Not Knowing The Betrayal Of That Day


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‘s*upid b*tch.’

After a hasty choice, I sold the most precious thing with my own hands.
In exchange for this betrayal, the only price given was the position of a noble’s second wife and such cruel abuse.

Tessa did not die and instead lived.
And seven years had passed.

“Long time no see, Tessa.”

Hert, who she thought had died, returned.

He became a decent man.


“Do you long for your husband?”

Hert took turns looking at Tessa and the portrait of the old lord he had just seen.

“What if I killed that bastard?”

Tessa s**ked in her breath at the terrifyingly cold voice.

Associated Names
One entry per line
그날의 배신을 알지 못하여
Related Series
Light and Shadow (1)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Meh and nope
  2. To angsty and beyond (KRN,JPN)
  3. Leisure
  4. {novels with manhwa/manhua} pt. 4
  5. Tracker of What I've Read

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01/10/21 Mystical Series c22
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New problematicqueer rated it
May 27, 2024
Status: Completed
"Was this not pure s*upidity?"

The moment I read Hert (our waste ML) thinking as such in the middle of one of the s*upidest moments in this already quite s*upid novel, I genuinely wondered if the author had become self-aware for a moment. Either way, it stuck out in my mind as emblematic (including the translator's error - the line was actually "Wasn't this not pure s*upidity". There are a few translation errors. For those who choose to frustrate themselves with this unrecyclable tr*sh, let me save you some confusion: "Lee"... more>> is short for "Beatrice" who is "Marquis Borwen" who is a woman so it should be Marchioness in English but whatever.)

I came here from the manhwa (poorly drawn, do not recommend) because right from chapter 1 it was obvious this is the kind of r*pe-fetishizing dumpster fire of a story that banks on its smut to get by. (How & why a smut-dependent story got picked for adaptation to the sterilized environment of Korean webtoons, where even the "R-19" comics are heavily censored, is an utter mystery to me.)

I would say that the one thing this story gets right is the opening scenes, in that: If you're going to write a waste smut novel with a r*pe fetish, you should absolutely get that out in the open ASAP so people who need to can opt out without wasting their time. Furthermore, this isn't one of those awful teasers that spoils huge portions of the story in the opening chapter and then expects you to wait tens if not hundreds of chapters for the inciting event to actually happen. The story opens with Hert busting down the door and sexually assaulting Tessa, and the rest of the story follows from that point. Of course, the author does frequently subject us to ~riveting~ flashbacks of when Tessa and Hert were boring medieval orphans playing with mud, so be prepared to skip those because they serve no purpose except to harp on the one and only redeeming point of Hert, which is: "he used to be nice". But the opening is strong.

The problems start when we hit our first s*x scene. I've seen people in the reviews who are unsure if it counts as r*pe, and I can say that *at minimum* the first instance of s*x is unambiguously r*pe (full discussion in the spoiler).


Let me summarize the events first: Tessa's castle (the Marquisate of Jutert) is invaded by an unknown aggressor, which Tessa quickly realizes is her old childhood friend Hert who she was tricked into selling into s*avery (lol). He drags her by the hair, roughs her up, and then gropes her and pulls his engorged g**italia out to have s*x with her but she objects and he relents. Afterward, Tessa regrets objecting to the s*xual assault because she has a masochistic desire for punishment because she blames herself for Hert's ens*avement. (We're going to set aside whether this deranged train of thought counts as "consent".) Hert calls for Tessa the next day, and feeling that she can't object, she goes to him despite being feverish. During the encounter, she starts trying to take off Hert's pants to perform fellatio on him as she assumes that's why she has been called. Fellatio is a task she was periodically made to perform on her dead husband Marquis Jutert (despite his smelly, shrunken old d*ck - the author REALLY wants you to be impressed with the size, smell and youth of Hert's dong lmfao). Hert decides to accept and the fellatio is performed. (Thus far, I think this is dubiously consensual. Hert has threatened her physically and sexually; she's not in her right mind; she's also being emotionally blackmailed into pity s*x.) However, Hert then drags Tessa up onto the desk and starts groping at her c*otch because he isn't satisfied. Tessa trembles with fear, as she has never been penetrated before, but keeps quiet while resolving to let him punish her via s*x (this is yellow light territory if not a full red - verbal consent to fellatio =/= verbal consent to penetration). Hert goes forward in attempting penetration without checking in with Tessa, who is immediately in intense pain and begs him to stop. He is enraged at her rejection and purposefully ignores her verbal pleas and attempts to physically escape while forcing himself on her. This is very unambiguously r*pe. Stop means stop, no means no, people desperately clawing their way out of your grasp does not count as "enthusiasm", etc etc etc.

