Pampered Poisonous Royal Wife


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The Capital’s girls look on with hatred, “You’re just a country girl without any knowledge. Do you have Niyun Shop’s clothes? Do you have Brilliant Treasure Pavillion’s jewellery? Do you even know how eminent and domineering the famous Yue Wang is?”

Mu Yunyao looked at them lazily, “Niyun Shop? I opened it. Brilliant Treasure Pavillion? I opened it. As for Yue Wang…when are you returning my silver?”

Yue Wang’s face was cold: “I will pay with my body.”

(Wang means Prince. In this case, “Yue Wang” was a title given by the Emperor to his son.)

After being reincarnated, Mu Yunyao believes in three things: One, do not have good intentions towards others. Two, do not let the enemy have the chance to rise again. Three, do not believe in feelings. Thus, she is merciless. She is fearless. She would rather have everything destroyed than to compromise for everything.

However, after one fateful meeting, a cold-blooded prince keeps following her, silently plotting on making her his wife and bringing her back to pamper her…

Associated Names
One entry per line
A Beauty, A Fatal Concubine
Kiều nữ độc phi
Related Series
The Rebirth of the Malicious Empress of Military Lineage (5)
Cool Goddess Special Agent (2)
The Enchanting Empress Dowager is Really Poisonous (2)
The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort (2)
The Princess Wei Yang (2)
Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Eldest Young Miss has Arrived! (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Wow there's a manhua version (FL)
  2. Historical/ Fantasy BG
  3. Love at the time of dinasties
  4. Favorite stories
  5. long novels

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/24/18 Silversnow translations c18
10/22/18 Silversnow translations c17
10/20/18 Silversnow translations c16
10/20/18 Silversnow translations c15
10/20/18 Silversnow translations c14
10/13/18 Silversnow translations c13
10/13/18 Silversnow translations c12
10/07/18 Silversnow translations c11
10/05/18 Silversnow translations c10
10/03/18 Silversnow translations c9
09/24/18 Silversnow translations c8
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27 Reviews sorted by

New Noahswift1 rated it
June 2, 2024
Status: Completed
I enjoyed the beginning of the novel however I thought it was a bit slow for my liking and I found that nothing ever really happened to the main characters at most it would be over in a few chapters.

I would have liked there to be more problems and for the problems to be bigger I think the only really big event in the novel was with the

dam breaking and the floods from it.


overall a decent novel however I just found it very slow and forgettable.
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SilverSnowTranslations rated it
September 19, 2018
Status: --
Hi, I'm Chiyo! I'm the translator for this novel. This novel was actually brought to my attention by its manhua version. ... more>>

The main character became quite OP after going through a horrid first life where her mother was killed, her leg chopped off, the betrayal by the first person who treated her nicely after her mother's death, her unborn child being killed when she was given a beating...I like how the main character tries to change her future. Her OPness isn't too over the top (ridiculously OP may be fun, but gets boring overtime) and has to do with earning money haha. The Male lead does not shine too brightly but early parts of the novel does hint that he is pretty ruthless. Like her death before reincarnation was related to him...? Oh and his servants are super hilarious, like some of them are actually acting as the matchmaker between the ML and MC hahahaha


Anyway I don't really want to spoil the story too much... but it's overall a really fun story haha.

And, um, this is my first translation so if there are any mistakes please drop me a comment/email! Thanks! <<less
114 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Cocalalona rated it
August 15, 2019
Status: --
*beware my rant contain slight spoiler, skip it if you want fresh perspective*

I seriously like business part and relationship between MC and her mother.


... more>> Ugh.. the ML was horrible, IMO he didn't has any redeemable traits (at least so the chapter I read so far). I thought her bodyguard, Liu Lang was much more likeable than ML. But ofc since this is Chinese novel the ML should be a powerful, 'wonderful' prince

1. After MC more or less save his life, he didn't feel grateful at all. Moreover gave some gifts to thank MC.

2. He trespass MC's shop like a thief. (FYI, he had garment business which was a rival of MC, and MC's shop plaque writing was similar with his writing, so he 'visited' MC's shop by 2nd floor window to check inside and meet MC, at that time MC was in banquet so they didn't meet) how creepy... This is sooo uncomfortable.

