Rebirth of a Supermodel


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In his past life, Ming Yu struggled in the European and United States fashion circles, eventually becoming the well deserved king of the catwalk.

After dying from a serious illness and being reborn, Ming Yu was surprised to find:

Huaxia stars shone brightly, there were successful names everywhere!

In this better world, on a more vigorous and brilliant stage, the first supermodel tries to reproduce the glory of another world!

Interviewer: May I ask Mr Xi, this year Ming Yu said he would surpass you. As the number one global supermodel, what is your opinion on this?

Xi Ze: This is a bad question. My family has very strict rules.

Home Owner Ming Yu: …….

The pair of black-hearted husbands will sweep the fashion industry, conquering the world.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Trọng Sinh Siêu Mẫu
Related Series
Superstar Aspirations (Same Franchise)
King of Classical Music (Shared Universe)
Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil (13)
True Star (8)
Superstar Aspirations (7)
Rebirth of a Movie Star (6)
King of Classical Music (5)
Rebirth of a CV Star (5)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Read *** or ****
  2. My favourite danmeis of all time!!!
  3. danmei novels i finished reading part 2
  4. Entertainment industry goldmine

Latest Release

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03/03/18 Rainbow Mushroom... c64
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MagBlueRoses rated it
May 24, 2020
Status: Completed
I'll be completely honest here. Some books are not meant to satisfy a reader's quest for a memorable plot and this is definitely one of them. If you want an amazing story, with twists and turns and an emotional rollercoaster with action and stuff like that, then this book is not for you.

The whole reason I started reading this book is that it had too many mixed reviews. About half of the reviews were bad but the other half praised the book to no extent, even comparing it to FOD... more>> (which surprised me but I guess I understand why it is compared to FOD). So I wanted to judge it for myself and I'm glad I read it.

The plot, in general, can be summed up in one line- 'The rise of a supermodel.'

But trust me when I tell you this, even though this book's plot is lacking (a LOT) and even though the book might bore you at times, it will make you laugh like there's no tomorrow, it'll make you feel wicked and evil, it'll make you blush, it'll make you squeal in excitement, heck! It'll even make you scream. And you start seeing the growth of someone and when that 'someone' finally is in a place you want them to be in, you can't help but feel proud and happy.

Sometimes, it is more about the emotions a book makes you feel when you read it more than the story. I'm not saying that if you don't read this book, you will be missing out on life. No. You can choose not to read it and you won't miss out on anything. But it is entertaining, funny, and definitely a good read. And unlike most people, I like the second half of the book more than the first. <<less
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otpsfloat rated it
March 30, 2020
Status: Completed
tl;dr: Strong MC and ML. Minimal dog blood drama but lots of dog food.

MC is very good at (most aspects of) his career... well yes. He literally lived another life where he went through the struggles of climbing to the top... it's not because he's perfect =.=
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rhea.army49 rated it
March 15, 2020
Status: Completed
This story has its own pros and cons.


  • MC- He is quite clear in what he wants to achieve and works hard for it instead of taking easier way. His interactions with everyone around him seem smooth.
  • ML-What I like about ML is even though he has already achieved everything MC wants to achieve he always regards MC as an equal and never looks down on him. He is also quite shameless when it comes to supporting MC later on. We don't see much of him in the beginning but their interactions are always natural and don't seem forced.
  • Supermodel rankings- IDK about others but for me those rankings really brought some excitement into the plot.

  • MC and ML- The whole novel doesn't give an indepth characterisation of them. We don't see their emotions, conflicts as both of them are pretty straightforward. While it is welcoming it would have been nicer to learn more about them and not just the superficial versions.
  • Supporting characters-There are not supporting characters that stand out and no heartfelt intercations with main characters.
  • Plot-It is there but most of it is about MC doing photoshoots, runway modelling, ads etc etc. While that is expected from a supermodel story but it would have been better if we saw more than the glitz and glamour. More struggles, more in-depth look behind the scenes.
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Piggychan rated it
January 16, 2020
Status: Completed
The author never fails to serve an interesting story with interesting and very detail background. I wish I can read every story that the author wrote.

I can't understand some of tbe negative reviews tho, do we really read the same story? Because I think this doesn't deserve one star rating. It's entertaining, and the description is vivid that I can imagine the fashion industry in the author's mind. It's been a while since I completed this story, and I feel like I want to reread it again (for the fourth... more>> time, I guess, lol). <<less
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1Sami rated it
January 11, 2020
Status: c79
The reason I started this book is because the author also translated FOD and it hasn't let down my expectations so far. MC is amazing at everything but acting which makes him feel more relatable. And the ML is a clean freak.
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PettyYang rated it
December 4, 2019
Status: c237
I read the entire thing and I've gotta say that it is a great time if you can handle ignoring what could be seen as xenophobic behavior. Yes, there were scenes where Western media (more specifically, American media and fans) were seen as being less sophisticated in their responses or were just plain villainous. My opinion on that (as an American), is it completely wrong?

