Monarch of Evernight


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He rose from hardship, but was felled by betrayal. From then on, one man, one gun; treads the path between Evernight and Daybreak to become a legend. No matter what was destined to be his fate, he intends to become the ruler who dictates.

Follow Qianye as he traverse the wide, wild and bloody world of Daybreak and Evernight.

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166 Reviews sorted by

Bontas rated it
February 9, 2019
Status: c507
Monarch of Evernight is an action packed, really dark novel set in a world which seems to be a bit like steampunk to me. The start of the novel doesn't really seem as if it was a truly good novel, but man how wrong would you be to judge this novel by a few early chapters! MEN, as it is called is a real gem which I've found while reading chinese novels. Written by the author of two other books called "Demon Hunter" and "City of Sin", I've got to... more>> say that this guy writes really good novels, all of them have the dark setting, so if you're not a fan of that genre, you might dislike them.
Back to MEN - our MC has been through really rough stuff in his childhood and that's where we get to know him. To be honest Qianye (mc) is a bit bleak in early chaps, but that changes as soon as we get to know his best buddies Potian and Zining, their interactions are incredibly funny and ridiculous sometimes. The novel isn't boring at all, as the action is flowing smoothly throughout the whole novel up until now. There are a few fillers but not too much really, as the author's writing, as I said is very smooth. The whole thing revolves around the fight of humans and dark races (werewolves, vampires and demonkin), mainly our MC. Fasten your seatbelts and get ready for the ride in which Qianye becomes the Monarch of Evernight!
Big thanks to you Legion, after taking over the translation, chapters are flowing to us readers every day, pretty much at the same hour which is really nice of you, because I always know when I get to read my daily dose of MEN. Thanks! <<less
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r4ndieL rated it
July 22, 2018
Status: v5c2
So far so good, still it can only hold second position in my reading list. Overall story can be concluded as steady.. some details are actually not missing just feels like there should be more than that... However, I feel like the way author writes the story have been changed a bit.. well, we'll see, since there so many secrets that yet to be revealed and characters that supposed to be re-appeared again, I shall keep on reading till then.

Rated 5, for now.
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Chachingmel rated it
January 28, 2018
Status: c17
I should have taken note of the ratings for this book before taking a read.

Lets start off with the fantastic beginning.

The MC lives at the very bottom of society and has a chance encounter with an expert.

... more>> What sets this apart from the others is that the MC isn't given an OP skill, instead he's dumped into a death camp where he has to survive.

This is where the story falls apart for me.

Who wants to read 10 + plus chapters focusing on one setting and the MC day to day life?

Once the MC is old enough to notice the difference in women suddenly the Author spends one or two chapters completely destroying any good females it might have had and reducing them to objects of s*x.

Then the first true piece of Vampire element finally shows in the name of energy the MC is supposed to cultivate.

Before this I was confused on my the translator kept insisting it was a Vampire story when the enemy was called Dark Creatures.

I also can't help but notice how much the author tries to squeeze a giant info dump into every chapter.

Despite the mostly glowing reviews, the ratings contradicts that. A large amount of people agree that this a good book but its not good enough for 4 stars.

And I am one of them. <<less
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Kuzan rated it
August 24, 2017
Status: --
The whole thing is boring. There's just people with guns going around to kill the dark races. No other special powers. Not to mention the MC is a wuss. Ruthless protagonist? You call letting a girl that the MC shared his food with then told other kids who beat him up followed by the girl trying to kill him by smashing his head with a rock but he lets her go free when he had a chance to kill her ruthless? Sorry, guess I don't know the meaning of ruthless.
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November 14, 2021
Status: v3c24
tr*sh. MC so emotional. He cares so much about humanity it's crazy. He comes from a shitplace with no knowledge and later got brainwashed by the army. Doesn't have a goal, just want to live, drifting like a sh*t everywhere. Robot, follows sh*t like a robot cause he's a "soldier" tf was that. Idk, I don't like it. Even if your brain got nae naed you will still think and not discriminate the dark races just because you're a human and because they told you to. Yeah the dark races... more>> ens*aved them but he the MC didn't suffer from that. Why so affected? He's a human yes, but now he's a vampire, a half confused MC. Its crazy. Brainwashed. F*ck. I dont know. Dropped.

