Nigotta Hitomi no Lilianne


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After coming out of a tunnel… it was pitch dark.

When I awoke, it was pitch dark.

First, I need to grasp the situation… While lost in thought, white, foggy figures appeared, and as usual, it was utterly dark, just what is happening?

When I noticed, I reincarnated!

Moreover, my gender has changed!?

God, don’t people normally get a supernatural ability when reincarnating!?

Isn’t this conversely a start with a handicap!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Cloudy Eyes Lilianne
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Hetero Rofan/Transmigrassion/Fantasy Novels
  2. [ RARE ] MCs w/ Disabilities
  3. Japanese gender bender fantasy novels without roma...
  4. Good novels
  5. Melhores Gender Bender (BR)

Latest Release

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01/25/18 Novelonomicon c135
01/20/18 Novelonomicon c134
01/16/18 Novelonomicon c133
01/12/18 Novelonomicon c132
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12/28/17 Novelonomicon idle talk 19
12/18/17 Novelonomicon idle talk 18
12/13/17 Novelonomicon idle talk 17
12/10/17 Novelonomicon c130
12/07/17 Novelonomicon c129
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67 Reviews sorted by

Sherrynity rated it
July 20, 2017
Status: c98
It's fluffy.

It's yuri.

(that gender bender tag... well, it ain't wrong but ain't right too)

... more>> MC is a reincarnated individual; born in a world of magic, she (previously a he) strives to learn more about magic and his special power. Somehow by the twist of fate, she befriended a lost (idiotic yet genius) fairy, and so.... fuwafuwa 'yuri goggles:ON' ensues.

It might not suites your taste, as some people just simply hate reading Slice of Life story. Moreover, please be warned the plot is crawling at a snail's pace, so you might lose your patience. <<less
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pluspy1337 rated it
June 26, 2017
Status: c210
This novel has well and truly broken me and now I can't live without Lilianne element ~ww

All kidding aside, it's amazing just how addicted to this thing I have become. I check back every day to see if there's a new chapter. I have even started grinding through the raws in my halfhearted Japanese because I love this novel so much. It's ridiculous... because it's not like the novel is super amazingly mindblowing.

EDIT: It becomes extremely boring and bad later on, just devolving into the typical Japanese old man pe*vert... more>> mol*sting kids. "She" literally keeps making her maids or**sm with "magic touch." Beyond that, there is little of substance past the initial interesting idea. Sad waste of potential, but that's a tale as old as the genre. <<less
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inacio999 rated it
August 15, 2017
Status: c106 part2
This is my first review but I had to write for this one. This novel is a lighthearted and fluffy one. The author is not rushing the growth like the other ones where the reincarnated grows up in like 2 chapters. But that does not mean that there is no growth the character steadily grows up. Summarized it's a fun lighthearted story that I recommand for everyone.
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JapaneseFandom rated it
July 26, 2017
Status: c86
(There are spoilers, you have been warned. Also I just started doing reviews so please don't expect a lot from this one.)

Alright, I want to start off by saying that this is genuinely an amazing and unique novel being it both a reincarnation and a slice of life novel. All characters are amazing and fit very well into the story.

Nigotta Hitomi no Lilianne (Also known as Cloudy Eyes Lilianne) is a reincarnation slice of life novel that talks about a 30 year old man who suddenly died and... more>> was reincarnated as a human girl called Lilianne in a fantasy world. After a few weeks of reincarnation he realizes that the girl is blind, she couldn't see anything, but by infusing magic into her eyes she could see the magical power inside people and the few tools which contain magic inside them so she's able to make the shape of the people around her and a few things. As a blind person she found couldn't find anything interesting so she kept training to increase her magical power and finding ways to use it for different aspects, mainly to try and find a technique that allows her to see.

The series also has many unique characters filled with life and colors that would make you attached to them. The series has lots of comedic, hilarious and some serious scenes which are surprisingly fun and easy to read through. I personally think that the fantasy world they're living in isn't complicated and was easy to understand. The story is also amazingly heartwarming and adorable (After taking the Lilianne doses of adorableness you won't be able to let go of this series easily).

