My Husband Hates Me, But He Lost His Memories


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My husband entered an arranged marriage with me against his will. And he hates me.

I just lived every single day as though I was dead, waiting for the day that we’d get divorced…

“The Duke… seems to have lost his memory.”


Then, one day, he suddenly lost his memories. To be more exact, only memories of me had been wiped clean from his mind.

And it seems like this amnesiac husband of mine somehow fell in love with me…

“My dear… I’m really, really happy that you’re my wife.”

Who is this… this puppy-like man…?

Isn’t he the same man who bares his teeth at me every time he sees me?

“Once you remember everything, you’re going to regret it all. You’re being so nice to me like this…”

“No, I won’t. Not even a little bit.”

Haa. Seriously… He talks to me so sweetly now, but this will definitely turn into a shameful past that he’d come to regret later on.

After he recovers his memories, I know for sure that my husband will finally push ahead with the divorce.

I should prepare for it in advance.

Associated Names
One entry per line
My Husband Who Hates Me Lost His Memories
나를 미워하던 남편이 기억을 잃었다
Related Series
I Pray That You Forget Me (5)
My Husband Yearns For Me After My Death (2)
Guidelines for the Perfect Goodbye (2)
This Marriage Will Surely Succeed (2)
My Husband Will Regret This (2)
To Help You Understand (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Across the great divide, there's a glorious sunris...
  2. Choose me, love me. (Angst)
  3. Romance Fantasy 6
  4. Favorite Korean novels
  5. my depressed girlies

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02/03/23 Mystical Series c48 part1
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01/20/23 Mystical Series c47 part1
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12/31/22 Mystical Series c46 part1
12/25/22 Mystical Series c45 part2
12/17/22 Mystical Series c45 part1
12/10/22 Mystical Series c44 part2
12/02/22 Mystical Series c44 part1
11/27/22 Mystical Series c43 part2
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15 Reviews

Jan 03, 2022
Status: c20
Changed my mind. I effing hate him. Rating dropped, and original review below.

FL and her maid, Charlotte, are my OTP.

... more>>

A misunderstanding fic, mixed with second chances. No rebirth or isekai, just straight amnesia. A solid 4 stars because while it packs an emotional wallop, it is not for everyone, and not for every mood.

At the current moment, I want to set all of the "good" people on fire, for being awful, hypocritical wretches who are worse than the "bad" people. Seriously, they are puppy-killing garbage people, so I do not understand why they get to play at being so much better than the Everetts. If a giant fissure opened up and the entire area got s**ked straight down to Hell, I would honestly feel like they deserved it, and good riddance.

Our main character and female lead is the much abused adoptive daughter of the "bad" guys, i.e. the Everett family.


What makes them bad is they refused to send extra assistance to the "good" Valentino guys to deal with a Hell fissure on Valentino property until the Valentino's agreed to the arranged marriage deal. Considering the Valentino's have little to nothing to offer, the fissure opened on their own lands, fissures open all over the country, (including Everett land) constantly, and especially in the Northern, Valentino territory...I don't really see this as super evil. Perhaps opportunistic, but whatever.


She wasn't given a choice when she was married off to the "good" Valentino family heir, but by God, are they going to make her personally responsible for the sins of her father (which is why "good" is in "", the fake scumbags). No matter what she does, she's going to be seen as the evil spawn of the Everetts.

The thing I like best about our MC:


While she had hoped to start anew and is legitimately a kind, soft marshmallow at heart, when it became apparent that wasn't going to happen, she decided she does not give AF about how they treat her and will do what she wants. She is going to void out, let it roll right off of her, and then go do what she thinks is right regardless. Their opinions of her be damned. She likewise gives excellent bit*h right back, playing up the villain when she needs to. While she generally does not care how bad you treat her, god won't be able to help you if you touch her best friend/ maid.

She is super model pretty, she is otherwise NOT over powered or Mary Sue.

Be warned she is not an agent of revenge, or kick ass. Her weapons of choice are to be completely unengaged, sprinkled with snarky comments designed to get people to go away and leave her alone. She can be pretty passive.


