Monarch of Evernight


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He rose from hardship, but was felled by betrayal. From then on, one man, one gun; treads the path between Evernight and Daybreak to become a legend. No matter what was destined to be his fate, he intends to become the ruler who dictates.

Follow Qianye as he traverse the wide, wild and bloody world of Daybreak and Evernight.

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166 Reviews sorted by

Enryu022 rated it
February 16, 2019
Status: c500
I have never seen a MC that flip flops more than the main character in this novel. If u have read the first chapter where he gets betrayed by the little girl and almost died by her hands, and he still forgives her and refuses to kill her, then u have basically his character in nutshel there. Don't think he will ever learn from his mistakes in that 500 chapter so far I have read, yeah he will sometimes changes and kills his enemies and you think "Finally, he learned... more>> it" but nope, he will go back to square one and acts goody too shoes toward his enemies that want his blood. He's too trusty toward random strangers he just met

it would have been understandable if he had lived a peaceful invironment and got that s*upid ideals from there, but NO! In his whole life he has been living an invironment where the strong eats the weak. He survived everytime because he's a main character and has a thick plot armor.

Anyway, this is those novels where author gets right everything (worldbuilding, villains, side characters) except the main character, he flip flops between JP MC and CN mc <<less
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Berethgor rated it
April 9, 2020
Status: c525
As many others have already stated the behavior of many of the characters and factions does make less and less sense as time passes. They constantly take insane political risks to sabotage other people which cripples their own faction in the end and most of the time this is simply because they didnt like someone.

The second thing I dislike is how the authors writes female characters. When he introduces them they are always portrayed as strong but as soon as they get into contact with the MC they get infected... more>> with the damsel in distress disease. On top of that there is always some guy in an arranged marriage with said girl who turns out to be an absolute scumbag. This is sometimes even like whack a mole where the girl gets out of the first marriage only to meet the next scumbag who also wants to marry her.

Which brings me to the female lead where this is brought to insane levels. Everyone wants to marry her for mostly ridiculous reasons. When she fights she is always pretty good when fighting against the MC or his crew but as soon as she has to fight someone else she is suddenly super weak and the MC has to save her. And I actually see no reason why the MC even likes her considering 1. She nearly causes his death multiple times 2. He actually rarely sees her and when he does they barely exchange a few words 3. She kills his comrades 4. He kills her comrades

Another thing which always happens is that a faction is initially portrayed as strong but as soon as the the MC associates with them in a non hostile way they suddenly become weak tr*sh that everyone can bully without consequence.

The cultivation system is complete garbage you can actually just ignore peoples ranks because they just win and lose at random depending on the authors distribution of plot armor which he calls foundation or talent.

Nobody other than the MC can actually aim. People can dodge the MCs bullets exept when they cant which the author decides at random.

Wars are apparently decided by the strong experts but they never actually do anything. <<less
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fof300f rated it
July 7, 2019
Status: v10
Well, to sum it up... it's a big load of crap. The MC is a pu*sy and everyone he calls a friend is constantly abusing him. He is kinda s*upid and an absolute coward, he doesn't even have the dignity to kill those from his clan who literally made his life in the first two volumes like hell (at least cultivation and life standart). He was like ultra-genius tier but due to origin crystal extraction he became crippled and it took a very long time to overcome this injury. AND... more>> HE DOESN'T EVEN TAKE THIS F*CKING CRYSTAL BACK!!!! He's the worst kind of pu*sy I've ever seen in a novel. Another example: his sworn brother sets him up to imp**gnate two girls while he's drugged but he doesn't even care. I mean seriously, it's okay if he doesn't have any dignity or balls to speak of but that is just... I feel like he's a failed genetic mixture of a coward, an idiot, and a naive fool. No intelligence whatsoever and every mayor battle reeks of plot armor. Good worldbuilding and awesome beginning but an even sharper decline in quality. Not recommended, avoid if possible. <<less
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IRREGULAR rated it
November 18, 2018
Status: c460
Why did he have to be such a p**sy. Damn it. It was great. This wouldve been one of the best in here if he wasnt such a goddamn p**sy.

