Number One Lazy Merchant of the Beast World


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After transmigrating into a beast world, Rong Mingshi discovered that the people of this world experienced widespread mania. For example, when their emotions were abnormally agitated, they would become destructive beasts. If their emotions were abnormally low, they would shrink into their young beast form.

There is a type of energy stone that can cure this but it must be hand-carved into the animal form corresponding to the beastman. The more realistic the shape, the better the healing effect and the higher the repeated utilization rate.

In his previous life, Rong Mingshi’s ancestors started as craftsmen who grew their business and became wealthy.

Then a small store suddenly popped up on the Star Network, selling several small sculptures made with superb skill. The effect of the energy stone to soothe emotions could be felt through the screen and stirred up a sensation in the entire empire. However, this store owner was super lazy…

Associated Names
One entry per line
First Lazy Merchant of the Beast World
Thú thế đệ nhất lười thương
Related Series
Shh, There’s a Beast in the Imperial Palace (Shared Universe)
A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy (14)
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In the Future, My Whole Body is a Treasure (4)
I’m Using the Interstellar Live Broadcast to Raise Cubs (3)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Very best ones
  2. Addicting Chinese Novels Recommendation
  3. Read: Completed (Both Meanings)
  4. Completed Novels 1
  5. no longer human

Latest Release

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168 Reviews sorted by

Dreams and Chocolate
Dreams and Chocolate
June 4, 2020
Status: Completed
Pure fluff and lighthearted, but so enjoyable to read. The translation was excellent!
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numba1nobody rated it
May 1, 2020
Status: Completed

Extremely fluffy and sweet story. No complicated plot. The story... when it comes to world building en not really that diverse I'd say the story just pretty much centered romance/w fantasy too much fluff tho. Well the story is enjoyable for sure the ML and MC is not those like those damned thirsty ones out there in other novels.

Just a note that this story is not yaoi and it is shounen-ai.

... more>> Idk who put the tag but I don't plan on changing it just adding some tag.

The story is a little bit comedic but not really much as it is mostly about fluff.

Deserves 5 star.I'd say the story is pretty short and kinda unfinished and the fact that There are some scenes and factors that didn't fit well in the story which we didn't really got to go through and is not that detailed and is kinda vague.

I recommend this one for fluffy moments lovers out there!!!!!

About the title I don't know but why do I feel like it doesn't fit very well... Just my opinion. <<less
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BlueAmethyst rated it
April 24, 2020
Status: c90
NOLMBW is a warm story about cute Rong Rong (MC) becoming the best beast man carver in the empire - a life that became his after meeting the OP Aojia (ML). It's full of fluff and gentleness, and though there may be some holes in the plot and some unfinished character endings, it's a good read when passing time. Overall rating: 3.7.

The story's setting was not given importance in its narration so if you're one of those people who like to imagine the story's environment, then sorry to disappoint you... more>> - there's little to none here. However, whatever this story lack in the setting description department, it gives it back in the main-couple-cute-and-romantic-interaction-and-progress department. The number of scenes in which ML dotes on MC and MC thinks of ML were abundant, to the point that I think about half of the story was dedicated to that alone.

Now note that I'm not saying there was no plot considering how many circumstances were left for the story chapters. Plot/s remained - MC's progress on becoming the most acknowledged beast man carver and his store becoming the best carving merchant store were the main plots and there were subplots under that. I was just saying that in order to accommodate this kind of story in which more than half was the interaction between the main couple's budding romance, the conflict would have to be simplified - and if there were more than one conflict in the story, then each conflict would be much simplified. I have no problems with simple conflicts. What I deem the problem was the oversimplification of the supporting characters, especially the villains, because of the limited number of chapters and the simplification of many conflicts.


For example, Rong Rong's father was introduced as a merchant eager to discard MC and use MC's life for profit - and that's all there is to his character profile. He did not appear in many chapters but there were chapters in which MC's life were monitored because of a possible kidnapping or mu*der due to his orders. Up until the end, I did not see any other side of him - he was initially presented as such and ended the same - which is a disappointment for me. He could have had a much more interesting character development.