TLDR : I don't like where this novel is going and the MC is confused. <<less
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Alex Woods
Alex Woods rated it
July 1, 2021
Status: c900
Its shit. This author does this stuff. He is like a cook who makes meals that initially look great but when you taste it, it tastes like shit.

The author doens't have a fixed plan. He is like black ops ae cool, lets makes him one -use 200 chapters, no no no-make him a vampire-use 400 chapters, no no no-lets make him an adventurer, it goes on and on.

Only reason people like it because they have vampires and werewolves and the guns are relevent.

Plot is shit,
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Whatsdasds rated it
October 24, 2020
Status: c1000

I kinda dropped this story 3 times around the first 200 chapters.

Later on, the novel kinda picked up.

To be honest, I'm surprised that the human race didn't fall off immediately considering the amount of backstabbers and betrayers among them.

In conclusion, it's among the better ones on this website but you have to PERSEVERE through the first 200 chapters.

And I kid you not, the start was atrocious.
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Dafaq rated it
February 8, 2020
Status: --1017
The novel itself is great like the world building, side characters, foes are all well written.... It leaves lots of things unexplained which you know we'll find out later and will be massive help for the plot now my biggest problem with this novel began in one of the first arcs.. the MC started a life or death feud with a gang over a girl he literally just met like I swear these people just f*cking met no more no less they just met and he discovers she owes a... more>> gang money you'd think they duped her or something but no the girl was totally wrong she's the one who's been renaging on the debt they even have her extra time to pay back the money but she didn't.... So they told her to sleep with or something along those lines, like I know it's scummy but she just doesn't pay them what she owes them like honestly she deserved it but the MC decided to stick his nose and helped the girl but during that he threatened the gang and boom all of a sudden we have a life or death feud from nowhere I don't even know why people like that girl like he knew nothing about her and all of a sudden he's putting his life in danger for her?.... But hey that only happened like twice with some xianao girl but it's okay it's just twice but if you read this novel at some point you'll start feeling like everyone else could make a better MC than the actual MC.... This feels like a story of what would happen if you made a mediocre sidecharacter the MC... Majority of the people in this world are more interesting than the guy..... Another issue. The love interest. I liked her when she was introduced I always wondered how the author will bring them together but nope he just announced they love each other even though they've barely even been around each other... Even if you want to say love at first sight but I'm sorry the author just failed to write it down this romance was just forced with no reason to the point I was partially happy when she almost died..... I thought he'll become serious with cultivating after going through that sh*t but nah mate the MC just kept screwing around busy playing like this guy's cultivation level I'm sorry to admit this but it's kinda plot armor, talent can't get you that far he's not serious with cultivation if he still had the origin crystal is understand how he's able to keep up with top notch geniuses but no his lazy with cultivation so how is he keeping up? Doesn't that just mean he's the most talented person in world? Of he is just say it from the very beginning cause I can't stand breakthroughs handed to him when he just cultivates for a couple of chapters don't be mistaken it has no timeskips he just literally breakthrough from nowhere.

As of chapter 1017 I have decided to drop this novel. I was planning on putting it up for hiatus and just read it all when the whole thing is done but I saw a couple of spoilers, remember that stuff I said about' you don't get some information you know you'll find out later so it's fun to wait for it.' well no, you don't and it's just a disappointment waiting to happen. Shitty events keep happening and that character development I was adamantly waiting and looking so forward to doesn't actually come. The MC just stays with his shitty annoying personality. I like the world building and side characters so this novel is a solid 2 stars. The translation is good but that doesn't have anything to do with the novel itself but I'll begrudgingly hand in another star for a total of 3 stars.

