Reaper of the Drifting Moon


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He’s in the deepest part of Jianghu.

Keep your eyes wide open.

If you do not wish to get dragged into the abyss.

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  3. Male Protagonist (No CP)
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22 Reviews

Aug 18, 2022
Status: Completed
MC is calculative, cunning, ruthless, unfeeling, smart, hardworking, genius. But at the same time have his own standard and not just blindly killing for the sake of ego or something childish..

in a murim world where people kill each other for the silliest most little things possible and mostly gets away with it if they have status, power or a backer.

The fights are fun, the MC think stuff throughly before making any judgement. Making trails of legendary feets along the way of his adventures while also making and some losing ppl... more>> he hold dear.

Theres no harem tho. And this isnt a harem novel. Theres no such thing as giving arcs just to woo girls or save a damsell.

MC uses his handsome face as a weapon to get information and such from girls. He also isnt afraid of sleeping with many girls with no strongs attached.

All in all its a great murim novel with a chad consistant MC thats not a hypcrite. As he eventually becomes the greatest assasin in the world.

Ppl who enjoyed reverend insanity will enjoy this one. Mostly because of the nature of the MC. <<less
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Sep 30, 2022
Status: c83
I find it really amazing how this story managed to go on relying heavily on its adjectives, no sarcasm. If you stop for a moment and consider whatever the author is describing at any given point, you will notice that the plot, reasoning and descriptions are riddled with flaws, but since they're not essential to the story, it passes. I'll give a few examples later in the review, let me talk about why I still enjoyed it despite being quite amateurish.

Basically, the hook is quite strong: death game, assassins, Murim,... more>> lone wolf, vengeance, weak to strong. It's engaging from the get go and is a very clear setup and reward. The setup is the first part with MC being trained underground, the reward being after all the events occur and he becomes stronger ti exact his vengeance.

Although the reaping of the profit is not executed that well, at that point you're already invested in the story. There's also a big plot shield:

I believe the author recognizes his lack of understanding for snakes, assassins, Murim in general, politics, genius schemes, etc. Thus, we don't go into further detail for anything that borders into reality, such as how one would go about infiltrating a heavily guarded facility, thus the story flows smoothly from beginning to end. This move from the author sacrifices potential in the scenes, but gets the desired result. Incidentally, many scenes are more or less blurred, so that it becomes easier to suspend disbelief if you come upon it.

That alone explains my rating, but to go into the detail, a few examples:

The Qingsheng sect boasts of the best defense in the area. But besides lax guards, we don't really feel any of it. This pattern repeats in every single infiltration done by MC. Besides some very basic observations, there's nothing too amazing in what he does, the rest gets patched up by his cheat skills

sneak that basically renders him invisible and godly appearance change


In fact, it's not how easily he does it, but how easily it feels. There's little tension.

Rumours fly through the town in less than a day, but critical information is not passed on to authorities. This is specifically mentioned here because MC crushed some guys back in a province called Bunang or something, then repeated the same feat in the main town's inn filled with figures of some importance, that on top of being a heaven defying hunk. Author, didn't you mention that since the war on the Demon sect, everyone was more alert? And isn't this war time for two major sects?

Sects are not omnipotent. You can pick, say, 1500 regular soldiers with good equipment and wipe out a medium scale sect from what I've deduced from information in the novel. 4x that number should be enough to crush Emei or Qingsheng even considering tactical disadvantage, which is not an unreasonable number for an army. It is stated many times in the novel, no matter how powerful you are, you can't go against hundreds or thousands

which ironically MC does latter, very unlikely for his techniques

. That fact alone means there should be a clear division and an unwritten rule between Jianghu and the centralized government. But at one point the battle between sects is enough to almost raze a valuable city without officials doing anything to stop it, or to stop the escalation and mediate conflicts to begin with. This is simply absurd. Further back, big sects have control over the lease of land and exports, which is also ridiculous. Why talk about officials? Just say the Jianghu rules the world through a puppet government and everyone knows but doesn't mention.

