Monarch of Evernight


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He rose from hardship, but was felled by betrayal. From then on, one man, one gun; treads the path between Evernight and Daybreak to become a legend. No matter what was destined to be his fate, he intends to become the ruler who dictates.

Follow Qianye as he traverse the wide, wild and bloody world of Daybreak and Evernight.

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166 Reviews sorted by

OnePathSilkworm rated it
May 18, 2021
Status: c1368
MoE along CoS (City of Sin) are some of the best novels with western elements. I especially like the world-building, MoE is unlike standard cultivation novels, the technology is pretty advanced, and an entire civilization is built, with races like vampires, arachnes, the protagonist is forced to walk on the line between human and monster. The romance is good, just like in Cos, but until now the main character has only one love interest, might be more to come.
Although the story is mainly axed on Lin Qianye, the various side characters are also focused, and the whole action is extremely enjoyable.
As a conclusion, read it. Along with CoS, and Demon Hunter, these three are high standard novels, and good alternatives to overrated cultivation novels.
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eceo rated it
October 13, 2020
Status: c460
I'm about 460 chapters in. It took a long while to get into the story. For me, it took about 50-60 chapters to start getting into it.

The writing isn't bad, the world building is pretty ok, and the translation is decent with a few noticeable grammar errors.

I like the support characters quite a bit. If I can give this novel credit for something, it would be that there's some pretty great supporting characters that push the MC's development. Side characters contributing to character development. Wow.

I would probably rate it 3... more>> or 4 stars max as of ch 460. I still encourage people to try it, even if it's pretty average (in my opinion). That's because there are definitely worse novels with a higher collective rating than this (in my eyes), and if those novels that I call tr*sh are more loved, than this novel (that I wouldn't call tr*sh) would actually look pretty amazing to a lot of people. <<less
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pomoli rated it
April 7, 2020
Status: --
It's better than the average Chinese WN, but I didn't find the amazing story I was searching for, mainly because of the many ridiculous ways characters behave, thinking that they can solve everything by simple brute force.

Great lore though.
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fireutsie rated it
March 23, 2020
Status: Completed
I feel like the rating goes up the more further you get into the novel. A lot of the criticism seems to be coming from people who never made it past the first two volumes. And I hope that people give it a fair chance before rating the novel because the first volume alone is just the prologue of the story while volumes 2 sets up the basic setting for the future.
I understand that the novel has issues, be in the writing or some of the the highly aversive and controversial content. And it certainly isn't the best novel out there imo, but it should at least be a solid 3/5.

People also seem to forget that the main character is an utterly broken human who has no real common sense, no idea how the society works, how to manage inter-personal relationships and what else to do than other than "follow the order no matter what" in front of people with power. The first two volumes really showed and explained why it became like that. He is slowly growing because those habits can't be changed in a single day.

It's just that the ending of this novel feels rushed to me. But that always happens in these webnovels where people get forgotten and plot points too. Things just tend to end on an "and they lived happily after" note.
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FallenPhoenix rated it
July 6, 2019
Status: v8c29
They boast so much about our MC and how his talent is stolen but what is the point if the guy never seeks revenge that is his purpose but no he just sits I literally dont understand what the purpose of his life is. The main female protagonist loses her memory every other week. The author needs to be creative
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Kaladin1994 rated it
June 3, 2019
Status: c200
After Chapter 50 way better than most stories on this site. And the first 50 chapters are also not worser than most of the top 20 rated stories in my opinion. The main character is great and the important side characters all have own ambitions, powers and personalities. Cultivation System and Worldbuilding are interesting and the fights have a good combination of melee combat and gun fights.
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mja rated it
March 6, 2019
Status: c476
This is a great novel, except for when it's not. There are multiple glaring flaws in this novel that just can't be justified properly like how he's merciless soldier that was raised in a man eat man junkyard where he barely survives and is forced to go through extremely cruel training process to turn him into a killing machine but he somehow ends up being just another naive good guy that stops thinking whenever it has to do with children and women even if it means getting stabbed in the... more>> back just to show how much of a "good person" he is.

If you ignore the glaring character flaws then this novel becomes a decent novel from a bad novel. <<less
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February 14, 2019
Status: c513
Let me make it short and simple. If you're into guns, mythical creatures, a deep plot with twists and turns at every turn, the concept of the light side and dark side along with a tinge of humour, then this novel was MADE for you. Go read it now.
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Kurox rated it
February 14, 2019
Status: c73
Since Legion wants a honest review, then a honest review he shall get.
To start, I saw the giveaway late so I did not have enough time to read all 500 chapters, but I will update as I read.

To say the least, this novel is extremely unique. The beginning of this novel starts at a graveyard where many low class people search for the garbage as a way to find food and survive (The number of novels that have a start at a tr*sh dump is countable on one hand). The author is very adept at portraying how desperate and dark the world is.

The betrayal of the little girl for more food, her decisive attitude in attempting to killing our main character, and her attempt to act innocent when the marshal comes, all show the really dark and mature tone of the story.

