Quick Transmigration Cannon Fodder’s Record of Counterattacks


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Ning Shu had dropped dead. But in a burst of good fortune, she became a task-taker in charge of counterattacking for the pitiful cannon fodders. Thus, Ning Shu, in one world after another, took all kinds of life roles and encountered all kinds of “you’re heartless, you’re ruthless, you’re making trouble for no reason” people. She encountered all sorts of white lotus flowers, green tea b*tches, scheming b*tches, by the batch.

“Does any true beauty still exist in the world?!” Bellowed Ning Shu angrily. “You annoying tr*sh! I’m just here to counterattack, please don’t get in the way of me completing my task.” Transmigration main character, reincarnation main character. There’s only a lazy task-taker, no indestructible main character halo. Ning Shu had no choice, but to painfully gather moral integrity in each of the worlds.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Cannon Fodder’s Record of Counterattacks
I Make Scum Men Cry (manhua)
Related Series
Side Character Transmigrations: The Final Boss is No Joke (27)
Sinister Ex-Girlfriend (20)
Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack (17)
My Disciple Died Yet Again (10)
Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats! (10)
The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby (8)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Calm Books
  2. Capture Target Novel (BxG)
  3. TOP of the toppers, BEST of the bestest
  4. (GxB) World hopping
  5. want read

Latest Release

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176 Reviews sorted by

BobChan rated it
May 11, 2018
Status: c37
So far I'm disappointed with the MC, it's very frustrating that she just eats and eats their torments towards her and like doesn't do much. Even though the MC was inside the hospital all her life before the system kidnapped her it's like don't you have some fighting power inside of you? Like its natural for you to want to retaliate against others, but all you do is act... *sigh* trying to give this novel a chance but so far I'm very annoyed with how the MC is currently going.

TBH,... more>> if the system kidnaps you shouldn't you have something special especially since you passed it's test? It would be better to peace things together than leave the reader reading 23 chapters only to be frustrated with how the MC is acting.... >.>

Best of luck to those who want to try and read it! I'll try and pursue but IDK if I'll make it. <<less
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DeepSeaLove rated it
April 12, 2018
Status: c9
If you want to read about a quick transmigration of a female protagonist without an ounce romance this story is for you. Usually quick transmigration stories are usually love stories, but this novel is different.

At first, I thought this novel is like any other quick transmigration stories containing two leads bound to each other even in other worlds. But as I read, I noticed that there is no touch of romance in the story.

So this is my first time reading a quick transmigration without a touch of romance.
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March 1, 2023
Status: c2249
Chapter 2249 translation..

  • I don't know whose fault, either the author or translator, but the stats has many errors, just need to know which one is high or low
  • I like the protagonist because she prefer to use violence or directly take action rather than have a discussion cause when someone don't want to listen and just insist on their view, it really made me helpless and just want to kill them.
  • I also like her because she wants to learn a lot of knowledge and just live for herself.
  • But, the tasks she went through really made me don't want to get married 😂
  • There still no ml, but I have a few candidates that I like, school doctor (there's no mention of the name yet), Li Wei (Emperor), Qi Yue (Kelp), Zhang Jiasen (hope for love-hate relationship), , HAHAHAH
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jato8ace rated it
November 23, 2022
Status: c2123
So, this one is exactly what it says on the tin. The MC is a transmigrator counterattacking for unfortunate characters in tr*shy novels. She's motivated by a pure will to live, which is good because she faces a lot of difficulties along the way. She isn't OP at all- actually, she's pretty weak. She isn't particularly smart, she has a low EQ, and she isn't by any means a nice person. Actually, her first instinct for any problem is to solve it with her fists. Ning Shu is Not Here... more>> To Make Friends.

All of that makes it a lot more satisfying when she accomplishes her goals, since she's absolutely working her hardest every time. All of her successes are accomplished through her own blood, sweat and tears. Also, lots and lots of hidden cameras.

Still, I should warn any prospective readers that the author is 100% a He-Man-Woman-Hater. Like, off the charts chauvinism. I don't think the contents are actually that much more extreme than in other novels of this genre, but there's a cynical edge to the writing that makes everything harsher.

