML is just too cruel for... more>> my own tastes. I've only reached chapter 128 before I stopped reading, but I guarantee that ML won't change his behaviour of being cruel to people anyway, this is very much a given.


There was a time when this celebrity guy acted a drama with MC. So MC and this celebrity guy didn't have a good relationship cuz celebrity guy is more or less just being jealous of MC. They were filming on wire and both MC and the guy were hanging on the wires. Then something bad happened. Apparently the celebrity guy made a mistake after being too entranced with MC's acting so the wire on him was pulling MC towards him and if they collided, they would have to face greater danger so MC pulled the guy to him and sacrificed his hand so they won't end up being injured more. What happened next is that the guy broke his leg while MC had a flimsy injury on his hand but ML was so angry cuz of MC's hand and the fact that the celeb guy posted on his social media acc that MC was the cause of his injury and that celeb guy was still unconscious which is a lie. So ML brought his bodyguards to the celeb guy's room and beat him up black and blue, but never on his face, just on his body. After that, ML invited makeup artists to give celeb guy some makeup so he would look healthy when in reality, he's not. And then ML posted on social media that the celeb guy is fine af, so the fans started attacking him.


In the first place, I know that the guy was the root of the accident but the author wrote his mistake as accidental so I don't blame the guy but what I find very unlikeable about ML is when he's just being ruthless. I'm pretty sure MC is aware of it but he's turning a blind eye towards it.

I usually have no qualms over celebrity novels except that I still am not very fond of the "lick lick MC" part where the fans just started to spam "lick" even though I know that's pretty much reality lol. And I forgot to mention how inhumane MC's advance in the modelling world is. But then again, this is fiction so whatever. I don't have much problems overall, it's just I hope the MC and ML would go through character development a lil bit more, especially ML. Since I'm still on chapter 128, I don't know anything past that but I hope ML would actually find a friend who isn't afraid of being friendly with him. When you're a friend with someone, you don't get constantly afraid of him. There's literally two types of people around ML, first, people who's afraid of him and that's why they just obey him, and, second, beloved MC. That's all. <<less
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May 1, 2019
Status: Completed
I wont exaggerate when I said this is one of the best novels I've read. I literally come home from work at 6 in the night and stay up til 1 in the morning binge-reading this.

Every chapter literally hooks you and has you craving more. I really love the moments between the ML and MC, its so sweet and cute. GOSH!!! This novel is really great!!!

Also I dont give spoilers lol cause y'all should drown in the book yourselves... I'm already losing sleep over this>U<
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moonyice rated it
January 20, 2019
Status: Completed
SO SO GOOD!!! I love the mushroom husbands soo much T_T going crazy trying to find something similar that lives up to this much cuteness.
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TomiNdumplings rated it
December 29, 2018
Status: Completed
I just binged this in about 3 days and I have to say, as a slight closet fujoshi who currently has a very strong attachment to their phone aka the internet, this is hands down one of my most favorite BL yet.

The main character is a strong willed black belly type character but has faults as well allowing for the character to be more human and adds little tidbits of comedy... more>>

As an example, while our beloved MC is an amazing model their handwriting apparently looks like a dog wrote it except for their signature and is terrible at acting (though he does improve over the course of the story)

He avoids falling into the more stereotypical Japanese uke/shou category where they whine a lot and are constantly rejecting the seme/gong appearing weak and honestly a little pathetic as a result (don't get me wrong I enjoy reading those stories too). At the same time the MC also doesn't get stuck in the typical black belly Chinese romance novel cutouts like the Non-BL Hidden Marriage for example (again don't get me wrong I also enjoy reading those too) in those the MC is often shown to be more omnipotent like being really pretty, good at fighting (was some sort of underground boss), also great actor, also great model, etc. I personally found that Rebirth of a Supermodel's MC to be a lot more human.

This is a little less true for the ML as he is more of the typical ML cutout character (aka super handsome, super cold, super rich, some sort of industry bigshot unattainable by the common celebrity etc.) but there are still parts that make him more human as well: the constant eating of vinegar, the cute back and forth conversations full of dog food for the single dogs aka PDA, and apperant fear of all furry creatures (?) I particularly enjoyed the extras where we get to see a little more into the MC's and ML's characters

especially the side account extra and the MC's past extra


All of the characters have little bits of charm that make them feel more human overall, I won't go over all of them so you can discover them for yourselves.

Despite all of my praise, I decide to give 4 stars instead of 5 (if I could I'd rather give a 4.9). The reason behind this was because I felt that the story had a rushed ending, perhaps it was partly due to my habit of reading into the wee hours of the morning, but I found that there were parts of the story that felt like the author has dragged out an ark and then directly skipped 5 months. The lead up made it feel like something big would happen at the end but there was no big bang, I felt like just two chapters ago a yearly contract was just renewed then all of a sudden the year had already gone by and the contract expired.

Now I might be saying this but I still think that up until the ending the story was well written, it captivated me into reading more and more, the story was interesting and new how to build up anticipation, the author almost always seemed to follow up on the events that happened prior allowing for everything to sum up nicely. (excluding the part where it seems God X decided to give up on Small Mushroom's handwriting...)

Truth be told, I'm the type who'll read the ending first to decide whether or not I'm going to read something or not (and before that I'd go over to the forums to read the spoilers and before that I'd read the reviews...) and when I read the ending, despite not knowing who all the characters were or knowing exactly what was going on, I was completely taken by the ending (it may have only been a teensy bit of my inner crossdressing fetish...) Though I admittedly didn't go to read the story properly right after that, I came back later and made sure to read every chapter for start to finish and even reread the last chapters.

