Re-engraving the Spring


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He plucks a star from the sky; he burns a cluster of ashes on the ground.

For Chi Qiu, Lu Ming is an unreachable star in the sky.

Until one day, the star itself falls into his hands and says to him: I love you, I love you.

Chi Qiu believes it.

For Lu Ming, Chi Qiu is a small fire hidden in the dark. You see, he is obedient like a flower in a greenhouse. But in fact, he is lonely and stubborn, burning to ashes in the spring.

Lu Ming becomes Chi Qiu’s star and spring.

— “Lu Ming, in fact, it doesn’t matter who you marry. Just because I can’t see, so it’s the most convenient for you, right?”

— “Chi Qiu, I want to return the spring to you.”

[Apathetic gong x affectionate and obedient little blind shou]
Associated Names
One entry per line
Fù Kè Chūnrì
Related Series
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01/24/23 KnoxT c110
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9 Reviews sorted by

msbwhy rated it
February 26, 2022
Status: Completed
Those 1-star ratings must be trolls. This story deserves MORE than 1 star.

Pairing: Chi Qiu (MC) x Lu Ming (ML)

This story feels like a journey to heal one's trauma. Both MC & ML suffer in their childhood, and they reunited to get married a few years later after being separated.

... more>> If I could describe the flow of the story, it's like a spring full of flowers...... and then a huge rainstorm coming after it. (but of course, their spring is coming again to their life.)

At first, I personally pity ML so bad because he is very VERY emotionally unstable due to trauma. He is like locking all of his pain, suffering, and emotions, and becomes the apathetic guy in the early chapters. MC too. God they went to so much sh*tty things : (

But then things are getting more and more complicated... (mega spoiler alert, do NOT read if u don't want to get spoiled)


how tf MC pretends to be blind for a LONG time??? it's not mere days or months, it's YEARS. Imagine if you accidentally meet someone's eyes?? lmao that's kinda awkward


At one point, ML does f*cked up,

using their marriage as a tool for revenge


and anger MC so much to the point that MC

demands a divorce


but I like that...


ML repented. He apologized to MC, told him about his partial amnesia, and when MC told him to "remember" (he said this in a fit of anger & want to drive ML away), ML went to his source of trauma (a.k.a his old house with his mother) and tried to remember. It's painful, but then it just unlocked all of his suppressed emotions. I think this happened in a short time (forgot how long) but then I know that ML needs to deal with his trauma (idk if I speak about this correctly).


Kudos to the translator, they did a great job! Thanks to them I discover this nice gem :)

I feel like everything didn't go unanswered, it ends pretty nicely, kinda want to see more of MC & ML when...

ML got back to his cheerful/nice personality. He is so doting towards MC...


Sadly there is no extra chapter... But I'm glad they went through everything together : ( <<less
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twobada rated it
February 2, 2023
Status: c1
Such a well-written angsty but healing story.

I absolutely love how emotional issues, their causes, and the required painful healing is given proper treatment.

Nothing is glossed over because of love or protagonist halo. Both MC & ML displayed their own ways of hurting, enduring, and finally, recovering.

... more>> Also, none of the characters are 1-dimensional, not even the supports. Each of them felt human and real. Of course, not everyone gets the fleshed out treatment but they show so much personality regardless.

I think the ending was too abrupt but the journey getting there was very satisfying. It was a very good read and worthy of re-reads. <<less
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neoidt rated it
October 20, 2022
Status: c85
novel up. I don't know why your rating is so low because the story never deserves it. : (

When I first read the introduction I thought it would be super depressing and classic, but I started it to pass the time. Glad I started 👍🏻

One of the comments said, "To tell the flow of the story, it's like a spring full of flowers....... And then a stormy rain starts. (But of course, spring comes again after that) "

... more>> This is really the shortest explanation of the story without misunderstanding.

It was a 5-star novel in my opinion, with the progression of events, the almost smooth plot points, and the emotional development of the properly-executed characters. There were many points that surprised me, and contrary to my prejudices, it is a novel far from being a classic.

As someone who sometimes leaves the novel unfinished because of the s*upid choices of the characters, I can say that it is one of the best novels in terms of character development.

Each character's actions match their personality and background. There are no compulsive mental illnesses or feelings. (at least to me)

If you like light drama, I suggest you give it a try 💐

I my language is not english I hope I spelled it right 😭 thank you translator. thank you to the author. <<less
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
February 18, 2023
Status: c97
This was... something. The beginning sets it up to seem like a novel with a blind MC x face paralysis emotionally stunted ML and you think that the novel's going to be about the two eventually falling in love with all of MC's attempts to get closer with him, but then you find that you are very, very wrong.