Personally however, I like a bit of romance aka harems. All these missed chances are sad in my eyes.
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yuchan rated it
February 13, 2019
Status: v6c479
Monarch of Evernight is a novel of quiet contemplation. Set in a world with floating continents, steam- and industrialpunk vehicles (especially airships), and laods of gun-fu.
The story follows Qianye, a boy who seems to grow and get stronger, but in reality keeps being the plaything of forces bigger than himself. It has a relatively slow start but the humor and plot really builds up well :)

As for his frennemies... meet Song Zining, a pe*vert with a healthy dose of arrogance. Loves women, books, women, strategy, women and women.
Also meet his best friend, Wei Potian, a walking barrel of anger management issues. he likes contests.
These two will accompany Qianye as he gets kicked down time and time again, but refuses to stay down.

Strap in, settle down and revel in this story that is bigger than the people in it. :D
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February 12, 2019
Status: --
I have been reading jp, chinese korean novels for few years. But this kind of novel is a first for me. It blend western story from eatern view point. The novel is good so far. Will edit after progressing some what. 5 star for now.
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Dydreamr rated it
February 9, 2019
Status: c506
I have read a lot of novels, and finished many of them, but few stand out as something that I remember later. Monarch of Evernight is different. It has an amazing plot, almost like a book, that keeps you wanting to read more, interesting characters (including supporting characters and side characters with actual interesting personalities), and a plot that is more about the story then churning out chapters. When they occur, battles are fought in a single chapter, and even wars are told in a way that is satisfying but... more>> doesn’t drag on. I highly recommend this novel. <<less
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Jelloman rated it
February 9, 2019
Status: c218
This story is great, lots of action with tons of fantasy and big guns. Lots of big guns... The story keeps me reading late into the night and leaves me wanting more as I finally rest my eyes at night. Would recommend to any who enjoy a thrilling story with vampires and werewolves and other creatures of the night along with big guns of course.
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Mecutsryu rated it
February 9, 2019
Status: --
A dark gripping novel that can keep you hitting that next chapter button after you were supposed to go to sleep an hour ago, I suggest everyone give it a fair chance and dig into this world instead of giving it a passing glance.
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Laoisbae rated it
February 8, 2019
Status: v6c29
An amazing story that build on previous occurrence to keep you engrossed on the story. The character description and the world of MEN is detailed and its also not too fictional so it feels almost real. I started reading this when the releases were a bit forward and I wasn't able to put it down till I was up to date. Thank all the translators for allowing me to read this amazing story ❤
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BloodArtiste rated it
February 8, 2019
Status: v6c47
The beginning of the story starts off a little slow since the main character is a child at the time. However, that does not last too long as the main character, Qianye, definitely did not have a normal childhood. As Qianye grows up he continues to experience trials and tribulations. It’s so suspenseful at times that you feel like it’s the end of the road for Qianye & you just get pulled into reading more. As the story continues character development definitely rounds out Qianye more than just a killing... more>> machine. <<less
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Anamoly rated it
February 7, 2019
Status: v2c33
I began this novel when it was first translated and have since followed it to Wuxiaworld.

The MC Qianye is not your typical MC. He experiences everything a normal person in their life would. Unfair judgement, bad beginning, lucky chances, accidents, mistakes.. Life changing crisis.. Some he might overcome and some he has no choice but to face and take it as it comes. There is no plot armor that will save his life. Instead, he overcomes the problem by doing what any one could do.. Face it and try your... more>> best to move forward.

The story has most of the paranormal entities.. Vampires, werewolves and the like.. Story is written well and the translator (Legion has done an excellent job in translating this novel. <<less
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DaoSupreme rated it
February 7, 2019
Status: v6c42
One of the few novels that I am still enjoying from the beginning till now without any drop in my enthusiasm.

The background sets place in a somewhat post-apocalyptic world where you have a mix of olden/new era technology and supernatural races such as vampire, werewolf all blending together.

We are following our young MC through his tough experiences from a junkyard to intense battlefields filled with despair, adrenaline, friendship and suspens.

One of the big plus for me would be the fact that you will have, none of that omniscient and omnipotent... more>> MC protected by the all too present Holy power of the plot armor every damn time. Instead a more well defined MC not too clever not too s*upid, with some screen time for the 2nd role characters who are well developed which is kind of a nice change.

Consequently, if you want to have a good time reading and enjoy the good translation of Legion (translator), immerse yourself in this good story, give it a go!You will not be disappointed.

DaoSupreme-- <<less
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NosTas rated it
February 7, 2019
Status: v6c35
I good novel, well writen and traslated. Not many plot holes and fillers. The MC is bad ass without being an anti-hero. He does not pretent to be cleverer than he really is, and all that face crap is virtually non existent. I trully good novel, with consistent schedule and quality chapters
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lampadar rated it
February 7, 2019
Status: c505
This has slowly become my favorite novel, and I have read/currently reading more than 15! It has a nice theme with no clear lines between good and evil, with colourfull personalities from the side characters and meaningfull relationships. The MC is not crazy op but he is not some weakling either that anyone can trample. I dont wanna reveal more and accidentally spoil something. It has everything you want in a novel and more. Definitely worth the try considering it has also a very reliable and excellent translator. Don't hesitate,... more>> go for it <<less
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