TBQH, the smut is neither hot nor interesting enough to tempt me to go back in and document every nonconsensual interaction. Tessa states that her feverish state saved her from the worst of the pain and their second attempt at penetration was even more painful. Hert also thinks to himself that he purposefully tried to make their s*xual encounters as degrading and uncomfortable as possible for at least the first week or so of their reunion, and Tessa ends up needing medical treatment for her vulva and a break to physically recover from Hert's s*xual abuse.

Hert will go on to consistently treat Tessa's rejections and verbalizations during s*x as immaterial for the rest of the story.


Every s*x scene throughout the novel is written to feel like r*pe, even when it shies away from explicit r*pe. Hert is extremely aggressive; Tessa is reluctant and crying; there are long descriptions of how physically uncomfortable the s*x is for Tessa; Tessa never seems enthused about s*x and has to be strong-armed into it; etc. These descriptions will feel familiar to anyone whose read even a small amount of smut, because catering to a r*pe fetish is actually more common than depictions of fully consensual & enthusiastic interc**rse. Them's the breaks and I'm not here to write off any story (or even smut) that uses r*pe as subject matter. I've read very effective stories about r*pe that DON'T try to pretend the rapist is noble, DON'T write off r*pe as a "misunderstanding", and DON'T present abuse as "misguided love". Like with so many other stories with so-called regretful MLs, the author didn't have the guts to commit to the edgy premise and collapsed back into simpering, saccharine "but he didn't mean it : ( ((" dreck.

The story drifts along with Hert slowly piecing together that Tessa is not, in fact, an opulent, devilish vixen twisting him around her little finger along with countless other men from such subtle cues as: the huge and impossible to miss scars on her back from the many beatings the Marquis's son gave her, her cast-off peasant clothes, her emotional instability and obvious fear, her general inability to form a sentence without severely stuttering and/or apologizing, and other things that a day's acquaintance should've made obvious. (Worry not, Hert never grows a functioning brain cell.) I did, however, kind of like this bit because Hert was letting go of his resentment because of his empathy for Tessa instead of lazy "it was just a misunderstanding, whoopsies!" bullshit. It made his affection feel much more real to make him forgive & want a future with Tessa despite what she'd done (in his eyes). It made me yearn for a version of the novel where Tessa really did betray Hert, which would've given some desperately needed depth to her one-note crybaby characterization and fixed numerous other problems (her refusal to explain herself being a glaring one; another being that in Hert's recollection, we're told Tessa used to be clever before abuse broke her. So clever she stole his fingerprint for a contract she couldn't read? 🥴) Well, the plot isn't honestly very good but it's improved by the mounting political tension in the background. We get acquainted with Marquis Borwen, Hert's benefactor who saved him from the gladiatorial ring, her sister Jean Borwen who is currently Queen, and her enemy Duke Callias who is eyeing the throne. It looks promising... ish... actually, Marquis Borwen and her sister seem to be hateful psychopaths who I honestly expected to be the end-game villains before I realized this story has no moral compass or grasp of tone and expected me to be impressed with Marquis Borwen's ~girlboss antics~ instead of disgusted with her mercenary & unfeeling attitude that selfishly disregards the suffering of others. But those problems weren't as prevalent pre-chapter 70 and it was shaping up to be a smooth, if average 2-3 star read. Deduct a star for the refusal to acknowledge or address the r*pe at the beginning, and it's still at least a 2 star rating. If only I had quit before chapter 70...

