Princess Who Hides Her Fandom


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Reincarnated into a novel where my favorite character breathes and lives.

The beauty claimed to be the most beautiful in the continent. The jewel most cherished by the Emperor. The queen of the social circles. The time bomb of the Imperial Palace. I became Princess Agnes Saint, the one with all these titles and descriptions!

It’s nice being from a rich royal family, but… Like Draco Malfoy who scorned Muggles in Harry Potter, the problem was that ‘I’ was the despised tr*sh that insulted my favorite character’s integrity.

To make matters worse, she’s hopelessly courting another man. ‘My favorite character is Kylo, the male lead’s rival, and now I’ve reincarnated as a hardcore fan of the male lead…’

But now that it’s come to this… I will, at all costs, by any means possible, prevent my favorite character’s death and pave a flower path for him!

But if I suddenly reveal myself as a Kylo fan, everyone would think I’ve lost my mind. Kylo himself would suspect I’m a madwoman.

I didn’t want my baby cat, my Kylo, to be shocked in any way. So for now, I must hide this agonizing affection.

Plus, revealing your fandom has never done any good. So for the time being, I will perfectly…

‘Hide it.’

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Closet Fan Princess
The Incognito Princess (Official Tapas Manhwa)
The Princess Is Secretly a Fan
일코하는 황녀님
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. korean novel fantasy
  2. Interesting
  3. Novel CR
  4. KR Novels
  5. Korean Novels Supremacy

Latest Release

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12 Reviews

Aug 25, 2024
Status: c129
So for any new readers wondering if this story is for you: this story definitely isn't a deep story or has the best writing. It's basically just a feel-good simple story. There's barely any world building, no actual antagonist/villain, no huge conflict or fighting scenes that involve the MC. It's solely based around the romance, and even the romance is actually pretty quick- like it doesn't take much for both guys to fall for the MC. There's no details into the original story characters like the heroine and saintess, and... more>> even the side characters. If any of those points bother you, this story may not be for you.

On the other hand, this MC gets straight to the point. She's pretty honest and unlike all the other stories where the FLs try to stick to the plot or make excuses for why they shouldn't be with the ML, she doesn't care about none of that LOL. Like she said, she is selfish in her own way. She personally said she doesn't really care about the original characters (the OG ML and heroine, etc). She clearly didn't care to follow the plot. When she got over the one bump in the road in the story, she went full-on with her desires and didn't hold back at all. It's refreshing to see a FL that actually goes after her wishes. Which makes this story a light and fun read where I can solely focus on the romance between the two main characters.

Now onto specific spoilers on the characters:


The original owner of the body FL is in, wasn't the greatest person and offended many. Both Kylo (ML) and Raymond (OG ML) were offended and insulted in some way by her. Raymond was the one that received the OG FL's obsession and affection, to the point that he was sick of it. Kylo was the one that received the OG FL's insults and disrespect. They both understandably hated the OG FL. Though I sympathized with Kylo rather than Raymond. The reason being that Kylo had more of a right to be more hateful because all he had received was disrespect and insults. He was belittled all his life hence why he turned into an imperfect and insecure man. It makes sense how he turned out this way. No one is really that close to him or would put him first.

On the other hand Raymond has always received affection all his life. To the point that it got to his head and believes it's expected. He understandably didn't like the OG FL that made him uncomfortable with her obsession, but the issue is when that is gone, he's the one wanting it back. He thinks it's matter of fact that the FL loves him and believes no matter what she wouldn't like anyone else. He was smug and acted like it was natural that FL would like him. He said how he would give anything the FL wants (except for leaving her alone). Even when he realized FL faked amnesia at one point, he spun it so that he believed she did it for his sake, out of consideration for him lmfao, instead of thinking of the possibility that she didn't like him or didn't want to see him. He was delusional and held onto his delusions until the very last chapters where he gave up. (But right before that, he literally grabbed the FL and was saying how her heart was his and to give it back to him).

FL also NEVER did anything horrible to Raymond. The OG FL made him uncomfy, never the current FL. At MOST, FL avoided him, rejected his advances, and just said her honest feelings. THAT'S IT. Nothing else was done to him. I guess not pitying or caring for Raymond is what was considered horrible??? As if she was obligated to feel that way about a dude she didn't like.

