One-way Passage


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Xia Wennan, a Beta, awoke after a car accident discovering that he couldn’t remember anything from the last six years. He didn’t remember being the top perfumer in the world, the death of his grandfather and, most importantly, he didn’t remember his ceo alpha husband.

Still thinking he’s in college, Xia Wennan has to wade through his life trying to figure out who is lying and who is telling the truth. Not knowing anyone, he gets caught in a conspiracy after finding out that his car crash was no mere accident…

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37 Reviews sorted by

New sbob rated it
May 31, 2024
Status: Completed
Suspenseful, mildly confusing, engaging enough. Most of the time I’m with the MC trying to figure things out with the gap in memories and everything sounding so suspicious.

Generally well-written and easy to follow; I was kept invested in MC and his relationships, but the romantic aspect of this novel is quite lacking. Honestly till more than halfway I was still suspecting ML, there wasn’t really significant efforts to build that relationship. No stomach tingly feelings at all.

It did end somewhat cutely (romance wise) but I was never really sure if... more>> that’s what the MC really wanted.

The drama and suspense was slightly above average for a romance novel, but generally predictable and the complicated relationships didn’t really add much for me, although it did enrich the ML’s backstory and approach to love.

Did laugh a few times, but their bickering mostly came with subconscious worrying for the two of them, not really a fun poking at each other kind of teasing that I prefer.

Likely won’t re-read, but I did enjoy it. <<less
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hybridiris rated it
July 26, 2022
Status: Completed
I MTLed this novel but also read it in raws and I rate it 4.5 stars.

About the story

MC wakes up with amnesia with 6 years of his life missing from his memory. The story follows him piecing together his life and trying to come to terms with personal loss as struggles to move on from clinging to the fact that in his mind, he's 6 years in the past but now in his current life is completely different and he's surrounded by no one he knows. This novel follows his... more>> rocky relationship with ML as he begins to unravel the mystery of the tangled web that is his relationship with the ML and ML's family. It's a story that addresses gender biases and discrimination and what it means to be a beta in a relationship with an alpha. This novel was surprisingly psychological for not having been tagged so. It deals quite heavily into the psychology post amnesia as well as mystery surrounding the different side characters and most of all the relationship between MC and ML.

About the MC

For 41 chapters, the MC has my hackles up. The MC is characterized quite well as having the mindset of a college student who constantly thinks he's poor and has a massive chip on his shoulder from an economic perspective and a gender bias against being in a relationship with an alpha. For the early chapters, I did not like the author's characterization of him because he said some really hurtful things to ML while being fully aware that ML is his husband and has been by his side throughout this whole ordeal. Initially MC is really all about himself and suspicious of everyone thinking that he must have been forced into the marriage and or tricked into it. While I can't imagine what it's like to lose one's memory, I find it painful for the MC to constantly disregard and be ungrateful to the ML. Even if he's a complete stranger, there should be some common courtesy to someone who has been taking care of him all this time and continuing to do so. MC gets better later on but sometimes the way he talks to ML just rubs me the wrong way. His character growth arc is good but I guess the author did a wonderful job in creating a very real and imperfect MC. If you are gritting your teeth like I am reading the first few chapters, just wait for a gradual growth. It gets better after a really amazing conversation on chapter 41.

Aside from how MC treats ML, MC has a lot of gender bias due to how he was raised and how he thinks he would never be with an alpha willingly. His beliefs are an underlying bigger problem in the omegaverse novels that have never been so clearly addressed as they are in this novel. There are a lot of observations and conversations about the gender divides that make his relationship with ML so hard for him to accept. The author really sheds a spotlight on omegaverse genders and MC's attitude towards other genders. It plays a powerful part in MC's growth.

About the ML

The ML is not Tsundere in a stereotypical way. ML is gloomy and withdrawn because he's facing his loved one who wakes up with amnesia and basically doesn't know him or love him anymore. ML is dealing with a lot of personal pain and struggle from having taken care of MC all this time only to find him wake up without memories. ML had an unhappy childhood which will be explained later but it really shows why his character is so th**ny. He is not some tsundere for some funny characterization. It's the result of past emotional neglect, fear of abandonment and really a true desire to be loved. The author really withholds a lot of his characterization until chapter 41. I really admire and respect ML for not just falling apart having a partner like the MC without memories. This situation put them both through an awful trial and I'm really glad they made it through together.

