Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex


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I fell in love. Her name was Shirasaka Yukino. I could only look at her from a distance. However one day I heard that she already had a boyfriend. Even if I love her, I can’t have her. The devil sent me an invitation. I can make her mine!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Junai ✕ Ryoujoku Complex
Love ✕ R*pe Complex
純愛✕陵辱 コンプレックス
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139 Reviews sorted by

DM8989 rated it
March 13, 2017
Status: c135
Can't believe p*rn can have stories, and quite an engaging story, but the story flow is kinda slow, meaning a day in the story is separated into a lot of chapters.....

and the story alone is worth it, the MC started as those typical japanese MC, but he started to change bit by bit, and the reader can feel the MC isn't the same anymore....

wish the translator will mark at what chapter is the action, and what chapter is the story, so that when I'm doing research, I can know and... more>> pick which chapters to do research on... :P

conclusion : wish I can give more than 5 stars, seriously..... <<less
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JetonS rated it
February 23, 2017
Status: --
It honestly isn't a bad novel, I've been having fun reading this. To those who are criticizing this novel for being a r*pe fetish novel, should I remember you that this is an erot*c novel with a r*pe tag ? You should have been warned when you first read the synopsis or the title, I don't get why you're complaining like this in the review section.

But althrough I don't agree with your bad mouthing, there is still something that's bothering me, which prevents me from giving this novel a... more>> 5 stars. The story feels way too surreal. The characters interactions are... too "clean", whenever the author wants to start a new arc, he always finds a plot where the characters explain thoroughly their reasons and misgivings. It almost feel like I'm watching a theater scene, yeah, you got it, not a movie, but a theater scene where the emotions are blown up, over exagerrated. It more or less follows this route : s*x -> Trauma -> s*x -> Past Explanation -> s*x -> Fluffy Scene -> s*x -> Next Arc. The characters are literally wailing in front of others, they are explaining why they feel miserable etc.... And the surrounding people will confort them with extremely well-chosen words etc... It was kind of immersion breaking for me, as I couldn't focus on the story, I always felt like I was watching a scene at a third person POV, where the characters are intentionnally showing me the scene.

And futhermore, the MC gathers so many waifus that it starts getting boring, every arc is following the same overall plot. Even if it's an erot*c novel with more than 1300+ chapters, as of chapter 110, the author hasn't tried to renew his arcs. The s*x scenes are getting more and more boring.

But even if I couldn't completely immerse myself in the story, I still spent a lot of time reading this, it was overall enjoyable, there wasn't anything that was unbearable to read. So I'm giving this 3/5 stars, but it really had the potential to be 5/5, what a shame.

PS: The traduction also has many wrong sentences and the translator switches from past tense to present without warning, which consolidated my decision to give 3/5 stars <<less
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summers rated it
January 26, 2017
Status: --
Don't get turned of by the tags, this is really good. Translation is understandable. Characters are well flashed out and plot does not drag. This is not a r*pe-fic, but it does have many characters with r*pe fantasies due to trauma. Its like a one of those old r*pe-revenge films. There is more than meets the eye going on, the plot not being to different than a hentai but this has dozens of chapters to flesh out story.
OK if you want major spoilers read bellow.

Turns out the sensei is on a revenge quest and all her victims are really the victims of her father and his shady patter, or her toys already had problems of their own and she helps them with their dark tendencies;since she herself is broken that help take on a sexually sadistic form. This way our MC's become likable. Though I think story could have worked with them being outright antagonists.

The main guy is the only guy we get to know, that's good thing, he has his harem of broken women and he himself is broken up in a way that tragic. He just does not feel happy or sad for himself, this passive character does what his told but not in a annoying way. The true victim here is shiruza yukino who is being used as a tool for revenge; but even this is put into new light when we find out her father has r*ped and is planning to r*pe his daughters!
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Temp950 rated it
July 11, 2022
Status: 1200s
Imagine a world where raping girls makes them fall in love with you and decide to join your family/cult of adoring women who all have no issue being just one of a vast number of girlfriends...

that's basically the setting for this. It starts out really dark, with the protagonist raping his crush, then goes onto a revenge story which was still pretty interesting even if unrealistic and full of weird detours. But after that plot wraps up, the story just becomes increasingly absurd as more and more and more women... more>> are added into their group and are all sleeping with the protagonist. On top of that, many of them start out being r*ped by him and then because he is such a wonderful rapist, they all fall for him. Its kind of crazy that there is a person out there who wrote such a story, and it requires you to not think much at all to keep going at that point. <<less
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Wikkr rated it
September 5, 2021
Status: c1258
I honestly never believed there would come a day when I could sympathize with any man who takes part in blackmailing and raping his high school crush because she dared to get a boyfriend... But here we are.

