Phoenix’s Requiem


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Painfully shy and conflict-averse, Yun Ruoyan is a scion to a noble house only in name, a puppet embroiled in political machinations beyond her ken. At the tender age of eighteen, poisoned and at death’s door, she finds herself thrown out into the streets. Her relatives have all been executed, betrayed by her dear husband and her cousin. With her dying breath, she curses her own weakness and swears revenge.

When Yun Ruoyan awakens once more, she is thirteen, transported five years into the past by the will of the heavens. Her death-defying experience has changed her: no longer is she the malleable creature she once was but more questions await at every corner- What is the truth behind the birthmark that disfigures her appearance? What are the circumstances surrounding her mother’s mysterious death?

Will the phoenix rise from the ashes, or will she fall once more in thrall to fate?

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Recommendation Lists
  1. Historical/Xianxia/Xuanhuan
  2. BG Rebirth
  3. Complete Novels (Part 6) BG
  4. Cultivation novels to cultivate my unfounded brain
  5. Transmigrated / Transmigration

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Date Group Release
11/17/20 Wuxiaworld c1
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jklm rated it
May 2, 2021
Status: c9
Cliche, and not even cliche done well. I gave up on this faster than I usually do because even just the first few chapters made me roll my eyes.

MC is "ugly" because she has a birthmark on her face. You just know that somehow the birthmark is going to get removed so that she can become a shocking beauty. So dumb, a birthmark really isn't a big deal.

Villain plots are so dumb MC practically deserved to be screwed over in her first life. She wakes up to one of those,... more>> "oh no, someone stole the precious knick-knack" plots, where her evil cousin tries to frame her by... just saying she did it. And apparently, everyone went along with that in her first life and she was ruined, even when they couldn't find the knick-knack in her room. In this life, she ingeniously counters the plot with the great skill of... counter accusation! So they search her cousins room and find it. Like... wut? Cousin didn't even plant it in MC's room? Literally no evidence was required the first time around? How is that even a plot? Did the MC just play dead and let herself be convicted the first time?

Less than 5 minutes later, MC discovers the injured probably-the-male-lead on her front step. He forcibly kisses her for no apparent reason. They have a discussion about how she is poisoned as he lays bleeding out in front of her. A deal is struck that they will help each other.

  1. I literally guarantee that when her poison is cured her birthmark will go away.
  2. Do you usually have trouble decided whether to help an injured person? I get that it's hella suspicious that he's there, but maybe your life was ruined in the first timeline because you're an indecisive b*tch. And that's probably going to need more than just dying once to cure, sorry, I don't make the rules.
I don't mind reading cliche stories (or I wouldn't be on novelupdates, haha), but at least flesh them out a little! The point of a cliche is that the foundation is there so the author should be able to spend more time on the other details. This author didn't bother, so I'm not going to either. <<less
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erialolita rated it
November 30, 2021
Status: c231
This story was so cliche that I seriously thought it was a story I had read before. It's like the author took parts of all female MC wuxia novels and mashed them together calling it a book.

I got to chapter 231 (I was sick needed something mindless) and literally nothing happens. Lots of story arcs start but nothing is ever finished before a new arc begins. So many things don't make sense for a rebirth standpoint

... more>>

how could she miss an entire rebilion her first life when she was 13-14.


The ML and MC feelings are forced


one minute Li Mo wants to kill her and cares nothing of her life then not much happens between the two but he is in love with her

Her feelings are cautious then the next minute she loves him, just out of the blue like okay we love each other now.

Let's not even get into how until chapter 231 she still 13/14 (author never really clear on ages) and ML is 22-ish?


The revenge plot seems forgotten, she just lets her cousin walk all over her, she is very tolerant of the Yun family who could care less about her and she is more like a damsel in distress that needs Li Mo to save her, than a strong woman who's gotten a second chance. I mean she doesn't even learn.


the part with the 2nd Rong sister had me literally face palm, she just runs right in and gets herself poisoned... again.


The author is very inconsistent with levels, ages, time etc. Just a bad story all around. <<less
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CRY_ rated it
September 16, 2022
Status: c491
3.5 ⭐'s

Honestly, the previous reviews do not give this story justice.

Yes, it has cliche tropes but if you've ever read this particular genre, you know that they get recycled and reused.

... more>> You can't go into reading this particular type of novel expecting it to magically be different from all the other novels of the same genre and be written in a way that we've never seen before.

In the beginning, ML and FL do not like each other all that much but as the story progresses, they grow more certain of their feelings for each other.

Unlike a previous review, I think it's pretty solid. You can't expect characters in a novel of 400 chapters to magically start liking each other right away or even 50 chapters in, it's needed for the story development.

Around chapter 216-ish+, the novel gets pretty interesting.


You learn the FL has demonic dragon blood and she is one of the last remaining survivors.

You learn her father probably isn't even her father but a different dude!


Like c'mon, who would not be intrigued to find out what is going to happen next.

Then you also learn that

the ML's mom and dad "commited a crime" and that's why they were killed.


Honestly, I think this novel is worth a shot. Also, kudos to the translator for doing a fantastic job. <<less
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Afm rated it
August 28, 2023
Status: Completed
It's a nice novel.

Although it's might be quite cliche at the begining.. But it's much better then other novels.

After the FL was reborned.. The author did quite a good job for doesn't make her too overpower by making her to have some flaw, like getting poisoned few times, got heavily injured few times.. And so on..

... more>> The author also did a good job, for didn't put both ml& FL "feelings" to-get-together straight- away the moment they meet..

As both ML & fl, who being getting thru some difficulties, theres 'naturally' to have some wary & be more reserved with some of their feelings.

Also, the author didn't 'Over-exaggerate' about both ML & fl's facial appearance [unlike those other novelist, which wrote their fl/ml's "overwhelming appearance" in every chapters.. Lol]

unfortunately, the ending was such a rush. <<less
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Relenapeacecraft rated it
February 17, 2024
Status: c181
The novel's title should be An Idiot's Requiem.

The common theme with this rebirth troupe was that 99% of the time, the protagonists death were because they were dumb, useless, worthless, naive, idiotic, incompetent, and cannot live without a man.

The MC of this novel was another perfect example of the aforementioned characteristics. Even after rebirth, she's still the same deplorable person. Everything needed to be spoon fed to her before she'll be able to accomplish anything. Moreover, even with that much help, her retaliation were inconsequencial and can barely be counted... more>> as revenge. I got fed up with how much the author kept on prolonging this tr*shy novel so it's time to drop it. What a waste of time. <<less
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