One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife


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For a million worth of contract, she became a surrogate mother.

He was the chief executive of the Empire and she was of lowly birth. With her adoptive father’s business falling into crisis, she agrees to his contract.

She gave birth to twins: the older brother is healthy, while the younger brother didn’t breathe out. Fulfilling the contract with a huge monetary sum as the reward, she disappeared from his eyes.

Six years later – he was still the cold high-profile president, but when she is accidentally imprisoned in the cage of his golden birds he pressured her harder and harder: “Woman, do not think you can escape my hands!”

The old-fashioned man: “Mu Yazhe, you’d better leave her alone, this is the child’s mother!” The man becomes frightened, questioning the reason this child’s features bears such resemblance to…

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One entry per line
One Birth Two Treasures: The Billionaire’s Sweet Love
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. tr*sh!
  3. you only realized my worth after you've lost me
  4. Novels female Protagonist
  5. Real Child vs Fake Child Standalone list

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51 Reviews sorted by

roswara rated it
April 25, 2020
Status: c1326

This is one of those novels that is so full of inconsistencies that made my head hurt.

One chapter, the ML is drinking whiskey, but in the following paragraph, he's holding a wine glass. ALL still in the same chapter.

... more>> One chapter, the writer raved that the FL was taking judo class so she could caught the hand of one female villain (actress) who wanted to slap her... But down 100 chapters or so, again and again she got slapped by another female villain (also actress).

Gosh.... writer, please make up your mind!

The only saving grace of this novel is the twin sons and the progress of their relationships, considering they got separated when they were babies. And their relationship with their parents, the older boy with the mom (he raised by the dad), and the younger boy with the dad (he raised by the mom). <<less
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fltstrt rated it
February 27, 2019
Status: c800
C1- C400: 4/5. Starting was pretty good and fresh!

C400- C800: 3/5. From here onwards the story went downhill. A lot of filter chapters that were pretty boring and lame. I resorted to skipping the work/family drama and only read chapters that focus on FL, ML and the twins interactions.

Typical orphan girl with CEO c*m showbiz melodrama. Don't think too deeply and just read for entertainment.

Youyou, FL's Son is such an unrealistic cheat character being a certified Mensa genius at age 6, heading a large corporation. I simply adore him. He... more>> is the main reason I'm reading this story. Of all the little buns I've ever came across in various stories, Youyou is one of my favourite together w his older twin bro. His intelligence and situational awareness caused him to act mature beyond his age. He is burdened by the need to protect his Mother from harms way (incl his own father) as he recognises that his Mother is rather s*upid and defenceless. His interaction/antics w other ppl other than his Mother is shocking and at times beyond hilarious, esp w his subordinate (love this character too) ! I really feel so much for this multilayered character! Honestly this shy, black bellied, precocious cutie bun will evoke your maternal instincts haha. I esp enjoyed the first face to face meeting he has w his Father, the ML at the hospital, so heartwarming! Youyou denied his older twin bro's affections initially too. But he soon succumbed after realising that his bro cares for him deeply! ML and FL romance progression is pretty smooth sailing as of c800. Their interactions w the twin buns are pretty adorable too. The slice of life family moments are the best parts of this book.

The reason I gave a rather Low score is because I felt that the story has potential and could be written better with more depth. <<less
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SamSam rated it
November 5, 2018
Status: c3621
How to say. It's not a short story ;) wooua a first one for me with this kind of novel !
True that at the beginning (1000 chapters lol), the FL meet dramas, dramas and dramas - oh my God, too many hysterical psychopaths who try to harm her! lol Cosette in LES MISERABLES is just a little player !

BUT it changes, I liked how the family ties are evolving, the kids (super ultra cute, the strong point in the story), the couple (fan of the ML, a real man).
If we are same readers = prefer simplicity, strong characters (especially FLs), shorter stories, if possible more realistic, Just lead your way !

However, I surprised myself enjoying the ebook despite the +4000 chapters, still in progress... you can also enjoy it with 2 advises : be enduring and don't forget its true value as a liiiiiight aand looooooong novel !
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pandaqueen rated it
November 5, 2018
Status: c322
I would advise to stay away from this novel. The drama is in overabundance, which all stems from the fact that MC is too s*upid!