3. He shamelessly 'visit' MC's room in the night after failed to meet MC in her shop, and anyway need to mention he also POINTING A SWORD TO MC'S NECK. (This is where my patience lost, he pointed a sword to MC who basically saved his ass, never wronged him aside for similar writing that MC didn't know it was his writing style)

4. Then he SHAMELESSLY threatened her to give him 50% of her shop's profit. Excuse me? Just because similar writing? Wth! My cheapskate brain screamed non-stop when I read this. It's not his business, he didn't contribute anything beside his 'writing'. How convenience! Ugh I hate this ML so much. Even though in the end it was only 30% but what his right to get profit? Just because he was a wangye and he can kill MC anytime at that moment? Screw him!! As a sadistic cheapskate, I want to kick his ball to wake him up.

(Anyway what a royal who threatened to get a profit from his people? to top that from a widow and 13 y.o girl, UGH s*upid TYRANT! Hope he never get a throne, oh well but since he was a ML he will get it eventually -_-) <<less
63 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
aas9999 rated it
June 18, 2019
Status: c460
Hi! I'm the temporary translator for this novel. I picked it up where Silversnow Translation left, that is c98, but c59 according to the raws. I decided to pick it up until someone can take it from me because I have no experience in translating nor do I understand Chinese.

This story is great because even if the FL was reincarnated, she didn't completely focus on her revenge and become really ruthless. Instead, she learns how to make herself invicible as much as she can and protect her loved ones. Sometimes,... more>> she's ruthless but she learns to let go of the last life and move forward while still guarding against possible threats. There are twists and turns in the middle. Also, a reminder, if you can't stand in*estuous relationship between uncle and niece, you want to stay away early from it. <<less
34 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Kaylee rated it
March 9, 2019
Status: --
Reading it in a flash, and definitely really liking it.

What do I like and dont like?
    1. MC can kill her enemies without hesitation. No bullsh*t mercy or overthinking or any 'alright, I'll forgive you but the next time you do it blablablabla' insipid reason. Just be done with it, and cut the rotten grass till the root, burn the ground and sprinkle salt over it lmao
    1. Tho sideeyeing the very cliche 'meeting of fate' between the two FL ML
    1. I give thumb up for how the author still makes her mother involves/appears in the novel. I mean, other novels I read always throw those early support character byebye for now XD
    1. And thank goodness, no ML appearance even after chapter 77! (Just a few of them in early chapter). It's just simple story of a woman struggle. How a young girl tries hard to make her second life be different than before. To make a safe and mighty status so her mother and she wont be canon fodder again. Not anymore
    1. And because her initial business is with women's, most of the characters are women, no man (that much) ahahaha
    1. I just wish the romance wont make this novel boring when we get to that part.
Update in July 2021 : I regretted I stumbled and still persisted to read this.

Everyone are kinda complaining of ML's shameless of exhorting money from MC. But you need to be logical, when you borrow something of someone else's without their permission and you get benefit from it, of course you need to pay back. Simple as that.

Also, if ML was shameless for going to MC room at night, MC was more shameless for not doing the right thing. Screaming for her maid, get people to notice, so she couldnt be blackmailed maybe. Or maybe not started to use and be dependent of ML's resources instead just because. *I'm rolling my eyes moment*

The OPness of MC, of how everything she invented would get praise and success was a truly boring.
17 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mingming rated it
September 23, 2018
Status: c6
This story has a lot of potential! I love how the MC’s past was not some generic “my beloved sister/husband/family betrayed me that’s why I died from jumping off a cliff somewhere ”. The MC was already aware that she had no allies, it was just that she had failed in her retaliation. So in this new life, she decides to change her future starting from where all her problems began.

And I can’t wait to see how the MC becomes rich haha according to translator-sama.


I can definitely see that translator-sama put in a great deal of effort in the translations. Thank you for your hard work!!
16 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Gabi94 rated it
November 20, 2020
Status: c67
I'll give it 3 stars just because if it wasn't for ML this novel would be ok. Maybe I would even be willing to MTL it, but...