I really think that I should give this a 5/5 but sadly after reading up till chapter 86 expecting some action but I was let down, I kinda mocked myself for not realizing this is a slice of life novel until I reached chapter 86. I'm not hinting the series is bad, it's a really well written story and and as I said before the story is amazing, being it in both character and story development. The only thing I disliked about this novel is the extreme slow speed of story progression. I think I'm a patient person but I feel like I need to reevaluate myself after this.

I think this review was short but it's just my imagination. Overall, the if you're looking for a unique mix of a reincarnation and slice of life novel, you should look forward to this, and even if this wasn't my cup of tea I really enjoyed every aspect of this novel. <<less
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Myriadfold rated it
March 21, 2017
Status: c64
Enjoying the series so far, my only worry is the plot will be hung up on the"baby-toddler" years for too long. It makes sense to cover these years as the MC has conscious activity during this period, but it seems like a lot of what is happening would be very repetitive or filler-like if a new but similar topic is brought up again during the following years.

I find the MC really cool for being blind and still being portrayed very well by the author, it takes a certain kind of... more>> vision (heh) to be able to pull this off even after extensive research.

My rating is as such because while the baby years are interesting for the MC's trials to adapt, I am more curious about how the MC will fare once they are 6, or 12, or even in their late teens at 16-20. Clearly the MC shows promise to be quite OP in regards to magic, but where does that take us? Will the later plot expand on this or will it get downplayed? What is with these mysterious organizations, and just who are the MC's family really??

Once the story progresses further in depth and at least touches upon these questions of mine I can give a more complete rating. <<less
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Pavilion rated it
April 7, 2021
Status: c190
I was one of the earliest readers of this story when the translation begun, I truly loved the laid back and chill fluffy vibes the book had. Though many people here said it's too slow of a story, I never felt that. Sure, the.5 and.1 chapters got pretty tedious (whats up with those formats anyway?) but overall the pages were super short and very easy to breeze though all the while meticulously reading.

I have no idea why did this get dropped, maybe the author had real life come between writing... more>> or just decided it wasn't worth it anymore- who knows. I would still like to thank them, up until c189 this was truly a treat of good feelings and happiness.

Overall I felt this wasn't really a book for its story (like adventure or any plot) as much as book to experience some feelings with a hint of slice of life. If that's your thing then definitely give this a try. <<less
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metazoxan rated it
July 22, 2020
Status: c100
I wanted to like this. I really did. But it's just so... empty.

You could argue that's part of the point as she's blind and can't see like others can. But you can explain why a plot is lacking and that doesn't make it suddenly become better.

I understand some just love how cute the MC is and I agree she's adorable. But plot wise there is just not much here. So many chapters go by with NOTHING happening. The MC doesn't do anything, the plot doesn't progress, and nothing of substance... more>> is even described. Normally in a series like this it would capitalize on the cuteness with a plot just substancial enough to logically generate new scenarios for cuteness to happen.

The problem with this series is that second part doesn't happen or at least doesn't happen enough. Because of the empty plot we're left kinda repeating the same stuff. The MC cutely cuddling her friends, the MC "cutely" mol*sting the maids with magic power, the MC being unconditionally fawned over by her family.

Again it's not that every story needs a complex narative. But it needs SOME plot if only to serve as a railway for us to ride from one event or scenario to the next. This series lacks that so even for it's target audience it somewhat fails to deliver. <<less
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Nyamu rated it
January 12, 2020
Status: c189
Pros: Cute. "Detailed" (Each issue being tackled one at a time). "General Building" for the lack of better word. "Realistic Pacing".

Cons: Some characters have weird fetish. Small world* (The girl is blind. She won't be going out of the house anytime soon. So her world is mostly limited to her house.) *subject to change.

Plus Minus Zero (Depends on you) : Slow AF. This can be good because a lot of details go missing during time skips. On the other hand, you have to read about things like potty training, or... more>> every character's birthday party. Yuri. Relatively peaceful story. If you want fireballs, look elsewhere.

Other details : Its slice of life. Nay! Its a whole cake of life. Its not action, its not romance and personally, I don't find it that funny (I wouldn't label this as comedy). You don't take one "slice" and move on to another "slice" like Doraemon. You don't take one "slice" and then go off to fight dragons in a discount superhero story.
You take the whole cake. You would be reading about almost every event in a blind magically OP child, up until their birthday, and every following birthdays.

