Raising You This Small Stuff


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After an ‘Elf Rebirth Project’ game was forcefully installed on a movie emperor’s cell phone, he suspected it to be a virus, so he moved to uninstall it!!!! (╰_╯)#

The cute little interstellar prince reborn in the game said softly and waxily: “No… don’t…. I…. I eat very little, don’t uninstall me, ok?” (ó﹏ò?)

The movie emperor who was so hit by his cuteness that he almost vomited blood pretended to be calm: … ( ̄TT ̄) Bleeding from the nose

Since then, the life of the movie emperor: Buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy ~ and raise my little cutie~(≧ω≦).

Associated Names
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Nuôi Em Chỉ Là Chuyện Nhỏ
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28 Reviews sorted by

Melange rated it
December 25, 2020
Status: Completed
It's cute, I'll give it that. But it was far too short to make a complete novel and man, the plot is holier than a piece of swiss cheese.

There was so much novel magic going on, the author had to go through great lengths to make the whole thing work. I'm not convinced that it even did, because what the hell, there are so many goddamn holes, it was like stepping on a rural dirt road after a rain storm.

... more>>

MC was supposed to be trapped in the game for the rest of his life or go back to his original world, but... somehow he brought ML with him and they lived there for hundreds of years? And then they went back in time? ?_?

Friend of MC was an elf dog but also a man and who knows what happened to him. Or that other elf who was a poor kid but got taken in by ML's friend. Or that elf who was a BL writer.

Something about MC acting in a movie but then it went nowhere.

ML's brother was an elf suffering from progressive face blindness but 'love cures all'... I guess?

Random grandma and grandpa who have no real purpose other than to show off MC's weird interstellar medicine. But he only cures grandpa and not grandma, hah. Oh and grandpa came from a time after MC died?

MC brought a real life dog with him into the game? But what about his friend who was an elf dog?

All these converging timelines yet everyone's elves happen to be raised in modern day China.

There was showbiz but this isn't even showbiz.

ML and his friends being great detectives, showing up in all the right places, even faster than the police. They just be barging into restaurants, hospitals, abandoned buildings, dog kennels, everything.


If you want to read this uhhh... Maybe just don't think about the plot. Or think at all. <<less
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Cler rated it
December 13, 2020
Status: Completed
A light novel with a cinnamon roll MC and a pampering ML. The plot isn't too heavy, and you don't have to think too much while reading.

Short summary:

The prince, Yuan Suo, is reborn into a game system where the "elves" (ones who are reborn into the game) are taken care of by the players. His player is Mo Yi Cheng, and Yuan Suo is basically being raised by him.

Other aspects:

Yuan Suo's naiveness is similar to childlike innocence. Although he may easily believe what others say, nothing serious really happens as a direct result of his naiveness. He learns from his mistakes and develops over time.

Some drama is sprinkled throughout the novel, and becomes a bit more condensed in the later half when a villain is introduced, and the side characters are given a bit more depth and screen time. There are a few ups and downs, but most events usually don't get dragged out for long.


Overall, I had a nice time reading.
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Lala-Chan rated it
September 11, 2021
Status: Completed
This novel is great!!!!

The only thing I didn’t like was:


Its was to short!!!!
I need more ; (


MC and ML

The MC is so sweet and adorable!!!!
The ML is so sweet with the MC and treats him so well, and he would do anything for him.


Thank so much for the people who translated this awesome novel!!!!
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bingpupschewtoy rated it
June 26, 2021
Status: c53 part2
Very cute story with an interesting concept. I adore Dudu and his relationship with Mo Yi Cheng. Generally quite a healing webnovel except for some moments of angst. I see loads of comments about this story having no logic etc but tbh I don’t think it’s that bad. Would recommend if you like sunshiney, cute MCs.
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dday0425 rated it
May 17, 2022
Status: c83 part4
I'm a bit upset. The rating didn't do this novel justice at all, and I almost missed it because of the low rating and some poor reviews. Like seriously, this novel is wonderful. I didn't expect much, but this is really to my taste and I love it so much that I read it nonstop during weekend.