I want to describe the kidnapping incident that occurs around ch70-80, which is so s*upidly convoluted for no reason that we never even get an explanation for why the perpetrators did what they did, but because it's so f*cking s*upid and convoluted I don't even want to try. More in the spoiler, but the TL;DR is that this one event made me so angry I skimmed the rest of the novel just to find the moment where Hert grovels for his actions, and ended up finishing the novel. Yeah, that moment never comes. f*ck this novel lmaoooooo


So, the event goes like this:

Tessa is getting ready to say goodbye to her friend Janet, who is secretly a spy for Marquis Borwen (Hert's benefactor) and also faking a pregnancy (it's never explained why she faked a pregnancy). Tessa practices writing a farewell letter to Janet (she has been receiving literacy lessons from Marchioness Elena Jutert, the first wife of her dead husband). We find out outside of Tessa's POV that Janet is leaving ahead of schedule that night and the Marchioness is plotting something. We also learn that Hert has discovered Tessa's jewelry is being sold on the market and he weighs whether someone is stealing or Tessa is selling the jewelry herself, and decides to go see her. Tessa hears that Hert is coming and changes clothes because she got ink on herself while practicing writing. Marnie, her trusted maid, offers to burn the practice letters and Tessa accepts while thinking that she should seek the Marchioness's help the next day in writing the letter. She asks Marnie what gift to give and Marnie responds "money", then apologizes and acts fidgety and distracted. Tessa recalls that Marnie has been disappearing from work recently and she once caught her coming out of Hert's room. She thinks about asking Marnie about her suspicious behavior but then reasons that she, Tessa, is a useless person who can't help anyone and lets it go. (This thought process doesn't make sense to me either, idk) Tessa seriously considers gifting Janet money for some reason before remembering that she has no money, is too embarrassed to ask Hert for money, and briefly considers selling her jewelry before deciding against it, because she doesn't feel it really belongs to her (Hert paid for it). Hert arrives, and they share an overwraught, emotional conversation. He considers asking her whether she is selling her jewelry (as opposed to someone stealing it) but then doesn't because he's afraid she'll say yes... because then she might be saving money to run away... and he would prefer not to know that, even though he would need to know in order to stop it. And for some reason, he's fine with the possibility of a servant pilfering the jewelry he gave her. (It's hard for me to describe these characters' thoughts when they literally make no sense but I honestly tried.) Anyway, Tessa finally decides to tell Hert about the misunderstanding from 7 years ago (in which he thinks she tricked him into s*avery to become a noble, but actually they were both tricked and sold). Hert says she doesn't need to say it now, she can say it "when he gets back" (I'm rolling my eyes from how obvious the writing is, ugh) as long as she promises not to leave. Tessa goes back to her room and practices writing farewell letters to Janet while waiting for Hert to get back from his task.

Marnie (btw the translation switches to Mani at some point for inscrutable reasons, but I prefer Marnie) tells Tessa that Hert has been injured and she needs to come with her, and Tessa very gullibly follows Marnie through the door connecting her bedroom to Hert's bedroom, which is not being surveilled, into a secret passage in Hert's bedroom, and follows her for some time through the secret passage before realizing something is wrong and Marnie is hurting her, and then follows her some more until the passageway ends. God, this novel is killing my braincells.

We find out through omniscient POV that Janet is coincidentally leaving at the same time, and the Marchioness is surveying Tessa being kidnapped while feeling sorry for someone (possibly Tessa, possibly Janet? it's never clarified). She holds up a card from Marquis Beatrice Borwen that reveals her maiden name is also Borwen - she is Beatrice's aunt - and they have cut a deal of some kind. It's also insinuated she's doing this to curry favor with Hert. (We find out from Hert's perspective that the Marchioness warned him of the "danger" of Janet, i.e. that Tessa might try to run away with Janet.)

