My Hot Pot Restaurant in the Underworld is Officially Open for Business


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Yama, King of Hell: In this world, there are people who can connect Yin and Yang without relying on any medium. The creations of these people can be used by both humans and ghosts.

Meng Xiao Ni: ……Is this why you want me to open a hot pot restaurant in the Underworld?

The ghosts of the Underworld: *Nods vigorously*

Yama: I even found someone to tend to your fire!

Ghost Phoenix: ……???


Meng Xiao Ni is a fresh graduate who decided to go back to her hometown to carry on and revitalise her family’s hot pot eatery. She has the ability to see ghosts, and the things she makes can be enjoyed by both humans and ghosts. With hotpot on one hand, and Ghost Phoenix on the other, she gradually discovers her hidden power and embarks on a journey across the three realms.

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2 Reviews sorted by

dramamonster rated it
March 27, 2021
Status: c9
At 9 chapters in, I'm rating it a 4. Our MC, Meng Xiao Ni, has 2 special powers. 1. She can see ghosts. 2. Any food she makes can be directly consumed by ghosts. (In Chinese mythology, ghosts can't eat real food and only get nourishment in certain ways, so they are often starving for attention and food.) Throw in some detailed hot pot meals and a little exotic parrot that claims to be a phoenix, and it's a recipe for a successful story start. The writing is a bit... more>> mundane, so I'm rating it a 4 so far. <<less
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IloveWebNovels rated it
February 1, 2021
Status: c9
"She can't say that people are different from birds.

This seems a bit racist."

9 chapters in and I'm already liking it. It has an interesting concept (an underworld restaurant). The MC is also interesting since she can see ghosts.


Her interactions with the parrot is also weirdly cute and funny.


Hopefully, the next chapters won't go downhill because of lack of inspiration hahahah. For now, I recommend it 9/10. If you love cooking, food, cute pets, and a cute MC, this is for you.
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