As for the translation quality, once again, I have nothing to say. Thanks and kudos to the translators in Chrysanthemum Garden!

In summary, if you want to focus on fluffy interactions between the main couple, while disregarding the simple plot holes and other elements of the story, then this story is for you. Good thing I read this with this intention (fluff > logic), otherwise I would have rated the story below 3. <<less
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April 15, 2020
Status: --
I'm going to make this short and simple. I loved this book due to there being no real angst or jealousy. The ML is very loving and doting. Some people won't like it due to it being low on heart gripping anxiety before fluffy scenes. That's what I really enjoyed about this Novel though. However, my only con was how long it took for the MC to regain human form. Granted, it wasn't that long but it felt like it kind of dragged to be honest. But I would 100%... more>> read this again. <<less
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SilverWolfHiddenInSnow rated it
April 2, 2020
Status: c90
Fluffy, adorable, and Meng to the MAX. If you like mofumofu, fluffyfluffy stories, then this one is for you. Albeit with a tiny bit of angst.
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March 30, 2020
Status: v12
Loved it so much fluff especially when you start opening white tiger cubs pics to go along with the reading.
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Tearlesereph rated it
February 3, 2020
Status: c13
Super fluffy light novel!

It's a light and easy read, no major drama happens. No real super villains or huge conflicts happen. Everything gets resolved in the next few chapters easily. No love rivals to worry about. Just need to get that out there first, I know some people like heavy emotionally involved storylines but this novel is just an excuse for fluff and cuteness.

MC stays as a leopard cub for almost 85% of it. Actually, maybe 95% is more accurate. He doesn't fully manage to control his form until pretty... more>> much the night before his marriage, they also don't *ahem* until then too. It's all fade to black anyways, so there's nothing to see.

ML is undeniably OP. He's the strongest beastman in the empire, the absolute most respected marshal, savvy and rich businessman, etc, etc. But he's very sweet to MC and I dig that.

A lot of the novel focuses on carving stone... which I have to admit, I skipped. The carving process is more interesting to say, watch in a video than to read about so... if that stuff isn't your cup of tea you won't be missing anything by skipping ahead.


I do wish they explained why MC's beast nucleus is so much bigger than the entire populations or why he can only use the translucent stone and no other stone can work for him. And it sounded like his nucleus being in his brain was special... so does that mean everyone else's nucleus is situated elsewhere??? Also, what happens if he loses his stone, does he lose the ability to become human???

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auroraRMC rated it
February 2, 2020
Status: Completed
I really enjoyed this story, though I wouldn't say I intensely loved it. It was really fluffy and feel-good the entire way through, which is always something I support. But to be quite honest, in the beginning sometimes I was like what age was this story even written for, like 10 year olds? I'm not claiming that I didn't think that the big black dragon holding the little leopard wasn't the cutest thing I've read recently, but when the only action was the leopard making some carvings and getting enrolled... more>> in school over like 20 chapters, I was a little underwhelmed. Also, I suppose that it makes sense bc of the MC's lack of experience with life from his illness in the previous life and being abandoned in this life, but I sometimes got annoyed by him being naive and ignorant but still insisting on acting by himself without consulting the ML. The housekeeper and ML have to keep cleaning up after him bc of him acting on his own, unaware of the dangers from the duke. Also, I was like this guy is making these high quality carvings for the customers, but isn't carving any more high quality ones for the ML. I'm also confused about why he keeps insisting on buying ML stones when the ML probably has access to much better stones for his own carvings. I suppose that's a plot point for supporting the creation of the store though. I do like that the MC and ML are both very accepting and very natural in falling in love, and their relationship is adorable. The MC also gets much better as the story goes on and he gradually starts to learn more I guess? More drama comes later, but it gets quickly resolved by the very OP ML. Not that I'm complaining. Would have liked more extras without the amnesia and being in the beastman world, but I'm still quite satisfied. <<less
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January 21, 2020
Status: Completed
I liked this novel, it’s a good fluff read without any misunderstanding and all that nonsense.