If someone is an antagonist to Ning Shu, they are always a Bad Person (tm) by the author's standards. Those getting their faces slapped deserve it, no matter the context. Neither the MC or the narration have any sympathy or even pity for any other characters, aside from Ning Shu's clients and the rare child character.

Also, scenes with violence, illness, squalor etc. Are always written in excruciating detail. There are entire arcs you'll want to skip if you have a weak stomach, because the author is doing everything in his power to gross you out.

If you can ignore all that, I'd say give it a read. There are a ton of arcs and they're all pretty unique to each other. It's fun watching Ning Shu pulling herself up by her bootstraps inch by inch on her slow journey to become a successful transmigrator. <<less
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Hyper Ion
Hyper Ion rated it
November 2, 2022
Status: c2838
I just couldn't bring myself to carry on reading, not because its too long but because of the MC.

Her character shows clearly around after c1k and it is despicable. Her fear of death is her driving force to become stronger and break her shackles (which is ok) but many times there is a subtext of pursuing power to step on those who stepped on her and therefore becoming like them. Its like a fat person who slimmed down and then proceeded on fat shamming others.

Also when she learnt that the... more>> 'universe' she was 'born' into is dying out her first thought was to abandon ship when she could which is extra baffling that a Chinese author wrote it like this cause every time she was doing missions with war content she was putting extra effort to benefit motherland just because she was born there. All of this is extremely contradictory to the fact that she has no sence of belonging to the universe she was created from.

MC's personality is just abhorrent, not with only double but multiple standards. <<less
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Queen77 rated it
September 17, 2022
Status: c2052
I have to say, this novel exceeded my expectations. At first I was hesitant on reading it, since I am not a big fan of romance involved plots or stories but it turned out MC Ning shu, really just wants to do her job and it's a No Cp.

There was an arc that really got to me lol, it was a Shounen Ai arc, and our MC was one of the couples younger sister, besides it been Shounen Ai, the thing is, the other dude knew that Mc's brother had... more>> a crush on him and he (the other dude) kinda, but that I really mean kind of liked him too, knowing that, he wanted to confess to the Mc's brother, not coz he wanted to date him but so he could let off this anxiousness so he could take him exam peacefully (really rude) he did not even care about how our Mc's brother would be affected since he'd also be taking an exam, he just wanted to confess then move on with his life. This goes to show that sometimes, people are incredibly selfish, Ning shu had to work hard to make sure that dude doesn't ruin her brother's life like in the past life.

Some say it's misogynistic, but it isn't promoting that at all, rather it shows how the over used tropes are actually dark when we consider them in the other side characters perspectives. When we read harem novels, the girls just seem all okay or a little jealous but are they just okay??

I like this and I'm giving it a 5/5.

I'm already rereading the novel's although it's not finished <<less
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Cows r awesome
Cows r awesome rated it
May 3, 2022
Status: c1917
I love this novel so much. It starts off slow at first, but it gets better after the first arc. The MC is the most logical and realistic FL I've read. She's not mary sue like or has cheats, and she works hard to become independent.
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Nightbloom rated it
February 28, 2022
Status: --
Don't know if there'll be any more novels of same kind !!!🤷 but got to say I do like Ning Shu our lead of the story quite a lot. She doesn't get involved with other males though they might be charismatic, sexy & manly. She just glances admires & wake up after checking them !! It's indded a good thing to have self- awareness (conscious).

I really wish to take place of Ning Shu, though I may not be able to do great job like her or even might get eliminated.... more>> It's just that I want to encounter different tasks from Ning Shu but of similar kind (I.e., no falling love with ML 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 🚫) <<less
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NightSky_ rated it
February 27, 2022
Status: c4000
The most, the most frustrating Chinese novel I have ever read, seriously, this is such a disappointment... I spent so much energy and emotional experiences on this, but only in order to simply not stand of all the total flaws that a Chinese novel can have.

I thought, that novel condemns and ridicules Chinese tropes and clichés, each arc can definitely remind you of Chinese habits and plots:

... more>>

Stockholm Syndrome, Ori!FL that had a night with a rich CEO, Hate-Love relationship, Superstar system, Harem of the tr*shy ML and etc.