She spends her marriage being wrongfully pillaried by her new husband and his "good" family, household, and estate, after quietly smothering her hopes and dreams of a fresh start to death and deciding to endure on her own terms.

Anyways, our female lead is too gorgeous for her own good. Our "good" guy male lead, who agreed to marry her for assistance with his lands, is instantly and wildly attracted, much to his own disgust. He sends out mixed signals, treating her like catnip one moment, then wanting nothing to do with her the next.

For those readers who have such concerns/ preferences on abuse levels:


the ML does not goes over the line into beating abuse-abuse, but he can be a grabby, pushy, invasive, bi-polar jerk a lot of the time. He tends towards neglect and emotional abuse, with cutting remarks. He is also handsy and invasive. He mainly acts like a highschool level, confused, jock, as*hole who has found himself with a crush on the goth girl he knows he's not supposed to like but can't help it, and his garbage popular friends prevent him from getting over it and just asking her out and instead expect him to haze her. If the world and his past left him completely alone, he'd be free to love her. But the world keeps egging him on to be mean to her, and he is human, he is confused and upset by his unwanted, not-understood feelings, and he takes the blame out on her. I honestly hate him.

His lovely household, however, likes to shun and isolate her, put dead animals in her things, and blame her for stuff like killing his dog.


Once he gets amnesia, suddenly he forgets all the qualms and political drama which kept him from acting on his attraction to his beautiful wife. And, now that his head is out of his ass and his grief blinders off, he also notices that she is genuinely wary and afraid of him. A bit of a soul searching rummage into how's he's treated her, and viewing her actions without prejudice skewing them, and we have a recipe for a reformed lovesick sap trying his best to get his reluctant wife to love him. Which I am very on board with.

To be fair, they both came by their misunderstandings honestly.


She was adopted due to her looks with the sole purpose of raising her for an advantageous political marriage. Both of her step brothers are half in love with her, half sexually attracted to her in an unhealthy way, and her adoptive dad is a not-good person. She has never experienced healthy attachments or relationships, and views all interactions with suspicion and the expectation that the other person wants something they aren't saying. By necessity, she has had to hide her goodness to fit in and survive in the Everett family.


is generally correct that those around her have bad intentions. His household is filled with garbage people after all. But it does mean she is wary from the start does not give them a second chance after their initial attitude towards her became apparent. Though, they don't really deserve the effort of a second chance with how they've generally treated her, especially when she tried to be vulnerable for once and explain and they shot her down. (We should just burn them all.)

On the ML's part, his new wife

does put on a show of being villainous when that is expected of her, and he does not know her well enough to have learned better. He has considerable trauma and the loss of his entire immediate family, caused in part by her family. He views his wife through the lens of this loss with an eye towards blaming someone, and she is the easiest target. He also tends to confuse his attraction to her as be caused by her on purpose, rather than originating in himself. His tendency to displace his own issues onto MC, and view her in the worst possible light at all times, even when she's trying, makes me hate him.


The pair are no where near as messed up as "What it means to be you, " which is a relief, but they're pretty messed up.

Read if you are feeling wronged and want to soak in it until pruny, because our MC is very, very wronged. Then enjoy as they try to make it up to her and get her forgiveness. Her husband better crawl through glass to beg for her forgiveness, or I am plummeting the rating from 4 stars to 1.

  • ETA: Rating reduced. His attitude so far has remained that of a controlling boor who is undeservedly forgiving of the past wrongdoings he can't remember, (but is certain aren't that bad), since it's easiest and gets him what he wants the fastest: s*x and lovey-dovey-ness with his hot wife. And he's getting annoyed she isn't falling in line. He is not remorseful, doesn't try to earn forgiveness or trust, and instead bulldozes all of her boundaries because he finds them inconvenient. I really, really hate him.

I'm giving this three more chapters for him to become remorseful, or I'm dropping it.

