My Mythical World


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Jiang Ping stood in awe as his accidental actions led to the creation and transformation of various mythical worlds. The diary he had stumbled upon seemed to hold immense power, granting him the ability to shape and mold reality. With each twist and turn, new realms were born, each with its own unique characteristics and inhabitants.

First came the prehistoric world, a land filled with ancient creatures and primeval landscapes. Dinosaurs roamed freely, and towering mountains stood as testaments to the earth’s long history. Jiang Ping marveled at the diversity of life and the raw power that emanated from this realm.

Next, the Olympic world materialized, inspired by the ancient Greek myths. Mighty gods and goddesses ruled over this realm, engaging in epic battles and engaging in tales of heroism. The majestic Mount Olympus served as their divine abode, and mortals sought favor and guidance from these deities.

As Jiang Ping continued to explore his newfound ability, he delved into the creation of a fantasy world. This realm was characterized by magic, mythical creatures, and enchanting landscapes. Knights embarked on quests, dragons soared through the skies, and wizards wielded incredible powers. Imagination ran wild in this fantastical domain.

However, the unexpected entry of a group of sand sculpture players added an element of unpredictability to the worlds Jiang Ping created. These individuals brought their creativity and sand artistry, breathing life into sculptures that took on a life of their own. These animated sand creations wandered through the realms, interacting with the inhabitants and becoming part of the ever-expanding tapestry of these mythical lands.

With the creation diary in hand, Jiang Ping continued to explore new possibilities, eager to see what wonders awaited him in the next page, the next chapter of his journey as a mythical world creator.

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July 3, 2023
Status: --
I like sandboxy premises, and this one works well, but the writing and characters feel really chuuni. It’s probably supposed to be profound, but it gives me a lot of second hand embarrassment lol
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