Maybe Author is trying to portray her as naive, but really, this is not naivete, it is just pure s*upidity. She fell for every single trap, does not know how to protect herself, and she is just so gullible with everything.

There are so many jarring plotholes too. Reading this will really require a lot of suspension of disbelief.
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18Yuki rated it
January 18, 2018
Status: c245 part1
I was tempted to give 2 stars but on the account of the little buns and the fact that the ML changes overtime... 3-3.5 stars. This story is similar to Hidden Marriage and it is in fact a good read, but I'm not that masochistic...

There are a lot of times when you would feel like beating up the villains, the MC or the ML, pretty much the only ones safe are the little buns...

The MC is actually pretty average, she's a typical FL whose cheat is the ML but the... more>> twist is...


Her son/s are both cheats too.


She has the typical FL halo which lets her survive each and every time but she never really learns from it, it can be annoying and to me, at the least, it is.

The ML started off as a cold-hearted b@ (#*@* but his redeeming point is that he eventually warms up to the MC and almost immediately to his sons. Unfortunately...


He reminds me of Nangong Liuyun from Demonic King Chases His Wife, appears to spoil and care for the MC, but it's usually selective and there's very little trust, if any between them. It's extremely slow in that aspect. In some ways it's realistic, just that the circumstances call for either unrealistic or at least above average. It gets frustrating at times.


The little buns are perfect. Yep. Best part of the story!!!



The first thing that came up in my mind after a while is, if the MC was just the original Female Lead in a story where another person transmigrated into this novel or like the system type novels where a person transmigrated as a cannon fodder or second lead, then it's very likely she'd be forgotten or turns into canon fodder. She's not useless, and she's mentally strong willed, just that her cheats are too reliant on the ML and her overall presence in the story is weak, she's overshadowed by the ML and little buns to the point where it seems anyone could take her role. What makes her the MC is her FL halo. This is just my opinion but I'd prefer Hidden Marriage's slightly OP but individualistic MC then her. Where she less loyal and didn't have YouYou she strongly resembles Lin QianZi from Doomed to Be Cannon Fodder where she was the original Female Lead in which a person transmigrated into cannon fodder and became the MC.

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YourLocalNeighborhoodTrash rated it
August 15, 2020
Status: c172
I am only on chapter 172, so I don't know anything about the character development, and the future of the story but all I know now is that I am disgusted, extremely disgusted by the male lead. When I came into the story I wasn't expecting r*pe, s*xual abuse or anything like that especially from the ML!! I was just hoping to see a family reconnect, but that's not what I got, I got a disgusting ML that treats the MC as nothing but a tool.

When I first started reading... more>> the story I was already alarmed by the ML, but I really couldn't blame him, she knew what she was doing, she signed up for this, they already spent money feeding her, it's hard for her to back out without a debt, I understand that. But it was so damned awful to read. She was so scared she had nightmares for a whole 6 years, this guy wasn't even around her and caused her so much pain already.


When they meet for the second time instead of apologizing, he threw money at her and since she wasn't saying anything he came to the assumption she wanted more? The third time they meet she was about to be r*ped by some guy, he said he paid 200, 000 for her and so he had the assumption she was a whore, so the day after he forces her in the car and tries to pay her, she obviously doesn't want the money and she was obviously drugged the night before, so what right does he have, to treat her like that without even asking for the truth? They meet again at that clothing store where he humiliates her for his own gain? Wtf? And that's ok? At the gala he traps her in the room and threatens her with youyou just for his pleasure. Once again, that is suddenly ok? No matter how many times she said no her still messed with her? Its its disgusting, he's a piece of tr*sh! Ha and people are actually ok with his behaviour.


I'm so disgusted, I was going to continue the story for the kids but if this kind of thing is going to continue happening I can't. <<less
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Wife of Sovereign
Wife of Sovereign rated it
July 2, 2020
Status: c101
The progress of the story is perfectly rushed at the start. It immediately go through surrogacy, pregnancy and giving birth. Great. Because I had no time reading build-up when the summary is already reaching there (Too f*cking many stories had a summary of already having a child but no child in sight for 100+ chapters)

and then... It got slow. Very slow. Chapters are short too.