MC deserved pity, but the revenge that was supposed to be directed at ori!ML turned out to be completely on ori!FL, who didn't do a thing to MC. FL is to blame for the fact that ML cheated on MC with her, she is to blame for the fact that some Chinese rapist man (I liked that name, that I've saw from another reviewer) r*ped MC, AND she is to blame for the fact that ML who r*ped FL and then isolated FL, developed her stockholm syndrome, killed original owner of MC's body because of a ONE DAMN SINGLE complaint towards her from FL. Disgusting, most horrifying, misogynistic overtones and open hatred and objectification of women's way of thinking, behavior, taste in men; victim blaming in case of r*pe, Stockholm syndrome, mol*station and seduction of a teenager by an adult man, insult and infliction of physical and moral harm by a physically stronger s*upid dork ML (both fist and sexual) and etcetera (everything is allowed, because this is the villainess FL).

And you even can't feel a satisfaction from revenge on scum male, because every character (no one causes sympathy) manages to step on and wipe their feet on MC a couple of times, to which the MC will do nothing but talk about them in her head, and at the same time tell us that being angry is not an option when she, after I actually stopped taking this novel seriously and not getting angry, MC begins to dump in her head all the negativity that she received from others, on us, readers, to describe in detail how terrible the deed committed by ori!FL and ori!ML and what terrible people they are. Seriously?! Can you already decide whether I have to be angry or not???

Even despite all the attempts of the author to make FL a villainess, she actually deserves pity. On the contrary, it makes me even more sympathetic for her, and even more when MC is undeservedly cruel to her and even pulls strings to get her r*ped, WTF?!? And the most hated here are MLs, they are all r*pists, cheaters, misogynistic a**holes, manipulative psychopaths, woman hitters, st*pid, good-for-nothing, cruel, ruthless, not feeling guilty for any of their crimes, having anger issues, creepy 'handsome' old mol*sters to FL, criminals and just motherf*ckers. I have nothing left to say about this disappointing novel.

I'm sorry for being so emotional and vulgar and pouring all the negativity here, but I had to complain about all this things, thank you for reading this review <<less
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January 23, 2022
Status: c1922
This is honestly the best novel I have ever read... For those harsh critiques, have you guys even got past the first arch. Yes, I admit the first arch was a bit annoying watching her being treated like that but that is the point of the novel. As she goes through each arch she is faced with many challenges and is able to gain experiences as well. I love Nishu's way of thinking, you may not agree with it all the time but I like the way the writer wrote... more>> this one it's seriously good. I can't get enough of it, that I wish I can find the translator and pay him/her money to just finish translating cause its a bit slow. <<less
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zorroggggg55555 rated it
December 12, 2021
Status: 1773
I really liked this novel but I couldnt finish reading this because only mtl is available after chapter 1773 and I get headaches trying to read mtl and understand it. Its so frustrating because I really liked this novel and Ning shu is the best. I feel like crying Im gonna miss this gem.
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H0NEYBEE rated it
March 27, 2021
Status: Completed
This story is very interesting in the sense that it has a cast made out of clearly fleshed out characters with their ideals, ideas, motivations, feelings. A lot of characters develop throughout the story, quite a few die, a lot of twists and turns also happen. The author also gives a good commentary on how they think the world treats disadvantaged groups (mostly how public opinion is usually biased towards men and such) and their ideas on justice and power. There's unexpectedly a lot to think over.

The main character developes... more>> her moral views as the story progresses, with her maturing and growing as a person, so she definitely grows on the reader. She's not self-righteous, nor is she unaware of her faults. What she is, is independent and free and the whole story is more or less built around her struggles to obtain that freedom. Freedom of her body, freedom of her mind, freedom of her choice, where she can afford to do as she wants despite whatever others think or want. A very interesting journey indeed.

Romance is not very present in the story. The main character seems to have absolutely no interest in romance and, being a tasker who experiences many lives anduch tragedy, often brought by love, she understands it far too well to indulge in it.

What I didn't like was how humanity is treated as some kinds of darlings of heaven, as if they are the smartest, most capable and most tenacious being ever. But I am a hamster supremacist, so I guess a lot of people will turn a blind eye to my opinion.