88 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Apr 14, 2022
Status: c20 part2
this should have been a gl

there is more chemistry between the FL and her maid than there is with the ml. He's the biggest piece of sh*t and has the audacity to be surprised when she says she doesn't want to be close to him. Him and his entire family have mentally tortured her for two years and now he wants to make up? What a joke. she should just run away with the maid and live happily away from him and his psychopath family

edit bc I read more just... more>> for the hell of it: lily literally says she can't run away because otherwise charlotte (her maid) would suffer. But charlotte just wants to run away with her and make her happy. IS THAT NOT TRUE LOVE? IS THAT NOT THE EPITOME OF WHAT IT MEANS TO BE LOVED? THEY ARE LITERALLY SOULMATES THE ML CAN GET f*ckED THEY SHOULD BE TOGETHER. <<less
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Oct 09, 2022
Status: c41.2
I honestly don't get the low ratings lol. From what I've gathered, it's bcs "ML is too tr*shy to try to fix things" HE HAS AMNESIA FOR FCKS SAKE. First few chapters ofc I hated his guts to the point of wanting to decapitate him (lol) and

"FL is an idiot that doesn't try anything to better the situation", THAT'S THE POINT. She's lost all hope and is just accepting her situation rather than changing it. THAT'S THE FCKN POINT OF THE PLOT.

And for the "too much misunderstandings", no shit, read... more>> the tags first. If you're not into angst just don't read angsty novels in the first place? Yeah that's a solution for you.

And finally for my review, as much as it's frustrating, I like how we're slowly getting to the climax of the story. It kind of drags, but hey, I like the slow burn type of novels.

You could just feel Lily trying her best not to hope and expect anymore, yet she's presented with a scenario where she can't stop the little hope that her heart has for Theo. And both of them love one another, and the plot still hasn't revealed what that "misunderstanding" was that caused Theo to treat Lily with neglect in the first place.

That misunderstanding reveal better be worth it tho lol.

10/10 would recommend for angst lovers and slow burn type of novels. <<less
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Fluffy From Flufferland
Fluffy From
May 22, 2022
Status: --
Why?! Why does this novel got low reviews! The writing! The translation and the feelings conveyed are absolutely beautiful!!!!

After looking for a long time I finally found another angsty novel that's very worth reading! With the really good translation this is an amazing book!!!

Just why is it not popular?!!!

... more>> Of course the ML is tr*sh but, he is human at the end and he suffers quite a bit and repents. (I would prefer if he suffered more) but I want the FL to be happy more than anything else!

I'm so glad to have found this! This book made my month!!! <<less
21 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Apr 28, 2023
Status: c60.1
I made an acct just so I could say this:

Yes, the reviews are accurate about the tr*sh ML and the pure love between our MC and her maid. Our MC is smart and kind and I hate the world that has stomped all over her. BUT I've stuck it out and now on chapter 60.1, the regret arc has begun and I'm looking forward to it. The writing is beautiful, the story will shrivel up your heart and simultaneously revive it, and the tension to see what happens next will... more>> keep you hooked. If you love angsty stories, this is one the best I've ever read.


Lily has run away with Charlotte!! It's finally happening and that tr*sh ML is realizing how much he has f*ked up. Chapter 60.1 is still her running away but I'm rooting for her making a complete escape so I'm here to the end.

14 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 19, 2023
Status: --
Rating= [-100/10]

eat sh*t ML.

idgaf that he has amnesia or wtv, bro needs to get over his sh*t and mature. And his family too, u all just LOVEEE to play the good guy, huh?? a**holes, bro.

... more>> The FL deserves better. She deserves to love and be loved. She deserves to not be tired and she deserves to hope.

And it would've been fine if ML repented. It would've been fine, if he saw her through unbiased eyes due to the amnesia, and slowly fell in love, and groveled (a LOT) for forgiveness after getting his memory back. But he just keeps pushing her. Just keeps pushing her boundaries, just keeps 'oh why isn't she getting all lovely dovely with me?', ugh. It's so. damn. frustrating.