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Jul 23, 2024
Status: Completed
Mid but surprisingly entertaining

Hooked by the webtoon, I ended up zooming through the novel for curiosity's sake.
Some notable factors include just how incredibly frustrating it was to be in FL's shoes. Like not only was the male protagonist scum annoying but man I wanted to sock her older brother so bad throughout the entire novel. I was really hoping for a scene where she would just give them physical face-slaps, but I guess she didn't want to OOC that much. I think was heavily inspired to blast through this novel just to see how she deals with everyone in the end.

FL was average. She had some depth but I felt that she wasn't fleshed out as I preferred. The story centers about a lady who enters the universe/world of the character she stans most & her stanning tendencies were funny to read about. It stops there when it comes to FL's development.

Kylo is probably your best character & as the main male lead, he delivers in expectations. Kylo is very human--the most human out of all the characters in this novel actually. He's petty, insecure, prone to jealousy & it makes sense considering his background & all the prejudiced that he's faced. Meeting FL was akin to a breath of fresh air & it was fun to see him slowly realize & mull over his conflicting emotions. In short, it's a cute story. If you're going to nitpick the translations, you're better off translating it on your own. Regardless, it's an easy read.
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Jul 22, 2024
Status: Completed
This was a skimmable mess. 1, 4 stars.

I can advise you to just skip the first 60-70 chapters and begin from there, you wouldn't miss a thing. In chapter 70, FL decides to close their "gap". The content before that is all about the author's yappings about some random nobles, the everyday stuff, tea parties and ML's unhealthy levels of aggressive hate thoughts about the FL. AND IT WAS CONSTANT even though they didn't have near enough screentime together. I thought they would build trust by chapter 30s. I'm laughing... more>> at my own expectations. Even in the second part, when FL began to love bomb him, ML acted like a little man-baby who couldn't stop acting out his own insecurities. I guess this was the author's lame excuse for adding spice to the story. It was ridiculous.

Not only ML, FL has absolutely no common sense or empathy for others. This book left me pitying Raymond. Instead of making him an -sshole from her past, the author turned him into a victim. I'm not kidding, someone save him from that world. It was disgusting what FL had done to him.

I must add that I thought the ex-playboy knight would be a much better ML. He had all the qualities. Why we had to stuck with self-pity Kylo?

Also, we had chapters reserved for characters who had no real presence in the book. Like ML's stepmother, the green leaf saint, 2 knights from the black team, etc, etc.

Don't read this, pick a better mess. <<less
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Jul 01, 2024
Status: c129
Containing some spoilers!

I really enjoyed reading this novel!

The translation was wonderful. There were inconsistencies in the pronouns (he/him/his becoming she/her/her and vice versa), but other than that the sentences are really well translated and were such a joy to read.

The author really had a knack for writing things from different perspectives. I love all of Kylo’s and Raymond’s perspectives of the story. I like how we can see their thoughts and emotions regarding matters clearly and in my opinion, it was beautifully written (and translated).

... more>>

I hoped for more of Raymond’s perspective when Agnes died the second time around, but then again I suppose he was not the male lead so I should be content with what was given. I think Raymond’s perspective when Agnes died because of the carriage accident was really beautiful. If I have to pick one part of the entire novel to be my favorite, I’ll choose that part. It portrayed how his feelings and guilt became clear in the irony of the chaotic situation and mind. Really loved that.


I also like how Agnes accepted and was responsible for everything she did before she was reincarnated.

She apologized to both Kylo and Raymond for all the horrible things she did in the past. At one point she accepted that the line between her life before and after reincarnation was blurred and accepted the responsibility of what her body had done before.


Honestly, I also feel a little bad for Raymond.

He realized his feelings for Agnes too belatedly. His resentment of Agnes was childish, but it’s what makes him more human. Agnes was also pushy and selfish regardless of her intention not to make Raymond feel lonely, so it’s pretty understandable that he resented her for a long time. He was miserable because of Agnes’ deaths as well, so I really feel bad for him. It’s a good thing that he gave up neatly in the end.


I had also hoped that the side characters have a few more stories before the end.

Agnes had made some meaningful relationships with the Marquess of Melville and Hazel Devon, so I had hoped to see them again at the end of the story. However, they vanished and were never mentioned again in the end. It’s a little pity because they were mentioned with some interesting backstories, but then again I suppose they were not the main characters of this novel. Again, I also hoped that Raymond meets his own happy ending but that's just me.


The same as BestSS, I also cursed the crown prince many times throughout the story. The characters of this novel have personalities that are quite realistic, especially their greed and tactics.

The crown prince was written to be a realistic brother who cares for her sister in a tsundere way but also moves politically to achieve what he wants. He was pretty annoying and almost insufferable, but then again that is what makes the author shines in their writing.