ML is annoying as f*ck, honestly, every time he shows up I know I'll be rolling my eyes the entire chapter. He is too petty, wanting to kill MC for minor things. No wonder he couldn't change his position in so many years.


He blackmails her for three s*upid reasons:
1- Her handwriting was inspired by his, and that makes him think she is using him (???)
2- She used his dagger to kill someone, but nothing really happened because of it, no one suspected him or anything like that.
3- She bought a house he wanted to buy but had no money.

So, he just wanted to extort her


After that, all the interactions they had just couldn't redeem him in my eyes, because it all started with her being afraid of him because he tried to kill her.

I don't care about how much he suffered, he is way too stingy and shameless, "ow, he is poor, he needed the money" Well, MC was also poor, and she got her money on her own, without having to threaten others.
This just left the impression that he is not capable enough, and that MC is not so strong after all. She just agreed! f*ck, she was extorted and ended up saying that this was a good deal, smart MC ? uhum, ok.


After the blackmail thing, she wanted to start a new business, and then you think " oh, at least with this new business, the money will be hers alone.". NO, the dumb MC goes to him and asks him to choose the employees, she had her motives, but she was already planning to open this tea shop before him, still, she chose to be even more entangled with this guy who obviously doesn't care about her. He even started demanding things from HER new business. So, WHY, WHY ARE YOU BEING USED BY THIS GUY SO MUCH ???

This is actually a phrase from the book: "Regardless of what Yue Wang used the tea house for, her only purpose was to earn more silver. In fact, she knew that it was very likely that she would become a pawn in the hands of this prince. In the future, once identified, she was likely to be abandoned by him." AGAIN WHYYY ???


For the sake of the author not having to think too much to create a better bond between them, I guess.
It is just too annoying when authors make MC weak when it comes to the ML, Especially when ML is the sociopath type.
For me this ruined the romance, I can't really root for them anymore. I'll just drop this for now.
14 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
July 13, 2021
Status: --
The FL gives very much white lotus and her methods are extremely lacking and are acts of injustice also her personality is terrible. Her schemes are shitty and brainless, she almost always inflict self damage and pull the pity card. Look at me I am so small and cute and wounded, pity me or if she isn't using this method she would scheme and cause a lot of innocent bystanders to get hurt unfairly and that pisses me off. Like if you are targeting someone or a group of people... more>> in particular, don't involve the honest common man.

For example, she got 20, 000 in silver for a tapestry she did for the emperor from a shopkeeper, mind you this person took a chance and gave her the opportunity to present her skills as she looked like a normal villager to him and she was good enough. He gave her this job in hopes of earning merits himself. He never threatened her badly, may have haggled the price a bit but that's his job, he never sent anyone after her to take back the money but because his shop was associated with the Su family, (shop provides money and the Su family gives backing), she decided to 'pluck' the Su family's wings by messing with the tapestry. Apparently the image she woved changed during the trip to the palace and what the emperor saw was basically a gift wishing him a loss so he was upset with the Su family who naturally shirked responsibilities and the store took the blame. Yes, this meant the Su family no longer had that source of income but the shopkeeper and his family were innocent, everyone else was innocent and while the Su family got a slap on the wrist, these people, hard working, maybe honest commoners had to pay the full price, lost their livelihood and probably their lives too

Her mother is just mad irritating and enables her, like you are aware of the things your daughter is doing, they make you feel uncomfortable, why not try to guide her or give some advice instead of saying "oh my daughter is sweet and innocent, they made her like that." Waste of f*cking time mother. Keep in mind while I do agree with the FL taking revenge but the white lotus act, the fakeness, the self righteousness is nauseating. I almost no longer pity her for her first life, felt like she deserved it. I am not saying wait for your enemies to act out against you but why do you need to do stuff but pin the blame on them? How is that much different to what they do? No one likes or should be blamed for something they did not do, as long as you do something bad, you would leave a trace of your presence in the act. Had this been a proper novel she would've been caught already or be an evil side character with a miserable end.
Another thing that just doesn't make sense at allllll, is her golden fingers, like it appeared out of thin air.