The author of this novel, despite being a bit of a lolicon, is hands down a genius! The plot is so ridiculously fleshed out the first arc of a couple of hundred chapters just covers 1 week of the story (and what a week!). The characters are rich, their backstories fleshed out gradually... more>> with no two girls being the same. Lets be honest we all came for the s*x scenes and they dont disappoint you will find top quality here, though fair warning as is indicated in the tags do not read this novel is r*pe or teen interc**rse is not your cup of tea.

The main character starts the story as a stuttering broken down bullied shell of a child. Over time he reforms and builds up his confidence but he never loses that broken down mentality, most often in these stories you see the MC transform into some super confident alpha stud mid way through the story which just kills the development for me as mental illness does not resolve itself that quickly! Our boy is put through literal hell, enticed into taking part in one hell of a revenge plot that has far reaching implications at multiple levels of the countries business and government. Facing off against local and national yakuza cells, international terrorists and a private army owned by a pe*verted billionaire and thats just in the first week!

This story made me laugh, it made me cry and as ridiculous as it sounds within a couple of hundred chapters I was more invested in the plot than I was in the s*x. Very rarely you will come across a novel that makes you put everything else you are reading on hold as you desperately try to limit yourself to one more chapter. Each chapter is huge and before I knew it id lost several nights of sleep as I plowed through this beast in just a few weeks.

Lets be honest if youve come to this novels page, seen the tags and still taken time to read the reviews then you already have an interest in this genre. Do yourself a favor and start reading. I dont think youll regret it. <<less
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White Dragon
White Dragon rated it
February 28, 2020
Status: --
I can't believe people read stuff like this.

Having a bit of fun reading a hot scene in a short story when you are h**ny, no problem.

This is just too much though. I skipped ahead and read some chapters.

How to brain wash you into a disgusting pe*vert, that's what this story does.

Well calling the MC a pe*vert is a disgrace to pe*verts.
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ogurihatsu rated it
June 27, 2019
Status: c724
Followed the story from the beginning and suddenly realised that I haven't rated this yet.

If you can get through around the first 30 chaps without thinking "Meh this is another shitty harem novel with a nerdy MC" then you'll be rewarded a story with lots of plot twists and truths of life throughout the story.

Ironically that I came to this novel for the H but then it's actually the most disappointing thing (not bad but kinda meh compared to other novels that I've read). But then the story is good... more>> enough to keep me going and it's so worth it. So:

If you like dark theme, serious stuffs involved and how cruel life is then give it a try.

If you like comedy, SoL or just think that life should be easy and pinky then it's probably not a suitable choice.

Thanks Pun a lot for translating this novel. <<less
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Apex Photon
Apex Photon rated it
March 9, 2017
Status: c131
The story is slow paced. I mean really slow. Still the plot in this one has certain charm. We are like moths getting attracted to fire. When you start reading this one you will forget everything else and keep clicking next. Each and every character has a past or a circumstances. The plots deep. Came here for research purposes? You will forget that and get absorbed in the story. Well I am not good at writing reviews. But try it. That's all.
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Evil1220 rated it
January 28, 2017
Status: c85
Welp, im pretty sure that 90% of the people who put down a one star vote didnt make it past chapter 5. The other 10% of the one star voters probably made it to chapter 28-30 before quitting (TBH I can respect these people because they actually put in the time to read on and get a sense of the character development and plot, and sice these chapters are the big change in plot direction I can see and understand why they dropped it)

Anyways, just wanted to get that... more>> off my chest, this novel is great. I have never been as satisfied with an R-18 novel than I have this one. I say this because this novel isn't higlighted because of r*pe or s*x, its higlighted because of the MC. Personally the MC is one of my top 3 MC's out of the 700+ novels I've read (That should be saying something). The character building is nothing to scoff at either because as the novel goes on, the actions of characters start to make sense and you end up understanding why they made those actions. In terms of plot development, personally although the first 27? Chapters were great foundations for the rest of the novel, I hated it. Full disclosure, before the twist in plot direction I was skipping over chapters because I couldn't even bear to read it. I just kept wondering to myself "why the hell do people rate this so high?". Then the plot twist happend and there hasn't been a single chapter since then that I wasn't smiling ear to ear. <<less
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redwave1992 rated it
October 8, 2021
Status: c1470
Wow, this web novel is amazing, the plot is very good and very thrilling, the character interactions and their development are also very good.