Both characters have familial issues and it is indeed a story about healing from trauma and scars, both physical and emotional, but wow is it a rollercoaster to get to that point.... more>> At the beginning of the story, you have a gentle and considerate MC who makes so many concessions to ML, like buying super sweet milk tea and finding ways to get Ml, who likes sweets but won't show it, to drink it. Even though his efforts aren't really reciprocated, MC finds happiness in the small gestures of gentleness ML does, hoping that ML will genuinely love him back and express that love to him someday, but rather than love there is more alienation and politeness.

until he finds out later that


ML was using him and their marriage to inherit family property and get revenge on his father and stepmother. He says to his uncle that if MC were not blind, he wouldn't have married him, which causes much of the misunderstandings. ML seems pretty scummy, but he's not genuinely a bad person.


Adding on to another reviewer's spoilers about MC's blindness,


MC was indeed hiding that his eyesight recovered years ago, but did so to hold his family together. After his stepfather (who played a role in MC becoming blind) and sister (not an entirely bad person... I think, just very ignorant and selfish) found out that there was a chance that MC's eyesight could recover, there was conflict because up to this point, MC's mother had been training and planning for the sister to take over her company in the future as a result of MC's blindness. Finding out that MC might have the possibility of taking over the company instead scares the father and daughter.


Lots of dogblood, this honestly gets pretty close to crematorium and is definitely has those wife-chasing vibes. Great read if you like angst! <<less
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Asatakaba rated it
November 25, 2024
Status: Completed
I'm mad this was sooo good I was really enjoying it until Chapter 70 happened, the start of all the misunderstanding which is one of the thing that I truly hate.

I did infact finished it but the ending did not feel satisfying at all

Although I was enjoying it until 70 and forced myself to finish they are some setbacks

... more>>

such as the fact the we slowly learned that the ML was just using the MC for his revenge, or the fact that he didnt remember anything from his pass and he was able to answer the MC's question because before he came back to china he investigated the MC. He was an as*hole but a cute one in my opinion especially when when can see him slowly changing through his actions.

Now my set of problem with the MC he's too much of a pushover and does this just for the sake of the person. Especially when it came to his half sister and step father. I hate the fact that (even though they were clues, I reliased it when he kissed tge Ml) he had regain his sight since he was 15, I get why he kept it a secret, but the misleading of it makes the beginning of the story to become unreliable narrative


If you like angst be my guess, I think I'm mostly giving it three star because I was in the mood for fluff and it gave it to me to some extent, but once that was taken from me, I got mad. (I also think it's also due to how they solved the problem)


The fact that the MC had to be hospitalized again for him to losten to the ML explanation kinda irk me tbh

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PamperedPuffyPanda rated it
April 25, 2023
Status: Completed
It's a 5-star baby!!! The beginning is so sweet and funny that I didn't I was being poisoned with heavy angst. I was like frog not knowing it's in boiling water. It's my second time reading but still cried a few times throughout, why is the writing so damn good. The mistakes/imperfections in the MC & ML after their traumas makes them closer to reality and that really makes me feel I'm witnessing it really happening inside my head. The unconditional love and perseverance of MC is simply out of... more>> this world. He's an angel in all aspect that ML seems like cow's dung in comparison (not really but really I hated him to death at one point, like grovel at his MC's feets). Additionally, side characters have depth and logical reasoning. <<less
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peppergum rated it
February 19, 2023
Status: Completed
So underrated!! Why!! Make it make sense.

This gem of a story was so tender, so full of unconditional love and angst and all good things that makes a captivating romance.

Other reviews already said it all, but yeah, I really hope more people will give this a shot.
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nikitabiswas123 rated it
November 7, 2024
Status: Completed
Nice. Not 5 stars but 4 stars but rated it 5 to up the rating wtf why is it so low?

4 stars because I don't think I was satisfied with lots of angst and hurt and few chapters of comfort in later parts. Although it is a sweet and happy ending. I wish there were extras lol
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lysurisu rated it
May 1, 2023
Status: Completed
I don't know who put lower rating but do not pay any mind to it. This story is actually really good! It deserves higher rating! If you want to read it, just read it. Do not hesitate. I really love it how every characters from the main one to the supporting one are of personality! You can see how different each of them.

However, I actually wish to read more and especially more punishment to those bad characters. But nevertheless, it is really an amazing story. I really recommend you to... more>> read it. I lack of words to describe about this story but other comments will tell you about it. <<less
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