The story is very cute. It's light-hearted, full of fluffiness and joy. There are many amusing moments, as well as enough tension, emotional and touching scenarios, which make the story more engaging. The story... more>> is well constructed and has nice flow. The side stories are all well-connected and blend well with the main story. Besides, not only the romantic relationship between lovers, this story also demonstrated different kinds of affections between player and elfs i.e., kinship, parenthood and pet affections, which is really touching and impressive.

For the characters, the MC is indeed originally timid and naive, but he is no where near being s*upid or annoying. Remember? The game already stated that only pure hearted soul can become elfs after death, so I see no problem with his character settings. besides, his character development is the most obvious of all people. He's grown up a lot along with the story progression. He is cheerful, brave and considerate. This baby is so sweet. He is my favourite. The ML is also very nice. He is doting and pampering. The man is all nice and kind, but I don't really recognize his intelligence nor find him interesting tbh.

damn. What make him think giving money so easily and unconditionally to a gambler who stole his phone and threaten him is the right choice? I know he was anxious and so rich that 20 million RMB is nothing to him, but that action was so s*upid. I was irritated to death.

I'll give him a high evaluation though, because he is an excellent lover, never cause any real damage and is very good to the MC.

The side characters are refreshing and especially likable. The elfs are adorable. They are pure and supportive. Their stories are both heartbreaking and heartwarming. They really hit my soft spot, and I cried a few times for them. Luckily, the problems were solved quickly and satisfyingly. There is also no character wasted, and every characters appeared in this story have their own important roles to play, which I highly appreciated. <<less
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Lea168 rated it
August 14, 2022
Status: Completed
5/5* - RECOMMEND!!!

Wow... This story was soooo good! Such enjoyable little gem.

You'll die from cuteness!! I loved how ML doted so much on MC!

... more>> The romance was so fluffy, but had angst as well. The whole plot was refreshing and very well paced. LOVED IT!

MC started as the cutest, little fellow I've come across so far (after reading 500+ stories). After a while his cute body changes to normal proportions and due to an incident his character becomes much more mature as well. Instead of being timid in the end he is strong and brave.

The side characters, the other elves and ML's family members were all great and memorable. All had their small or larger part and made the story more enjoyable.

ML is a movie emperor but world building was not focused on his career. The whole entertainment business only served as a background. It was mostly about ML and MC's interactions and how they could work around the game constrictions.

The elves world was not the typical fantasy, fairy kind of elves world, but a very modern, super cute, IT advanced kind of world. I'm not a fan of e-sports/gaming novels, and it wasn't. The elves' game was refreshing, but also served more as a background.

Loved the Extras, especially the one about ML's big brother and his lover.

I always skipped over this little gem, not sure why it caught my attention now, but I'M GLAD IT DID! <<less
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1Sami rated it
December 15, 2021
Status: c83.4
This was very cute. I really loved the interactions between Du Du and MYC in the beginning and the plot was very filled out too. It reminds me a lot of Paper Lover and the translations were done well. The problem is, the author tried to drag out the ending. I'm not sure if they just didn't know how to conclude the story or if they wanted to milk the chapters/word count but it got very dry after 50ish chapters. Especially with Abel, his identity could have really changed the... more>> plot for the better but he was abandoned halfway through. The plot holes drastically increased-and so did my opinion. If it had been finished by the 5pth chapter and concluded well I probably would have rated this 5 stars but as it is the most feel I can give is 3. <<less
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Nokiyoh rated it
March 2, 2021
Status: Completed
The more I read the weirder it gets, but it's cute so.. It's okay, I'm not looking for anything great anyway so my expectations is not high to begin with.

Just be satisfied with the cuteness and fluff, stop looking out for logic because there's none.
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MofuMofu rated it
December 17, 2020
Status: Completed
This story' is so beautifull. Its light hearted but addictive. When I just try a few first chapter, this novel totally hooked me, who already read so many novel. Though the story' is predictable, the character of MC and ML is your usual cute MC and cool ML, BUT!! The story' is so good to read! Just try a few chapter, and assure you Will love this!!

I actually Amazed how much this novel hooked me. Though the story' is nothing that truly rare, but after I read it, I cant... more>> stop myself.