And yes, I just gave this 5 stars. <<less
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NegativeIQ rated it
December 20, 2019
Status: c181
At first, it was really cute, with the MC being doted on by their family, and cute interactions, but the author decides to make a really s*upid decision.

This novel drags on FOREVER. Normally not a problem if the main selling point of the novel would be all the fluff and slice of life, but the author tries to establish an overpowered MC setting, which is just... why? Why would you spread out 4 years of the protagonists life as a baby throughout ~200 chapters, and put such a huge focus... more>> on trying to say "hey look here, MC is freaken broken", without having the MC actually partake in anything where their op abilities can apply to the story???

Author also enjoyed putting his s*xual fantasies/fetishes which is uh, disturbing to say the least, if you've read the other reviews, you would know what I'm talking about.

Still waiting to see what the author plans to do with the opMC setting, 3 stars for now. <<less
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demon666 rated it
March 16, 2019
Status: c176
I enjoyed reading it, it's a good fluffy novel. My issues is that the novel got quite repetitive to the extent I think I could sum up a good 50 chapters in one line, namely: play with the dog, develop magic, do a bit of Yuri, repeat.
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NariHari rated it
February 17, 2019
Status: c107
I first want to address all the dumb comments about se*ual harrassment and r*pe...

... more>>

1. The MC is just petting ears and tails, like you would a cat or dog, do you consider petting a dog "se*ual harrassment"? they find it pleasurable too fyi

2. The MC gathers magic power in order yo increase the sense of touch, NOT to make the other feel good, thats a side effect

3. the MC doesnt realize the other party feels pleasure, they think they pass out from too much Magic Power use

4. the beastkin confirmed ears and tails are NOT a se*ual organ, and as such isnt se*ual harrassment to play with them, the MC just doesnt realize what the magic power is doing

5. the maids want to feel that pleasure on their own, not because they are getting trained for it, if anything that makes them pe*verts for wanting to feel pleasure from a toddler, but that doesnt make the MC a r*pist

so kindly go away with your idiocy, just because pleasure was felt doesnt make the MCs intentions bad, it honestly makes you guys bad for automatically assuming bad intent, you people make me ashamed to be a human


on to the review, honestly its a good novel, 100% my type would totes finish it, but DEAR GOD its so slow,

107 chaps in and they are still 2 years old

, this is actually insane like PLEASE go somewhere with this jesus <<less
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storybookknight rated it
January 5, 2019
Status: --
Extremely slow paced, with oh god way too many chapters about the cuteness of the MC. I kept waiting for the main character to grow up a little so that something interesting would happen, and it just never did. There were a few elements that the author introduced which could have been fun to see addressed, but I very swiftly lost interest because of how much pointlessness there was to wade through in between each incremental piece of attention to what passed for a plot. I don't recommend this one.
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H0NEYBEE rated it
December 21, 2018
Status: c174
Weeell, I just read the other reviews here and I kinda feel like writing this one just for the of defending the novel.

The biggest problem that many people seem to have with the story is ... more>>

the MC "sexually harassing/raping the maids". I wouldn't call it s*xual harassment and absolutely wouldn't call it r*pe. From the very beginning, the MC was only interested in the fluffiness of the fur and wanted to pet them. Yeah, it sounds like a sorry-ass excuse but I mean the MC gave the same treatment to the wolf too, so you gonna say that the MC r*ped the pet? Besides, the whole story (idle talk aside) is written from the MC's POV and I his/her thoughts on the matter don't really come off s*xual in any way. In fact, the protagonist is at his core quite... pure? innocent? though he/she is without a doubt really eccentric

) doesn't bore the reader (well, not me anyway).

Also, it's yuri. aka girls love or shoujo ai. Gender Bender tag? Whazzat? Dat tasty? The protagonist might've been a man before, but slowly, but surely he gets used to his identity as Lilianne. She's a toddler though

and her love interest is a fairy, small enough to fit on her shoulder. They do love each other though, so it is romance. Still, if you're turned off by this kind of thing, I think you read your way into a wrong neighbourhood.