In the past life, the Su family treated her badly and she had a poor reputation so they definitely wouldn't hire a 'godly' weaver to teach her shit, then she schemed to get pregnant by her white lotus sister's husband, the prince or whatever, to piss of the sister. bit*h been dumb since her last life. Then she was busy fighting her sister as a concubine and tragically died in a scheme...... how tf did she learn all these skills? She is making medicine, knows what causes and how to cure infertility, have a million and one different weaving skills bruhhhhh, never read so much tr*sh in my life. Her skills are unexplained and who is the real person that taught her those weaving skills and what became of them? Did she get rid of them so to claim real ownership of the skill?

Ughhh I mentioned before her schemes are total tr*sh, especially when compared to other novels female schemers.

In her past life, she died convicted as a spy. How the f*ck did such a dumbass manage to succeed in this life because she certainly did not have time to get smarter. This means only one thing..... everyone else in the novel got dumb as f*ck after she was reborn, they most certainly were dumber than her in this life. Like what was the whole f*cking point in sleeping with your white lotus sister/ cousin's future husband in the past life? You wanted to piss her off so you slept with her future husband and became his concubine to piss her who became his main wife off? How does that make f*ckING SENSE???? She could've had a good life in her in past life had she been a little smarter. She got people scheming against her and guess what she scheming against herself too. Ain't nobody, not even herself was helping her dumbass in the last life, she deserved it, she has no right to look for vengeance when she basically forced herself to death.


To conclude her mother was a weak, whiny ass idiot who grew her up to be a big vengeful ass idiot. The book was a fail and after reading all that sh*t and reading the positive reviews I now pity the fate of humanity. Imagine that this level of tr*sh novel has now become a "good" story. Oh judgement thou art fled to brutish beast and men have lost their reason, bear with me. My heart has been trampled by the untrustworthy good reviews given to this novel and I must read it no further so it may return to me. <<less
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iridys rated it
December 6, 2019
Status: Completed
I'm actually bloody impressed with this story.

Alas, the translator decided to stop at c99, and linked to a MTL. Besides the various name issues and trying to figure out who's saying what, it was surprisingly readable. A surprising amount of nuance came through, and I especially appreciated the humour and affection.

As for why I'm so impressed, the relationship between the leads is healthy and without the r*pey/problematic overtones one frequently finds in these kinds of romances. Her mother's still there at the end, and the happy ending was very satisfying.... more>> There's a emphasis (thanks to her mother) on being happy, and not letting her bad experiences make her as bad as her enemies. If fact, the overarching theme seems to be about being happy, as opposed to being powerful, which I find very refreshing considering the tone of the last several revenge novels I read.

I guess, if there was a downside, it's that every plan they make succeeds; with some issues, but still. Everything the MC touches turns out golden in the end.

Overall, I'm happy to have read this, and if someone ever translates it properly, I'll happily read it again. <<less
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dramamonster rated it
November 7, 2020
Status: Completed
Read all the NU translated links (chapters 1-205), then finished it by MTL (chapter 752). First 65% of story is the MC getting revenge, protecting her mother, living a good life, and earning money, like a mix of Fields of Gold and Rebirth of Malicious Empress of Military Lineage (5 stars!). The rest of the story starts to bog down once it moves to imperial politics and foreign diplomacy (3 stars, I skimmed the boring parts to get to the ending).

Trigger warnings: the MC is 13-17 years old during most... more>> of the plot, although she doesn't marry until after reaching the (then) age of majority. Emperors are in love with their Empresses, but still have children with concubines. MC and ML may or may not

be related.



MC's mom is actually the lost niece of the Emperor. ML is not the Emperor's son, so they're not related. It's a happy ending, the bad people die and the good people live and prosper. ML and MC are faithful to each other.