Why I docked this novel to 4.5 stars

I get that the author did an amazing job humanizing all the characters. There are no real villains. Everyone is living this life broken in some way and this novel really captures that for all the characters in the novel. However MC's characterization put all his faults in the first 40 chapters or so in my eyes making him someone I could not relate to almost. He was really a bit immature, selfish and spoke casually in ways that really hurt the ML. I get that MC had a young mindset but author gave MC too many harsh lines that I honestly didn't really get to like him all that much until the end. And only because I see this as a love story between two imperfect people who need each other. But author could have made MC a little less rude and unfeeling initially. He had no compassion or empathy for ML who was constantly making time for him even if ML spoke tersely to him it was not as bad as some of the stuff MC said to ML. I was just emotionally hurt by some of the things I read. Not everyone will trigger on MC's behaviour but I don't think this novel got enjoyable until after chapter 41. This novel really got incredibly good right near the end. If the author had characterized MC a bit better I would have given this novel a 5 but I realize this is my personal preference for characterization and I'm not docking it because the author did not write well.

TL:DR Read this if you are ready for psychology, angst, bickering couple, short but deep emotional insights and an awkward yet beautiful romance between two people who really need each other and support each other. This is a book worth pondering after reading. Go slow and savour the finer insights it has to offer. It's definitely worth a read but be ready for the heavy topics. It's somewhat emotionally weighty. <<less
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peppergum rated it
April 16, 2022
Status: c104
Interesting premise & I love a good unreliable narrator perspective. The MC + ML are intriguing too, I really like how vivid Xia Wennan's character is. He's by no means perfect, a total gossip-monger, and lives to bully the ML when he can. Their dynamic is so perfect. ML tries his best to quietly display his affections, but Xia Wennan's reaction is to instead, try and make him cry.

Ex. When ML rested his head on Xia Wennan, the latter's first reaction was to yank ML's hair. Or when the ML was sleeping peacefully, and even though Xia Wennan was watching him lovingly, he couldn't fight the urge to wake the ML up by pulling his eyelashes.


Kind of confused why there aren't more reviews/ratings/readers considering how relatively well-written this novel's prose is, how subversive it is to the genre, and how many chapters are translated. Like who gave this 1 star? Explain yourselves lmao.

Also, I despise Ming Qin lmao. He's smoking whatever Woody Allen is.

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Owl Escapee
Owl Escapee rated it
September 24, 2021
Status: c22
I’ve MTLed all available chapters, it’s early in the novel so my rating may change later.

So far it seems like a fairly standard woke up with amnesia to a surprise husband, where the ML is cold facial paralysis and refuses to talk much. The MC is completely freaking out, which to me is very understandable because his last memory is being 20 and a sophomore in college, and he wakes up and is told he’s 26 and married. He thinks the ML is the absolute last kind of person he... more>> would marry, so he can’t understand why, and he reasonably thinks something wrong happened.

So far it’s been only a few days since he woke up and MC is behaving irrationally, while ML is refusing to be helpful or clarify the situation, so if you don’t like that kind of story, you will probably not like this. I personally think the MC is behaving very realistically for the situation he finds himself in, so I like it. There’s clearly some kind of mystery here, and going by the trope, it’s certain something happened to the ML to make him like this, but so far there’s no hint what it is.

It’s a non-typical abo story with an alpha/beta pairing and seems to be some interesting world building, I’m curious to see how it develops. So far, I’m enjoying it, and look forward to new chapters being published. <<less
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September 11, 2022
Status: c1
I won’t rate this because I haven’t managed to fully get into it, but currently I’m not sure if I can read it.

I have a problem with immersing myself into a story with whichever character I easily relate with and in this case it’s the ML because I have been on the other end of a car accident, and while the person didn’t lose their memories, they definitely used their pain as an excuse to verbally and mentally abuse everyone around them.

So I find it excruciatingly difficult to read this... more>> when the MC, alone and without his memories, dubs the ML as a liar then turns around and needs his money, time and care. I don’t want to completely fault him, because I can’t imagine how confusing it may be to wake up with a husband you didn’t you know you had and a family member gone when in your mind you’re still a university student, but give him the benefit of the doubt at least.