If only the author can continue to write the story I would like to know more what would happen on the following:

... more>>

- more yukino s*x scenes after giving birth to the child

- resolution for the student council president's (forgot the name) prostitute addiction and the other 4 ladies with similar addiction

- improvement of megumi's attidute/personality

- 4 shirasaka group sex

- yukino finally talking to other sister in the family specially with the elder sisters like yuzuki

- something like 10 yrs later, knowing how they are doing with their respective dreams/business or how many girls yoshida already had in his family

- changing yukino's tattoo to yoshinobu

Too bad all this will be in my dream creating in a way how I want it to be : (

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Scarlet Kirschblute
Scarlet Kirschblute rated it
July 22, 2021
Status: c120
I think this novel is really interesting so far.

... more>>

I know the story is quite f*ck up. It's perfectly reasonable to have thousands of complain about the MC and all the other girls. The story is neither realistic nor completely unrealistic up to this point. IMO this novel is either 5/5 or 0/5 just like school days, if you know what I mean. Personally, I think this novel is very good from an entertainment perspective, but it might be quite disturbing to some people. So I advise anyone who are interested in reading this novel, be prepared. As the tags suggest this is a 18+ novel with some depiction of s*xual violence. So please read this novel with moderation and please only treat the things happen inside this novel as a fantasy sh*t that happens in fantasy world, so don't go around and rape violate someone please...

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iCrucifyxio rated it
December 16, 2020
Status: --
You should read the first arc until it's finished which is about 60 chapters in, you won't understand the story since the main character's background story is closer to the back.

If you haven't read the first arc then don't rate the novel yet since you hacen't gotten the full scope of things, if you still don't like it after finishing the first arc then feel free to leave your review.
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Daoist CtrlF Quotation Mark
Daoist CtrlF Quotation Mark rated it
July 4, 2020
Status: c589
I came for the smut and I sure as hell got it. Smut aside the plot manages to be interesting itself, if you can wade through the glacial pacing. I think the issue with pacing is that the author wanted to fit more content into Golden Week than Golden Week can feasibly hold, most single days could be spread out into their own weeks.

MC is a lump of insecurities, which is fine means there's plenty of room for character development problem is the only character development is that he stopped... more>> stuttering and realized people would be sad if he died. There are a ton of chapters devoted to the harem attending the MC's pity parties. I suspect the MC is the type to fake his own death to see how people react at the funeral, multiple times.

Other characters tend to be interesting. My main issue with them is that they tend to overstay their welcome, sometimes becoming downright annoying.

The smut loses it's charm, a lot of it is the girls screaming "I'll be with you forever, no other man can touch me", I do like this I don't want to read cuckshit, problem is that some of these characters might have actually repeated these lines hundreds of times. This is past beating a dead horse and has gone into bashing the ground the destroyed horse was lying on. Smut also degenerates into weird fetish tier.


How can you say you love her if you let her put her tongue in your butt?


Combat scenes are pretty awful, thankfully rare but still god awful. Even skimming them was painful.

Chapters 1-586 are a school week and Golden Week. Chapters 587-589 are an epilogue which is bizarre because there's tons of plot points planted in prior chapters that get glossed over during said epilogue, I assume they get covered in the hundreds of chapters after the epilogue? I feel like the author just spoiled me in the middle of his own story. <<less
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joyshu rated it
June 30, 2020
Status: c800
this is the a great r-18 novel. This one has great pacing and also no love in first site situations happen here. The story is dark and the plot is awesome. No magic or supernatural stuff happens.

i read someone called overclock or something who I don't know which stories review he is writing. The MC never fell in love with yukino which that reviewer said.

there is no supernatural power so I don't know why he said about the devil (the teacher sorry forgot the name since didn't read from some... more>> time will start in reading it soon). She's a human being and not a devil <<less
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Shadowsword8 rated it
April 5, 2020
Status: c900
This novel is well worth reading. The story is engaging, the characters are complex, and the author spend a lot of time on their psychological states, something most other WN of that kind are lacking.

If I had one thing to complain about, it would be that the story advance far too slowly. When one character declare they're going to do this or that next, it will in reality happen not next chapter, but rather ten chapters later. The interval will be filled by dialogues, lots and lots of dialogues, further... more>> bogged down by random bits of trivia that you just won't care about after it waste your reading time again and again, and you'll get a s*x scene or three for more filling. <<less
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Mahesvara_ rated it
February 23, 2020
Status: c510
Well I have mixed feelings for this novel. It's good, it's annoying, it's exciting, it's s*upid.