Like other novels, I wish they had translated the store names into English, rather than leaving them into pinyin. I can barely tell characters apart with their pinyin, much less multiple store names. <<less
8 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
lynnell246 rated it
December 31, 2018
Status: c50
First I wanna say that the translating in this is great and the translator even explains things that might not make sense to other and I love that. Moving on to the story I love it too. This MC is not playing around she is out for a better life and the girl definitely deserves it. She's getter her revenge and treasuring her second chance at the same time and her devotion to her mother is just amazing. And I love her fairness. Not for the faint of heart though... more>> there is some gore just a warning. <<less
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VeraH rated it
November 29, 2018
Status: Completed
Thought I'd give some input since I just finished it, so:-

  1. The beginning can be a bit slow to some people. (*cough*Me*cough*)
  2. There's a lot of palace intrigue/politics (however which way you want to put it)
  3. It's a bit longer than necessary (I might even say it's boring at certain points). I mean, yes, it's good to see that it's realistic by not immediately taking down the antagonists in one go and the MC is smart where she takes almost every bit of detail into consideration but the second half of the story is just... continuously catching the same fish and letting it loose back only to catch it back again...
  4. The romance is sweet (I guess?), MC and ML can be really shy sometimes then really bold other times (but like I said above, can be a bit boring at some point)
  5. There's a bit of in*estuous themes towards the 2/3 of the story but it's really just a bit.

    If you consider uncle-niece relationship in*estuous... (They're not blood-related)

7 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
seawaterwitch rated it
September 22, 2018
Status: c5
So far. It's not bad. I am enjoying the story. Thank you for the translator hardwork m (_._) m

So far. Chapter 5, still the story about the heroine background why she was reborn again. So I am curious with what happen next.
7 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
hangluu rated it
October 25, 2021
Status: c1
I like the male lead lol so many people hates him! I don't get it.

He is a bit different from your typical OP ml. He has resources, but he isn't rich enough where he can solve everything easily. They grow powerful together (although.. I love the fact that she will always be richer than him).

I like him. He was a bit annoying at first, but he got better..
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
lteye rated it
February 29, 2020
Status: c610
My favorite thing about this story is that a lot of the MC actions were always in the good of other women. In most of these ancient China rebirth story, The MC motivation is always herself. Mu yanyao motivation is herself and her mother. Which also highlights another thing that’s missing from other stories which is her positive interactions with other women. Did she have to get rich? Yes? But Did she have to crush other people on her way to richdom? No.

She understood that the best way to be safe was to share the pot. And although she was angry at the people from her past life, she remembered the loneliness and despair she felt and that's actually made her more compassionate to other ppl instead of vengeful.

Now was it a little ridiculous that these ppl trusted a 13 year old so much? Yes! But but I ignored that lol smh. Also I think about how the ML of most of these stories are usually off to war at 13 and get respect so why can’t she be savvy entrepreneurs at 13 lol
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
mielru rated it
December 17, 2019
Status: Completed
I totally agreed with iridys' review.

The great translations by Lil Painted Life were until ch99, and it would link to another site which translated until ch753 but those were MTL. My first time reading machine translated so I have to read 100+ chapters to get used to it LOL. Too bad the translation was not accurate but I could guess what happened in the outline/big picture.

I totally loved the whole story. The MC was a strategist, businesswoman. So great to finally found a business-oriented story in an ancient story.

... more>>

Could say that the story was divided into:

1. Business arcs where MC and her mother worked hard to establish and build prestige in the city.

2. Su family arc

3. Politics arc

4. Northern Frontier arc

All arcs were great, but my favorite was the first two. The romance was more developed in 3rd. If I wasn't mistaken.


The ML was also unique. He was POOR lol. And the character was not OP, he often discussed schemes and strategies with MC.

The story was smooth sailing for MC. The business was great, schemes were running smoothly. The story wasn't bloody.

The ending in 753 was not completed! OMG. The story was 99.9%, I need the other 0.1%. I would love to reread again if someone translated it properly. <<less
5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Serena12195 rated it
August 17, 2019
Status: c82
So far this has been a great story!

Normally I do not write reviews until a story is complete but there are a lot of reviews that do not give justice to this story.

This story has a very strong female lead. She was reincarnated into her youth right before her mother and she were sold off to a monstrous man. From there she does everything possible to get revenge on those horrible people who victimized her to death while at the dame time enjoying her mother's love and company. For her... more>> her mother is first and her revenge is second.

There has not been a lot of interaction with the Male lead but so far he is the typical prince trying to be cunning in order to survive. He has taken an interest in our FL but nothing further, probably because she is still a couple years from adulthood.