We often see someone described as intelligent, perceptive, cunning, etc, only to do something mild afterward. Example:

At the first big conflict between Emei and Qingsheng, the mercenaries deduce that MC is responsible for it. So they go search for him in the inn he stays at. He's not there. All good up to here, now check that out:

C1 is lauded as smart and insightful, then makes this following statement: MC is not here anymore.

C2: why do you think so?

C1: he's smart and already predicted we would come find him. He already left.

C2: makes sense.

Done in a more flowery way though. This is so bad it's not even funny.


As another example, MC is frequently described as cruel and extreme through the words of outsiders. But aside from being stronger than the average Joe, he's no less cruel and indifferent to human life than pretty much every other character shown. He ends up being more human by giving them painless death and a burial, to booth. I have yet to see MC using torture, being malicious or even dishonorable (save for being an assassin), his notoriety is largely thanks to hypocrisy. He may be cruel due to his feats, but the way he acts is rather normal. Someone with a bad temper killing you due to crossing eyes is fine, but MC stabbing someone in the eyes for trying to strip him down is extreme?

The way conflict is escalated is also very... Raw. The disciples are too easily fooled, sometimes I wonder if there really is any type of discipline in the sects. All the higher ups almost immediately recognize the presence of a third party inciting conflict, but the mobs always succeed in taking bait and pulling everyone to war. This is very s*upid from the perspective of an organization. What makes Jianghu the Jianghu is that they have to fight it out in the shadows not to disturb the secular world, otherwise they get crushed. Or there is some organization like the Murim League or Righteous League to avoid large wars that affect everyone. MC's "crafts, tactics, manipulations, calculations", as described in the novel, are very simple conjectures that only really work because everyone is too hot headed. It's not much different from taunting kids.

If you read with a keen eye, you will see that the author is artificially increasing the quality of the novel. The story itself past the death game is not as interesting, they lack the tension, character development and variety, the element of the unknown. But it is written in a way that leads you to think otherwise and, even if you do notice, you still want to see at least MC's revenge satisfied.

Edit: Reading up to 94, MC finished his revenge and after reading for a bit more, I've completely lost interest. The impetus from the start of the novel is completely lost, new tales unfold but judging by the standard of writing and plot up to that point, I reached the conclusion that this story was only superior in comparison to the average cultivation novel. This one I'll opt to read the manhwa when it catches up. <<less
15 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Feb 22, 2023
Status: Completed
Typical wuxia story, Reaper of the Drifting Moon follows the story of Pyo Wol, at the start of the series, fourteen, abducted by a second-rate assassin guild for an assassination mission that goes awry.

Unlike others of the genre where you follow the rise of a martial warrior, here you're following the rise of an Assassin. Like most Woo-gak stories they're situated in the same universe, what differs between them is the timeline, this is more precisely told in a story arc where Pyo Wol reads about the history of Jianghu,... more>> which is a huge nod to all previous stories authored by Woo-gak.

This story will likewise heavily spoil another story written by Woo-gak, called "Martial Artist: Lee Gwak", in Reaper, just as like the rise of the protagonist, you'll also find out what happened with Lee Gwak after his titular series, some of his allies, enemies, the destinies of his son, his grandson and the organization he created.

If you have even a remote interest in that, and how Jianghu was before Reaper, you should probably read that first, otherwise this serves more as a heads-up.


You'll follow Pyo Wol's shoes through 95% of the story, so it's wise to talk a little bit about him before I talk about the story itself. Woo Gak made a character who he would consider to have the bare essentials to become the pinnacle of an assassin, this is further developed during the entire 1st story arc, and other arcs just further develop his skills and notoriety, Pyo Wol could be described as a handsome adrogynoyus man more beautiful than any woman, cold, calculating, persistent and a ruthless killing artisan, it's not like he's emotionless, but he becomes incredibly adept in masking what he's feeling, very versatile and resourceful, he'll use any means possible to secure the target, by using poison, traps, disguising himself, collecting intel either by himself or using proxies, if all else fails he can defend himself pretty well in a direct confrontation even against top martial artists, he develops martial skills tailor made by him using the base of his training by the Blood Shadow Group and his own enlightenment either at the Snake Pit or other martial arts he encounters throughout his journey in the Murim, people who discover this fact call him a freak of nature, since at the setting of the story most people who learned martial arts follow a school, a dojo or a temple, so they learn an already well developed and established martial arts by prior generations, and they have the preconceived notion that assassins have a celling of development due to the lack of direct confrontation, Pyo Wol of course will break that line of thinking numerous times throughout the story.