Behaving like a human being isn’t to much to ask for. Thanking him while keep a polite distance is possible, instead, he acts like an as*hole and swears he’d never like someone like him, never marry someone like him, never, never, never. Like, I just keep feeling hurt and pained like I’m the one being pushed aside and I’m not sure I want to keep experiencing these emotions over a novel. Especially when it kept reminding me of bad memories. So I’ll just drop here and wish those who’d like it all the best. <<less
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traipsing rated it
December 30, 2021
Status: c101
i read this novel with full expectations because I also just read “the star around the sun” by the same author... and it doesn’t disappoint! this novel is sort of a “mystery? novel where the MC pieces together what went down in the years that he can’t remember and whether or not his car accident was really an accident.

the MC is still naive, playful, and muddleheaded as he’s trying to figure everything out in his life (with his amnesia, he still has the mindset of an university student.) but... more>> he quickly steps into his responsibilities albeit with his own youthful temperament. the ML is very stoic, mature, steadfast, and a little prone irritation, but you can really feel the love he has for the MC as the novel develops. if you’re a fan of TSATS, really consider this novel a read!

also, this novel is being translated really well, kudos to the translator! <<less
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xscape rated it
July 2, 2022
Status: Completed
This is one of the best novels I've ever read. It is well written with the most unique plot in the world of ABO. I'd say there's no boring part at all.

Also, some may think that the ML is bad tempered or not helpful towards the MC's amnesia, I think the ML is just sulking and throwing subtle tantrums towards the fact that the MC has forgotten him, and also, he does not want to feed the MC with their past love story which could influence the MC to love... more>> him again easily rather than the MC falling in love with him on his own. <<less
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Lambdadelta rated it
September 21, 2021
Status: Completed
It seems fresh with the MC suddenly waking up after a coma and due to amnesia have to face the changes in his life

... more>>

"s*xual desire, material desire, appetite—these superficial desires sound fine and dandy, but in truth, they only give you a temporary sense of satisfaction. It's like physical stimulation, you have to continuously amp up the intensity to be able to feel new stimulation, so none of it is particularly meaningful, and the more you indulge, the harder it is to achieve it. Do you think I should look up to someone like Lu Wenxing, a man who can't even control his lower body?"
now that was deep and rare from an omegaverse stories



the ending was kinda abrupt <<less
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Psychoutre rated it
July 11, 2022
Status: Completed
Wow, translator I love you. I actually bookmarked this novel since before Christmas because I really wanted to binge it all in one go. It was finally finished so I was finally able to drop all these filler novels I've been reading. 100+ chapters was shockingly so short!

This is one of the rare few stories where I actually finished it.. And liked it, so I'm rounding this rating up to 5 stars.

I think one of the key elements that keeps my interest up is the mystery. It was nice to... more>> go along MC's journey to uncovering his forgotten life, though the supposed plot-twist at the end wasn't that surprising, it was still enjoyable. The novel was able to have a good mix of the plot and the romance. I like that there was meaning, the whole breaking the stereotype of alpha-omega/beta-beta relationships.

MC and ML are so cute. I just love their interactions from the beginning. When they both try to out-wit the other, or get snarky- it's just *chef's kiss*. I am also thankful to the author for making MC have the right amount of spunk, strong-headedness and will! I'm sick of reading the typical submissive, flower-vase type of personality. And the fact that the MC stays a beta throughout the story, ugh I couldn't ask for more! Let this be a standard, I hope we don't get any more "Omg turns out he was an omega all along!".

I'm weak against the cold, stone-faced on the outside but soft on the inside type of MLs. This ML really did it for me, he even cried, ahh I love him. The fact that he sticks throughout MC's path to recovery/search for the truth really shows how much he loves MC. I hope they both live a long happily-ever-after. <<less
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dee_ism rated it
June 19, 2023
Status: --
I'm dropping this at chap 40s. It's really hard to like.

I quite like the MC and dislike the ML.
I totally understand how MC is guarded towards anyone, given that he lost his 6years memories. He lost his world and only have this one 'husband' of his who straight up being a grumpy, rude, icy cold person after MC rejects his affection when he just wakes up with amnesia. He's still holding to ML since it's his only family left in this world, the only connection he has to his current world. He tried many times to have a talk with ML, but ML being an ass and never talk nicely. Not to mention, ML being pushy towards MC times to times. MC clearly said he doesn't want to meet ML family, but ML being grumpy and forceful. And many times, he talks to MC with rude commanding tone.