All in all, this novel is beautifully written. I would recommend this novel to anyone who feels curious about it. (I also feel the novel is way more enjoyable than the manhwa) <<less
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Dec 13, 2024
Status: c129
There's a lot to say about the novel, but I'll try to simplify it into bullet points


  • It was an enjoyable read
  • Set up a lot for it to be a good story writing-wise

... more>>
  • Translation made dialogue clunky to read and pronoun problems
  • The story basically introduced 15 side characters and never used them again, only sticking to the main 4 (which is fine, but they overdid it).
  • Near the end they opened plot threads and closed them just as quickly without any foreshadowing. This is obviously bad writing as if the writer slapped it in at the end for the sake of it. (Hazel's secret and Liliana/Salton backstory).
  • Raymond becoming a generic obsessed-ex manhwa character was genuinely so boring. They had a perfect set-up to give him more nuance and chose not to
  • The author introduced parallels between characters regarding dead mothers and illegitimate children, but never properly explored them. This made the story feel like stale fluff and drama without any meaningful angst.
  • Kylo flipped from "MC hates me and thinks I'm a bug" to "I will kill the entire world for her" WAYY too abruptly without him reflecting properly on previously established scenes of her flirting with him and him perceiving it as bullying.
  • The MC went from a reincarnated person as Agnes to actually being Agnes out of nowhere and it was confusing. At the start, she had no memories of Agnes's life before her possession, but throughout the story, she mentions how she has detailed memories of certain characters when she was a kid. (I don't think this a Show not Tell thing, I genuinely think the author just forgot she wasn't OG Agnes).
  • Slapped in side character romance at the end without ever building it up, so the reader just doesn't care for it.
  • The comments were just annoying. OG Agnes straight up stalked him, harassed him and attacked any woman that got close to him despite him expressing his discomfort with her behaviour; moreover, she literally attacked commoners regularly and diminished the military efforts in this world. Despite her absolutely atrocious actions, the comments were like "Lol too late Raymond, you should've taken MC while you had a chance". ??????? WHEN SHE WAS AN AWFUL PERSON???
Genuinely this story was awful to read due to how plain it was. It's just another generic story that could've been great and has a manhwa counterpart that made it 10x better.

I would write more in detail, but Idk how to put spoilers on this website <<less
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Jul 08, 2024
Status: c10
Absolutely loved it! Translation was a bit iffy with the male/female pronouns matching up, but it didn't get in the way of my enjoyment. I liked the story arc overall, was very invested in the characters, and am quite happy with the ending. Thank you to the translator for allowing me to read this wonderful story! Give it a try!
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Jul 03, 2024
Status: c129
(Sorry if this is long! and a little bitty biased...)

I LOVE THIS!! One of my favorite novels from now on <3, I would def recommend and re-read this series, the FL adapted very nicely to the novel, usually some female leads change their demeanor abruptly after transmigrating, I felt like the FL knew how to do things smoothly and smartly, thus, at the end things went her way (awesome). Please give this novel a chance, it's so worth it !1!!1!!!1! Major spoilers

... more>>

My heart ached when I saw Kylo's POV after her death, it was too painful to see how Kylo only knew he had the love he wanted from the person he desired in a letter after her death... Ouch. Raymond was kinda annoying with his delusions, he's the perfect example of "You don't know what you've got till it's gone" I sympathized with him, though, I agree he deserved FL's rejection after treating OG Agnes so cruelly (thoough! OG Agnes was also borderline obssesive, both of them we're flawed, they both needed love, so tragic..)


And about the lovey dovey couple!!


I still melt when I think about how in the end, the ML gets pampered and adored in every way by the FL. Kylo letting himself be vulnerable with her, the two of them acting like every day it's their honeymoon or first date together is so funny and cute, he really deserved that happy ending with her after going to the lengths of fighting/climbing a mountain (more than once) /almost dying! just to see her again, the FL giving away her life for her favorite (Kylo) and the kingdom... Such a wonderful match, devoted to each other, im a sucker for cheesy and mutual romance.


Thanks for translating this ;D I can't wait to read the extras.


The crown prince was a pain in the ass yuck, more frustrating than Raymond.

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Jul 01, 2024
Status: Completed
This story was about a fangirl who tried to pave a flowery way for her idol in the novel but along the way, she didn't only make her idol more popular but also made him obsessed with her. Yes, it's quite predictable how this story would eventually end. But it seemed, I still missed some extra stories? (Blame me for missing the "ongoing" mark in the side stories description). Thankfully, the story about the main couple already ended quite perfectly so I'm quite content with the ending.