I did a spittake on some occassions ... more>>

The son who was with her already had a 60% share on an international toy corporation at the f*cking age of six while simultaneously always living in mediocrity with his hard working mother. What the f*ck, man. What the f*ck? If he was with the rich dad, I might look away and pretend nothing happens because he'd no doubt have the resource. But with the poor mom? This trascends the realm of imagination and straight-up slapped me in the face through my phone screen. And it wasn't a good kind of slap.

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Dhaturas rated it
February 20, 2020
Status: c1000
Let me just say right off the bat that this novel is okay. Like after reading a few chapters, you'd think it's okay. But it's also really annoying. The author writes it in really short chapters and there's so much skirting around the bush, when you can pretty much guess what's going to happen just by reading the title of the chapter and given how predictable the plot of the story is.

The plot itself is nothing new. It's been done before to hell and back. But I gotta say, I've... more>> never once liked any one of these type of stories. I thought I would like this one, but I also hate it so much. The MC literally has no one on her side except for her son? The ML is straight-up tr*sh. The ML is one of those larger than life characters that have no ground or sense of reality. Like, oh look at me, I'm a handsome, rich, military-trained CEO who treats every girl except my mom crap. I'm also too proud to acknowledge my attraction to the woman who I hired to bear my children. Watch me stalk, abuse and humiliate her in my misguided attempt of courting.

The villain is also darn annoying. I have no idea why everyone believes her, but she's so damn annoying. Identity theft like hers is so damn obvious to the reader that it's physically painful for the reader read the characters believe her lies. Like, the reason I kept on reading it was to reach the point where she gets what's coming to her and the dumb old man she tricked finds out that he raised some tramp who pretended to be her granddaughter.

Also, it's normal for cousins to marry apparently in China. So that's a new fact.

If you hate yourself and want to feel emotionally abused, by all means, read this novel. <<less
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Kardelune rated it
March 14, 2019
Status: --
The setting has a lot of potential, and the twins are extremely lovely.

In fact the twins are the only reason I'm still reading this, I want them to get a happy ending.

Also the ML's fiancée is an interesting antagonist so far and I'd like to see how her demise unfolds.

... more>> The other characters however are illogical and unlikeable.

Yun Shishi, the FL, volunteers to be a surrogate mother for a stranger in exchange for enough money to save her loving adoptive father's company. I'll ignore the fact that there are clinical ways to become a surrogate, which are even legal in some countries (and the guy has the money to either ship her to one of those countries, or bribe a clinic in his own country if it's illegal), or hell that they could have used a turkey baster... basically the way she became pregnant made my opinion of the ML drop lower than low. But I said I would ignore that, because I thought what the FL did took guts and I admired her for it. Keeping the second baby also took guts. Being a single mom at 19 with a dissaproving family takes guts... so where did all those guts go?

No, she wasn't a strong person, nor was she very brave, but in the first chapters she struck me as someone who can find strength when she needs it, and who will stick to her beliefs and make decisive choices when push comes to shove.

We meet her 5 years later and she's a meek sheep. She's a "pure character" sure, but she's completely lost all character it's ridiculous.

Then there's the ML... Super cold control freak in every aspect of his life, though he is sweet with his son. He's had a fiancée for years, but apparently he's never so much as held her hand. But somehow every time he meets the FL he loses his mind with lust and forces himself onto her, and she was clearly intoxicated (drugged) the second time, but apparently he somehow missed that when he "saved" her from the gangster who had her in his clutches... She was pretty much passed out for goodness sake, and he comes to the conclusion that she's selling herself willingly. He's supposed to be smart for goodness sake.

The kids are clearly turning into the super genius kids who will meddle in everything, probably in secret, which can be fun. But could also turn really bad.

I will say there is a strange appeal to the bits that don't annoy the hell out of me, that keep making me come back even though I've stopped reading this twice before. So I'll keep reading for now. <<less
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Linley babe
Linley babe
May 2, 2018
Status: c250
The story are great and the character building are done well but the chapter are so long and have many parts so it's very long.