And I don't wanna hear that 'hE WaS oBliViOuS tO hiS oLd AcTiOnS cUz hE LoSt HiS meMoR-' Idgaf. Like, I sincerely, respectfully, with the most kindest in my heart, don't care. Even if he had done nothing to her, if she's so obviously uncomfortable around him and doesn't feel safe, he should respect her boundaries. It's the basic manners, so stop. trying. to. get. into. her. PANTS.

This man got off WAY too easily. He lost his memory, and seeing that MC was terrified and uncomfortable around him, he decided that he deserved forgiveness???? because he forgot what he did??? He should've been groveling for years. And his family? Oh god if I don't soccer punch them.

Anyways MC x her maid xx
Like ong they should've ended up together I'm so upset.
can someone like, actually make a novel like this (with an as*hole husband) and make her date the maid in the end? I'm so upset.

This novel reminds me of 'I Thought It Was a Common Transmigration', because in both novels, the ML and his family hold a prejudice towards the MC just because of her family. UGH.

And they try to give a justification to how the ML treated MC. (raging xx)

... Sighhhh. And okay, let's say that ML's actions were justified (somehow😒), and that there was a 'reason' behind his actions.... But while his actions had a excuse to justify it, the excuse was all just a s*upid misunderstand, or a prejudice! And - god am I being kind -, let's say that the misunderstand was solved... Woo😒🎉..!

And let's say ML repented.... yay, the grown ass adult acknowledged his mistakesssss😒🎉!!! That's great. He's human, he changed, I know that,... but you're expecting MC, a victim, to have a romantic relationship with this guy? No, even the audacity for him to have romantic feelings after the horrid things that has happened to her is terrible by itself. Just the fact that she ends up with him maddens me. Just the fact that this is setting the standards to stay with the person who treats you like sh*t if they changed🥺, is maddening.

Forgiveness is okay. Forgetting is okay. It means that the thing that happened in the past doesn't affect you anymore. But to stay with that person? Sickening.

Anyways, can I get that maid's number-? <<less
13 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Dec 21, 2022
Status: c45 part1
I understand the hates for ml. The ML deserves it but the story sure didn't deserve the hate as well.

And I disagree with the saying that FL is idiots. She's smart, and she has reasons why she didn't run away, regardless of her maid's persuasion. Gotta wonder if those who say so and I read the same story.

I do like the fact that ML is trying to fix the relationship and care for fl's health - though ironically it's only make FL scared of his kindness, knowing it is only... more>> temporary. Amnesiac ML is cute, but I do believe another angst waiting when he recovers his memory. <<less
13 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 22, 2022
Status: --
Another tr*shy angst novel with a ML who decides he deserves forgiveness even though his poor wife is petrified and disgusted by him.

Like others have said the FL just needs to run away with her beloved maid but queer baiting and misogny seems to be the main foundations of this novel so that will never happen
9 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 17, 2022
Status: c26.1
So it's like "I don't want to be loved", I think that's the novel, only good character in here is the maid, you'll know her when you see her.

... more>>

The MC is a super depressed duchess who's entire life is depressing, the MC is a douchebag to the MC and only the MC, her eldest brother is a possessive freak and her other brother is really weird, her father is also heartless. They're the only particular characters I can think of, everyone else just hates her, like, 99% of the story hates her, literally the entire world, all but 1 person hates her.


The rate it a 3 but hit the wrong star, it's not cliche or boring, it's just not a 4 unless you're really into this kind of story. <<less
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Dec 29, 2023
Status: Completed
So my husband who hates me has lost his memories, is ultimately an angst novel at core. Now do I honestly believe it is deserving of being a 5 star rated novel? No way in hell. Im rating it 5 because I just don't believe it is a 3.5 star novel either. 4? Hmm.. sure, might be pushing it however... God it is saddening, (not shocking its an angst novel) but I have to say, the biggest disadvantage this novel has, is the misunderstanding the ML has of fl.... more>> When I heard the reason he 'hated her' I was fuming, alongside all my fellow readers.