I know the ML is hurt losing his lover, their relationship back to square one, but why would he treat his lover that way? The ML do nothing to help MC integrate with the new world. ML never explain anything about his car accident, his family, their relationship, their pasts, nothing about everything.

I can't believe anyone said MC being rude for this. I mean, I will do the same as MC did!

I tried my hard to continue since many said it get better after halfway, but sorry I read 40% of this story and it pissed me off so much.
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Fisukisuki rated it
August 4, 2022
Status: extra 5
If you expecting this to be like a Normal Ordinary Novel... Well... You will be surprised.

The Novel started Normal. But then slowly... Things are not as simple as we think. Beside Mystery, it gives you sense of Thriller.

The Plot is Thick and yet also Consistent. The way thr Author wrote the Characters was Interesting and Intriguing. You can't help but getting pulled by how the story goes. But please do endure the first 10 chapters where MC was in Great Denials about his Relationship with ML. It was Reasonable but... more>> indeed somewhat Frustrating to some readers (me included). It was Bearable at least, and didn't take too long, Thank God.

Anyway this Novel is Intense! But not in Angsty way...

For the Love Story; It's a story of ML who yearns to be Loved. Who can't express well his Love. And he have MC who is Bold saying what he know and learn about ML. Who dare to say it in front of him. And who will Love him with his flaws and all. It's story of a Beta who witness an Alpha who won't let himself be ruled by Pheromone and Society. A Beta who fall for Cold outside but Cute inside Alpha. An Alpha who said he will give up on someone who doesn't love him, and yet never give up on his Amnesiac Beta Husband who Totally forgot about his Love toward him.

For the Mystery plot;

  • we will see how MC is Smart at seeing and feeling things are off. But he never feel suspicious toward ML even when ML is Cold (Tsundere) and he (MC) still don't like him much.
  • And as Readers, everyone but ML would look Suspicious until we get more clues.
Anyway it was Thrilling, Intense, but Absolutely Wonderful Novel Ever!!!

From the Main story, I'm IN LOVE with this Novel sooo much!!!

And now going to wait for the rest of the extras to complete. The extras is about how MC and ML get close in the past. I don't know if the rest of thr Extra would only be about the Past or not. Pray it would have Satisfactory story! 🙏🙏🙏 <<less
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Aria0107 rated it
July 31, 2022
Status: extra 4
I don't think I can put any review in better terms than hybridiris, who was very thorough, so I'll keep mine brief.

MC starts off as a very brash, self-serving individual who understandably lashes out at others because he's insecure in a world where he's lost the past six years and had woke up to find things are drastically different with an alpha husband. Though this doesn't excuse his excessively hurtful words and actions, especially to ML who takes the brunt, if not all, of his insecurity and pain. However, he... more>> does develop in a much more empathetic, introspective and mature direction in both his career and personal life. And that's why I like him, because he's imperfect with flaws, because he faces challenges and struggles, because he is affected by changes and develops.

Is he still an ass? Yes, but now he's a more confident ass who wants to and will give ML all the love in the world. In the beginning, I sometimes wanted to beat his ass; then, he became a likable ass I rooted for.


ML is a cold, unsociable, indifferent, irritable, petty alpha who speaks more through his actions than with his words. The MC isn't the only one affected by the negative repercussions of his amnesia. Considering this is a reveal in later chapters about his personality and some novel events,

ML is so very insecure in love, yet utterly wants to be loved by someone. Imagine having been neglected all your life with no one who wants to love you and now thinking someone finally loves you so much that they proposed to you, even though you don't really understand why they fell in love with you. Then to continually hear that person say after amnesia that they would never fall in love with someone like you, that you must have blackmailed or forced them, that you're worth less than money. In less than my polite terms here. And also be skeptical and untrusting of your every word and action like you're always a conniving liar.

Well, understandably I'd be bitter, petty and find it hard to talk to MC too. So much constant hurt; yet the ML never wanted to give up on MC. It was gratifying to see their character development and to see the progression of their relationship together.

All of them, from main to side characters, feel real in their progression over the course of this novel. No one is a trope, no one is OP, no one is a saint, no one is perfect. They all have flaws and character tics, they struggle and regret, have moments of happiness and tragedies. It is a fantastic journey to follow along in this modern mystery thriller <<less
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May Zune Oo
May Zune Oo rated it
June 5, 2022
Status: c99
This is my first time reading this author. The Plot is amazing and it is not boring in the middle. It make me eager to know what will happen in the next chapter. I like both MC and ML. They are cute. Although it is omegaverse, not like only omegaverse. The MC showed us the another angle about omegaverse.
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Kyaaaaaaaaa rated it
May 9, 2024
Status: Completed
Rating: 4.5

Beautiful. I echo everything hybridiris and earlgreyt said, but I'll add my input here.