Tessa is drugged (seemingly with chloroform, though idk how these medieval dudes got that) and carried off in a wagon. When she wakes, Marnie begs for forgiveness while saying her family was threatened and cuts Tessa free while "holding off" the kidnappers (this makes no sense because the kidnappers seem to have vanished but Tessa is s*upid and so am I for reading this). Tessa runs away in the pitch black night, thankfully in the intended direction of this convoluted scheme as she runs into Janet. Janet drags her along without asking questions or giving explanations and stuffs Tessa in her runaway carriage without even asking where Tessa is going, why she is here, or if she even wants to be on this dumb runaway carriage. Unbelievably, this is not because Janet is in on it, but rather because she's also very dumb. Tessa starts to explain herself on the carriage but is interrupted by Hert's absurdly convenient timing. (He has, btw, found a practice farewell letter to Janet that conveniently has no identifying information on it and interpreted it as a very haphazard and incoherent goodbye letter to himself. And ofc the other letters have been burnt.) Tessa has been caught running away, oh no. 😑

Tessa is locked in her room. Improbably, Marnie comes in and starts rambling about how she stole jewelry but she didn't mean to blah blah blah and Tessa believes it all. Hert interrupts this nonsense, demands to know why Marnie was let in the room (the Marchioness ordered it - he doesn't follow this up), and then gets angry on the assumption that they're scheming to run away again (even though Marnie wasn't even in the runaway carriage? It's not even explained how she got back to the castle). Anyway, Hert is now furious: he becomes extremely verbally abusive; he screams questions at Tessa then interrupts her before she can say anything; when she manages to stutter a reply, he accuses her of being a liar; then he claims her answer doesn't matter anyway and he was a fool to trust her, etc. Tessa sobs and begs him not to hurt Janet or Marnie, which he gets offended by for no reason (he has thrown Janet in the dungeon and had Marnie dragged away, and threatened to interrogate both of them multiple times to Tessa???). Anyway the conversation goes nowhere because Hert is an egregious c*nt and it culminates in him forcing more uncomfortable s*x on her in what, for me, was by far the absolute worst s*x scene of the novel. Yeah, nothing gets me hot like annoying and unjust accusations + verbal, emotional, & physical abuse. f*ck this novel.

This event is where the "Wasn’t this not pure s*upidity?" quote comes from. Hert is berating himself for the s*upidity of trusting Tessa while actually falling for the s*upidest, most looney tunes ass frame-up ever conceived. I'm not going to address how s*upid this framejob is on its face. Tessa is all scraped up from the manhandling, she's not dressed to run away, she doesn't have any of the money from selling the jewelry, and there are 3 other witnesses in the carriage that can attest Tessa wasn't supposed to be there, the secret passageway presumably still exists and can be pointed to (for some reason, how Tessa was never seen being dragged off is one of Hert's objections and despite easily being demonstrated, it never is), and countless other things can point to Tessa's innocence. None of it matters, though, because Hert would rather cling to his loathesome self-pity than listen to the woman he "loves". This was really the point where it felt very definitively like Hert only saw Tessa as a convenient fleshlight. He doesn't know her; he doesn't want to know her; he prefers to believe that she's a duplicitious person so he can justify using her sexually however he wants, even though it doesn't even justify it, because Tessa should be able to leave if she wants to anyway. He should be trying to make her want to stay, not screaming at her like a child throwing a tantrum. Everything about this event is overdramatic and hateful in the extreme. (Tessa confesses that she was tricked 7 years ago with predictably poor timing and Hert just flat-out calls her a liar. 🙄) It makes so many characters (Hert, Marnie, the Marchioness) into unlikable, disgusting people.