My recommendation is, if you don't feel from the start then just drop this novel because that feeling of potential to become great in later chapters is exuded throughout but the novel doesn't actually become great. It's the type of novel you'd think' the next arc will be great' but the next arc will be just as bad as the previous while making you think the next arc will be great. So what you start with, is what you end with. If you don't feel the novel just drop it because it doesn't get better, if you feel like it's the one then read it all. It's a pretty consistent novel with maybe a few horrible parts but mostly consistent so your first judgement of it is pretty close to what the entire novel has to offer. <<less
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Satufa rated it
April 22, 2019
Status: c588
best world building af any chinese novel I read

Qianye is realy good MC, at least when love is not involved

the setting is mix of steampunk and grimdark fantasy making it feel similar to Warhammer 40k

... more>> the guns and the cultivation work together extramly well (probably bc the author had a "beta" of the system in demon hunter) I somehow even feel like those ranged sniping parts are missing in other novel I read

most characters are itroiduced with long term inportance instead of the standard single use antagonist of the more cliche novels

since moe has actual factions instead of the standard sects and whatnot, long term wars are a thing in this novel making it way more "realistic" than your standerd, this novel has actual politics, social structur (for both factions), aknowlages the gray area in between

those that like the sadly almost extinct, brutal, cool, non sparkly vampire (and other dark fantasy creaturs) will love this novel

the power structur in most novels is hidden for the most part, the MC only learns abaut the top pf the foodchain at the last few hundred chapters but not in moe, the qin empire and evernight council both have everything in between powerless cannon fodder and the "Monarchs" with insane power, and the story doesn't shy away from talking abaut the top or even showing what they do early on

all in all I would give it a 13/5 but 5 is the max so 5 stars <<less
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stormblessed65 rated it
February 11, 2019
Status: c510
Generally this is your not-so-average chinese novel about cultivation and superpowers in alternate

supernatural world setting. Why is it not-so-average? Well as pretty much everyone knows by now, 90% of the chinese novels are garbage and that this a self-evident truth at this point in time and this won't change for next 30 years at least. And the reason why this stands out a little is because it's not entirely garbage, in fact as you read on action of the novel is quite very steady and there are very few... more>> plot holes to not say almost none. My impression of this piece of work after reading as much as 500 chapters is that author has planned the action ahead and now he is following the outline fairly well, it doesn't feel too spontaneous which is good because it gives you a comfort of knowing that this novel will not suddenly go down the drain and the only thing that author could mess up at this point is faraway ending because he got good grip of the first and second part of the story. So yeah world building and descriptions are quite decent too, author doesn't put cart before a horse, there is always an introduction to everything and another good point is that most of the times these introductions aren't too vexing and don't torment impatient reader too much. How should I put it, most of the chinese novels are just cookies with exaggerated amount of chocolate in them making them feel bland and immature, but this novel also has milk to the cookies and just the right amount of it, so it actually feels right during your read if you get what I mean. Altough this author doesn't always pull it off properly, it is visibile that he is atleast aware of what he should be doing and for the most par the succeeds.

Anyways, I hate being long-winded so I will just skip to the strict evaulation

I will begin with the flaws are there is quite the number of them as well.

    • Main protagonist isn't too likeable, although his background story is fairly alright, the dude isn't too exciting and his relationships are boring too for the most part (excluding parties but then dialogues are carried by side characters, he just feels akwardly sheepish to the point I cant imagine dude having prolonged conversation with another character -behind the scenes-, my strong impression of this protag is that, when left alone in a room with his best friend, awkward silence would descend for the most part because his head would be empty, he just doesn't think about socializing at all, which is dejecting for drama lovers). But that may change as story progresses. We first meet our protagonist as a 6-7 year old boy who is trying to survive abandonded by world on the junkyard. He is diseased, starving and on the verge of collapsing but yet as a child who doesn't really think too much, he decides to share his roll of bread so having that on mind and looking at his later ruthless developments and the title of the novel it gives you a fair hope that he will turn into something grand and interesting atleast at some point.
    • although author tried to make it feel novel and thrilling for the most part, it doesn't change the fact that a major part of the story feels predictable and linear, there aren't many unforeseen developments which doesn't really leave you in any suspense
    • fights are very mediocre and often tedious to read in the first part of the novel. There have been some asspulls too. It's always a thin line in chinese novels, he.
    • Prologue (first 30 chapters) is bloody ATROCIOUS. It's like a trial on fire man, most people will just drop it here because it's just too long and wordy.
Ok, now the good things.