A story should not short but also not damn so long that a one chapter has no different for not having a chapter
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vampire0lovers rated it
April 9, 2018
Status: c1
I love this story at first, but yun shi shi character make me piss off sometimes, I know she is pure and all, but please... there's a certain limit being gullible. Plus the plot story, where will it end!!!! I've read until yun yun got kidnap by the maternal grandfather, and it makes the story for twisting here and there, so I stop reading aftr that.. Too much tragic and melodrama for me
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Anastrisha rated it
January 19, 2024
Status: --
With the reviews, I'm expecting this to be like HHYL couple with a tyrant x naive. And so with that example, ML wasn't that bad for me. He is domineering but it's because that's he's nature being heir apparent with everything in his finger. He is even way better than most overbearing CEO by showing he could let go of everything and build his empire on his own.

I also have no problem with him hiding MC identity especially when the fake one was SA due to grandpa's obsession with her... more>> mother.

Somehow their story became a bit like Romeo and Juliet but with them not caring about previous generation grievances.

Kids are way too smart for their age but ok, I already expect that from the title and summary.

I dropped and skimmed after 100 something.

I'm deducting one star for the author stretching the story by introducing new characters and their love life. Halfway through, our MC and ML are just guests to the stories. <<less
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This is a novel where you'll love the plot but hate the characters.

I really like this novel except for the leads.

The fl... this is her story but she's barely in it. Even if the parts/scenes are in her POV, she's the most useless character ever. Aside from her beauty, she's nothing. Aside from being a good mother, she doesn't seem to have any personality. She constantly puts herself in danger. She can be strong most of the time but she's still very passive and her actions are ambiguous that's why... more>> she's always targeted. She has very naive thinking and is also very very dumb. I got to have it to her for being blunt and honest with herself. But that's why she's easy to read.

The ml... boy oh boy... He's a through-and-through tyrant. Very selfish, very arrogant, very possessive. I got to hand it to the author because he's an absolute tyrant. He's not the "cute tyrant who's possessive but gentle to the MC at all." He was still overbearing even to her. His attitude didn't change 180 but he does try his best to treat her right even though his tyranny often shows. (And props to FL because she can handle his attitude and sometimes calls it out and doesn't relent.) He's also smart. He does have low EQ and often misunderstands her, especially in the beginning but he did get to know her better, and although he doesn't understand most of her actions he realized her way of thinking and the way she acts in situations. He's also different from some ML tbh because some mls judge fls when they misunderstand them but he may talk condescendingly it's just the way he talks and doesn't really mean it. It's also just his way to provoke her to talk about it. He may not look like it but he's very loyal. And smart enough to plan ahead and keep his trump cards. Although it's at the expense of others (ie fl). But I do understand his actions for the grand schemes of it. It may be cruel but I'd do what he did too if I was in his position. As sometimes it's better to keep your people hidden and let others take the hits.


He knew his 'fiance' was fake. And the FL was the real one. But decided to not reveal it yet and let the 'fiance' take the attacks to keep the FL safe. And also used the 'fiance' as bait to reveal the bigger enemy. I think its a sensible thing to do. Because who in their right mind would put their loved ones in a dangerous situation? As they can be used as a weakness or harm to spite you. Idk why some didn't like that he hid her. It wasn't like she was a mistress either.


I may sound like I'm protecting the ML but don't worry I sometimes hate him too. I just like his character. It's shitty but it's consistent. He has depth. He's smart. He knows how to lure his enemies and set traps. His only con is his tyrant attitude.

I love their dynamic tbh. He's arrogant but she doesn't take his sh*t. She's often weak for him and oftentimes lets him get away with things but she knows her worth and limit. I love how they often fight and misunderstand each other. But because of those fights and their blunt personalities, they get to reveal their inner thoughts, feelings, and the truth. Instead of those CPs who hide their feelings when they get misunderstood.

I love their fiery personality even though FL can be passive she can be feisty when push comes to shove.

I don't recommend this novel to the faint of hearts if you can take intense drama with an open mind you will like it. <<less
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February 11, 2022
Status: --
Definitely not gonna recommend this novel. I'm already at chapter 1k+ and not gonna continue anymore. I don't get it why the author introduces the MC as a smart top student and lo and behold I can't even describe her anything other than s*upid, very s*upid. 1k+ chapter not even a single growth on her character?. The story is like a loop actually MC will showcase her outworldy s*upidity then she will be saved by the ML then the ML or the sons get revenge. It all revolves around that... more>> plot. It's so disappointing that I skimmed through the titles just to find something interesting and I found nothing. I only held on for this long because I want to see her sons character development but I surely will end it here. The ML and Youyou has power/authority but always failed to use it at critical times. Lastly mobile phones in this novel is non-existent lol it's either turned off or nowhere to be seen. <<less
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MicroMacaron rated it
August 28, 2021
Status: c303
After 300 chapters and seeing that it's still ongoing even after 4600+ chapters.... yeah I don't know if I want to suffer through that.