The biggest problem is that it makes no sense for anyone to do this. We later find out the Marchioness wants revenge on the Marquisate of Jutert and blows up the castle. None of this is served by her faking Tessa's escape. As for Marnie, she's allowed to continue serving Tessa because both Tessa and Hert are just the f*cking dumbest rocks on the planet. Her involvement casts no suspicion on the Marchioness even though it should. Janet has to continue to be unjustly imprisoned until the castle gets blown up because Hert is an ass. None of this is ever sorted out. Hert never has to apologize for his appalling behavior. THE WHOLE EPISODE WAS POINTLESS AND MADE NO SENSE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


From this point on, the novel only gets worse. Hert treats Tessa like sh*t - locking her in her room and even shackling her ankles, which triggers her memories of being forced into solitary confinement, not that Hert would care! He's not a yandere, by the way. The one trait all yanderes have is that they're ruthless to anyone who keeps them from their beloved, but when it's revealed to him that Marquis Borwen hid Tessa from him for 2 years, he just chuckles and comments he never wants to deal with that woman again, which is the only thing he ever thinks or says about Marquis Borwen. "One-dimensional" doesn't even begin to describe what a vacant & empty character Hert Shine is. (Another crucial note: Marquis Borwen expends a great deal of effort hiding the fact that Tessa was innocent from Hert. It's never explained why she did this and she never faces any consequences for her complicity in Tessa's abuse at the hands of the Marquisate as well as Hert himself. But at least she's a girlboss who killed her brothers, her father, the king, and anyone else inconvenient, right? It's cool when girls do it instead of evil and vile, right??)

The shitty Marchioness drugs Tessa using lemon tart into becoming pregnant around chapter 100, which horrifies her and she begs for abortive medicine which she doesn't get, and we're supposed to see this as a "favor" the Marchioness did her. Oh my god what the f*ck is wrong with this author. Later, when the castle is falling apart and Tessa is about to commit su*cide in no small part due to all the sh*t the Marchioness piled on her head, the Marchioness shows up out of nowhere and gives an ~inspirational~ speech about she never gave up on her revenge after her legs were crushed that comes off more ghoulish than anything else. This story's moral center is whack.

The castle is blown up for the Marchioness's petty, selfish revenge (we are never told the means by which these medieval people made a stone castle collapse. I'm not even laughing anymore, this is just embarrassing) but then Duke Callias sends an assassin to kill Hert. Tessa takes the arrow for Hert and at this point, >110 chapters in, a priest shows up out of nowhere with divine power and heals her. Apparently this was a romance fantasy???? WHERE'S THE REST OF THE MAGIC POWERS. WHY DID THIS ONLY SHOW UP NOW. WHY DIDN'T THE MARCHIONESS JUST GET A PRIEST TO HEAL HER CRUSHED LEGS. f*ck

*deep breaths* okay. Anyway. Tessa goes into a coma. There's an incredibly long dream sequence that I didn't read because it doesn't matter and is boring schlock wherein she dreams of a world where Hert isn't a boorish abuser. Meanwhile, the real Hert becomes the next Duke Callias because apparently he's the Duke's illegitimate child because girlboss Marquis Borwen said so and she's never wrong (there's also an extremely cringey bit where she confronts Duke Callias by accusing him of crimes and bragging about how cool and smart she is and how lame and s*upid he is for opposing her. 12 year old kids, eat your heart out 😒).

There's a hastily written regret sequence where Hert finally finds out that Tessa didn't betray him 7 years ago. It's extremely unsatisfying. As another reviewer put it, the characters are one-dimensional, never change, and learn nothing. Tessa wakes up, the end.


Go read Under the Oak Tree. It does everything right that this story does wrong and the smut is actually hot. <<less
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TeaPlease1717 rated it
October 20, 2021
Status: c8
First, thank you translators for your hard work. The translation is really well done and easy to follow.

With that said, the story is bad. Just bad. I don't like leaving negative reviews, especially when there are only 8 chapters, but the FL was just so dumb that I wanted to punch her myself.