Revenge Mission: The 1st and probably the most important arc of the story, as Woo-gak will continuously make the reader remind of the foundations laid by this arc, here you'll learn about the life Pyo Wol had before his abduction, his harsh training for the Blood Shadow Group, the mission itself, the consequences of that mission, his life in the snake pit and the initial development of his own martial style tailor-made for assassinations, which he'll further refine through the story and the titular revenge itself, he'll also meet what can be considered his most important ally here, and responsible to be his source of quality equipment throughout the story, it's arguably the hook and the peak of the story, if there's one aspect that I would recommend this story alone it's for this arc, it's very well executed.

Sichuan Domination: In this arc, Pyo Wol will further expand his sphere of influence to the entire Sichuan province, and declare its capital, Chengdu, as his home base of operations. In this arc as well, he'll also learn the basic power hierarchy of Jianghu, which is composed of Two Factions, Three Clans, Three Packs, and Three Villages, and those not officially affiliated with any of them, the strongest ones are called Eight Constellations and Three Saints. He'll also have a conflict with some martial warriors from another province, Seven Stars, one of the Three Saints, and another organization called the Xiaoleiyin Temple.

Buddhist Scriptures: What head starts this arc is the attempted mu*der of an ally of his in Chengdu and the successful eradication of the group of a prominent friend he made in the previous arc, forcing him to leave Sichuan to find out more, as he uses this opportunity to explore more of Jianghu, one of his acquaintances recommends him to one of his friends to participate in an escorting mission to deliver some Buddhist Scriptures to the Shaolin Temple and since they'll travel quite a bit of distance, he can serve him as his guide as well, hence the name of the arc. The former he already knows the culprit, an assassin of the Hundred Wraith Union, arguably the strongest active assassin group in Jianghu, the other is a Mysterious Group, he'll have a conflict with throughout the rest of the story. In this arc, he also meets an important love interest as well, directly linked to the Union and one of the strongest players of it, and while Pyo Wol will have cases with numerous different women throughout the story, some as part of his main occupation (gathering intel) and others just because, this one could be considered his main love interest.

Territorial War: In this arc, Pyo Wol will side with the family of the friend he made in the 2nd arc of the Story while going against the family sided with the Mysterious Group, where during this arc he finally learns its name, Kowloon. As usual, he'll also have numerous conflicts during this war, a few notorious ones are against the Black Cloud Corps, which were present and mobilized by the Emei

Sect in the revenge arc but this time, commissioned by the family supported by Kowloon, another is against a few members of the Ten Bloodsuckers, the strongest assassins of the Hundred Wraith Union

Prelude of the Jianghu Great War: In this arc, Pyo-wol will continue his journey through Murim and will be involved in numerous conflicts, one of note happens in a seashore region, where he'll meet a couple of foreign martial artists who also have an involvement with the Sea Branch of the mysterious group, called Ghost Fleet,

he'll also acquire a pet snake as well, which will gain spirituality through the rest of the story, at the end of this arc he'll receive a request to save an ally of his, and in turn get full conditional support by his organization, this is an offer he can't pass up.

Jianghu Great War (Early Part) : In this part of the War, Pyo Wol is not directly involved, his main goal at the arc is to rescue that ally of his, but finding clues to where he is, forces him to stay close to the conflict, which is more of a Proxy War between two powerhouses, so, of course, he suffers some backslash due to this, one especially involved the important love interest mentioned, forcing him out of the place of the conflict after completing the request.

