My Daughter Grew Up to “Rank S” Adventurer


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After losing his leg as a startup adventurer, he retired to his hometown in the countryside. Doing things such as collecting medicinal herbs, exterminating magic beasts and wild beasts, and helping with the villagers’ farm work, it’s hard to decide whether to call our protagonist an adventurer or a handyman. And while doing these things his age quickly approached thirty.

One day while searching the mountains for herbs, he discovered an abandoned child. Thinking that he couldn’t just leave it, he took it home and raised it until his age approached forty.

His now grown-up daughter had also wanted to become an adventurer, likely from growing up watching her father. Although her father had taught her the sword since she was young for self-defense, her talent at it was quite impressive. Thinking that it would be better for her not to be stuck out in the country for the rest of her life, our protagonist sent her to the adventurers’ guild in the Capital.

His daughter officially became an adventurer.

After another five years, the protagonist, now in his forties, is still acting as a pseudo-adventurer in the countryside. However his daughter is now a distinguished S Class adventurer but hasn’t returned home once yet…

“Just when will I get to see Daddy again…!?”

Associated Names
One entry per line
Boukensha ni Naritai to Miyako ni Deteitta Musume ga S Rank ni Natteta
My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer (LN)
My Daughter who Left for the Capital to Become an Adventurer Reached S Rank
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28 Reviews sorted by

Raneday rated it
October 31, 2018
Status: c7
So far so good

Reading this series is quite fun and relaxing. Each of the characters are interesting and likable too. \ Well all in all I had a fun time reading this one
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Puffysan rated it
February 20, 2024
Status: Completed
Such wholesome, such happiness

Pace is slow and focusing on everyday life moment

Writing is very detailed and graphical, made you feel a strange sense of tranquility and nostalgic

The relationship, feeling and such is realistic and beautiful

It's very refreshing having read something this style is so new to me

Should've read this sooner
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urmomsballs rated it
May 16, 2022
Status: v4/c57
Cute, fluffy, nice bit of action. Sometimes certain people choose to be naive to further the plot and it's quite noticeable then but it doesn't hapoen too often and even then it's enjoyable.

One of a kind series and definitely recommend if you're into childcare stories.
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gary0044187 rated it
December 6, 2021
Status: c46
story had a decent premise, but the repetition of tropes was getting a bit infuriating. Is it something missed in the translation where every time the author went on at length for multiple chapters about how excited everyone was to have the girl return home only for the author to come up with another contrived reason for her not to come home?
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Roleris rated it
April 24, 2024
Status: Completed
The story itself was interesting, even if there was a lot more slice of life than action/adventure.

The main problem is that the descriptions of slice of life stuff is so surface level and repetitive that it made me skip paragraph after paragraph of it. Maybe if the novel was half the size that it is, it would have been more bearable, but now it just drags the story down so much that it's frustrating.

Just how many times you could read how this or that person went fishing with the kids,... more>> brought it back and made soup, fried it or something and then ate lunch?

I can't be bothered to count, but it would not surprise me if there were like 10 instances of this, just paraphrased and with few different characters, but all the descriptions are so surface level that that not once was the type of fish mentioned, and the cooking process description was something along the lines "gutted the fish, cleaned of the scales and then fried it". Rarely it ever delved into any more detail than that, and most of the stuff was repeated over and over to the point it was hard to paraphrase it anymore.

Id give it 4.5 if the story was half as long with majority of that drivel taken out, but now it's just 3.5, since it feels like some watered down coke. <<less
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mommmonn rated it
April 4, 2024
Status: Completed
Absolutely loved it. A shame there was not much romance content between satie and bel tho.
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gangbuntu rated it
January 3, 2024
Status: Completed
a story of forgiveness and redemption; imparting the message that it's never too late to mend one way, turning over a new leave.

the absence of item-box cheat and appraisal skill make the story more relatable. Accommodation / consumable preparation, sound judgment and observation skill can tip the balance between life and death.

ange could climb to the s-rank within 4 years because the red demon had taught her the ropes; from the daily routine of maintaining the sword's sharpness to flora/fauna encyclopedia (yes, physical books - apparently reading is a way... more>> to pass the winter). As a comparison, kasim was a 13-yo street urchin before turning to adventuring. He reached b-rank 2 years later.

if you are looking for epic battles &/ mind-blowing intrigues, look elsewhere. There is a big surprise at the last arc with a decent build-up, but the punchline was underwhelming. <<less
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Novelupdatesaccount1 rated it
May 24, 2023
Status: v4
Great series, especially in terms of world building. So far at least (Volume 3/4) there's a wide world that feels somewhat lived in. It doesn't explore the mechanics of things in any great detail and has some RPG tropes like dungeons - but it's also tries to put these in a world that's not too gamelike or fake. The world is mysterious and few things are explained - in a good way.

The main character's relationships are also semi-realistic as far as these kind of novels go, and while the characters... more>> are overly harmonious it avoids the common mistake these novels make where every character but the MC is a 2d cardboard cutout of positivity. They're still way more super positive and wholesome than reality, but not so to the creepy extent LNs often get to. <<less
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