This story breathes dimension. Our main characters consist of the MC, who is brash and blunt as a college student (you can say his older self just hides that a bit better), and the ML, who is cold and has a foul temper. Both have a past that fully contributes to their character—their personality is not a whimsical setting, it's truly a character setting that is fleshed out.

The story begins when the MC wakes up from... more>> a car crash he can't remember and an alpha husband (hella weird, since when did he like alphas??) best to him. It's not a rosy picture. MC is distrustful to the max (which is quite refreshing to see tbh) and the ML is desperately trying to hold onto the MC while also being his th**ny self. Two personalities mix and you get chaos and endless bantering tinged with dry humor.

But then again, the reason why enemies-to-lovers makes a perfect romance is because the characters are exposed to the worst parts of each other... And still end up falling for each other (again, from the MC's pov) regardless.

On the other side.. You have the ML's family, which seems perfect on the surface, but once you start unraveling each family member, you realize the family is far from perfect—it's dysfunctional. While there's no black-and-white villain, every character has life—they're complicated. They're incredibly real. And they have you doubting and questioning every second as you realize the MC's car crash isn't an accident.

One-way Passage, simply put, is refreshing. Does it have flaws? Absolutely. There's some in the characters (e.g., sometimes MC's actions are too brash and uncomfortably so—aka author strayed too far from his character setting) and narrative (plot holes or just aspects that could've been built better—also the definitive gender settings and stigmas were too glaring),

BUT this story had me hooked. And at the end of the day, that's what matters. I was in a reading slump, but this story captivated me from the get-go. It's got a good, lively pace and you can really feel yourself in the room with the characters. Nothing feels like it's filler. You feel there with each sentence.

If you're up for an... enemies to lovers romance (kinda) where the MC amnesiac and the ML is down bad despite being prickly, I recommend. Even if not, I still recommend. It's great stuff. <<less
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peewee23 rated it
March 20, 2023
Status: --
Ah what the hell, I'm surprised how much I actually liked this. When I first started reading I was so sure I was going to drop it because everything felt like it was going nowhere but I'm actually so glad I stuck it out. The MC and ML are so unintentionally hilarious and the mystery was pretty fun. When they did finally start to fall in love again, I felt like my heart was going to explode, they are so unexpectedly cute and the way they fell in love beforehand... more>> was so ambiguously romantic? This unexpectedly hit all of my favorite tropes I'm a bit baffled. I say give this novel a try. <<less
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ricoerrr rated it
November 16, 2022
Status: Completed

mc: xia wennan

m: ming luchuan

... more>> summary:

MC loses 6 years worth of memories and wakes up finding that he landed himself an alpha husband and a world of petty rich family drama. He is a beta with a special constitution - the ability to sense pheromones - in a setting where only alphas and omegas are able to. He used his special talent to break into the perfumery industry, where he met ML whose family is in the business. They work together, fall in love, and eventually marry.

fast forward, MC gets into a car crash and loses all memories of ml. He finds himself searching for answers - who tried to kill him in a premeditated accident, and how did he, a beta who likes girls, ended up with a male alpha. MC lives with ML during his recovery, and he slowly falls in love with ML despite his memories not coming back. Together, they unravel the mystery behind ml's strange family dynamics and the culprit behind mc's accident.



this novel is special because it brought me out of a long reading dump <3 the plot and narration is simple but enticing, very similar to the authors other work 'star around the moon'.

xia wennan is cute and sprintly, very emblematic of a fresh university student. Hes also very crafty and intelligent, with a natural predisposition for curiosity, and extremely nosy into ming luchuan's family affairs lol. I like how he bounces back from the shock reasonably fast, and then completely dedicates himself to finding answers and closure without a care in the world whether hes offending ming luchuan or his family. It makes his antics throughout the whole story very fun to read hehe.