Kowloon Group Main Base Destruction: The early parts of the arc are focused on a quest regarding the cure of his love interest and eventual payment of it, after it, he returns to Sichuan with a companion, and there he's involved with a group who assassinates a close ally of his, this forces him and his companions to mobilize all forces they have in Sichuan to track them down, in this case, he learns that again, the Kowloon Group is involved, the tracking gets him closer and closer to their main base, which he considers a blessing and curse as the retaliation for his action against the group brings stronger and stronger backlash, as finally, he manages to deal a nearly fatal blow to their operations, but in turn receives one himself. In this arc he also bumps into a few characters from his now very distant past (the 1st arc), some are involved with the Kowloon Group, and others are not.

Jianghu Great War (Late Part) : In this arc, Pyo Wol receives a request to intervene in the War to minimize the carnage directly, but he actively knows that he himself doesn't have the power to do that, alone that is, so he declares that he'll unify every single assassin clan in Jianghu under his feet, beginning with the Hundred Wraith Union, which is now in control of his main love interest and rolling from there, this is arguably the best arc after the Revenge arc. The two powerhouses involved behind the scenes finally intervene, one in a more direct manner, and the other trying to keep the former in check, he also requests that if all else fails it's up to Pyo Wol to finish the job, making formally a request to kill him.

Last Battles: In this arc, there are essentially three last battles, one against the Ghost Fleet, another against the remnants of the Kowloon Group and finally the Last Battle in the Great War, where Pyo Wol finishes the request mentioned in the previous arc.

Ending: A few years later after the Great War, Pyo Wol is commissioned for one final assassination, he completes it without major problems and declares his official retirement from Jianghu affairs.


Problems with the Novel:

  • One major grip is the writing style which likes to treat its readers like children. Every time the protagonist fights or does something out of the box the author tries to explain how he does it by bringing up the 1st arc of the story, it really feels like Woo-gak wants to hammer it down to his readership to always remember his past, from where he came from to who he is today.
  • The novel takes a dive after the 1st arc, and it takes a very long while to rise up again, problem is that it happens way closer to the end (around chapter 450 or so).
12 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 27, 2022
Status: --
i had sneaked a peek at the end of this novel and according to the reviews from the korean readers, it was a great, good and satisfactory ending

i am following soundlesswind21's translation (the free ones, obviously) so all I can say is that it has not disappointed till now, and from the review of the patreons, they too are satisfied for what is happening till now (Patreon members have access till chapter 55 at the moment of writing)

i heavily recommend this, not only because of the plot flow and... more>> execution but due to the writing style <<less
8 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 03, 2022
Status: c64
Its a bit silly at times, like everytime you see the MC with new characters or just in new places you just read about how beautiful he is for a solid 40 words essay. And it happens every single time. I think I have read the author describing how beautiful he is about 20 times by this point.

Thats my main complain for now I might update this review later
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Aug 26, 2022
Status: c87
After a long time a MC whom I seemed to like. He wanted revenge and the revenge was sweet.... more>>

The sweet revenge is completed by now at ch 87

. For MC to get strong their is real struggle not some random power boost. There are huge bloodbaths so go ahead read it for those who love bloodbaths but MC here is not like a psychopath chaotic he just kills if anyone gets in his way for revenge. He can literally sleep with any women if he want that's how handsome he is. Well he sleeps with some but with no emotions unlike some b*tches MC who tries to take responsibility for every women they have met. Lastly just read it it's way better than most tr*sh novels out there and would be worth your time. I hope MC character is consistent throughout the novel <<less
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Jan 17, 2024
Status: --
hold the lines brothers and sisters, hold the lines, for there are dark times coming upon us, the edge lords have breached our last defense, they are trying to take our freedom, brain cells, common sense and most importantly our kindness, for we have sinned and are to blame for this, we have raised this generation with a golden spoon in their mouth, so much so that they have no clue about good and bad and now, now we have to pay for our sins, the enjoyment that we may... more>> have had from reading it may soon be gone, for the edge lords are just everywhere, but will we give up? If we will give up fighting for what is right, then who will, don't be afraid of these abominations that fear the mighty light of the sun, but pity them, for they are lost, they are lost in what it means to be human, so raise your arms, and vote 1 star for these atrocities and send them back to the pits of hell where they belong, so that no soul may ever lay their eyes upon these foul writings <<less
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Sep 12, 2023
Status: --
The author is insanely h**ny.
Like annoyingly so.

