My Wife Waited in the Wheat Fields


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It was a hasty, arranged marriage.

And on their wedding night, he ran away.

He lived for ten years under a false name, becoming one of the 7 Great Masters of the Continent, but returned home when he heard news of his father’s passing.

There, he found his wife, whom he thought had already left, whom he had only seen once before.

She was still as beautiful as the first time he saw her.

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16 Reviews

Apr 14, 2023
Status: c12
This is the translator here.

First things first, if I'm being completely honest and looked at this novel as a reader, I would give this novel a 3-4 star because of the reasons talked about in the reviews below mine. I mean, like, I completely agree with Icehall here.

But also, I'm a masochist, who likes to torture myself, so yeah, this is the perfect novel for me! Automatic 5 stars!

... more>> Alright, alright, I'll stop joking around.

Here's a list of things that happen in the novel that heavily affect if a reader will drop it or not, y'all go decide yourself if you want to read this novel after reading this list:

Male MC

Slice of Life


Older LI (I'm talking to you, yeah you, lolicons...)

Pure Love

OP? MC (MC is currently a cripple as of c12 but is healing.)


Cold Love Interest

Regretful MC

LATE ROMANCE ("Late" is a relative term, so judge it how you'd like.)


Smart/s*upid MC (He's in love. That's literally all I need to say.)

And Multiple POVs (Although I've never understood why some people hate this.)

Those are probably all the disclaimers I can think of right now. If y'all think that I should add something, then just let me know in the comments section of one of the chapters. <<less
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Apr 14, 2023
Status: c12
I really hate misunderstanding trope in romance novel. It's blatantly s*upid and made me lost some braincells.

The MCs loved each other but can't just directly openly talk, express their thoughts. They're adults for good novel's sake!

The only reason I gave this 4 stars due to the scarcity of a romance novel with male protagonist and no harem.
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Apr 28, 2023
Status: c19
As of now, there aren't many chapters to go by. But from what I've seen, or read, it has potential to be very good.

Firsly, I'll have to second what the tl himself said about it. But at the same time, there is a very notable scarcity of "true" romance novels intended for a male audience. Take harem out, the amount becomes even lower. Also take out the ones about a loser highschooler, who's either lame af or soulless with no personality, MC that, for some ungodly reason, finds the school... more>> Madonna taking care of his lame ass (I call it the wish fulfilment romance fantasy- as in delusion, not the fantasy book genre about magic and dragons and stuff), the percentage drops so low it might as well be considered an error margin. This being none of the aforementioned is already enough for me to give it a 4/5, so if you're looking for a breath of fresh air, might as well go for it.

Now, there's missunderstandings, yes. But they are due to a lack of communication (obviously) rooting from a lack of experience both ML and FL seem to have, at least when it comes to the romance department, and also their difficulties in expressing emotions because of the way they grew up. By that I mean, said missunderstandings shouldn't be the cringe inducing, hair tearing ones, but rather obvious ones once you get to understand their circumstances. We have after all a man that ran away as a kid out of both rebelliousness and guilt, not wishing to be sold a wife without her actual emotional consent, and only knew the battlefield since, while the other side has noble lady that grew up indoctrinated into wearing a "noble" mask, one who's primary concept was "duty", herself believing the reason our ML ran away was because he didn't want to marry her. I think both are deserving of forgiveness for their inexperience and some support going further. Huh, now that I think about it, looks like I got more immersed in this novel than I thought. You can take this as another good point, since being capable of getting a reader so invested in it's characters is not easy to pull right.

Now, at last, I have nothing specific to end this essay with, since there still are so few chapters out there. I'd say just enough to make a first impression. And so, rather than a quote on quote review, this is more like me putting out there both said initial impression I got from it, and my hopes for it going further, since while it might lack some things, potential isn't one of them. So, my rating is a 5/5 with a sprinkle of impatience while waiting for future chapters. <<less
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Apr 13, 2023
Status: c8
I'm not feeling this one. I'm not feeling this one at all.

I've read eight chapters, and it seems to me that the author is really dead set on milking this one. Chapters are basically nothing. You have a guy who ran away from his home and became a veteran soldier, and yet when he returns this man simply can't speak to his wife. And neither can she, apparently.

Here's LITERALLY how their conversation goes -

"You going to the fields today?" I, the shy husband ask.
"Yes, I plan on going to the fields today, " she replied.
"Okay, " I say.
She finishes her breakfast and gets up and leaves the room. Awkward. How awkward. I shouldn't have spoken to her. Let me leave and exchange and say two lines to my servant and end this chapter.

This is every chapter, basically. Now, I am not against slow novels, or misunderstanding novels, or novels where people can't speak to each other foR sOmE rEaSon... but the novel has to offer something substantial. This one has nothing like that. No details, no musings, just the one-line-per-paragraph plot which the staple of these generic korean novels.

Now some might say that eight chapters might be a bit too soon to judge a story - but the way the story is being written, I can tell the author really wants to drag out the "can't talk to each other" out, so to squeeze out a few more chapters before the actual romance starts at chapter 40 or 50. But I don't like it. I don't like the dry-ass chapters we are getting now, and I don't plan on sticking around.