But still, I want... more>> to rant a bit.


Ugh, Damien is so annoying. I mean, he clearly knew that Raymond hurted Agnes badly in the past but he still tried to match Raymond and Agnes for the sake of his future. For him, gaining a valuable ally like Raymond worth more than her sister's happiness which was quite chilling to me. Maybe the past Agnes would be over the moon if Raymond wanted to marry her but the past Agnes was no more.

I also dislike Raymond for being a heartless jerk but he's actually quite pitiful too. Losing his mother really traumatized him but it still wasn't excuse to hurt the past Agnes just to alleviate his sorrow. Maybe that guy deserved losing Agnes but I'm still quite sad when I saw him breaking down after losing Agnes. Well, I hope he could be a better person someday and cherised what he had before he regretted losing it again.

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Jun 20, 2024
Status: c82
Very cute!

... more>>

I love how she was doing her best to pretend she forgot Raymond, the person her "body" used to love, since she doesn't like him, after she got into a accident in ch 66. But was I HATE is her brother. Like, just so he can postpone his wedding, he is trying to get them together, even though she is pretending that she forgot him, and just went though a HUGE accident. Like bro, whatt.

Anyway, the ML has hilarious thought about her, like why is she being so nice to him


I love this book <<less
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Aug 28, 2024
Status: Completed
Can't say this novel is perfect but I definitely love this novel!!!!

And the cover picture is truly beautiful it captivated me into reading this asap without considering the synopsis at all. (And bonus is that it's completely translated so why not!)

Some of the plots made me wonder, deep down I think its too bad bc it could be developed into a more beautifully complicated plot but the author just leave it as a simple and undeveloped. But despite all that, I just love love loveee all the romance in... more>> the story and the interactions between the FL and ML. I love the characters and the story till the end and decided to still give this a 5/5 star based on how much I love this novel!

I can't get this novel out of my mind when reading... definitely a sign I was overly enjoying the read.

The translations need some minor editing bc there's a lot of faults between the pronouns but its still understandable and I am truly grateful for the author and the translation team for completing this novel. Thank you so much🥺 <<less
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Oct 23, 2024
Status: c102
I was reading the manhwa and then decided to start reading the novel, because I liked the plot of a die-hard fan x knight.

The plot is really easygoing to read, even including some comedy and funny moments, which made it fun to read and not too dull. I liked the first chapters in specific, they are interesting, getting introduced to the world setting and MC's approaches towards ML.

I must say that it has been hard to read this novel, because the characters are just so infuriating. I feel like the... more>> novel was pretty nice in the first half but after the half of the book it feels as if my braincells pop out of anger. Every chapter I read makes me feel frustrated and infuriated, I can't stand it. I'm just continuing reading to finally find something to calm down that anger I'm feeling.

Agnes and Kylo:


So MC (Agnes) is actually really cute and wholesome wanting to let her Bias (Kylo) get treated with respect in the nobility. Not to mention her obvious love towards him. I mean it is understandable that she mentioned wanting him to marry someone else, because she doesn't even consider him falling for herself.

But still she's kinda leading him on at this point out of his POV and the lack of communication between them is so frustrating I could rip their hair out. It would take 2 minutes of communication to clear out their misunderstandings, I can't take it.




Now this second ML is the main reason of why I am so frustrated. His sob story and him finally understanding OG Agnes' feelings and actions probably served as to wanting readers to pity him and root for him. Well at first like for one chapter that worked but after getting to know him more he's just creepy.

Like MC is so right, he's stalking her with the ab*se of his power. Not to mention that OG Agnes always loved him, cheering him up and yes well annoyed him and he cursed at her and treated her like sh*t (ex. One time he even let her wait all day/night in the rain on purpose.)

So after MC almost died, he had a sudden change of heart and only wants her after noticing that another man gets her love and attention now. He's such a scumbag fr and so delusional.

He still thinks she loves him and is so creepy leeching on to her, even though MC obviously despises him and likes Kylo. It's so nauseating and you can't even feel empathy with this scum anymore, cuz his character was deeply ruined.


Concluding I just feel like there are barely any characters that are not infuriating. I must say some characters lack in appearance to judge but Raymond is really rotten. <<less
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Jul 02, 2024
Status: c129
This story is very cute and I really love the characters. Be aware though, the translation isn’t the best, you will have to deal with switching of pronouns and some misspellings but overall I was able to understand it. This was worth reading 👍🏾
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