    • Romance although could be considered cliche is very good and decent. It's late romance though, so for people coming here for romance you need to wait one more year until there is few hundred more chapters, but this is definitely worth it.
    • Novel can be fairly profound and intelligent at times which is shocking given its chinese novel (but you need to think very deeply on these parts if you just skim read and not immerse yourself too much you won't spot it really).
    • Although protag is pitiful, there is a fair number of worthy supporting characters that can make you grin
    • I think the most positive thing in all of this is that chinese culture and spirit in this are very "smooth" so to speak. Usually in these novels, chinese customs and things relating to chinese traditions are presented in very boring and annoying manner that makes you wanna yawn but in here it's just... smooth, sorry it's late it's just the only word that comes into my mind right now.
    • Action almost never slows down and picks up really good pace in later volumes
So yeah this is definitely something i'd recommend for person in their mid teens, I can imagine that even I myself would be crazy over this thing 10 years ago, heck it was quite nice read even now and I'll definitely come back to finish it once there are more chapters.

It's just a shame that protag isn't more explicit in his character, if only protag were more edgy and controversial this would be way better.

4/5 <<less
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FortColors rated it
February 4, 2019
Status: c500
The novel is pretty good, with an atmosphere of mystery and suspense around every new revelation. It leaves a lot of plot points unsaid by starting with an abandoned kid's second chance, and readers begin to learn about the past through Qianye's interactions in the present. I like the nature of the world, where political realities greatly influence personal talent/capability, which is one of the gripes I've had with several other novels where powerful influences appreciate and recruit talent, but for some reason not the MC's talent.

One of my favorite... more>> parts of the story was this:

Song Zining is asked about his simulations of his battles vs Qianye, and he answers that his army would win the war of course, but then Qianye would bypass tis entire army and kill the general.

This statement so accurately and simply captures the essence of how I feel the situation is in MEN's world. Absolute powerhouses still reign supreme, but the lay of the land is determined by politics and low-level military. <<less
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ughughugh rated it
May 6, 2018
Status: v6c54
I can't take this novel anymore. Originally it seemed to be unique and for once this author seemed to not have an infinite number of old men in one of his novels (There still are some). I feel really conflicted regarding this novel because it clearly had a lot of potential, but in my opinion it doesn't follow through.

... more>>


-Good story development

-Interesting world building

-Characters are fleshed out and USUALLY not forgotten (They keep on recurring)

-There is a bit if an air of mystery in this novel, unlike most CNs who reveal the back story usually all at once or in the first hundred chapters


-Uncreative; the techniques and vampire bloodlines are pretty bland. They seem to have some intrigue with techniques as characters get stronger, but I feel like there is a lot of wasted potential.

-The battle scene can be pretty bprong aswell, it's really just dependent on who has a higher cultivation or better bullets

-The author seems to have irrelevant characters get close to the MC out of nowhere, just to kill the protagonist in order for his development. It is really pointless.

-Lack of consequences; no matter how hopeless the situation is, the protagonist always gets away without any serious consequences. Ugh.

*The part that pisses me of the most is dealing with one of the possible love interests. I mean here is a character (Not gonna name out, just in case it will be spoil some readers) with many layers of character, someone who seems to have deep motivations and inner-conflict. She is not perfect and draws in the readers, but NO. After an entire volume spent around her, the author never frickin mentions her again. I'm insanely pissed because the mc's wife is the most generic "most beautiful being in the world" character. Yes she has her back story and development, but she is so cliche that I honestly don't care about her. Holy shit, her character is noting new or mildly interesting, but the author clearly pushed them together. He did one of the biggest mistakes in literature, which is make the character revolve around/ change for the plot, rather than let them have their own personality/choices that make sense.


Overall, it is a bit of an improvement on the authors other work, but still not something of a high quality. <<less
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xxBlackRabbitxx rated it
April 16, 2018
Status: v3c7
This novel pretty much is covered with filler. where the story is so slow that I can summarized the whole 3 volumes in 30 chapters. the only volume I quite enjoy first volume where though its a bit slow its still better than the rest.

The whole second volume is a filler that can be summarized to 10 chapters. Frankly the most important part consist of only 4-5 chapter?... something like that.