There are basically 0 women that are actually characters in this book.
They either want to f*ck MC so they can achieve a purpose, or they just want to f*ck MC. A woman will be introduced one chapter and she will offer herself up to him by the end of it. A woman will come to fight MC and the fight will end with him f*cking her. It usually doesn't go any deeper than that, most sidecharacters are either forgotten or killed before they can develop in any meaningful way.
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Jan 24, 2023
Status: Completed
Smart Protagonist, Engaging Story, Unexpected Ending

Spoiler Alret

Story wise, I like most of the arc, espically when Pyo-Woll involved in the teritorial battle between two family. And I also like his exploit during the great war arc. But I little bit dissapointed bacause the last arc, feel bit rushed.

His fight with the mysterious group is awesome. I especially like when he and one of Kowloon warrior who reside in Yeom, face of in the battle of wits. I also like when his fight with the Ghost Fleet, who are also part... more>> of the Kowloon group. Their fight are always fierce. And honestly, the fight between Pyo-Wol and Ghost Fleet leader maybe one of the best in this novel.

The things that I dissapointed about the story are three things.

The poeple who escape from prison with Pyo-Wol, they doesnt help when great war happening.

The fight between Syeowol, the assasin who are part of Kowloon group and also one of the assassin from the cave is dissapointing, After so much build up, the thing that she use are the most normal plan, encirclement. Which is a bit dissapointing becasue Syeowol are pictured as very sly and schemful assasin. Why would she come up with such as normal plan???

And the last thing that are dissaponting are the fight between Pyo-Wol and Jang Cheonma. Obviously, Jang Cheonma who is a peak master shoud have a biggger power than Pyo-Wol. I dont have problem with that. My problem is the way of how Pyo-Wol defeat Jang Cheonma. With lighting??? Are you kidding me?

Excluding that dissapoinment that I mention, I really enjoy this novel,

Such an intersting story about assasin in murim where battle power and direct confrontation is the norm.

Bravo Woo-Gak. Thanks for such a fun and engaging read.

Give it a try if you want to see murim from an assasin prespective.



When I started reading this series, honestly I started because the protagonist / main lead, Pyo-Wol, for me, is interesting. The author, Woo-Gak, successfully created a character that embodies the traits of an assassin. He is resourceful, persistent, and above all, ruthless.

At first, I was skeptical because with the kidnap and training as an assassin arc progressing, I feel that this novel will be your typical revenge story. I was right, at least for about ⅓ of the novel. Pyo-Wol will go on a revenge quest. The target of course is the sect that is responsible directly to his current situation where he ends up as an assassin. The Emei Sect and The Qingcheng sect in Chengdu. At the end of this arc, Pyo-Wol will take over Chengdu as his base.

After the initial arc, we will begin to see the foreshadowing that the author is trying to make. In the current murim, behind all of the existing powerful groups, there is someone or some organization that is trying to create chaos. Note that the current major powerhouses are called Two Factions, Three Gates, Three Packs and Three Villages. And among the top martial artists, there are eight masters that stand out, they are called Eight Constellation.

Pyo-Wol will go on journey through murim, and be involved in a series of events His quest is trying to find out more about that mysterious group who are the agents of chaos in this story. After the chaos in Chengdu, there are few battles that he is involved in. Pyo- Wol's first battle is related to a buddhist scripture that he is trying to send to Shaolin. He is also involved in the territorial battle between two families in which one side is supported by the mysterious group. After that he was also involved in chaos in the seashore area of murim where he met a foreigner martial artist. And of course, the mysterious group is involved.

After that, around ½ of the novel, we will see the start of the great war. Altho it's a great war, the parties involved are mainly the young warriors of the current murim. Of course, along the way, the powerhouse is involved but not directly and totally, only partial or we can say the great powerhouse is supporting the young warrior in a proxy war.