Yes, this was a little exaggerated (for the drama) and I would love to believe that our media sources and fans wouldn't act in this manner...HOWEVER,... more>> have you seen how our media is now? How the American public acts when the slightest supposed facts show up in the media?

Everyone and their mother jump on the slightest thing, ready to fling dirt at whoever the media decides to be their target. With the current political climate, if someone comes out and said you did something... does the majority sit around and wait for some proof to be shown? Is there a due process? Or does the majority just jump on the bandwagon?

All I'm saying is, it's fine to feel some type of way because a story isn't expressing the Western media in a positive light in a story that (from the beginning) is shown to mainly have an Eastern mindset.

This is something I understood, so I didn't take offense to that portrayal. Yet, I find that a lot of the people with 1-2 star reviews mainly base their reviews on those instances (of which there are only two).

Are there not American celebrities who have essentially "gone through the back door" to achieve fame or used their bodies to get to their positions? That's just some unspoken truth that happens in Hollywood, which is now being exposed (though mainly through examples of people getting harassed by directors or just people with power using said power for their own gain, etc.) because of the political movement going on.

Is it a hard pill to swallow? Yeah, but it's just used for drama in this story. I doubt the writer of this came with the intention of ridiculing Westerns.

It's just a story. Please stop getting stuck in your feelings.

Now that that is out of the way, as for my feelings about the story overall...I LOVED IT!

I literally felt like one of Ming Yu's fans and was swept away by everything in the story. _ (:з」∠) _ I enjoyed the dog food, I enjoyed the face slapping, I enjoyed watching those who wronged Ming Yu fall and those who were nice to him rise (though sadly there was never any follow up on that guy who helped Little Mushroom against Cheng Su's former junior). I loved the cute relationship between Little Mushroom and Xi Zi, and I especially love the other characters that introduced in the story (though some definitely deserved more screen time)

Were there cliches? Yeah, but I expected it.

It's become something I just assume is in these kinds of light novels.

Did the cliches make me enjoy the story any less? Nope.

I knew what I was getting into when I first saw the summary, and I have no regrets.

I heavily recommend this story to others who are fans of this genre and don't mind the MC always coming out on top no matter the odds. If you were in here hoping for an MC that has to struggle against the entire world for every scrap of acknowledgment while being trampled on like tr*sh by everyone...This ain't for you.

All-in-all, If I could, I would give it 4.5/5 stars. The story isn't perfect by any means, but it did its job and entertained me for the 2 days and 5 hours I've been reading this. But since this system doesn't allow me to put the score I want _ (:з」∠) _ 4/5 stars! <<less
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Immortal Eagle
Immortal Eagle rated it
July 18, 2019
Status: Completed
⭐️⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 6/5 stars!

-good plot

- lovable characters

- not too drawn out

Rebirth of a Supermodel is definitely the best BL out there; no questions asked. Full of fluff and barely any angst; not including the extras and even the angst there was in MCs’s past life. This without a doubt a beautiful and well-written novel. I commend the author for writing a masterpiece like this and I thank the translator for translating this!
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izayaYY rated it
April 29, 2019
Status: --
For me, one of the best rebirth BL. The reasons why I love it so much are exactly why others did not like it. I loved the drama-free sweet relationship between the 2 MCs and also the author's offbeat and unique narrative style using plenty of emoticons. The novel goes into extensive details about the supermodel industry (mostly asian, with shameless digs at the western modeling industry lol) and also describes at length the unique fan/celebrity dynamics typical of chinese/japanese/korean entertainment industry. I also like how the author explores the... more>> great cultural divide between westerners and asians, with obvious and shameless nationalistic pride lol...i did not mind... some westerners might be shocked and consider the author's views as xenophobic but I don't think so... xenophobia is hate... there is no sense of the main protagonists 'hating' foreigners... my guess is this is the author's way of retaliating against a lot of racist slurrs that is common online, especially in the modeling world


The 2 MCs don't act lovey-dovey all the time but I loved how they communicate their feelings via crazy antics (e.g. XiZe's crazy spending so as to become Ming's no1 fan). I love their silly and hilarious bickering, online or offline. I love how XiZe was patient and realistic enough to wait for MingYu, not only for his 18th b-day but also for MingYu's feelings to catch up to his (XiZe fell in love first where as MingYu fell in love progressively). I love how they get crazy jealous for each other for really silly things but the jealousy never devolves into nonsense drama because they are very confident in their love, realistic and self-aware, aware of how unique their love is, especially in the supermodel industry. This state-of-mind is encapsulated in that one phrase that they wrote after coming out: "In this life, it is good that I have you". Like the author says, just this simple phrase means the "promise of a lifetime".