Each character of this novel is so vivid, so detail, and so lifealike. I feel regret and think this novel feel to little. Because I just that much love for this novel! 💖 <<less
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J.A.M. rated it
July 11, 2022
Status: Completed
So fluffy~

I didn't expect to read something like this. Why I only find this now?

Anyway the story is beautiful. It's so cute and fluffy. It also made me cry at the end because MC and ML are meant to be separated to each other but thankfully they found a way at the last minute.

It so good that I read it in one go~ Really like it~
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Sabby rated it
December 25, 2021
Status: c83 part4
Despite some reviews to the contrary, I thought the length of this novel was honestly perfect. Granted, there were certain things I really do with were addressed:

... more>>

Mostly I'm distressed that we don't get to know what happens to Po Fei and his player, or what happens with Long Bow and his player. There were already hints and about Po Fei and his player falling in love, and Long Bow is Du Du's best friend. I am going to try and pretend that Po Fei and Long Bow found ways to stay with their players as well. This is my biggest, and really only, disappointment with this novel. I feel like this could have been brought up in the extras or something, but it was left hanging.


Otherwise though, if the novel was any longer it would have dragged a bit. At the current length, events stayed interesting while showcasing heavy amounts of sweet sweet fluff and dog food. The love between Yi Cheng and Du Du is so incredibly pure and sweet, and it was heart-wrenching when they thought they would have to part. The ending was also really satisfying except for the stuff I mentioned about the side characters in the spoiler, but overall I really loved this novel and highly recommend reading it. <<less
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earlgreyt rated it
November 23, 2021
Status: Completed
Nice mostly fluffy slice-of-life.

Has good tension, isn't all smooth going; some ups and downs and dramatic moments. Angst isn't too much. Overally very enjoyable and engrossing. MC is kind of the "dumb innocent sweet" type but grows to be more competent after time skips. ML is pretty typical.

... more>>

ML figures out that it's not just a game after awhile. There's some interdimensional physics and other interesting worldbuilding.


My greatest disappointment would be how quickly the story was wrapped up at the end. It's very romance focused and relationship-driven, so everything else outside of that fell to the wayside.


After the MC and ML get together, the MC goes back to his OG world and it's wrapped up in a chapter. I would have liked to see how the MC restored his OG world.


Side characters had good relationship. I enjoyed the cast of side characters

including the elf that used to bully the MC becoming a good one in need of help in the end.


Translation wasn't too bad, flowed well overall. Many thanks. <<less
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Xuchi rated it
October 29, 2021
Status: c54
Giving this a 3.8 rating rounded to 4.

Admittedly, this story was pretty cute not gonna lie. MC was naivety was cute for a while, though it might get to you at some point, I suggest to just empty your brain and ignore it since no matter how you hope, it won't change. The ML on the other hand was really doting, imagine spending more than 100000 yuan on a game, my broke f2p ass can't even.

The main couple's interactions were sweet and the dog food was just adequate, meanwhile the... more>> side couples didn't take up much screen time and they didn't really pose importance on the story, nor did they disturb it and that's a big plus for me so 2 stars for that.

The storyline, considering that its just a short story was ok, the concept is also good but I've already seen a lot of novels with similar concepts and better stories so that made it less interesting, nevertheless, it was still good. 1.8 stars for that.

What really got me to remove that 1 star were the plot holes and some of the features of the game. I mean, I could understand the talking, the shop, going to places, and making food, but transferring things from real life into the game and vice versa? It genuinely made me pause for a second since that wasn't really needed and it honestly sounded pretty s*upid & op at first. Some things that weren't clearly explained as well which usually would've made me deduct 2 stars but since its a story I picked up out of boredom in the [Random Novel] and considering the fact that I didn't finish it, I just let it go. But still, minus 1 star for that.