While the build-up for the great war is still ongoing, Pyo-Wol will continue his quest on finding out about the mysterious group, one particular event is when he infiltrates a hidden prison to save his ally. This prison is also managed by the mysterious group that are called Kowloon Group (name translation maybe slightly different). And at some point as the story progresses, Pyo-Wol will learn that the mysterious Kowloon Group is related to the previous great war in Kangho. Pyo- Wol will be able to destroy their base. Altho not all of the Kowloon force is destroyed, Some are escape and will build up strength for revenge. At this point, the major faction in Kowloon group, as agents of chaos in the story and main rival of Pyo-Wol are the assassin group lead by one of Pyo-Wol former acquaintances from his time in the cave of assassin. The other faction in Kowloon is the Ghost Fleet which is a group of warriors/ sailors that build their strength with their involvement in battle/ war in foreign lands.

As the story progresses toward the closing arc, around ⅔ of the novel, a new threat will appear. One of the hidden masters from the previous generation will systematically kill the top master in the current murim. Murim, which are in a turbulent situation because of the great war among the young warriors, fell into greater chaos. At some point in the story, to minimize the damage caused by the great battle, Pyo-Wol will uniting assassins around Lake Poyang, the center of the great war. And in the process he will absorb the existing assassin group, including the biggest of all, the Hundredth Assassin.

In the last arc, two great masters will face off against each other. They are Jang Cheonma and Lee Chun. They are the top master, the break of current murim that are leading two biggest factions. In the end, Pyo-Wol will destroy the Kowloon Group completely and he will also kill the peak master Jang Cheonma, who's been on a killing spree and kill all peak masters from the major powerhouse with the help of lighting.


After his last assassination request, Pyo-Wol retired from Kangho. <<less
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 30, 2022
Status: c70
I really love the psychological aspects of this story, and I got hooked from the start as it put me in the protag's mind and body as he was trying to survive alone. I've read pretty of dark survival stories like that before, but this one still stuck out to me bc it did such a good job putting the reader right there in the thick of things. The action felt more dire and thrilling for it. Overall I really really enjoyed the first half of the story.

(Spoilers Ahead)

While I really enjoyed thus story pre-snakey-timeskip when the protag is a child, post timeskip isn't bad, per se, but... firstly the protag is more OP & all the other assassin children are dead, so there's not as much... more>> tension or suspense to the action, and secondly the protag becoming a hottie and how we're constantly reminded of that fact... It gets old. I don't mind a supernaturally pretty boy character, but there's definitely a way to do it that feels less forced.

Still not bad writing in the second half, but the story downgraded from an "Ooooh what's gonna happen next??" to "well I know the protag will win, but I guess I'll see it through to the end so I know how." <<less
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Potato Tomo
Potato Tomo
Sep 24, 2022
Status: c67
It's a murim novel with a good start. The characters are dynamic. They think on their own and shows different personalities. The pace is a bit too fast considering the time that past. The fight depictions itself are kinda meh but the overall scenarios till now are really interesting and hype so that's the best part for me. The MC is edgy but not that cringey. The anti-hero type. Has a goal and work hards toward it. He's kinda turning into light yagami style of MC. Hoenstly, It's really hard... more>> to tell much about this novel because of the translation.

Ch 280:
The translation is horrible now good. I can't remember why I said that it's horrible but I continued reading it and didn't find anything that breaks the flow. I still like the most about this novel is the overall skirmish that happens and the events that lead to it. It's the best part about this novel and is even better than other good novels. The only cons I realized is that the other characters doesn't bring humor, chaos, or unpredictability to the plot. There's no one juxtaposing the mc's qualities yet. <<less
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Aug 15, 2022
Status: c22
Really good so far. I'm also following the manhwa, so I'm actually a little bit ahead. I recommend it for anyone who's reading the manhwa, since a lot of little details get skipped out there.

MC gets kidnapped along with 300 other kids to be trained as disposable assassins. The story follows him as he learns martial arts while squeezing all the value he can out of what he's given, while hiding his true abilities from his captors.