If I could, I'd give a 4.9, only marking off that one tenth because the ending felt rushed, that how good I thought it was.

Of all the BL's I've read I can confidently say this one is one of the most memorable, if someone asks for a recommendation this will definitely be on the top of my list!

Oh and P.S. the first kiss seen was pretty juicy if I do say so myself and the smexy scenes weren't all fade to black (thought there were only two) !!!!!!!! (°□°) / I loved the emoticons used by the author, I'm not great at coming up with them so the one above is the best I can do, they seem to particularly favor table flipping and shrugging though...

I decided to give a 4 instead of a 5 because I wanted to show that although the story was amazing there were still some flaws, I felt there were parts where the author could've slowed down or sped up.

I find that not a lot of people mention this but the translation quality was great, only a few typos here and there (Translators thank you for all of your hard work~). <<less
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vampire0lovers rated it
December 1, 2018
Status: --
This is one of the chinese BL that I like. The MC not too OP and seems more humane, the plot is nice and exciting, got some new twists to keep story interesting, however, the way MC keeps getting successful is a little bit redundant. The romance for me is just a right pace.

Next, for the translator (@rainbow turtle translations), I like your translation, however, you might need some editing for the story, there are some part I find it mistyped or weird.

Thank you
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AlexiaMaria rated it
November 30, 2018
Status: Completed
The romance in this novel is so sweet and beautiful that it will give you cavities. The plot is something that some authors have a difficulty writing well but this one handle it so well that I don't have anything to complain about.


I love that the ML found out that MC transmigrated and that he was from other world.

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November 30, 2018
Status: Completed
If not the best, then this is in the top 5 BL novels I've read. I laughed, I cried, I laughed some more. Also, I couldn't stop reading- finished all 237 chapters in less than 3 days.

First, the MC is amazing. Such a great character. He has worked so hard for everything he has accomplished, so being on this ride with him is gratifying. As a reader, I never felt that the writer was just making things easy for the MC. The ML is also very good. However, as a... more>> couple they are amazing. This is definitely a case of 1+1>2, as mentioned somewhere in the novel. Despite that, they are two people who don't "desperately need" each other. They chose to be together, as equals with mutual respect, love and appreciation. Even though the ML was often protective of the MC, I never felt that he was over-bearing.

Second, this is one of the funniest things I've read. There are many points where we read about netizens' opinions about the events happening (the characters are celebrities after all), so if you're familiar with the way online fans can be, you will react along with them. This was also one of the most interesting parts: it's crazy how fast the public opinion can change and either built or destroy careers.

Third, there were plenty of internet slang and Chinese phrases in this, so if this your first danmei you may feel a little lost at first. Also, a bit of "technical" jargon about modelling etc. But for me, the translation was great, an outstanding result considering the volume and difficulty level (see above about the technical stuff).

Would I recommend this? YES! For me, this is a must read for danmei fans. <<less
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chelchel337 rated it
November 21, 2018
Status: c237
This is definitely a memorable novel. I absolutely love this novel and would always go on novel updates every day to see if this one updated. The ML and MC are so lovable and there are those cool scenes that make you wanna read it again and again. I highly recommend this! Just one chapter and you'll fall in love!
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IceLight303 rated it
October 4, 2018
Status: c237
The saddest part is when we learned more about the past. The saddest part is when we learned more about the past. The saddest part is when we learned more about the past. It was funny. It was a really happy story. The main couple suited each other. The revange plots are nice. However I probably won't reread it because the story doesn't really have any debt. The MC is so talented that he doesn't really struggle. Though it is a story that leaves me satisfied and happy.

The saddest part was when we learned about the MC past death.

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iamyahmz rated it
September 28, 2018
Status: c230
Just light story. It's full of fluffy moments, which I love. I'm also a CP fan of Xi Ze and Ming Xiaoyu. I'm sooo gonna miss them all. This story really made my imaginations gone wild. I also like beauty and fashion so. In waiting for some more fluffs.
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Lebenleere rated it
September 28, 2018
Status: c230
Wahh thank you author for making this story. The narration and plot of this story are so good and the way the author give life to the characters of the Rebirth of a Supermodel makes me love them even more. The interaction of the characters are so vivid and sometimes hilarious. And god the feels, for every interaction of Mingyu and Xi ze and how their relationship develop further in this story makes me giddy haha.

All in all, for me this story is not all about love (but yeah... more>> without the MC and ML romance, I may not finished this novel XD) but also about some realities of life.

For those people wanting to find a good bl/danmei story then this novel is for you.

Lastly, I want to give my thanks to the people who find this story and made an effort to translate this story. <<less
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crosscloud rated it
September 23, 2018
Status: c218
This story is really good. It's heartwarming and mood lifting. The MC and ML are so cute~ their interactions are just --- I can't. Kkk
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Ayama_fujoshi rated it
July 14, 2018
Status: c141
This story was sooo good! I love the characters, especially my small mushroom (argh! *Dies). Love how savage and clever the uke was, not your typical damsel-in-distress type. Not that I don't like them it's good to have a breather from those types sometimes. And big thanks to the translators! Consistent and fast updates are well appreciated *bows
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zouave rated it
July 6, 2018
Status: c16
the story was good and all but I am not into Yaoi lool, basically not my cup of tea and I noticed it only after reaching 16 chapters when I double checked novel updates for the tags XD. Initially I was wondering why they always talking about romance between men, I just assumed that author was open minded and had introudced such characters to reflect on real life models, maybe? Anywayz
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