The FL is very human, she is not overpowered nor does she posses any skill she had not worked really hard for.

So to summarize this is a great story of an ingenious reincarnated lady who just wants justice/revenge and to live with her beloved mother.

So far I definitely recommend this story!! <<less
4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
lilasia rated it
September 13, 2020
Status: c619
There's a lot of hate and a lot of violence without remorse, particularly in the beginning.... which made it a little hard for me to get through until they left the village. I kept going since I wanted to see what she would do after "clearing the first hurdle."

Considering that I was a little overwhelmed at first, I didn't expect to love this novel as much as I do.

Main Characters:

    • The MC - She's a little OP because of her past life, but, honestly, I don't mind it for her. The skills she learned are something she learned to survive in her past life and found that she loved them for herself enough to cultivate them... She obviously has talent that she was born with since her personal aesthetic vision in her embroidery and decoration isn't necessarily something that can be taught. She also had acute business sense, which I'm glad she's able to use in this life... now that she's more educated than in her previous life. I think another reviewer noted that she didn't really need to get rich to survive... but, I find that I agree with the MC that she had to. There were certain events in her past life that she saw as unavoidable and she knew that while money wasn't necessarily power, money (and reputation) could be used in place of power... and she wanted enough to protect her mother and herself. She couldn't predict everything that was going to happen, since she recognized that her actions have changed her circumstances, but she was guarded enough to try to prepare for anything.

      She keeps noting that she does things for her own selfish ends, but she still is quite generous. She's just not a saint about it.
    • The ML - Yeah, I didn't quite like his entrance and their first few interactions much, either... but it gets a lot better after their initial deal is set. He matches her in ruthlessness against their enemies. I honestly don't want to say too much since it's all spoilers, but.... He's got his own baggage, but he's actually quite smart himself; he just doesn't have the money to support his plans (i.e., setting up his network, setting up a headquarters, feeding his people........) :x
    • Mom - She's honestly too soft, but I guess she grounds the MC and probably softens her edge a bit
    • Everyone else - With the scope of the story and the world, there are a lot of characters... so they can't all be around all the time, but you get the sense that they never disappear. They just don't happen to be in the vicinity when certain things are going on. (Honestly, not everyone plays a role in every event in your life.)
General (the few I can talk about) :

    • You can really see how people can turn a blind eye.... they can see her be absolutely outrageous, but, with logic on her side, a loud outburst from a little lady that would normally be frowned upon gets people on her side still... and, later, they just remember her as being sweet and kind. (She is apparently extremely lovable when she laughs.... just stay on her good side.)
    • You can see opinions of the general public sway back and forth and I find that interesting.
    • This story is on more of the epic side... We start with the two of them in a small village, then a larger community with businesses in a big city, then the politics and heavy social expectations of the capital. We get really large scale with court politics and taxes. I find it rather easy to be swept up into this story....
Why I could have docked a star:

    • Some of the comeuppance for the previous life could be that some of the people who stepped on her are now in love with her when she hates them
    • Yelling and slapping :x (Not a large amount when you're looking at 753 chapters, but still.)
    • The first part... also the ML introduction.
    • I wish certain characters were around more.... like Su You.
    • No matter what, she started out as being just a 13-year-old. Waaaaaaaaaay too OP. It doesn't even matter that marriageable age for a girl is 15.
        • Partly because of this, she should at least have some trauma for stabbing someone.... even if she hated them. (Super early on, so not counting as a spoiler.)
By the way, somebody wondered about when they fell in love. My thoughts:


I don't think it's necessarily that they fell in love with each other on their own. ML's servants saw that she somehow matched him (considering (a) she survived, (b) she has her wits about her, (c) they managed to cut a deal between them)... and just kind of egged that on. Servants dropped some of their own fanfic/shipping which made him notice her more... and him noticing her made her notice him. (You know, like when somebody tells you that XXX has a crush on you and you start paying attention.) It goes on from there.


Anyway, I wanted to rate this 4-star at first... but my addiction-level says this is 5-star (and, good lord, do I want to just keep chatting about this story). So there.
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
s1003 rated it
May 28, 2021
Status: Completed
One of the longest c-novels I've read yet. Usually I shy away from stories more than 200 chapters long, but the positive reviews changed my mind and I decided to give it a try. It also helped that there is a manhua adaption of this, which I feel added to my reading experience. (I'm a bit disappointed the manhua ended early though.)