While the third at most is filled with 3-4 filler in-between the important plots. Like seriously I can still understand... more>> the story even by skipping 10-15 chapters then be back to skipping after 2-3 chapters.

What the heck!!!!!. The result. Its so f*cking slow!!!! <<less
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Jurnlok rated it
June 21, 2022
Status: Completed
TL:DR – Terrible book only fit for sub-sadomasochists or man hating feminists.
Edited after Completed book.
Monarch of Evernight is the story of two MCs

One is Lin Qianye, a decisive but fair MC who treats enmity with ruthlessness and friendship with self-sacrifice. A boy who starts his journey in the worst of conditions but is granted a new life and does everything in his power to make the person who saved him proud. He is a mix between his two friends, one cunning and smart and the other, a peak physically specimen. Through his unbelievably harsh training that has a staggering low success rate Lin Qianye overcomes the odds through his perseverance, ruthlessness, and cunning. He survives the lighthouse arc, Darkblood city arc, but eventually Lin Qianye succumbs to wounds inflicted by the author during the Yin Qiqi arc. RIP Lin Qianye, you were a fantastic MC that I would love to see your story through the entirety of Monarch of Evernight.

The second is Zhao Qianye, a stand in for Lin Qianye after the Yin Qiqi arc, who is a mental Benjamin button. By Chapter 1016 Qianye is down to a single digit IQ having forgotten all training from his 9 years spent in the most hellish and hardest to survive training camp in existence. This a wish-washy coward MC who almost always lets his enemy's escape. Practically none of his named enemies die in the book. Forgets he had any kind of training. Can't lead soldiers randomly. Has no standards, morals, or seemingly any kind of ego or agency by chapter 1016. He is a walking Neanderthal who drools from his mouth constantly while thinking "woman pretty". It is heartbreaking to see how far he falls. I was able to finish it eventually, after a long break but he never gets his agency back. Plot armor ensures he survives and continues getting stronger. Not his skill, or drive, but pure luck propels him to the end of the book where the author tries to give him some mystery, but all of that mystery was once again, granted by someone else, not Qianye. Even at the end when he's supposed to be 'deciding' things himself he still follows in lock step the plan that was pre-ordained for him.

In my opinion; you can consider Monarch of Evernight to be one of two things. A 1512 chapter long story of Qianye, the most victimized individual I've ever had the misfortune of reading about. A man who encountered only, maybe, a handful of people who didn't victimize him in one way or another. Friends? Family? Allies in arms? Forget that; they victimize him the most. In fact, his enemies on the Evernight side are better to him. Characters and plot lines disappear with no sort of closure. Almost everyone that doesn't victimize him is forgotten.

The other option? This is an example of an author who either hates his publisher, contract, readers, or a combination of the above. He hated it so much, he concocted the largest F you he could come up with. The fact he got another writing contract after this abomination was shocking to learn.

This entire review is really TLDR, I could rant for pages, if not 10's of pages, about everything frustrating with this book, because it honestly started out great, which is why I got hooked and would be happy giving it at least a one star, but honestly parts of me wish I had the ability to give it less.
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Valixiant rated it
May 16, 2022
Status: c134
I'm not going to go too in-depth with this novel review, so I'll just focus on the reasons I gave it a one star.

This novel definitely doesn't deserve a one star, but I think I'm getting sick and tired of reading the shounen novels with beta-like main characters.

90% of the major side characters in this novel are female. They are almost always stunningly beautiful, so much that someone who has undergone torturous anti-seduction/captivation training in the military is stunned. Without fail, every single one of these side characters will try... more>> their hardest to involve the main character in super-dangerous things far above his level. What really pisses me off is the main character just doesn't care. He nearly kills himself every time, and doesn't do anything in retaliation. He is constantly stepped on by random ass females to the point I am convinced the author is heavily into BD*M and femdom.

The plot is basically a super-generic dark tragedy novel. The majority of characters are villains that will kill millions for a few dollars, and this is typically described as the norm in the novel. It all feels so unrealistic to me in many ways. I can't see how these people survive when there are people with superpowers, but whatever.

