Monarch of Evernight


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He rose from hardship, but was felled by betrayal. From then on, one man, one gun; treads the path between Evernight and Daybreak to become a legend. No matter what was destined to be his fate, he intends to become the ruler who dictates.

Follow Qianye as he traverse the wide, wild and bloody world of Daybreak and Evernight.

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166 Reviews sorted by

July 2, 2022
Status: --
I'm just writing a review because that 'Akaeye' dude used this review format to attack others' reviews, what gives? If you feel threatened that a novel you liked being exposed to its ugliness, then why don't you show the true beauty within it? Can't? Yet somehow managed to write a review about two people's review, 'someone' early on, when is clearly the most upvoted review of the novel; scheming, wow.

I ready city of sin before, there was a blatant, obvious NTR on it and that tag just keeps on getting... more>> removed; the girl ntr'ed was someone already getting it along with the MC of that novel and she suddenly sold her body after seeing a big bag of coins and being mol*sted tenderly as she talked with a complete stranger of higher status and as he l**ked her lips. It's the same author and, well, what else but feel like you're reading the same kind of writing from just reading through reviews? I've already went through this once before, IET, and as I tried to read each of his novels while ignoring their copy pasted similarity between each other and their 'everything perfect' or 'everything needs to be perfect' modus operandi.

For such an author that writes NTR and it can get smoothed away into 'tragedy' and 'just r*pe' because; I rather just give it a good luck as an author who treats their 'disposable' characters which are getting quite warmy with the MC in such disrespectful way, is also someone who can do just the same for even their own MC. <<less
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Ignotus Peverell
Ignotus Peverell rated it
May 29, 2022
Status: c1363
I will summarize this novel in a few short sentences..

Qianye : why did you fook my mother?

Old man : it's for the empire

... more>> .


Qianye : Understandable

Poor MC is a npc in his own story

I mean I went in to read a story about a decessive npc, but fook he does nothing at all. Even most of his fights are generic

How did you get this strong,

On the verge of dying and killing a strong enemy

A weak enemy trying to kill qianye when he is injured and then dying with a shocked face.

These are some of the major story elements.

The difference between the side character and the npc is also just in the fact that whenever a side character is about to die, a stronger oldman will appear to save him, variations may apply and the character's core may be injured with a life and death weapon but he will be fine in the next chapter.

Towards the end the story has deteriorated so much that, whenever a new side character is introduced I try to fathom how will he try to fook qianye.

Truth be told the novel isn't bad but it is just more focused on quanye's looks than his martial prowess.

And fook everyone has a grand magnum strong and all but our mc's grand magnum is growing with him, if you know what I mean, it is pretty much useless because it wern't for it he must surely have plucked a divine stick from q random tree and it would have been just a useless.

It is so useless that no body is even afraid of him, if I was the grand magnum spirit I would just swallow a bullet and go to the magnum god.

I can't be bothered to put it into spoilers tag because let me assure you it plays no major part in the story. <<less
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SicParvisMagna rated it
December 9, 2021
Status: Completed
This story has some faults no doubt, but the visuality of it is just stunning. I can remember most of the storys places, because the pictures that where build in my mind based on the writing left a deep impression. Same goes for certain action szenes, that I will remember forever.

yes there are parts of the story where I was very angry with the writing, but not everything in life goes as planed and I like how the MC is not omnipotent enough to clean up his own sh*t all... more>> at once.

I like how most of the Characters you meet early on are still relevant later in the story, even if hate it at the same time, because you just hope some people would die allready...

the end left me a bit unsatisfied, but I still give it a passing mark with no minus for my rating. I just enjoyed the story to much. <<less
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fangyuan rated it
October 29, 2021
Status: c239
To be honest, I expected a lot from MoE because City of Sin was really good but I felt that this novel's was a letdown.

I feel that some part of the novels are 'skipped' as the transition from one scene to another is rather abrupt. For me, it kinda messes with my understanding of the timeline. Also, without the wiki, it is quite difficult to make sense the correspondent cultivation level between the dark races, personnel with military ranks and individuals.

There are other things that I don't like but they... more>> are pretty much covered by other reviewers already. 3.3/5 for me <<less
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Jusbored rated it
March 25, 2020
Status: c400
It’s okay, not as creative as City of Sin IMO.

It was good but some Arcs were just not enjoyable for me. I didn’t really like the clusterf*ck of abilities.

You got bloodline, origin levels, gun levels, military rankings, noble rankings, and what not. It got too tedious to keep up with. I tried to give it a chance but it just didn’t feel enjoyable most of the time.

If you like guns, action, and some badassery you might like this novel. It just wasn’t my taste with the development. Also the naming... more>> was kind of tough. I loved the Vampire/DR names way more than the Human names, I.e William the werewolf vs Duke Wei + Marquis Bowang of Wei Clan (2 people). Also all the people with Yu in their name who aren’t related lolz

Like it might be petty of me to hate this but I hated this aspect of the translation/book lol <<less
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Sea Dog
Sea Dog rated it
April 23, 2018
Status: v3c86
Good premise, good setting, exelant world building at least in the begining bits, what would seem to be a decent straight forward cultivation system becomes a mess in the middle bits with an equally off weapon ranking system and a corispondingly bad economic system. 1 dimensional characters.

TLDR: Meh it's redable
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