it was not only because of the way she was dressed to seduce him by her disgusting fraud of a father, but the letter Theo was given by the Countess? Or his aunt


also the fact that just because she is an Everett he hates her too, and he is legitimately kind to everyone but her. Infuriating.

now for the ML and and a bit about his and MC relationship *heavy spoilers by the way so read at your own discretion*


ML is Theodore Valentino, he apparently fell in love at first sight, but she is the 'enemy' so acts cold, though after his memory is erased, he is overly clingy and protective, which honestly is a little annoying as he doesn't have boundaries and really acts bipolar throughout until the end. He is very handsy during his amnesia arc, not backing down even when lily clearly wants nothing to do with him (understandable though) after regaining his memories, he reverts back to his normal self, however slightly more outlandish at lilys changed behaviour, after she escapes he realises how much he loves her and chases after her. She is unforgiving rightfully so


now the legend and role model mc


MC is lily everett (lily valentino is much better than being tarnished with her mentally abusive family. She was originally a child when adopted. She also fell in love at first sight, however after enduring enough neglect at hands of the servants who would stuff dead animals in her area, not to mention the duchy that despised her (hated protagonist tag is real) she came into the hands of depression itself and spiralled out of control. She is a cold, though more passive and reluctant however she can and will defend herself especially when it came to charlotte. She doesn't hesitate to be snarky


Now I was reading one review, complaining about the female lead who doesn't talk about her problems and family issues apparently, and doesn't even better her situation, but I disagree and think the segment after, of her depression, is where the novel really shines. (By the way she does try to talk, it is just the dip male lead refuses to listen to her, and for bettering her situation, how can she when even she knows she is merely given away like a product? What can she do now especially with no backing or saving grace? When there is a cruel man who is now her husband through convenience, to think she would even have the urge to try anymore, would be a redundant thought)

However what I honestly love most, is how this novel showcases the FL despair. It honestly got at my poor tear ducts, and I haven't cried at any novel or movie in years. (Mind you years, is only about 4-5) Not only this, I also like the subtle reminder of her eating disorder.


The description of her disguise with the masked arm looking healthy, but when reverted back to her original appearance, turns slender, was irking


It is really realistic, and honestly depressing too because you can imagine her grief, and the hopeless hope she had of Theo, (eat my punches :) btw) who she eagerly wished would have been on her side, who then completely trampled on that lost hope of hers, and made her spiral into grief

other than that, I think the FL has suffered enough, not only from her terrible adopted family,


greedy Everett family or whatever, they are the ones who "sell" her off to a marriage to the Valentino family (Theos family) She has two brothers both disgustingly in love with her, the second brother is the irrational Hessen I believe, the first, the future head (not much of a future though) is ohen, or owen, a disgrace of a person. He has to firmly ingrain the fact that she is "his" which frankly is disturbing then their is the flirty and slimy bastard lenon who is the family friend (red head) then in the family, she is known as the despised daughter, not even illegitimate, but merely a lowly orphan whose father is unknown. She was adopted for political and trade usages


the only one who was good to her from the beginning to end was


Charlotte her personal maid, who helped her escape, consistently on lilys side, and honestly the true MVP people even say lily x Charlotte was the way to go


though there is also the kind 2ML who helps her escape too, and fight off lenon later

to which I have to say why is it almost always the adopted, or illegitimate child who suffers. If not its the real child, in face of said character like? Normal families exist too...


the fact she almost got r***d as well by her shitty brother friend, (lenon) shaping out the one time us readers were thankful that Theo came to enact revenge (and 2ML as he came first)


Anyway I'm also sincerely glad the author, made a decent ending, even if it ultimately meant that she ended up with Theo, which to the people who complain about the fact he is the male lead, what were they actually expecting? He is on the front cover, he is literally mentioned in synopsis and title. Do you think anyone else other than the MVP herself (everyone agrees on the fact Charlotte should have been it) would be the male lead? Anyways I enjoyed the breath of fresh air the ending was


They spent 2 years? Can't remember, away and she learned to make peace with herself and grow, while he learned boundaries, resulting in her to come back to him, leading to the true end, with their cute child

5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 05, 2023
Status: Completed
I love Lily (FL) character which is kind and weak but have a stronger will to survive in a situation in both of the family feud between her tr*sh family and ML family. I quite like with how the author potray her emotion dealing towards the ML when he lose his memory and struggle not to become easy and lose to her feeling anymore when she decided to runaway from him together with her maid, Charlotte - true bestie.