... more>>

We learn pretty early on that they've been collected for a single mission after which they're going to be killed off.


I'm looking forward to seeing how he handles the challenges he's facing right now <<less
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Mar 18, 2024
Status: Completed
Everything works well, except power levels. Power levels keep bothering me throughout the story. People who need to be stronger than MC for the story's sake, keep being stronger than MC even after he goes through 3 different enlightenments and is like 10x stronger than before.

Chapter X: MC can hold his own against "Strongest Warrior 8", but he will probably lose if the fight goes too long, "Antagonist Y", and "Antagonist Z" are said to be roughly as strong as "Strongest Warrior 8".

Chapter X+200: MC kills "Strongest Warrior 8" with... more>> little effort.

Chapter X+50: people who can threaten MC are still popping up regularly. Where did they come from? Why are "Antagonist Y" and "Antagonist Z" still threatening in any way?

Another thing is that in the last 100ish chapters they've completely changed how they treat older warriors. Throughout the story, it is clearly said that older warriors do not have strong bodies, so their endurance is lacking, but in terms of internal energy, they are on another level from young ones. This makes sense since they were building up their internal energy for 60/80/100 years, instead of 15-20.

But in later fights, some young guys suddenly have "unlimited internal energy", and can overpower the techniques of old guys with volume alone? Due to their "power of youth" or something like that? Nani? That's not what you've said earlier.

Other than that "power level" mess, the story, characters, whole intrigue, everything is pretty great. I also like the common world with other novels, and I feel like there is a lot that can still be done in this universe. Hopefully, the author will come back to it in the future. <<less
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Nov 15, 2023
Status: Completed
One of the best murim novel.

The protagonist is just awesome. He is cold, calculating and badass.

Every arc in the story is good especially the two family confrontation arc where pyo learns about mysterious group.
2 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 02, 2023
Status: c177
Overpowered MC martial artist world done right?
Author has some plot protection esque problems. Over all, its a good semi gritty martial arts action adventure story. I gave it 5 cause it's well done for what it is. 4.5 with concerns is probably a better rating, but I'm 170+ chapters in right now, and I can't wait to read what happens next. And thats a wonderful feeling for any story
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Oct 29, 2022
Status: c115
The story is very good. I started reading the manhwa first and then I started the WN. The characters are very good. Even the supporting characters. We get to know their motivations, hopes and desires. They are complex, nuanced and fallible. Because of the writer's style and story management, it is almost impossible to stop reading the WN.

It wasn't a boring part. The author builds up the tension from chapter to chapter, so that it then explodes spectacularly and often frighteningly, sweeping away everyone who cannot escape. It's like a... more>> flood or a tsunami.

I can say that it is probably one of the best cultivation WN I have read recently. I hope the author eventually brings back one or two characters who left Chengdu (Sichuan) during or after the events. I believe that they will still be key figures in Pyo-wol's life. <<less
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Aug 18, 2022
Status: c95
It's a bit too early to tell but I think it's promising.

the characters, they introduce them to you like they're some hotshot tough guy but then like 20 chapters later they get swatted down like flies.. Normally, in most cultivation novels, the story introduces you to characters that are immune to death no matter how sh*t they are. This one really puts the emphasis on there's always a bigger fish. Admittedly, the characters don't get a whole lot of development because the POV is on the MC trying to figure... more>> out what's happening, that's not bad but if you want POV switches, then you're not gonna get a lot of them in this novel.

c95 or 100 wherever I left off: I am very disappointed. It hooked you in with an amazing start, then it goes complete sh*t later on. I can't describe it, but it feels like a generic cultivation novel. Now I could care less if it updated :/ <<less
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Gorgeously Large Panda
Gorgeously L
Mar 10, 2024
Status: c401
An otherwise good novel, ruined by extremely badly written female characters, the worst I have ever seen (including some tr*sh novels).