The ML is a tr*sh of a man. FL is weak and has questionable decision making abilities. I'm not going to go into details since many reviewers have already stated this but in short: if you're bored and can tolerate an abusive, forceful relationship between two questionable people, go for it. The only positives so far are the kids even then they're not enough to keep me... more>> going. <<less
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Kizika rated it
July 1, 2021
Status: c593
So I find this story engaging and NOT in a good way. The author is really good at hooking readers, only for the anticipation to die off with feelings of frustration.

I have a lot of problems with this one, mainly the abuse the FL suffers for no goddamned reason.


Here are some of my problems

1. The FL doesn't have character development. I mean, I get that she's supposed to evoke a sense of fragility with her beauty and delicateness but GODDAMN AUTHOR don't treat her like a f*cking foil for the ML.

2. The unrealistic standard for the twins. I mean, one's supposedly blessed with a superior constitution while the other has heaven defying intellect. Both serve as a contrast to one another but my problem with this that they're SIX YEAR OLDS. At least make them out to be geniuses at a reasonable age.

3. The f*cking ML is an arrogant jerk and tr*sh that thinks everything has to go his way because he was born with a silver spoon. Nothing wrong with feeling superior, except that he doesn't display BASIC RESPECT for anyone he deems inferior to him. From the start, he treated the FL like a prostitute that's supposed to be at his beck and call even though she's clearly told him she wanted nothing more to do wth him. And then HE JUST DOES THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE and blatantly rapes her under the pretense of love.

4. The 2nd male lead is worlds better than the ML because he respects the FL, never pushed her for anything, and knows the meaning of PERSONAL SPACE.


I just... I'm just reading this for the twins. Who cares about the leads, they're both insufferable.
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papapa rated it
February 21, 2020
Status: c900
it exhausted my emotional and logic to read this.

FL repeatedly being bully, r*pe attempt, etc; is she trully a lethal beauty? Like srsly, whenever men saw her, she always make those men had a desire to possess her, what is she?? Marie Antoinette??

Not to mention, the younger kid totally a brute a, idk how to say it, but its trully dark for a 7yo kid.

... more>> I expect the author will write the ML pov in depth, and him being a more useful to FL.

Its full with cliche and dramas over dramas (never ending dramas). Tbh, the first half are nice and not overbearing, but I cant stand the rest of the story.

I wish they can find happiness in the end. <<less
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Purple Lotus
Purple Lotus rated it
October 29, 2019
Status: c400
Sometimes when I don't see Youyou and only Yun Shi Shi and Mu Yazhe interaction, I skip chapters. Later on, I remember that the story is about their "love" and not the son. This story gets 3 only because of You You.

... more>>

??? Also I don't know if it's bias (probably) but I really hate Yun Shi Shi in chapter 416.

Children are usually more sensitive to your words and Yun Shi Shi who only know the innocent side of You You, should treat him more carefully.

I understand when she tells You You she is not an item but! Can't she say that to Mu Yazhe???!!! You You treats her 100% better than that s*upid b*stard!!! Mu Yazhe deserves this more than You You!!! (Yeah, I am biased.)

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laras rated it
July 7, 2019
Status: c197
at first, I think that this novel is quite good. But then, it dragged too much to the extend of becoming too unrealistic, annoying, and boring. If only it stopped in the reunited of yun shishi-mu yazhe with their twins, become one big hapyy family, I will consider this one as a 4 star story.
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April 13, 2018
Status: c279
This story is not suitable to the reader's with heart diseases, because as the story goes on, it will make you mad to the point of vomiting blood because of anger. Shameless people, like Yun Shishi's Foster Mother and her sister are quite maddening. So you have to take care of your heart while reading.

But I still persist reading this story because of the two bunsbuns, especially the tsundere dere and mama's boy Youyou.

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