Murim Login


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I lived as an F rank hunter and thought I would die as one.

“How is it? Is it usable?”

”From where did you pick up this tr*sh?”

I found an antique game capsule in front of the garbage at my house.

– [Jin Taekyung] has been registered.

– Will you connect to [Murim]?

In front of my eyes, a new world had arisen.

The five senses that breathe life! Tremendous freedom!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Inicio de sesión en el murim
Log-In Murim (official manhwa)
로그인 무림
Related Series
Possessing a Murim Clan’s Youngest Son (2)
A Promise With My Chilhood Friend (1)
A Story Of Taking Home A Lonely Gal From My Class And Turning Her Into An Elegant Beauty (1)
Agreeing to Create Bad Games, What the Hell Is ‘Titanfall’? (1)
Aren’t You Just Going to Throw It Away Anyway? (1)
If a Mentally Unstable Girl Changed Into an Wife’s Apron… (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Fantasy
  2. My Favorite Korean Action Adventure Fantasy Novels...
  3. Hunter/Gate/Tower/Etc. Series - Not Read Pt.1
  4. murim (kr)
  5. Novels that are really popular

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/07/25 WebNovelTranslations c496
02/06/25 WebNovelTranslations c495
02/05/25 WebNovelTranslations c494
02/04/25 WebNovelTranslations c493
02/04/25 WebNovelTranslations c492
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5 Reviews sorted by

Blisfulloblivion rated it
April 29, 2021
Status: c18
So far pretty good. I appreciate the MC's decisions that are closer to a normal persons rather than exp/battle hungry maniac. The prologue does a great job setting the tone for the story and creating a certain perception of the Murim system. Really curious to find out the purpose behind it.
11 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
SynicalReader rated it
April 28, 2021
Status: c7
The idea behind this novel is great but I am disappointed with the MC for being an idiot. Which person, after discovering that a game locks you up, just waits for 3 days and does nothing? And what I find even more annoying is that the MC seems to be well versed in gaming and just follows the script, no exploring, no research of the environment, nothing. At one point during his first imprisonment in the game I couldn't read more than 2 sentences without cursing the MC for being... more>> an idiot. And just at the time that he can't let his decisions be led by emotions he becomes an emotional fool who makes dumb decisions because he is angry despite very well being aware of the position he is in. Why do so many authors make their mc's dysfunctional idiots with extreme personalities? Sure a plain person is not interesting but there is also something like a middle road. The personality of an MC doesn't have to be close to extreme to make for an interesting character.

I hope this will improve because the idea behind the novel is very good. There are a lot of novels that have a rough start and usually the Korean novel characters are not too s*upid for very long. <<less
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mcahmad rated it
March 24, 2021
Status: c10
I am enjoying this so far, it might have your typical template but it's well written. Will update once there's more chapters
7 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Dreyerboys rated it
November 27, 2024
Status: c550
If there's one word to describe this novel, it's "Yapping".

Whether it be the MC, side characters, random mob characters, monsters, or even beings that can't speak, anything that can move drones on and on and on about random sh*t that doesn't matter.

It's not so bad on the modern side, as that's when the plot starts to pick up, but whenever the MC is in Murim, it literally feels like nothing happens for 50 chapters before they're thrust into a boss fight out of nowhere.

The MC will spend anywhere between half... more>> a chapter to 4-5 chapters arguing with random people over nothing. At first, it was rather humorous and gave us a good sense of who the MC was, but now that it's taking up so much time, it's annoying. Because of that, the plot is stretched and stretched and stretched until they get side tracked with a side mission, which further stalls the plot.

Which is a shame, because I actually like almost everything about the story. Despite the MCs rough attitude, I actually like him quite a bit. He feels human, even his racist jabs. It feels like I'm reading about a real person (flaws and all) in a real world with actual emotions. I love the setting, I like the plot (or at least the idea of the plot), the world building is good considering there are 2 worlds, and most things about it are top-tier... if things didn't take so long.

Fight scenes could take up to 20-30 chapters. Dialogue stretches endlessly. New characters keep being introduced while trying to keep the old ones relevant.

The major pitfall of this novel is that the author tries to add and juggle too much. And that he can't get any of the characters to shut up. Every little interaction has to be documented, which makes for some incredibly boring sections.

(I also think that the entire Murim section is holding the novel back. I mean, it feels like 60% of the time there is wasted on how to address each other, clan/elder/leader honor, and classic murim nonsense. That's not even including all the meetings, travel time, random useless bandits and other arbitrary things. If there were less "How dare you address me, an old man, like that!" then it'd be way more enjoyable.)

This novel has "High highs and low lows". If you can look past the lows, you'll enjoy it. If you can't stand the endless yapping, then you'll probably hate it. <<less
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Lonahora rated it
August 2, 2024
Status: c250
I suppose you're here because of the manwa, so let me advice you to stick to it than read the light novel.

Main character: Is unbearably douchebag, solely for the sake of being douchebag, since this is the only form of comedy the author is familiar with. Additionally, he's also an idiot with a massive plot armor.

Plot: Endlessly stretched. Endless talking, fights dragging and when the opportunity arise, pathetically racist.

... more>> System: Not such thing here. Everything about it happen on a whim, no reason or logic and little to no follow-through.

I finally understand why it was never officially translated... <<less
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