Also, the worldbuilding is done mostly through the eyes of the protagonist. So, we get to see the entire world being built and presented to us in small doses. Except for the magic system

the MC being gifted in magic, having magic eyes, having a fairy flying about all day long and all...


Also, concerning worldbuilding, unlike a great many isekai stories we won't get any Japan Bansai aka I introduced the Japanese culture in another world and it caught on with scary momentum, 'cause it's so awesome. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the JP culture (I mean I'm reading novels on NU, so I'm already half-otaku), but reading about people praising rice and ramen is a really old and worn out thing.

Now, the translations. Shinsori translations did a really good job translating the story. But keep in mind, they did translation, not localisation, so if wanna read it, expect many JP-ish phrases and words, like "Okaasama", "mofumofu", "Ojousama" etc. But I do think that it's for the best, I honestly can't imagine how different the story would feel if they did try to translate it "the professional way". At least the baby-talk would be ruined. The bigger problem would be the rate of translations that sometimes leaves you wondering if the team has dropped the project, though.

Overall I highly recommend the series for those craving for some slow, sugar-rich content. Also, even though there's the OP protagonist tag and it's not entirely wrong, don't expect anything good action-wise. I mean, c'mn, the MC is a blind girl not old enough to go to kindergarten, don't expect her to suddenly rise and go around kicking ass left and right. <<less
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SovietWeeb rated it
July 7, 2018
Status: c158
The biggest issue for me Is:
How we will get these overly detailed and long drawn out explanations of Magic. A fictional thing. So they constantly tell us about how magic works and how the MC Is learning It. It's pointless and boring. This takes a large chunk of the story and yet It never get's interesting. I found myself starting to skip these massive walls of text of nothing but three people talking about Magic. One of the worst things I think an Isekai story can do Is try to talk about how the Magic Is created and how It's made. It does really take the fun out of fantasy.

I do like that the story doesn't have massive time jumps of the MC growing up into a 16-year-old. We are at chapter 155 at the time of writing and the MC Is only 3 & 1/2 Years-old. I do like the slow approach. But I do wish that It'd start picking up already.

The atmosphere at the start Is really nice. It really does feel like nice and cozy with how much the family loves the MC. Things that are really sweet and charming like the Brother growing a tree so they can use the wood and make a Walking stick for the blind so his sister will have one or the family having to guide the MC's hand to so she can eat food. It's really nice. I did notice that this atmosphere Is kind of gone In the later chapters.

I dislike how much Ena (Wet Nurse) has become the mother. I honestly think that Claire (Mother) Is a better and more interesting character to have on screen. Ena start's getting really possessive later on. I get that Ena see's Lily (MC) as her own daughter. But Jesus, The story seems to forget that the actual parents exist most of the time.

Then the last thing I will mention Is that I really dislike that It was revealed that Lily (MC) Has magic eyes and can see. All of a sudden this character that hasn't been around for at least 80 chapters appears again and somehow draws this really hard to believe the conclusion that the MC has Magic Eye and can see things with magic. The MC has a special magic type of eyes so I'm not sure how he even came to this conclusion with the no preexisting records of this happening. I just dislike that people know Lily (MC) Can see something now. It really kind of ruins one of the stories selling points.
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Artemis1990 rated it
February 2, 2017
Status: c24
Cute and relaxing story with a dash of comedy. The "male" MC reincarnated into a baby girl but decide to make the best of it anyway. She lives with doting parents, siblings and maid, befriends a fairy and uses her magic power to converse with the fairy. Since the story is written in semi-first person perspective, the internal monologue of the MC is shown which I personally think that the MC doesn't sound like she used to be male at all. At least, not prominently shown which is a good... more>> thing since I find the story is easier to follow because of it. <<less
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Tatzuu rated it
May 31, 2020
Status: c99
It starts as a normal slice of life isekai novel. The MC can't see because she has a disease that makes her eyes cloudy and because of that no light gets to her eyes. It's pretty fluffy and cute but the more you read it, you realize nothing is happening. The chapters cycle around MC getting hugged by her every relative then she get's magic lessons from her fairy teacher and then she sleeps and when she wakes up the cycle repeats. Also we have learned that the world is... more>> big with multiple races and dragons and other mythical beings, but we don't get to see them since our MC is stuck at home and she won't ever grow up.