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Staringatastar rated it
March 21, 2019
Status: c237
I think this is a really fun novel, though my attention really lagged during some of the wish fulfillment modeling scenes. I enjoyed the manipulation and revenge plots much more.

As other reviewers noted, this novel is seriously nationalistic, but I have a theory about that.

... more>>

After reading the last extra, it almost seems like the whole story might be a dream concocted by the MC as he's lying paralyzed and cut off from the world in the hospital. There's repeated mentions of how hard he had to fight to get recognition due to his Chinese heritage (something that's probably true to reality until very recently), and so he starts imagining a perfect world.

In this perfect world, his ethnicity is no longer a draw back, he's able to fight back against other models ruining his work environment, and he's able to create for himself a harmonious relationship (which he initially thinks involves a wife and kid, but eventually evolves into the much more equal relationship of expert designer and supermodel).

So essentially, this story is just his vivid daydream, which is why things go so perfectly for him, and why he never faces any *real* obstacles.


Finally, some of the prideful nationalistic thoughts make sense in that the whole novel is a fantasy of the authors ideal world in light of injustices. Some of the anti-Asian/racist comments in the novel are exaggerated, but not incorrect. I've heard people making very similar comments in the US, and globally towards China in general. Of course, the author's response is also a bit racist, but I understand where it's coming from.

That said, I did find those parts a bit overdone.

I did enjoy the characters though. And something about the informal writing style and emojis work better in this translated story than in native English novels - they take a bit getting used to, but are quite cute after a while.

Overall, fun book, very satisfying in terms of successful revenges and HE. Some parts drag, but that's almost understandable in a 200+ chapter novel. <<less
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ImReallyTired rated it
March 14, 2019
Status: Completed
This was an absolutely amazing Yaoi novel. Although it took a little while for the MC and ML to finally have s*x, I thoroughly enjoyed it. The MC is so scheming, which is one thing I love about him. The ML, to me, was the perfect match to the MC. I kinda wished this was in the omegaverse so that those two could have babies. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this novel to those that like a good yaoi novel. For me, it's not too long and not too short. Also the... more>> smexy scenes were very detailed, which is something I do not see that often in chinese Yaoi, since usually, it doesn't describe the smexy scenes that well. This is at least in my TOP TEN favorite yaoi novels. <<less
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Atsuki Joou
Atsuki Joou rated it
March 11, 2019
Status: Completed
Among the best tranmigration novels I've ever read!!!!


Till now I haven't read a story of her that I'd call bad.... everyone of it is a gem, atleast for me!!

... more>> The MC and ML are among my favourite OTPs....I love how they bicker with each other and are happy even for the smallest of things...I want to say a lot but I don't want to spoil even a bit so, I will make it short---AHEM!

This WN is awesome!!

The character development, the plot, the CP..... everything is all that you can ask for...

(*cough*bed scenes*cough* are present... the TLer rocked their way through... muah muah)

What are you waiting for..... go give it a try!!!

It's worth your time spent like all her novels!!!!

Happy Reading..... <<less
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March 2, 2019
Status: --
this was the first novel I had to stop reading because I just had no interest in continuing. I wasn't even halfway through yet. I will say that MC is smart and self-sufficient, and ML is that rare breed, an overbearing president-type who genuinely respects the MC, but that seems like damning with faint praise.
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Unbekanntoffel rated it
February 2, 2019
Status: c161
Not bad! Though it made me realize that show biz really isn't my thing.

If you enjoy photoshooting scenes, this stories got a LOT of them.

If you also enjoy OP, super talented, perfect MC and ML then this is the story for you. The relationship is also very good!!!!! MC is an active partner (+100) and both are rational and treat each other fairly. (+100000)

... more>> The descriptions of MC's modeling/photos tho....@-@ Unless you look at magazines it's very hard to picture what MC looks like..

'Super handsome icy and pure' etc in the eyes of his fans... but my eyes can only see a wall of text.

Basically, the author never uses body language.

Ill drop this story just because the next 100 chapters might be as repetitive as the past 100. I only made it this far cause of MC and ML's cute interactions. <<less
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ferndoll rated it
January 22, 2019
Status: Completed
This novel is so very good! I don’t want it to end. Other than the translations that needed better editing (but still way better than machine translation!), I love every chapter of it!
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cocoajuppie rated it
November 7, 2018
Status: c237
An overbearing CEO-type ML that respects his lover ??? They feel so rare _ (:з」∠) _

Besides the equal equal relationship, you have yourself a strong (but not OP) protagonist, a novel that lays out the worldbuilding neatly, and tons of fluff/dog food/PDA near the end. Comedy is the strong suit (bantering ftw) ; the drama is fairly light (no angst), but there were a few parts that moved me to tears. The face slaps aren't much different from what you'd read in other novels.