I couldn't finish it because it made me face palm too much, especially at the MC's naivety and s*upidity. I get that he's supposed to be portrayed as cute but you can still make a character cute without taking away their brain lol, considering the fact that he died from being poisoned/deceived it would've made sense for him to have something like trust issues, or atleast he should've been more guarded but no, he even trusts people so easily that I thought that he might as well just get kidnapped at some point. Also even if he only has 200IQ he's still 18 and his IQ is still above average, if I didn't know his age I would've thought that he was a kid, he would literally cry at everything (which I can put up with since I like it when characters cry), he's easily coaxed and again, he's too s*upid. Its like his brain is full of flowers, like the other user said, theres a fine line between being naive and being completely s*upid, and the MC, he crossed waay over that line. Anyways that's it for me, I do recommend reading this if you want to pass time but if you came here for a deep plot/lore, detailed world building, complex characters and plots, then no, I don't think this is for you since you basically have to throw logic out the window, be patient and turn your brain off to reach to the end of this lol (which I wasn't able to do successfully). <<less
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melonbabyReader rated it
April 10, 2021
Status: c40
So far, from what I’ve seen... it’s a cute story!
I think it’s cute at least, creating a little chubby-like dumpling character. Though, since it is a gay novel, and there are hints to our little MC coming to reality, I might drop because of that. ((Simply because kissing scenes make me uncomfortable))

If you’re similar to me, or you’re not, doesn’t matter, this is a cute read that you can browse through in your free time. The translation is pretty clean, there isn’t really much of a plot, just sweetness :)
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April 30, 2024
Status: c45 part1
I dropped the novel because while this is indeed a good story full of fluff with a side of angst, the MC’s naivety and lack of common sense has gotten really annoying to me. Maybe it’s because I’ve gotten use to reading BAMF MCs or MCs with at least a little bit of common sense, who knows.

At first I thought MC was kinda cute because of those two traits but as I read more chapters, I kinda got really irritated at him and just wanted to shake him.

But it’s still... more>> a good novel for those who likes this kind of novels. <<less
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Orange Oranges
Orange Oranges rated it
July 24, 2023
Status: Completed
Really cute fluffy story. This isn't a deep story, so if you are looking for plot with substance, this is not it. A cute short romance.

MC and ML are really good together. ML is normal man, unlike a lot of Chinese ML. He respects MC and doesn't try to control MC when he try to protect him. Finally a sensible human being!

I only wished the ending after the climax could drag on a bit more.
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HelaGoddess rated it
October 26, 2022
Status: Completed
I swear I have read a lot but this plot sure is so unique that I haven't read anything like it, before or after. And I just love it-- the thrill of raising, the chase, the conflicts, most of all, the characters. Sure it's not perfect, but I can easily gloss over them in favor of the good points. Light, funny, innocent... it makes a reader wish to have had a first love as pure as this. I don't tend to nitpick on a story, (it may be a... more>> bit rushed in the ending) but so long as it entertains me, I can always give it a high rating. After all, we are only readers, but this is an author's imagination coupled with sweat and effort. So yes. It's a 5star for me. <<less
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timma rated it
December 25, 2021
Status: Completed
It's okay. Something about it just felt dry to me. Flowed smoothly, had cute characters, and kind of am interesting premise, but just wasn't engaging. I doubt I'll reread.
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Chimmed rated it
November 10, 2021
Status: Completed
It’s cute, fluffy, funny, and made me teary at some point but I felt that this novel could’ve go further. It’s somewhat lacking. Kinda sad ‘cause it’s a nice plot! I wanted more story for the main characters and side characters but it just ended like that. Hence, the 3 stars. I feel so unfulfilled rn lmao. Had I known earlier the ending would be like this, ai.
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Fisukisuki rated it
October 11, 2021
Status: Completed
The story start Very Cute, and get more Plot and Wonderful Story flows!

I'm not joking. The story was Really Really Cute!!! The Protagonist written to be Cute, and the author delivering it Perfectly!!!

The side CP being Good because the author literally can write the Characters and their own story as something in the middle of Important and Not Important. And I Enjoyed that truly! Not being less but not overdoing it.

... more>> The Emotional moments hits Hard especially when mosy of time the story was just Fluff~

I can't say the Novel is Perfect because I had one little wish of something, but sadly it didn't happen. But I'm Truly Loving this Novel Sooooo much and it does have Perfect Ending!!!! I'm Absolutely Loving it!!! <<less
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