I mean it was clear that the powers he had needs blood. His own body is telling him that it needs blood. But No he should suffer cause if he did then hes not a human anymore. Ph hes not gonna do this or that because it wouldnt be right.

I though it was a cruel world. And I thought he was... more>> raised in a cruel society. He was thrown into a military camp wherein he needs to be a tough guy to survive. He survived. And became an amazing soldier.

Wow. That start was amazing. But then it all went downhill because he cant agree with what he is. What he needs to do. And what he wants to be.

I mean if he wants to be a hero. Then say it. He want to be stronger but the way to be strong is right in front of him but he wont take it.

Goddamn! Such a great story. But it became unbearable to read because the f*cking MC became a p**sy. Tsk. <<less
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Enceladus rated it
September 1, 2020
Status: c876
Has great potential, but was ruined by excessively thick, visible plot armor of a certain c*ckroach and illogical actions.

... more>>

The c*ckroach kills/attempted to kill key persons and imperial soldiers, yet escapes punishment (death), while our protagonist kills ONLY ONE EMPIRE PERSON, and becomes a criminal - do take note that the backings of both (cockroach and protag.) have both the same (or almost) the same strength



Another one is how could the empire (or some factions) attempt to kill potential Heavenly Monarchs just because of the reason "I don't have one so you must die."? More baffling is the Royal Family turning a blind eye to this, even if they are not one of them, at least they should at show at least some concern about it since heavenly monarchs are after all, game-breaking existences.


Another thing:


Officials (or those in power) snatching resources meant for the protag. (Or other people). This is basically at least on the level of destroying the future of many, what's more is that ALL of these things happen WHILE they are battling the Evernight Faction (which is composed of 4 factions), which raises the question how tf could this insane, extremely corrupt "strong" faction that should've collapsed due to infighting and etc. Still exists when at least one Evernight faction alone can destroy them? Not to mention there are four (guess they are also busy fighting against each other and destroying future generations?).

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cnfan rated it
January 17, 2020
Status: v10
Tl. dr. A masterpiece.

A novel where there is an amazing world building, great characters (both enemies and allies) and very well executed character development for the MC. The plot is deep and very complex, and fights scene are great (and get better as the novel progresses).

Most complains below are from people who didn't read enough chapters and just assumed that the MC personality at volume 1 is the same until the end (probably used to shittier novels where all characters personalities are fixed throughout the story without any progression) or... more>> purely skipped explanation parts.

Few critics I saw below:

    • "Main character takes human side and consider dark races evil." This is mostly true at the beginning, like in real life, his perception changes as he grows up and experiences more.
Furthermore it makes total sense because

He gets saved and adopted by the highest military officer of the empire and gets put into a military training camp when he is around 6. OF COURSE, he will be brainwashed to be a perfect soldier and not hesitate in hating the dark races... That is during his childhood/teenage years. Later on he not only has dark race allies but even the love of his life is a vampire!


    • "Main character too loyal to the empire for no apparent reason". Again, mostly early stages and it does make sense. Doesn't mean it stays true until the end of the story.

Since he undergoes soldier training. they do get hammered with the idea to die for the empire and kill dark races. Standard thing even in RL. Afterward, when he matures, he does question and even betray and escape from the empire when treated unjustly


    • "Too much infighting in the empire, how could the empire have survived". This assumes there is no infighting in the dark races side which is totally off.

Infighting in the dark races is even more sever since they are not the same race.


    • "Some family get away with obvious crimes". This is very consistent since the start. The setting is dark where might is right. all big families existed for as long as the empire with people infiltrated in all functions of the empire. They can obviously cover up as long as the other party has less backing. This remained true since early chapters.
    • "MC not always ruthless". His true nature is kindness as shown in the 1st few chapters. Although he does kill when he has too, he will still be "human" when he can.