A big problem for most translated Web novels from China is the issue of nationalism, if not blatant racism permeating the story. This problem is not big here. There are a few minor points that might cause some sensitive people to dislike the story, but most people will not pay much attention to those.

What else is there... I guess that's it. <<less
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PasserbyStreet rated it
February 16, 2021
Status: c1425
I really enjoy the previous arc, MC still held her value, and she don't do it like many MC in transmigration (when the MC to naive or all knowing or someone who need ML to solve the problem). She don't mess with someone who she don't have any grivance with or overly goody two shoes like helping someone that not your business. But in the recent arc, MC kind of crossing the border of levelheaded MC and as far as crossing the line, like:

... more>>

In the arc when she become mother-in-law, her internal voice is so bashing to woman, can woman like branded clothes? What's wrong with it? What your daughter-in-law do before marriage is her problem not yours. It's your prev host fault not smart enough to research first or do screening, just because the prev host and the husband is innocent, it don't make they're without fault. The way MC exact her revenge is kind of disgusting in this arc. Make it look like woman value only in giving birth to baby, innocent, do the house work and etc. And the doctor is portrayed really unprofessional in this novel.

Another poin is, it look like MC suffer from some kind of hero complex in weird way, in Miaomiao arc (if I'm not wrong) she goes a long way to help other that really don't have anything to do with her. And in the cultivation arc when he becoma half-demon and half-human, she kind of become someone who says A first then says B next. When she says that her martial art ways is not to be spread only for the sect and next she spread it for all the half-demon, since she thought it would be good for them. Just it's not even the original host requirement or her mission.

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milkstuff rated it
August 16, 2020
Status: --
i literally made an account just to put a comment here and another novel called kenkyo kenjitsu (check it out!)

(my rate is actually 4.5 stars but idk how to do that)

reminder: long and small spoilers ahead (i hid it for caution but I assure you that the spoilers I will say are very basic and wont affect your reading experience)

a lot people who rated low were saying that they didnt like the novel because the MC (ning shu) is a push-over. Im just gonna say that... more>> ning shu is not an assassin or a genius or some sort of mary sue character that you see on other books that has quick transmigration in its plot. Ning shu has stayed in the hospital for years, how do you expect here to just know what to do when she enters missions? If you really believe that shut-ins are hidden geniuses or all of those crap then this is not for you.

CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, this is one of the good things this book has to offer. Ning shu started from scratch and she also fails sometimes. If you want the character to be OP from the start then this is not the book for you.


there's this one arc where she transmigrated into the second male lead and STUDIED law so she can actually be a good lawyer. She wont be a good lawyer just because she has the second male lead's memories, of course she needs experience herself. I've read a lot of books with quick transmigration and some of the MC will be "oh em gee, I used to be a lawyer this will be so easy for me lol".


NO GOLDEN THIGH, im really tired of those novels where the MC has to have a man before they can accomplish the mission. Ning shu, on the other hand works hard herself.


the school doctor uncle was there in a few arcs/chapters but ning shu didnt entirely lean on him.


NO EXAGGERATED OOC, a lot of quick transmigration novels has this arrogant MC that ooc A LOT. They dont plan or care about anything. They offend lots of people but the golden thigh will just save them.

ARCS, one comment stated that there are repetitive arcs (i believe there are) and if you find them boring you can always skip to the next arc no sweat BUT even though there are boring or bad arcs, INTERESTING storylines also exists. I actually applaud the author for venturing lots of stories and delivering 4000+ chapters. The author also doesnt cage ning shu into transmigrating into second female leads or villainesses, we get to experience how to be in the shoes of EVERY CHARACTER. (Female lead, male lead, random manager, a child, second male lead, mother etc.)

when I first read this, the first arc was also not good for me. I was kinda disappointed with it but IM GLAD that I still continued because the next ones are A LOT better. Ning shu's beliefs/attitude will be kinda inconsistent but I believe the author is just adjusting it based on the arc/situation ning shu's in BUT it doesnt really have that great effect on understanding where she's coming from or sympathizing with her. She, of course, is treating this as a mission only and will be stepping on others to complete said missions. (She is not a saint but she's not bad or unreasonable either).