The part when she

... more>>

decided to runaway and divorce ML after he lose his memory again (due to the magic that causes by her tr*sh family) were very well written by the author about how the pain and suffering all there's left for her after their big fight. Towards the ending, she didn't get together the ML as they give time for each other to heal both emotionally and physically before decide to get back together even they still keep in contact. I like the way the author make them deal their own heart first by healing themselve and the ML respect her decision eventhough he miss her. I love Theo - First I hate him, but after continue reading, I like him, Both of them deserve happiness.


The writting is beautiful and the plot kind of interesting. All I can say this story is similar to "Wish you were dead" but different as these two story play a lot of emotion and struggle to survive towards their happiness. I recommend this to angsty fan and also the traumatic experience for both FL and ML when dealing about losing their loved one. They taking their time before decided to be together in a close proximity but respect each other without having a forceful need to stay together after the villain dies. I totally recommend for the pure angsty fan and invest your emotional journey into this story and worth it! <<less
5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 15, 2022
Status: c1
Everybody sh!ting on the ML but I also can't get past this FL.
who doesn't do anything to better nobody's situation, even hers, but stubbornly keeps remorse, to eat her life away.
he's an idiot, she's s*upid, there's too much misunderstandings, It's frustrating.

nobody really talks, just mumbles, accepts current scenarios, and builds suspense for no "F*ing" reason.
you want to waste your time?
read this.

4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 09, 2022
Status: --
just another angst novel with a tr*shy ML regreting what he do to the FL but this one is different the ML lose his memory and he doesnt remember anything... well its understandable cause he think the FL is seducing him on purpose. The FL brother and father are tr*sh ik they dont share the same blood but my blood really boils. Its satisfying to read the ML regret...i give this 5 star cause I love angst sm😌❤️
4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Nov 12, 2023
Status: c85
Ok, this story is angst. When it starts out it feels a lot like “how to get my husband on my side” a shitty family, sold to a family that hates her - much worse though. Creepy obsessive brother. But FL doesn’t have coping mechanisms. Instead lots of horrible depression and shrinking into herself. Then revelation and revenge.

ML is not excusable. He is not a bad person except to FL which makes it worse. Even when he is “good” to her he isn’t respectful, he doesn’t listen, crosses boundaries. But... more>> revenge is sweet and the story is really well written. All the people feel real.

I want them both to forget each other entirely and her to go with second ML. They would be both better off just forgetting the last 2 years. <<less
2 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 01, 2024
Status: Completed
Rating: 4.7/5

I like this novel mainly because of the FL. Her emotional struggle and pain is depicted very vividly to the point it had me cry several times. I guess, I just sympathize with depressed characters too easily. The fact that she holds on to her convictions and follows her own principles despite everything is what I especially like about her. While she isn't necessarily physically strong, she is still strong mentally. Her mental strength is her strongest suit imo.

... more>>

I especially liked how she still divorced the ML after defeating the villains despite her realization that she still loved the ML and took time to heal and work on herself instead of just forgiving and forgetting like they do in so many other novels with scummy MLs.


As for the ML... He is certainly scummy. Even if he had the excuse of past misunderstandings due to other people's scheming, it's a weak excuse at best as he had so many opportunities to clear up those misunderstandings had he just communicated with the FL. And even after he lost his memory and became more gentle, it was still difficult to warm up to him as he was annoying with his persistent pursuit, constantly trampling on the FL's boundaries and consequently hurting her in the process. He only managed to redeem himself through his endless remorse and sacrificial attitude that didn't expect anything in return during the redemption arc.

Overall, I liked the storyline. It wasn't too complicated or convoluted nor was it too boring. <<less
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