This novel also doesn’t have much of a complicated plot so if your looking for that....... you should still read this!
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January 18, 2020
Status: c1
I enjoyed this book a lot. Robo-dad was my favorite character and there were a lot of laugh out loud moments. The way robots were handled in general (as data that can copy itself, remote controll things, or just jump between pyhsical bodies when one gets damaged) was just great fun.

if I had any complaints it would be the rather rushed ending where 2 new characters were randomly introduced, which created a lot more questions and didnt really wrap up any loose ends.

also, maybe that the authors concept of how... more>> quickly sculpture can be done is a bit nuts. One sculpture shld take at least a day or two (if not weeks), but this MC is just busting out 12 masterpieces a day. I cant even imagine being this productive. The only thing I can say is these sculpture have got to be much smaller than I am imagining <<less
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January 9, 2020
Status: c90
Too fluffy with no real plot. The plot first introduced was interesting and kept me invested in the story for more than 50 episodes. But when the villain is easily brushed aside, enough is enough. There is no climax. I thought there would be a decent confessing scene. But no. It was shown as a tactic understanding between the two. Ok, I have no problem with that. But the amount of description about craving takes up 80% of each chapter. And that remained to be the case throughout the story.... more>> It just got to the point where even the fluff between MC and ML cannot make me overcome the boredness of the story.


I don't like how MC's brain problem is also not resolved

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en_en rated it
November 3, 2019
Status: Completed
What a super cute read!

This novel is just completely filled of fluff and meng!! ❤️ Definitely worth a read when you want read something light and simple. There isn't a very complicated plot, but the fluffiness will carry you through ?

The translator has done a great job too! ?
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October 27, 2019
Status: Completed
It was so fluffy and sweet I got diabetes. Anyway the bonus was the AIs relationship, that was hilarious lol ?

Totally worth the read, though some word choices could’ve been better like “AI” instead of “intelligence”.
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benjibabe rated it
October 19, 2019
Status: Completed
Super cute with an interesting premise. The translation is well done and easy to read. A highly recommended read!
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Sytjen rated it
October 4, 2019
Status: c90
Super cute and super fluffy ? ???. Nothing deep and insightfull but that's totally not that kind of a novel. If you want to read a story that feels like hug, like hot cocoa and warm day that's it. You totally should read it :)
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I just read fluff
I just read fluff
August 26, 2019
Status: Completed
One of the fluffiest bl I read in a long time. No real drama or action just fluff. The translator is also great, so that helps to make for a nice short read.
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magishyter rated it
August 16, 2019
Status: Completed
It's a light and fluffy read, with cuteness overload. Very straightforward, without much drama or seriousness. It's pretty much a feel-good that does not require much thinking.

Personally, it was a -1 star for how the romance developed. Very cute, gave me very squishy feels, but fairly sudden (and not super explainable?) and how flat the tension was (i.e. There was no major conflicts).

But still, a good read if you have the time, and want to read a fully translated BL novel full of comedy and cute fluffiness with no angst/drama/etc.
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izayaYY rated it
August 13, 2019
Status: --
For all who love fluffy, light-hearted, drama-free, cute and adorable BL novels, this one is a must-read. And I think the author sells cuteness without actually falling into the trap of 'sickeningly cute'. Basically, most of cuteness logically stems from the characters being who they are and not in a contrived manner. The MC being a baby leopard in most chapters, the cuteness is natural.

I loved the interactions between the 2 MCs. They show their love by creating little gifts for each other... it's really adorable. There are a lot... more>> of details of the carving business which I found interesting but might annoy others.

I also loved the romantic dynamic between the 2 AI which was quite original. <<less
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August 9, 2019
Status: Completed
One word kept popping up in my head as a read this story, “meng!”

I really enjoyed this story it was so cute and fluffy.
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Christan4 rated it
August 6, 2019
Status: c90
This novel is so fluffy and good! You should deffinetly look into it if you like little bit of fantasy of transmigarting through time into instellar world with animal characteristics.


The protoganist is cute and naive shou with OP demanding carving skills X and the ML is OP pampering Marshal gong thats soft to the shou, but cold to others~

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