All in all, I genuinely can't stand femme fatale's in a novel like this. It is endlessly frustrating to watch the main character constantly jump in front of a moving train every single time a girl he has known for.2 seconds gets in trouble. There is not a single female character with any sort of relevance that is respectable, by any definition of the word.

Overall, main character is a mindless pushover for any female, regardless of the context. I absolutely do not recommend this novel to anyone looking for a grimdark fantasy novel with a good main character, because this is obviously not it. <<less
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Rath rated it
August 19, 2019
Status: c720
A great novel that does have some flaws. The only thing that bothers me is the MC has a personality of a brick. I'm not going to rate it lower for that because the way he was raised really should have given him a more f*cked up personality anyways.

The world-building is the strongest point of all the authors' novels and that doesn't change with this one. The only thing that he falls back on is the characterization is not as good, they feel stiffer in this novel, maybe a little... more>> unimaginative. This is compensated by the story is written much better overall than his last couple of novels.

I liked how the empires and races rule themselves. It is a lot of internal and external competition held together by a major power, the emperor or bloodline clans depending on racial factions. It's a good way to keep your people getting stronger and on top of their game but it does have the risk of collapse if the power holding it together fails. So you get a lot of sabotage and other families trying to keep you from getting stronger while pitting the other factions against each other. It reflects the chaotic dark world they live in.

Not a bad read overall if you can get past the minor faults. <<less
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ZhypherMU rated it
July 21, 2019
Status: c296
At first I think it was quite good that MC has a lil bit of morals cause it ain't fun if he is a psychopath in the beginning where killing is his hobby.

As the story progress he met different kinds of girls and how they we're described for having xx size of assets how smooth her skin, how he has a favorable impression etc.

But as the story goes I can only see a typical mindset of 'HUMANS ARE GOOD, MONSTERS ARE EVIL' for how he says he's ready to kill... more>> himself etc etc :v

And also how he is a f*cking pushover but author writes him as 'super-talented, smart, and all the shitty good traits' but as I see he is just an emotional brat that gets stirred up and avoids the cruel things and just let his 'friends' which became sworn brothers meeting 1-2 days like WTF, all I see is them using him because of him being a idiotic sh*t that only has a characteristics of a sharp blade that doesn't think too much. <<less
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adsegm rated it
May 9, 2019
Status: v2c67
A novel with some interesting parts but I generally recommend against reading this because of how frustrating it is.

The start itself is inexcusable. A 6 year old child that has been living in a state of perpetual life and death since he was 3 is actually nice enough to share food with and defend a child, who betrays him. It's the kind of sh*t has me thinking: YES, FELLOW HUMAN, I UNDERSTAND THE PSYCHOLOGY OF OUR PROGENY AND BELIEVE I CAN SUCCESSFULLY MAP THEIR ACTIONS, GIVEN A SET OF CIRCUMSTANCES.... more>> Who doesn't know that children are animals and actually need to be taught culture? And compassion, especially the kind of circumstances this child was in.

Somehow I actually managed to read further but facepalm moments keep increasing.

Exposition heavy and generally unimaginative though it does have some glimmers occasionally. MC combat strategy is a noteworthy plus point but the combat itself is bad with punches connecting with each other and the other usual bad tropes. <<less
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endspell rated it
April 7, 2019
Status: c571
One thing to say about MEN: it was worth reading through all the translated chapters so far. MEN is deep, deeper than you think, especially if you've only read the first 2-3 volumes. It's a CN cultivation novel that's enjoyable, amazing, humorous and will leave you wanting for more which is really obvious in the later chapters. Kudos to the author because MEN is genuinely a good book, even with all its shortcomings.

Let's start with the bad stuff (includes minor spoilers btw). First, the one that sticks out to me... more>> the most is how much of a mess volume 2 is. The beginning of volume 2 is actually interesting and it actually has a bunch of foreshadowing which is amazing. But as it goes on, it's obvious was really... messy and boring. The MC's personality wasn't properly established, which comes out wishy washy very often, and his goals are unclear (but this author really is a more "show, don't tell" type). You can really tell that volume 2 is mediocre compared to the rest of the story, even volume 1 which is supposed to be a long prologue. Though right after that mess, it got better and better and even better. So persevere, dear readers because you won't regret being stubborn.