... more>>

Basically, what happened was that the FL "accidently" sold her best friend into s*avery when she thought she was signing him up to be a knight. Like I understand that she wasn't educated and didn't know how to read or write, but seriously? She snuck into his room in the middle of the night to get his fingerprint... who on earth wouldn't think that is sketchy as hell? It was all because she wanted to surprise him. And in a way it was a surprise. Surprise all your freedom is taken away!

So its no wonder the ML is angry as hell when, after 7 years, he meets her again. He thinks she sold him to become a rich pampered housewife. Then, when he demands that she give him a reason for why she did it, she is silent. I get the first time why she stayed silent. He was blinded by rage and probably wouldn't have listened to anything she said, but the second time? She could at least say something... but no. Not even a sorry. Instead she is quite and thinks everything will be alright if she just gives him s*x.


Anyways, the ML is the most interesting character so far. I'd like to know more about how he survived for 7 years but I don't think I'll be continuing with how s*upid the FL is. <<less
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thejobbernowl rated it
October 20, 2021
Status: --
Honestly, this novel made me a bit sick to read. The relationship is extremely toxic and abusive. The ML is nearly constantly raping the FL throughout the entire series. Extremely graphic detail of raping her all night long until she physically breaks is a favorite of the author. If you're expecting character development you won't find any in this series.
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Corona-chan_reviews rated it
August 13, 2022
Status: c51
Disclaimer: At the time of this review, I've been reading until chapter 51, and the novel hasn't been fully translated. There's some spoilers bellow, so read at your own discretion.

First of all, I wanted to point out some important plot points that I feel everyone who wants to read this novel needs to know, just to make expectations clear: there's a lot of abuse and angst. Like, explicit, detailed descriptions of physical and emotional abuse. Both the male lead (Hert) and the female lead (Tessa) are extremely broken, and... more>> have gone through 7 years of torture and abuse from their respective captors. The story is rather dark, so if you expect fluffy and sweet romance, look elsewhere, because this ain't it.

To read a summary of the main of conflict in this novel, see the following spoilers:

When they were children, Tessa and Hert used to be best friends, and they both lived in the same orphanage. One day, some sketchy guys arrive at the orphanage and trick Tessa into signing a s*avery contract for Hert, knowing she was an orphan who couldn't read or write (yes, this all happened because Tessa was illiterate). The orphanage director was complicit in this as well, saying the contract is for Hert to be made into a servant to work at a noble's house. Anyways, Hert is unknowingly sold into s*avery, and to top it off, Tessa's farewell letter to him was forged by the orphanage director, saying horrible things about how Tessa just used him to get a comfortable life as some noble's consort, convincing Hert that he was just a tool and Tessa never cared about him, enraging him to no end. Tessa, unknowingly, also signed a contract to become a noble's consort, and was hoping that at least Hert would be together with her at her new home. Well, turns out her new "husband" is abusive as hell, and she was just a replacement for another woman he couldn't add to his harem. She spends the next 7 years being tortured by both him and his son, and pretty much treated like garbage by the rest of the harem. As for Hert, he was turned into a gladiator, and made into pretty much a killing machine. He eventually works his way up to be a knight captain, but he's traumatized by the whole thing. They meet again when Hert tracks Tessa down and kills everyone in the noble's castle, save for Tessa and her husband's son, with the full intent of taking revenge.


As others have already pointed out, the angst does drag on for a bit in the beginning, and the female lead is a bit irritating in that she refuses to explain what really happened, but when taken in mind the absolute horror they both go through, it becomes understandable later on that it's a difficult topic to talk about. By the time of the novel's events, the female lead is traumatized beyond recognition, her body is deteriorated and frail from years of torture, and it has affected her to such degree she's unable to open up to anyone. The male lead is full of anger and on the verge of insanity, and pretty much has a hateboner for the female lead.