He even let go of his hatred for his clan when he realizes that they didn't steal his talent out of malice but because they didn't have any other alternative to save the life of his little sister. Deep down, he is a kind soul in a broken and merciless world.


    • "MC doesn't have goals/aspirations ". Again mostly true early on and for good reasons. His starting point is in a dumpster where happiness equals have scraps of food! Don't expect someone with such low initial standards to have dreams/aspirations. Especially that his next step in life was being trained as a good/loyal soldier. What are soldiers good at ? Obeying orders! definitively not thinking for themselves. Part of the journey is for him to mature and understand what he wants. One thing is sure though, it will happen and his desire/dreams will be big, it just takes time.
Now the pros:

    • Neither linear nor predictable plot. Reading this truly feels like reading a story where there is progression and where characters act "real" (make mistakes, learn, evolves, react sometimes emotionally...)
    • Very good fights which mix both wits and strength at different stages of the story
    • There isn't a clear good vs bad, all powers have their circumstances and try to navigate through life. Also, it is very hard to guess on whose side each character ends up as the story progress due to intricate plot.
    • Romance and Bromance are pretty good. Character don't fall for each other for little/no reason and they don't trust/open up to each other quickly/easily.
    • Very little plot armor (and thus MC does suffer losses/set backs from time to time).
    • Refreshing and entertaining especially if you are like me and read tons of generic asian novels.
    • The pace, the fights and story overall keeps getting better as the novel progresses. (Very rare on NU)
Sorry for the long review, I just couldn't help it when I saw so many reviews off mark. if you like novels with OP static character where it is the same thing repeated (like Emperor domination) then this will be boring especially at the beginning when the MC is not OP. If you are tired of repetitive novels where everyone is s*upid except the MC then this is totally for you. It is the story of how the monarch of evernight came to be. <<less
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Boon rated it
June 27, 2018
Status: c1064
Chapter 1064 update. 2 or 3 stars for the current arc. *Minor spoiler* The main love interest leaves the MC and then the usual harem bs, including the cliched aphrodisiac poison etc. Etc. Abandoning the normal story progression to force a harem plot we've read a hundred times already over hundreds of chapters. What I once read every day without fail, has now accrued 100 chapters sitting in my to read list.

Old Update. Now 4.9/5. Outstanding in every category. Out of the several hundred novels I've read on novelupdates,... more>> the vast majority of them being chinese xianxia/wuxia/xuanhuan, this is one of my favorites. The only criticism I have is that I need more than one chapter a day!

4.9/5 Underrated for a wuxiaworld novel. WW novels are usually slightly overrated, albeit very well translated, and so this novel should be at least a 4.5 by WW rating standards.

The first 30 chapters are the setup and feel a bit rushed, but you should stick with the novel as it gets better after the long intro.

The overall story is good, with sufficient mystery to keep you involved. The setups are deep, the foreshadowing really builds up the anticipation, and the pacing keeps you entertained without straining at endless action or filler.

The characters are all very well done. There don't seem to be any cliche characters or setups, and the enemies are all intelligent.

Its a cultivation novel, but even that part is interesting as the MCs path is unique, dangerous, and has several mysteries surrounding it. The reader and the MC don't know where his cultivation is leading.

The translation quality is excellent. It's a breath of fresh air after dozens of engrish novels I've read recently.

So far it is a unique and interesting story which avoids most of the common tropes. If the first 30 chapters were better I would have given it a 5/5. <<less
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Theory rated it
April 29, 2018
Status: v10c1
So, the only thing the MC knows how to do is follow orders. Even in the future chapters where he is no longer a soldier, it's still all he does. He doesn't have a single independent thought. Literally the entire novel, consists of just about everyone using and manipulating him. Most of those people are actually his friends. They constantly manipulate him and say it's for his own good. They tell him to do something or go somewhere and when he asks why they all say, "You'll know in future,... more>> " "There's no point telling you now...." And when they do that he just says, "okay!" and goes along with whatever they want. There's one part in particular which actually made me drop this novel...