As to where it starts getting better? A hint:


Qiqi arc. Good stuff.


Okay, so is that it? Nah, but these can be considered pretty subjective things. The author is pretty weird with numbers like distance so it came out to be strange sometimes. Another would be how confusing MC's cultivation is. I'm not sure if this is the standard since I've only read a few CN cultivation novels but the stuff about his (spoilers!) blood energies can be utterly confusing. Though it could be a plot point but yeah, it can get really convoluted. Also some characters and certain relationships (spoilers!) aka Bai Kongzhao and Nighteye just makes me... eh. I noticed that a lot of people doesn't like Bai Kongzhao but Nighteye is fairly 50/50. I guess personally the relationship MC had with her isn't developed well enough and going further than that would be major spoilers. But I have to say for other characters and relationships, even antagonists, are actually pretty good.

Now the positives. Where to start? MEN is amazing. The author left a lot of details and goes on an unexpected direction occasionally which will leave you hanging and wanting more. I'm honestly really impressed because it's obvious the author did plan out the story really well. The characters actually leave an impression on you; aside from dislike, you could grow to like minor characters because of how they've developed (spoilers!) like Zhao Junhong. The battles, whether big or small, can leave you at the edge of your seat and can actually end unexpectedly. Also, the powerups aren't inconceivable and MC does experience hardships, even brushing close to death multiple times, so it doesn't feel like the MC is outrageously lucky (MC himself does acknowledge he's pretty damn lucky a number of times though) or blandly OP. MC's power is actually generously strong but also balanced with its shortcomings. The politics, power struggle, and all types of mature themes like death and basic morals are handled pretty well. Got to appreciate how the more powerful MC is, the broader his views grow and the more complicated everything is, which is putting everything simply.

The humor, bromance and delicious, delicious character development. These are the things you need to read to experience and enjoy yourself. But it's so extremely satisfying to read 600+ chapters and look back at all the progress the MC made. From his power, personality, morals, and relationships, the MC had changed. Maybe for the better or worse, but there are also intrinsic characteristics of himself that had never changed and defined him as the MC of the story like his courage and his perseverance. You want to smack the MC sometimes because he's an idiot but this character is actually an MC that you can really grow to care about. A big part of the story is also the relationships MC made, good or bad. I admit, his brotherhood with his two friends is definitely one of the top things I adore about MEN. These three idiots are hilarious and they genuinely care about each other (spoilers!) except the other two besides MC who are like cats and dogs. Plus, I love how the author wrote MC's relationship with his family, which is typical but also not as simple as it seemed.


Stuff about MC's character development (major spoilers ahead) :

I love it when authors place importance on the characters they write and their growth. MEN is amazing because Qianye was, in the beginning, a strong boy with compassion and the desire to prove himself. He hated all the dark races with no exception, because that's was how he was taught, even when he became a blood thrall he hated them. But his understanding of the world was too simple and the author did a wonderful job weaving this complicated world which the MC discovered little by little. Qianye became more flexible and he eventually reached the point of understanding that dark races are living beings too (somewhere in volume 6) and not in those exact words because the author showed his understanding rather than stating it. And this was all after he fell in love with a vampire, made friends with some of the dark race (aka William), spared some enemies and came to see that humans are equal or sometimes worse than the dark races themselves. Not only this, I love how he was hesitant about the Zhao clan but slowly, after learning more about them and the reasons why, his hatred melted away and he was able to genuinely let go. He didn't naively 100% come to love everyone or anything but he thought about it and opened his heart to those that he thought deserved his trust (for example: Jundu and Yuying), just like how he opened up to Zining and Botian. Honestly, if the author wrote a chapter or even just a paragraph about Qianye looking back at his past self, he'll probably be surprised at how different he is.

Not saying that MEN is without a single flaw, but personally, it did an exceptional job at this.


This is getting monstrously long but tl;dr MEN is good and if at the beginning it seems bad, continue reading because you most likely won't regret your efforts. <<less
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Kalgeriax rated it
March 29, 2019
Status: v3c1
This novel is good especially people who likes anti hero, ruthless and tragedy tags. I recommend read it.

Reason why I rated it 4 stars because, the translations are half good, half bad.
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