About the s*x scenes: as I said above, this novel is pure drama and angst, so in the beginning, the s*x scenes are a bit hard to read through. This is because the romance doesn't kick in until much later, and the male lead spends a good chunk of the story hating the female lead, being cruel and mean to her. So you can imagine any s*x scenes between them in the beginning are far from lovey dovey love making, rather is just hatef*cking. I don't know if it's r*pe because

the female lead willingly offers herself to him

(she's pretty broken though, keep that in mind), but the male lead is also very, very mean to her, even when they're having s*x. It takes a long time for him to start warming up to her, and I'm 51 chapters in!

Anyways, I read this mainly because it was tagged under male yandere. Yes, the male lead Hert is a yandere, but I'd say he's written as a more layered character than your usual yandere. He's been obsessed with the female lead since they were children, but the whole betrayal and years of abuse made him both hate her and love her at the same time, and by the time they meet again, he has a lot of conflicted feelings about her. His personality is rash and aggressive, he curses a lot, and is fueled by nothing but anger and hatred. His character arc is to discover what happened during those 7 years, and the more he knows, he more he spirals into insanity.

Conclusion: It's a dark story where the drama and angst are first, romance second. There's chapters and chapters of trauma, angst, hate, anger, and everything in between. The female and male lead take a long time to come to an understanding, and the centerpiece of this story is the male lead uncovering what really happened 7 years ago, while slowly losing his mind. The female lead also heals from her trauma as well. If this kind of story is not your cup of tea, then just skip it. <<less
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akera93 rated it
October 22, 2022
Status: --
How come filth like this gets a manhwa adaptation when many good stories don't? Life isn't fair.

This story is another installment in the: (dumb useless submissive doormat MC) X (abusive rapist as*hole ML) series and better yet, there is no redemption at all. The dude never improves and become nicer and the dumb naive MC never gets a brain cell. That's it, end of story and they lived happily ever after
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MzPif rated it
May 7, 2023
Status: --
There's zero story telling value here. One dimensional characters with no redeeming value at all. The dialogue was so harsh and clearly there's been a misunderstanding that I just had to look up when it's going to get better. It never does get better! I'm glad I looked up the ending in the spoiler section. Forget punching ML or FL in the face. I'd like to slap some sense into the writer instead. The writer gave no effort to put in some emotional healing to show the readers there might... more>> be a happy ending. It's just straight abuse after abuse, then period of nothing of just hate then FL wakes up from comatose and THE END. Worthless. How desperate are the manhua folks to pick this story up to draw?

Don't bother reading this. As much effort as the translators put into this it's really a bummer waste of time. Most reader would drop it within the first 10 chapters like me. I'm thinking the story stopped at her waking up is because most people who picked it up dropped it at their level of tolerance.

Crap story teller. <<less
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moonlhgt rated it
August 24, 2022
Status: --
(I did not mean to put it at 1 star, but idk how to fix it, I was originally trying to put 2 1/2

At Chapter 25, this is mostly a warning more than a rating. I know lots of people usually only like ratings when the person actually read the whole thing, but I had to let something out. Guilty as I am, I came for the sm*t. Unfortunately, my stomach haven't gotten any type of romance butterflies throughout these 25 chapters. We have a depressed.. Seriously depressed fl,... more>> who feels she deserves to be used as a prostitute by the ml, who feels that she also deserves to be treated that way. I'm really not sure if this is r*pe or not. But it feels almost just like it. The fl, is grossed out by giving *ral. He makes her do it. The FL is in pain first two times of it, he makes her do it. Honestly, I'm not sure why he's keeping her alive, when he treats her like a s*x doll with no other meaning, literally thinks that way too, it's kind of hard for me to not wonder why he hasn't gotten a replacement. I mean, don't we all know? The emotions seem totally real for what both have gone through, but because they're the ML and FL and its a story, their emotions don't really flow with their actions. Anyways, this is a stomach churner for me. Rough love making is not here, it's just non acting bd*m at this point. <<less
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