Hell, this novel is so long.

... more>> After 400+ chapters it's been only a week on the novel.

One chapter had 2-3 times more content compared to an average chapter from qidian novels on webnov, but the thing is the Mc's growth takes forever. Don't bother reading if you don't have Patience. Srsly.

It has some great development but time runs so slow, so it's understandable that the MC doesn't improve so much after a few damn chapters. It doesn't get boring tho, you need to invest on reading atleast 30-60 chapters! After reading chapter 60-63 you'll feel like you entered a big new world. The depth of the story begins!

I like almost everything, just that, it's cringey. Hell yes! I hate it's super duper cringy drama. At first, the s*x scenes are really hot and exciting but the overdramatic conversation ruining it, and around ch150+ it's almost unbearable because of overdramatic scenes. If I were to describe how cringy it is, I think that it's several times more cringy than watching some "friendship" animes.

Best-Worst girls : (Biased)

Best Girls

- Yukino (??? Toxic XD)

- Katsuko

- Nagisa

Worst Girls

- Megumi

- Mana




  • The Ero scenes are the best. It's really detailed and lots of good ideas.
  • Psychological genre is delivered well. Some are really just 'fiction' but there's also alot of ideas from real life psychology.
  • All Netori are great, really! This part of the novel is very creative.
  • GREAT PLOT! Well made storylines and backstories, there is almost no noticable plotholes.
  • His women are loyal.
  • Characters have their own Story and unique traits.

    I hated Yukino from the start but I can't say that now. So far I really like the depth of Yukino's character. She had the best development. Even the enemies are mysterious and interesting.


  • Unhealthy Romance. The MC is just a living d*ldo for his girls. He's being forced to have s*x even when he's tired. He got no says, when the girls want IT he'll serve them like a faithful dog.
  • He got bratty girls on his harem. (so far only the young girls are annoying not the older ones)
  • s*x s*ave idea is bullsh*t. He got s*x s*aves but no, the MC is the actual s*ave! He always needs to satisfy the needs of those said s*aves, they're also bossy imagine having a s*ave that is more dominant than the master!
  • So far the most pathetic MC from all the novels i've read. MC getting roasts, lots of insults that enough to make your heart bleed, it really hurts, I feel bad for even reading those words thrown to him.
  • Childish, CRINGEY, Overdramatic!
  • They treat the word "Family" and "I love you" so lightly but they say it with a serious face. For instance: They're all strangers a while ago then after a few minutes of talking they suddenly became a Family and they're saying 'i love you' to each other. read this..

    "I too love Misuzu-san"

    "Misuzu also loves Megumi-san!"

    "Megu-chan, I love youuuuuuuu!! Let me give you a hug!!!"

    "I also love Nei-san!"

    "Megu-oneechan's always so kind Mana's thankful! I love you!"

    "Me too, I love you Mana! I love you very much!"

    "Maru-chan, I love you a lot!"

    "I also love you Nei!"

    "Margo-san's so cool! Mana loves you!"

    "Mana-chan, you're cute!"


    "Danna-sama, I love you!"

    "Ah, Mii-chan, you sly! I also love Yo-chan!!!!"

    "Y-Yoshi-kun I-I love you okay"

    "Onii-chan, Onii-chan, Onii-chan I love youuuu~!!"

    "Yoshida-kun, I love you!"

    "I also love you all. Margo-san"

    "I love you, Misuzu"

    "Nei-san, I love you. Megu"

    "I love you too. Mana"

    "I love you a lot"

    "I love you"

    "Ruriko-san. Yoshiko-san too, I love you!"

    "I love you two as much as these other girls"


    Copy pasted. They whole thing seriously happened!
  • Megumi

    So bothersome, she's the most useless woman. She's really reaally reaaaally annoying because of her too much inferiority complex and she's always moody.
    She's quite likable at first, but when they became lovers, Megumi became so annoying! She'll make a big deal of almost anything and Yoshida needs to comfort her every f*ckin' time. She really became a bother for Yoshida.

  • Characters had too much nicknames/pet-names/call-signs. I mean theres so many characters in this novel yet the characters changing the way they call each other so many fooking times. It's confusing! For instance..

    Yoshida call Nei as Nei/Nei-chan/Nei-san/Ya-chan. Michi got so many names too like Michi/Michi-pon/Mitsuchi/Mitchan. And many more.

