Second Love


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Cheng Huai X Jiang Yun

Gentle and considerate top X Visually impaired bottom

Background: Legalization of same-s*x marriage, bottom is two years older than top

Heartwarming daily life of the couple

You will always be my ultimate heartbeat.

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5 Reviews sorted by

Lucy666 rated it
December 10, 2023
Status: Completed
This story makes me feel so warm and happy. I'm continuously oscillating between wanting MC as a spouse and then having ML as a spouse. They are perfect for each other. How I wish I had somebody like that in my life.....

It's not a complex story. It's pretty short slice of life. There's no conflict. Everything is good. It's filled with domestic bliss. This story made me realise that a villain, a conflict, or a goal is not required for a good story. A good story is simply one that... more>> you enjoy reading, and enjoy I did.

I see that there are not many reviews on this story. However, if you're feeling particularly stressed or you feel frustrated, I suggest you give this one a try.

The translation, the story, everything is beautiful. It's the kind of married life that probably every person in this world needs. I feel like I'm a puddle of soft feelings.


I love the fact that after finding out that the MC was blind, the ML decided to try and experience what the MC felt. He went for dark experiences (areas devoid of light, to experience what blindness feels like). Right from the first date, even without knowing that MC was blind, ML was serious about him.

The problems related to blindness and eye surgery are well researched. MC is neither overly dependent on the ML, nor is he a damsel in distress. He's also not as independent as a person with all senses intact.


This story, although short, has a special place in my heart. <<less
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shiroykumo rated it
December 10, 2023
Status: Completed
I love this ❤️ it’s a very short fluffy with little smutty story

a very refreshing one after all those dog blood that I’ve been reading.

both MC and ML are super cute and their parents are so supportive. Love this
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Michelle-08 rated it
January 3, 2024
Status: Completed
Aiyah!!! So sweet and so heartwarming!!!

Highly recommended for those who loves fluff and no drama! I also like how both of their parents are supportive of their relationship. The ML loves the MC despite his imperfections, he's a very doting partner and not controlling unlike the typical ML's in BL novels.

Overall, this gives you warmth and a smile when reading. Thank you to the author, translator and editor for a job well done!
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Qiaoyishanren rated it
January 21, 2024
Status: Completed
A short story that is perfect for a light read during the weekend.

Plot: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Smut: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Characters: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

What more can I say? The amount of dogfood that I received after reading this is enough for me to go back to horror genre again, cause I'm FULL. 🤣 No unnecessary drama which is great!

Plus it has a cozy feeling while dealing with one of the most serious topic, over all it's a happy ending so Yup, I'm good~ thank you!!! 💗
7 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
wasthequeen rated it
December 12, 2023
Status: Completed
This is such a cute story. Although idk what caused the MC to not have photosensitivity, I feel like it's a rare case, I'm happy he's recovered and even happier w the fact that ML will truly love MC however he is. I also like the fact that they both have a very healthy relationship, given the power imbalance. Since they are an old couple, it's very sweet. I feel it's optimistic and realistic in a way.
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