All the female characters (barred the elderly) want to have s*x with the MC, or are evil and scheming, or both. The FL (if you could call her that) is introduced as a child killer who froze and killed a defenseless kid and intentionally left the evidence behind to show off her work, who repeatedly oversteps the MC's boundaries (the other characters would have been killed by this point), and... more>> keep killing good people left and right, the stuff of nightmare. Yet the MC keeps protecting her. I found myself rooting for her death chapter by chapter. I gave up by chapter 400. No more child killers for me.

The MC's ridiculous s*x activities add nothing to the story. It's as if the author has to add those scenes to tell the readers that, no, this guy who is more beautiful than women is really a man that isn't gay despite the BL subtext. He has s*x with women and that's proof!! It just doesn't fit the emotionless state of the MC. The manhwa downplays this a lot which makes the story much more enjoyable. In contrast, the bromance was so good it's borderline BL. The author may as well write an asexual/gay character at this point. No s*x needed. Still, it's something that can be easily ignored and doesn't really ruin the story.

There's also an issue with power levels in this novels. From the beginning, there is an established sort of leaderboard where the strongest martial artists are known (3 saints, 8 stars or some shit). They are said to be similar in power, but throughout the novels, some are ridiculously stronger than the others. At certain points, the MC is pitted against some of them and WON or nearly won, then he leveled up a few more times, and yet somehow is only on par with a bunch of young masters?! Then in the middle of the novel, the readers are introduced to a bazillion new but well-known characters who are seemingly stronger than the strongest people. It reads like some cheap Chinese novels where the MC becomes the strongest at the area and moves to the next one and becomes the weakest again (despite the fact that in every area, the top people are always heaven blessed geniuses).

There are also many plot holes. The MC's detective skills are laughable. His deductions are all baseless conjecture that only happen to be right because the author says so. And everyone else is in awe because they can't think like the MC. The whole secret organization that is powerful and rich enough to turn the whole world upside down but no one, not the Hao sect, not the "strongest" assassin group, not the top martial artists, knows a thing, is just unbelievable. Kinda like Marvel's Hydra. It's quite BS. Their goal is also quite BS.

I wonder if their other novels are the same. I remember that the manhwa version of Fist Demon was pretty good. Why is Reaper (novel) so bad? Throughout the novel, the author also plugs their other novels quite a lot, which is really annoying. I'm reading text ads inside a murim novel! <<less
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Mar 07, 2024
Status: v8c17 /c192
Peak Assassin Revenge with Cold Creepy Scary Stalker MC. MC is like a g*dd*mn Ghost and Enemies are the Haunted. Fear will seep into your bones if you're his enemy. He can turn people Mad with the purest form of Fear.

One of the main problem in this story is that author doesn't know how to cleverly give out info, info-dumping several confusing names at once is really annoying. Also author keeps repeating those said infos again and again.

Volume7&8 so far is the worst in the story. MC is quite likable... more>> because despite being radical he always do things with reason and somewhat rational. But in Volume7&8 MC's breaks his character, he keeps saying one thing then do the opposite of what he just said. He said he doesn't want to get involved to trouble spouting bunch of reasons blah blah blah, then he suddenly poke his nose where it doesn't belong because some dying dude he doesn't care about who pretty much a stranger to him asked the MC to save a girl, the payment was a sword that attracts trouble to him, he didn't even want it. And so he basically go around starts to massacre lots of people without any reason on his own and then he was paid with a sword that will cause trouble for him in the future. Def a D*mb*ss move. This is an Assassin story so I'm not fond of MC doing Hero work out of nowhere.

But overall I like how the characters isn't just pure evil or a pure good, they have depth, they all can be good&evil at some point of the story. More importantly, they possess reason.

The First arc is really good, it's enjoyable to see MC get stronger but not OP, too bad the techniques and skills aren't explained or translated well. Still a great story, I don't like Murim stories but I got to enjoy this one. <<less
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Dec 11, 2023
Status: --
Came from the manhwa

A typical murim story but with an assassin instead of a martial artist

The first arc is the best one with the main set up establishing the main character's background and why he is how he is and his goals.

If you look into the details there are flaws but the basic plot is moving forward so you can enjoy the growth of the MC

Overall it's enjoyable 3 stars
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