    They also don't discard their former call signs so meaning each of the characters got 3-4 nicknames on the novel.
  • Sometimes when the author tries to make some real 'intense sex' all the author did was adding a lots of "!!!!" Exclamation marks on every dialogue of the characters to make it look like it's 'intense' (like wtf? Author takes the readers for idiots)
  • Too much errors on names, the names of the characters are sometimes jumbled. It's confusing to know 'who talks with who' or of whose dialogue it is.
  • Translations got lots of errors. This needs an editor!

If you're curious about the full name of the Protagonist, here you go..

Yoshinobu, Yoshida.





Though it's a cringefest novel, the plot is so interesting, I love the plot more than the ero-scenes.. It's not perfect novel and I have mixed feelings for this so I won't lay down my real score just yet. (This novel is good when binged from start to finish or else you'll get lost if you decided to stop reading in the middle and comeback after some time. Tbh I'm getting lost already.)

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baolee rated it
December 11, 2019
Status: c300
sorry for my bad english please forgive me I don't like to r*pe but I like the story behind it. I read about 300 chapters, this is my first comment.

The story begins with the r*pe scene and yukino forces her to be in pain and unhappiness when she is r*ped... I'm just like her, but the story behind me surprised me. yoshida always loves her no matter what happens, he loves the women around him who honestly don't lie I love the way they care to encourage and encourage the... more>> creation of a true affection that everyone Everyone wants Yoshida's words and actions to come from his heart. He doesn't abandon his women, new and old, all the same, but I like it. The scenes are so captivating that they care about each other's feelings, and the last thing I love the most is the way they care about each other about little things like making milk and soft drinks. This is my dream. It breaks all the rules of a husband and wife as long as he has the energy to care about the number of women he has. And they have to really sacrifice for others.. it's a little pe*vert but I feel happy We really love unselfishly. happiness is okay. I hope I find such a family... this is crazy. I would like to thank the author and the translator and anyone who is interested in this story. because we have the same hobby...

The dream is never died only lost when you give up. If you're lucky enough to get it, keep it as sweet as possible. <<less
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February 15, 2019
Status: c643
After binging for 5 days, I finally caught up. Feel said that a lot of people are unsatisfied or to the point of hating the novel. It's understandable that the acts done here are morally wrong, but no one has the right to make someone like this stuff.

Okay, starting off let's talk about the MC, Timid, wimpy, and all around depressing. They are the commonly outcast people in society due to how they present themselves. We know it's wrong to discriminate but humans tend to make first impression base on... more>> what they see. This would be the starting point for most people to not like the male MC.

For him to develop, he places himself in situations that the normal human would not be able to face calmly or rationally. Even he still backs away when those situation happen at the beginning. But as the story progresses, we see that the reason for how the way he acts are just him forcing himself to continue with life. Later on, he develops his own principles which are still lacking in my opinion.

Now, there's the plot. What made the plot interesting was that s*x was used as the medium for connections. It's understandable that it seems disgusting. But in the end, humans need there id to be satisfied or else they turn crazy.

There is the Main Story and the After story. The main story is finished till ch 589. It was done incredibly well with how you can see the characters grow and how an attachment is form between each character. The downside is that a day reaches more than 10 chapters to finish.

With the After story that is still in progress in translating, it feels considerably weak. The knew characters added lack presence and feel less human compared to before. There are events wherein original characters are further developed but makes you dislike/like them more compared to before. Since it still new, it would be best to be open for more chances for new characters and more developments to come.

4 stars is the rating that I give for it. <<less
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Kerberos rated it
February 8, 2018
Status: --
Don't mind the low star ratings, they didn't read much yet or maybe because they got swept by their emotions, they hurried back and rate this awesome novel 1 star, without even knowing for the main reason. Holy shit, the plot here are so fkng deep. In the past I was avoiding this like a plague but when I tried to give it a shot, I got hooked quickly and read all day and night nonstop. If you want more info, check the high star ratings because I'm sure they... more>> can convince you to start reading now. Just like me. I didn't regret it. And now, I'm here to give what this novel deserves. 5 stars!!!*clapclapclap*

-Please give me a cheat skill to read japanese. I'm suffering.... I Want MORE! <<less
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thecursedone rated it
February 8, 2018
Status: c34
When I saw comments saying I came for "plot" and stayed for the plot I thought they were joking but it's f*cking real!!This thing is written by an intellectual a TRULY A MASTERPIECE IN IT'S EVERY LETTER I SPELLED HERE IN CAPS! I can't say anything more, you will be captivated by the feelings of the main character and the sorrow of the girl but u will feel the changes in their psychology and the true story within their minds and what they desire and feel in that moment!Truly a... more>> masterpiece I really recommend it! <<less
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