Overall, it's an enjoyable read.

Things I liked:

  • MC - I really liked her! She knew what she wanted, understood her strengths and limitations, and worked hard to achieve her goal. It was nice to see her development from a poor and powerless girl to a strong and independent woman.
  • MC's relationship mom - her relationship with her mother is one of the best familial relationships. I did find mom annoying at times because she seemed pretty useless, but I think the author purposefully made mom a foil to our MC.

    Later on in the story, mom learns to wield her influence as the daughter of the Princess Royal in order to protect her, which is very sweet. It was nice to see that mom wasn't afraid of getting her hands dirty!

  • MC's relationship with other women - MC's relationship with her godmother is heartwarming as well. I loved that she had friends - and not just the same friends throughout the story - she made friends both in the countryside and in the capital.

    I liked how MC became friends with her cousin - the daughter of the Su's family's second branch. I think this was a nice touch and showed that MC wasn't vengeful towards everyone in the Su family.

  • MC + ML's romance - the development of their relationship is very realistic. MC is quite wary and rightfully so as she believes the ML killed her in her past life. ML also doesn't how to interact with people or express his feelings. Some of my favorite parts are when their servants are trying to matchmake them. When they do fall in love, their relationship is very sweet. They're very supportive of each other.
Things I didn't like (as much) :

  • I think towards the latter half of the novel, MC starts exhibiting some Mary Sue qualities. This usually happens in these revenge novels so I wasn't surprised it happened.

    For example, MC is 8 months pregnant and chooses to rush over to the ML to try and save him. For some reason, her grandmother and her mom actually allows her to go. Of course, everything turns out fine which just doesn't feel realistic.

  • After getting together, the MC and ML's relationship becomes quite boring because they're so lovey-dovey all the time. While I liked the fact the ML chooses not to fight for the throne because he rather be with MC instead, he seems too dependent on the MC in the end. There was a repeating sentiment where without the MC, the ML wouldn't be able to live anymore. *Roll eyes*

    I also found it s*upid how throughout the MC's entire second pregnancy, he had all the symptoms instead (throwing up, feeling faint).

  • The extra chapters had a very abrupt end. I really wanted to find out more : (
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darkelf01 rated it
March 6, 2021
Status: --
I'm here for the face-slapping! ;DD

Honestly, this novel has the most satisfying revenge I've ever read in NU. I love how unforgiving and vicious the MC is, which is only softened by her mother. Their relationship is so good, they rely on each other and become the only support in their lives.

Aside from that, the ML is a meh. I don't like this wangye that much ever since their first business transaction. My OTP is Mu Yunyao x Liu Liang =w=

Be warned, though. There are long-winded fillers and unnecessary subplots... more>> everywhere. Even the couple's wedding is interupted by fillers. The author spent about 20-30 chapters to solve one problem (I'm serious) and had a habit to write about the past things, which is why this already thick book gets thicker. It even turned into a mystery drama at several plot points. Goddamnit I'm not asking for this.

Edit: very, very long-winded

Edit2: Very, very, very long-winded. <<less
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Morbid Eel
Morbid Eel rated it
February 9, 2020
Status: c373
It is unfortunate that this got dropped by the translators. The MTL is surprisingly tolerable. The biggest headaches are the he/she mix ups and inconsistent name translations.

The romance has a bit of development. It is not love at first sight. There is a decent of balance "work" between the MC and ML. Some things the MC does with her own people but in others the MC will come up with the plan while ML carries it out.

Unlike many other novels of this genre the MC's mother is alive and well.... more>> The scenes with the mom helps to keep the MC more grounded instead of simply being some sort of spirit of vengeance. For the most part she will act her physical age around her mom (~13-14? So far, should be at least 16 or 17 by the end of the story).

The most enjoyable arc so is the scheme with the salt merchants. It is nice to see a multilayered scheme and then after you thought the MC was done exploiting that pile of salt it pivots over to an additional use to plant a spy. :) <<less
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