... more>>

All of the antagonists—even the main antagonist—are small fries. But I liked the incident of the first major (read: so-so level threat) antagonist because his actions had a reason beyond jealousy and hatred. The second major antagonist... If you haven't read brainless death seeking before, you might find it interesting, but otherwise it's old hat.

I wasn't gonna mention the main antagonist, but then I thought that would be triply pitiful. He is just too sad. His presence is even less than the first major antagonist. He was never in the MC's eyes—except for the MC to fulfill the last wish of the person he transmigrated into. He's definitely not a good person, but as is common in the face slapping genre, there's no humanity. Of course, he has a bad ending.


You can understand the novel without knowing much about fashion or fashion shows, but I looked up terms sometimes and watched a few runway videos to better picture the setting. Definitely wasn't trying to look up hot supermodels cough

Overall, an enjoyable read. 10/10 would eat mushrooms again. <<less
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earlgreyt rated it
September 30, 2018
Status: Completed
A very lighthearted, humorous, and fluffy/romantic novel about the MC climbing to the top of the supermodel world. Don't expect anything too deep with character development. This is a purely simple, stress-free read. The MC and ML have a good supportive relationship; no overly dramatic misunderstandings or angst. Although some parts regarding the events and descriptions get a bit repetitive (this is a pretty long story), overall the plot and progression were very logical and entertaining, especially the comedic clips of online dialogues/commentary by fans!

Be aware, the author has a... more>> strong nationalist spirit. I didn't think it was that bad since it's written from the beginning that it's an alternate universe. I'd definitely look at the other books written by this author, especially Superstar Aspirations.


Both MC and ML are very OP. It was nice that MC was able to 'beat' the ML in the rankings in the end instead of being forever overshadowed by the ML (which often happens in other stories). MC is also very confident/assertive and has his own personality and capabilities. Very balanced relationship with the ML.


Translator is pretty good as well. Everything flows very well! <<less
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xxBlackRabbitxx rated it
August 27, 2018
Status: c174
there's not much of a plot. There's no really an objective for the MC to fulfill. Its more of a story of a rebirth super model who's goal is to be a super model again but with beau (relationship) this time. The story is good though, its engaging and fun to read. This story is more of a relaxed to read novel, there's no really intense moments but has plenty of cute ones. Good to read in leisure time or if your just a really obsessed rotten woman. (͡ᵔ... more>> ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ) <<less
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Hanaru rated it
August 14, 2018
Status: c163

this novel is diamond!!!! If I did't write a review then I will die due to regret!!!!!!
squeak~ how to expresss my love for this novel!!!
well first of all author wrote this novel really well, every arc and plot are intresting or MC is supa cool and ML awesome~
romance is tweeny bit slow but itwill not matter!!! You will jus get drawn into the novel fromthe very beggining
even the mob characters are hard to ignore~
you ask why? The answer is : ITS HILLARIOUS!!!! I MEAN SUPER FUNNY?!!!! Especially the inner monologues of every character!!! And how can one forget the awesome use of kaomoji!!!!

jus read it once!! Jus once!!! And you will love it!
Hana reccomends this to even yaoi hater~
and you will not get the usual cliche' full of face slapping ~ there face slapping but not much its jus MC impressing everyone with his awesomensss!!!!

and did I say that it awesome well it is!!

this novel is awesome!
this novel is awesome!
this novel is awesome!!!

PS: important things are tend to be repeated thrice!!!
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Nostalgia21 rated it
July 8, 2018
Status: c137
Probably one of my top 5 BL novels. I like how the MC is still OP but there are still some areas that he still lacks and so there is still room for improvement. He is smart, witty, confident and everything I want in an MC. LOL

The ML is quite nice too. He's sufficiently overbearing and doting without suffocating the MC. He trusts his opinions and lets him fly freely but is always there to catch him if he ever stumbles.

The cannon fodders are what they say they are. Nothing... more>> but cannon fodders. So far I havent seen nor foreseen a character that has yet to shake the MC's momentum.

So all in all, it has a rather light plot and it can be a bit predictable, but it's not really a con for me. What I enjoy the most is the MC and ML's interactions and how the MC wipes the floor for every project he has. Lol.

The translation is also good enough. The only thing is that I wish the translation releases every day. Lol. I dont have patience for MTL and it ruins the novelty for me. There is probably nothing more unappealing to me than a badly translated novel. <<less
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ElinaViolets rated it
March 29, 2018
Status: c37
I like the story so far; the main character doesn't pull tricks out of an invisible hat but mainly keeps his cool.

This story really reminds me of Skip Beat!; except the main character of RS is male and it focuses more on a model-word instead of an acting-world.
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