i like his commentary about the injustice of an abo world where ao stand on top of the hierarchy and betas are the monotonous and ordinary worker ants that make up the masses. Despite that, hes never once ashamed nor spiteful of his standing in society, instead chosing to leave his mark in history through hard work. And his perspectives of how betas are like outsiders to a world of pheromones that only ao can understand is touching, and somewhat sad, but then I absolutely love how he was able to incorporate that complex feeling into his products. The idea that betas will never be privy to this form of intimacy, but are still able to love and be loved just as strongly through other means. He sees his relationship with ming luchuan like a 'one way passage' where he can perceive ming luchuan's emotions through his pheromones but will never be able to reciprocate back in the same way, so instead he communicates his love through words, body language, and perfumes :') hes such a romantic despite being such a blockhead sometimes <3

and the plot twist in the end??? Good lord I know the author dropped a bunch of hints but it never occured to me that the twins SWITCHED PLACES. Im f*cking shell shocked.

honestly the whole family is so bizzare. Weird vibes from the start. Ming luchuans dad especially lmfao the mfer dates people younger than his own kids like ????

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sakirol rated it
August 6, 2022
Status: --
4.2/5. ABO modern drama with a light side of mystery. Company + family + romance drama.

The plot is no surprise given the setting. It's dogblood drama. Rival Companies. Family feuds. Sad backstories. The dogblood is surprisingly light though and not overly dramatized, which makes it more palatable. The mystery keeps the novel interesting. It's not serious mystery, but I kept reading because I was invested in finding out how MC got to where he is currently.

All in all, pretty good. Fun, fast story.
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Chronossama rated it
August 1, 2022
Status: c87
I really tried to like the MC but he comes off as an ass. He carelessly tosses the ML’s feelings about without a care. He’s only in it for himself and his own ego. Even when he’s trying to be nice to the ML it doesn’t feel that way. Personally if I were the ML I would have divorced him when he asked for it. He keeps insulting the ML for instinctive things he can’t control. I just can’t stand the MC to care about him solving the mystery of... more>> his car accident. <<less
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earlgreyt rated it
May 9, 2023
Status: Completed
This is actually a stunning novel.

Have you ever read a story with basically two tsundere main characters getting together?

Well, this is basically it. MC is talkative, runs his mouth like crazy, and kinda mean/defensive with his porcupine spikes up. He questions the world, questions everything, because of his deep fear against the unknowns caused by his amnesia. ML is also a porcupine, but like one hiding an injury, someone who rarely speaks or shows what he's feeling.

... more>>

I definitely thought the MC said a couple of things in the first hospital scene that were terribly mean and cruel to the ML, his husband. But on the other hand, it also showed his immaturity and youthful pride and gave a very realistic flavor to his "regression" in time.

The student him absolutely could not imagine himself with an alpha or omega (in a way, he, a beta, was biased against those "favored" of society because society was biased against betas) and grew those spikes to protect himself.


At the beginning, I had my serious doubts about the MC, but as the story continued, the world opens in the MC's eyes, and his previous defensive state transforms.


I was very impressed with the author showing us the world with limited information through the MC's shoes. Because of his amnesia and suspicious nature, the ML's family seemed like a group of psycho axe mu*derers ready to slaughter and eat their enemies. There were literally conspiracies hiding behind every door, under every piece of carpet, and ghosts in every room.

As the story continued, those conspiracies slowly came to light and the people who seemed to have long monstrous shadows in the dark, were unveiled to be more like small shadow puppets, lacking the power they used to have.


Fantastic plot development and progression. The author did an incredible job pacing the fluff, the tension, thrilling elements, and the angst. It was incredible to join the MC on his journey in regaining his confidence, and slowly step into the shoes of his formidable future self.

Great translation as well!

I regret not picking this up earlier (due to misjudging the boring cover). Hope the author gets an artist to redo it with two hot dudes~ <<less
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NishiKiezara rated it
March 20, 2023
Status: Completed
It was okay.

Alpha (ML) xBeta (MC)

At first it seems like they're not married 😅 cause ML is really cold and easily triggered, while MC is blunt and very rude but they both are funny like that to me 😅😅😅😅

It's not until 50 chapter that they seem to be getting warm at eachother and 100 chapters that the story climax.

Overall it's an okay read, the mystery part was amazing. I did not even have a clue it was that person 😅😅😅😅😅
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Rafta rated it
April 1, 2022
Status: Extra 14
It a decent story. The MC is a bit unbearable at the start but he becomes great after you read past it. Honestly just try it..

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