MC is manipulated and drugged to sleep with two girls and get them pregnant. They are from powerful families, so if they get pregnant with his child these families will offer support to him as the father. This is the plan his so called best friend created. If I was manipulated and drugged to get a couple girls pregnant, I would be incredibly pissed off at both the girls and my best friend. Regardless of what their reason was it wouldn't change anything. When he found out? He didn't blame the girls and instead immediately tried to take responsibility. Noble sure, but dumb as shit. His friend? Pretty much smiled and said you should be grateful. Which of course he immediately accepted and the whole scenario was glossed over like it was no big deal.


That is only one such scene. The MC never makes his own decisions. Everything is decided by other people using him and he willingly goes along with it. <<less
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summers rated it
July 4, 2017
Status: c13
it was boring. Not even the infamous or*y other reviews mentioned could spice it up; said or*y was pg13.

The beginning made little sense, girl for some reason try to kill him for giving her food? Betrayal makes not sense if there is no reason for the betrayal. Cultivation is the standard 9 nodes model.
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Ruso88 rated it
October 12, 2018
Status: v5c84
Vampires, werewolves, guns... those really aren't things I'm usually looking for in novels. Yet here I'm at v5c84 giving it 5 stars.

If you are able to immerse yourself into story without bias you will be surprised.

Worldbuilding, storyline, characters, fights, relationships with his friends are all extremely well written.


I personaly appreciate, in later parts, banter with his friends and overall bickering. Most characters who are introduced aren't one dimensional, which is quite refreshing to see, and there is also some notable character development.

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DreadOrigin rated it
May 7, 2021
Status: c1060
A disappointment honestly. I will start with the good.

  • The author for the most part writes well as in the words flow well this may also be partly due to the high quality translation from Legion.
  • In addition to good/decent writing prose we have a wide array of characters (actually too wide but I will get to that later).
  • I would say I really enjoyed the combat system and some of the battles were quite fun.
  • The dark atmosphere may be considered a plus but the logic of the author when it comes to illustrating the dark atmosphere is not great as it seems the author is just into morally questionable behavior during certain scenes.
As you can likely tell there is bad or things I don't like heavily tied with the good so I... more>> will jump in

  • The characters that I like disappear for way longer than I would like. but the character I hate the most a super manipulative br... I mean bastard is virtually always around and makes the MC a bit*h down the line but it takes a long time to realize it hahaha. At least it took me a long time to realize it. I hate this character because they are portrayed as good but in my eyes they are shitstain. But the author writes great distinct characters they are just distasteful. Many lack any sense of virtue which is just a part of the dark story everyone only lives for themselves except the MC to an extent
  • The story can drag volume wise and the writing takes a sharp downturn when the author wants to focus on s*xual relations. I find most of the s*xual encounters boring but ultimately it does next to nothing for the story. IN some cases it makes the story worse just think about taking 50 odd something chapters teasing aphrodisiac. Just know if there is an aphrodisiac anywhere in the authors book some f*ckery is about to occur.
  • I really felt I wasted my time reading to 1000, I used to run through chapters because it was so enticing then I was just dragging myself through them hoping for a change but I gave up and looked for spoilers and was able to drop it successfully as my fears were confirmed.
  • The MC sucks character wise. I appreciate his virtue in certain situations but he lacks ambition and as a result struggles to move the story forward when it is slow. As much as I enjoyed him being different he was borderline mentally ill during the later parts and I just wanted him to die or grow a pair or for the person who shall not be named to die. To put it simply the MC is selectively a b*tch. He can be so bold with his enemies but with certain friends and when kitty cat/pu*sy is around due to poor writing he turns into a bit*h and it's absolutely frustrating. Forgive me for my lack of better words. I'm doing my best not to just hurl insults.
  • Another thing I don't like is the s*xual scenes early on and even throughout to an extent. nothing really gave a sense of romance its more like wild animals mating most of the show.
  • Also I hate the empire too many people in it disgust me. I would wipe out most of the races present but the empire especially because we get to see and hear so much of their f*ckery.
  • Also the author is super partial to certain races kinda rubbed me the wrong way
  • Ok back to real critiques the author introduced too many characters and just was no longer able to handle them well even though he allowed many to level up with the MC the author clearly could not balance all their character developments because he was too busy wasting wordcount on describing some female thirst trap. hahaha ok but seriously take out all the wasted words and he could have built a richer more smoothly intertwined cast. I will say this the real world has annoying sick people and this novel has a lot of annoying sick people.
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Richard Fox
Richard Fox rated it
March 11, 2019
Status: c534
When an author and translator presents write like this novel they should realise that they should be publishing books - after some polishing of course. This novel is one of the best I've read and you should just ignore the reviews and read if you like... savage worlds, more realistic consequences, good writing, immersion, an author that can realise the subtle parts of romance. And if you have the stomach for chilling content.