ALL IN ALL, you should definitely give this a try. <<less
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gingersfairy rated it
July 13, 2020
Status: Completed
I love this novel but at the same time, it makes me suffocated about the romance. When I still read it untill chapter 1000+, I still hope there will be a good romance between our MC and Taishu. But, oh god, this is the first time I read a novel more than 4000+ chapters without any further romance section. Between a candidate ML and MC only happen killing each other. It is like there is revenge that could not be reconciliated just by using heart because this... more>> vengeance was too deep so we can not just forgive it easily. I also know the reason of MC and Taishu. But I still sad about it. <<less
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Rotten_me rated it
July 8, 2020
Status: Completed
After a long journey I finally finished this book. Usually if I see a novel that have more than one thousand chapter I wouldn't hesitate to switch to others but since this has transmigration tag my fav why not try, soo yeah I read this till the end raw.

This novel is very well written, the plot is interesting, and the MC is good. At the beginning it is still a transmigration story then slowly become an adventures story of MC. Honestly I still a bit miffed by the ending and... more>> extras.


The story is about hard working MC do her job while slowly raising from an ant to a void creatures. From transmigrating to become the one who gives other chance to transmigrate.

But I very much frustrated by MC romance department (I've already dropped this book twice because of this reason), like if you read a novel that have more than four thousand chapters without romance in it, you will feel what I feel, especially the ML candidate that a god like creatures become an enemy with MC and died? In the last extras. MC also have died more than twice. They have hobbies to kill each other. I-I don't believe in love anymore ≥﹏≤


And as for the ending... It can be called an open ending. <<less
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oopsaloo rated it
March 25, 2020
Status: c918
This story is amazing. Non-super OP but pretty cool MC world hops to solve the unfulfilled last wishes of various characters in different worlds. There are definitely some very refreshing, novel circumstances in some arcs and the MC has a unique approach that makes it super satisfying when the face slapping commences. This novel smashes so many tropes from different genres, lol. And the best part is we have a strong, independent female lead who doesn’t need to rely on a man, and doesn’t have sudden lapses in IQ due... more>> to love. Instead our MC’s the one who’s eye-rolling on the side, kinda like some of us readers during especially cheesy or s*upid scenes. I know its a super long novel, but chapters are short and we’ve got ourselves a fantastic translator. So strap down and buckle in! Highly recommended, especially if you’re sick of those trite transmigration/system novels where MC meets ML in every arc and they always find each other and end up together. <<less
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foxygal rated it
August 20, 2019
Status: c720
This is by far the best Quick Transmigration Novel with few thousand chapters compared to other similar novels that have OP MCs with OP MLs assisting them to complete their task, after a while it gets pretty boring and predictable. However this novel is very different, the 1st few worlds may be not so interesting but the ones after the 5th world will keep you coming back for more and that was where the story really picked up for me. This novel keeps me guessing how the MC will finish... more>> the task by herself with her limited skills which she constantly has to work hard to acquire and upgrade and also, who the ML will be. The possible ML is shrouded in mystery and the encounters with the MC are few at the moment. The translations are excellent and the translator updates very regularly. <<less
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OTrizy rated it
April 28, 2018
Status: c90
The first arc made me think constantly to drop it, so I made a rule for myself... If in the next 10 chapters there isn't anything that keeps me reading I will drop it and if there is then after the interesting chapter the next 5 chapters have to have something worth reading etc...

The 2nd arc was lovely, this made me give 3 stars instead of 1 but the 1st arc was too much so I had to take 1 star off...
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Narutolvr rated it
February 26, 2018
Status: c729
Hmm... it's a good novel! It's interesting and, later on, introduces features to the transmigration that sets it apart from the other "quick wear" type stories (ex: being able to meet the souls of the people she turns into). So overall, I'd give this story a 4 star rating. Why'd I rate it 5 stars then, you ask? Simple. Because I find this MC to be hilarious. She's stubborn and is basically counter-strategic so her actions are often unexpected. She also adopts a no nonsense attitude when it comes to... more>> love or any non-platonic feelings so her approaches are rather... unique.

The fact that she pretty much only adds stats to force and defaults to beating the crap out of a guy rather than seducing him makes for a very fresh story lol.


So, all in all, I recommend this story, even though some arcs made me want to grind my teeth with the slag men/women she has to deal with. <<less
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