I'm in chapter 99 and she is still 2 years old. Also the MC is really OP with huge amounts of mana but we haven't seen her do anything with it since literally nothing is happening in this novel. Also another thing that makes it boring is that the MC doesn't go anywhere. She literally spent around 50 chapters in her own room and when she finally got to go somewhere else she was monitored by her grandma which was one of the strongest humans in the kingdom and bunch of elite knights. And also note that all of that was in her own manor. She hasn't gone outside her manor once.


The novel isn't bad but it's as interesting as watching grass grow. <<less
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May 10, 2020
Status: 190
I will say this first, the first 90 or so chapters are decent a sort of nice slice of life about the blind "female" protag and her family coping with her not being able to see as well as trying to find a cure I would rate it a 3 and a half out of 5

But it drops down to a 1 star for the remainder of the story and even 1 star is generous, for last 100 chapters (not even an exaggeration literally 100+ chapters) the author threw any... more>> of the storyline built up out the window in the last 100 chapters they only thing that happened is the protag researching with her little fairy friends I can't even remember the last time any other character was mentioned.

I'm fine reading info dump chapters if they mean literally anything to the story, but its just chapter after chapter of spell research and they are not even really using those spells for anything its like the author just came up with something off the top of his head and threw in some meaningless magic logic stuff and bam new spell then as soon as the spells finished after 2-3 chapters you never hear about that spell again and they start working on a new spell.

in the last 100 chapters, there's little to no mention of any of the other characters that live in the same house as her it used to be that they doted on her and spent every second they could looking after her because she can't see, but they all suddenly disappeared and stopped coming to see the still 3yr old blind girl no mention of any reason for it either, I pretty much skimmed the last 80 or so chapters hoping for any dialog that was not from the 2 fairies but a brief couple paragraphs from the grandmother over those 80 chapters was all I found everything else was just magic research or the 3yr old toddler sexually harassing the maids

all in all

1st 90 or so chapters 3/5 stars could even move up to 4 if the author toned down the maid stuff

the last 100 chapters are just absolute garbage info-dumping literally useless magic logic that noone else in the world other than the 3yr old and fairies actually even understand. <<less
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September 24, 2019
Status: --
Starts off as cute and cuddly but as it goes on I feel creep up by it. Just imagine a guy in a 2 yrs old girls body making his/her maids in ecstasy also having a relationship with a fairy. Disgusting.
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TomiNdumplings rated it
August 12, 2019
Status: c83
A really cute, fairly funny and entertaining story overall. It starts out fairly interesting but seems to drag on forever. I seen a few complaints in some reviews of other isekai type novels about not spending enough time on the childhood of the protagonist but I personally think that this is taking it a step too far. I'm past chapter 80 but the main character isn't even three yet and from peeking ahead doesn't look like she's going to turn three for another 20 chapters at least. On top of... more>> that, the main character of this story hasn't even left the vicinity of the house yet, there's only so many chapters you can take of studying the words of Tiny and Smugface, playing with the dog (wolf) and the very occasionial mofumofu.

While I actually really enjoy the characters themselves and find many bits of the story very entertaining overall, the plots itself seems like its not going anywhere. I can sit through the chinese novels with 1000+ chapters becuase the it feels more like MC is actually doing something and slow life novels tend to be more entertaining in the long run too, compared to this story, because the MC of the slow life novels are actually doing something productive.

If you need a story to heal your heart this is definitely a story to read, its cute and fluffy and totally heartwarming (if you ignore that it's from a 30+ year old man's perspective), but as an actually story to read for entertainment its a little lacking (mainly because of how it goes at an extremely, EXTREMELY slow pace). <<less
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SayMrrp rated it
March 17, 2018
Status: idle talk 10
It's a sweet novel. The slice of life tag is strong, so some readers might get a bit bored if they binge-read a ton of chapters.

Basically, it's a really cute novel. The world's pretty interesting, but we haven't seen much of it yet since she's still a baby.
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