3 stars, cause I was feeling generous.
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Apr 18, 2023
Status: c13
Its a pretty generic male protagonist romance novel

They're rather scarce so I'll be generous in giving it 3-stars.

Now onto the issues.

The use of POV changes in this novel is bad. This may be a little premature since it's only happened thrice but for the 1st and 3rd time, the POV change was entirely unnecessary. All the purpose it served was to convey how the heroine felt towards the protagonist but there was other ways. There are also moments when a POV change would've been cool but they just aren't there.... more>> The Protagonist and Heroine seem unnaturally fixated on the fact that each of them hates the other when there is nothing solid that suggests so. They also have awfully low self-esteem for their upbringing. The heroine has no reason to love the protagonist aside from looks and they for some reason don't confide with each other their plans for the future despite the fact that there would nothing but benefits in doing so. As asphaltus said, it really seems the author is trying to milk this novel for all it's worth <<less
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Jan 25, 2024
Status: --
For someone who has spent a good chunk of his life on the battlefield and fighting, the Male lead is quite frankly, practically ret*rded. I' m not saying he needs to be as slick as a politician, but come on, you can't can't even talk.

His useless pride and inability to communicate drives the story for the first half of the story, and by that, I mean that all the sheer angst he generates by being socially and mentally crippled, making you wonder how he even survived past his first year... more>> of travelling, much less ten. <<less
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Apr 11, 2023
Status: c6
Fantastic so far. The discomfort from their initial and current disconnect leaves me anxious for a better ending, as it should, so well done there. I can't find wait to find the answers to all the mysteries going on in the background.
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Apr 09, 2023
Status: c6
So far this novel is a really engaging read. The story is slow paced but it doesn't feel like you are just running in circles. The translation is also really good so it makes it much more enjoyable.
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May 14, 2023
Status: c19
Here to leave an opinion on the novel as I've read it so far.

To be frank; it's good, and a wholesome fantasy read. Just know that it's incredibly slow, this only comes to benefit me however, as I've been reading nothing but fast paced or high stakes novels recently.
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Apr 29, 2023
Status: c19
A solid start to a novel, 4/5 so far but ill rate it 5 for potential.

You have a socially deficient MC who wanders back home only to find the wife he abandoned still there. She apparently has feelings for him, and he has something of a crush from childhood on her.

The last 10 years away he had established himself as one of the 7 strongest on the continent. A swordsman who specializes in 1 vs all combat. But is more reluctant to acknowledge his mu*derous past. Its cute and I... more>> see room for good character development. <<less
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Apr 21, 2023
Status: c15
this is the story of Elric Portman, a young man who is forced into an arranged marriage with a noblewoman. When he discovers that the marriage is a strategic move made by his father and the girl's father, Elric becomes determined to annul the marriage and sets out on a journey as a mercenary. The excerpt showcases themes of love, family, duty, and revenge, and it seems to be an intriguing and complex story that explores the motivations and struggles of its main character. The pace was slow but I... more>> think it will get better in the end. <<less
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Apr 21, 2023
Status: c15
I never thought that I would enjoy a slow burn novel but here we are. Elric and Tyria relationship grows naturally and beautifully. The words that the translator used also easy to understand and flowed naturally. The angst probably the thing that I like the most about this novel. The fact that both of them came from different backgrounds and personality but still trying to understand each other make the misunderstanding to minimum and that also the plus factor why I like it so much.
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Apr 18, 2023
Status: c6
I am writing a review per the translator's request on Chapter 6.

I can't say so far if I have any dislikes about the story, after all, there's a limit to how much you can convey within 6 chapters. I am intrigued by the backstory the author has set up for the main character. Since this seems to be a story about a relationship between the MC and his wife, the author will probably incorporate some conflict to make use of his war exploits.

In fact, we already see some influence of... more>> it as the MC seems to suffer from PTSD in his sleep.

I need to read more to find out whether I like this novel but I certainly do not dislike it.

I'd give this a low 4/ high 3, given that there's not much released right now. <<less
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Mar 21, 2024
Status: c62
In love.

It is slow paced but it still gives us a few candy here and there to keep us going. I admit that there is misenderstandings, but these ones are not the "I-want-to-go-inside-the-novel-and-scream-at-them" kind. They are kind of cute and actually really understandable ones.

The fact that it's also a Male MC is soooo refreshing ! This is so rare but I really dig these romance novels viewed from the Male Interest POV (even if it is actually Multiple POV).

For now the political plot is still not at the forefront. It's... more>> still on their budding romance and the physical and psychological healing of the protagonist.

Anyway, love it. And really good work from the translators. <<less
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Apr 28, 2023
Status: c6
So far, the story is good, I'm awaiting how the story will play out as the relationship between the MC and his wife get closer.
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Apr 23, 2023
Status: c16
i can't write a review and I'm not proficient in English, so I'm gonna write what I think.

just as the genre said, this novel based on misunderstanding, so it's naturally gonna give you angst, but what I like is that both the characters are trying to solve the misunderstanding or whatever is that, and there's already progress in their relationship, I hope they solve the misunderstanding faster because I can't wait for the wholesome story, it has a high potential
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