I'm about a 3rd of the way through and honestly this series is pretty amazing. If you read... more>> any of the major spoilers to get an idea of the book just ignore them if you are unsatisfied, you'll be satisfied. This is a story where the MC sees the results and not the method to justify his actions. He's not ret*rded like most and he's infact, despite several other reviews, not a p**sy, but careful and brutal. His enemies are frequently weak like most however there are those who have unique abilities that you'd normally expect an MC to have, that give those enemies plot armour. At times this can be infuriating but well, we're reading a proper novel here and I'd like to point out that a 100% perfect victory is unrealistic. Honestly, with the authors approach to plot armour a few main characters close to the MC should be killed - it'd make a more interesting story but well, I'm happy with how the author presents it.

To summarise, it's dark and not nice, but gripping. The world is savage and while you might be unhappy that the MC doesn't mu*der everyone who slights him if you've just come out of any other PG wuxia (s*x banned). At times, those on the side of the MC might make you unhappy too (this is a setting scene for the novel so don't read if you want the full experience...)


One of the instructors orders one of the children to be mu*dered early on for retching while cutting up her comrade. This child is then presented on the table for dissection in the next class. I was in disbelief that an author managed to come up with such a sick scene and surprise me like that out of the blue.

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PlateBoots rated it
January 22, 2019
Status: --
This novel is complete garbage to the point that it made me memorize author's name what I rarely do to avoid his works in the future.

It started off with fairly decent descriptions of the world and lore but then suddenly author has gone full ret*rd with his chinese fetishes and at some point I asked myself, what was the plot of this thing again?

Dialogues are scarce, if there existed something like 0-dimensional characters it would be characters in this novel. MC is as colorless as a character can get, actually... more>> I don't even know who he is, just some unlucky punk without single opinion or initiative to his brain. I wonder why scar was placed on his belly, I am pretty sure they took his brain instead

People in the reviews seem to be hung up on the PROLOGUE (that would be first 30 chapters), or*y and all of that stuff... let me tell you... this is nothing in comparison how bad it gets later on.

Honestly it's so bad I am amazed that it got to so many chapters and I am also amazed how there can be english speakers that rate this novel so highly, you must be dumber than the MC in this novel no kidding.

I mean, this is obviously a work of an amateur but the degree of hypocrisy and ret*rdness has been exceeded to greatly by an author.

There simply isn't a way to rate it higher than 1 sorry. Dear author if by any chance you happen to read this review, writing this novel has been a waste of your time, I hope that it at least earned you something because otherwise it's just embarrassing read <<less
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ZhaWarudo rated it
July 2, 2018
Status: v4c67
Suprising quality on NU, from the title I would expect generic aym's (arrogant young masters) and the rest but found almost none. MC is hardcore but no edgelord, the other characters are not 2D and everyone is pretty much walking on the grey area, there is no good and evil extremes. Still something is missing that would make me beg for more, I still want to read it but not as bad as some of my other favourite novels.
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EricBannen rated it
June 17, 2018
Status: v4c54
This has been a wonderful novel reading experience... This is a novel that surpasses most novels with Grey themes ☣☣☣☣☣???

The story is paced wonderfully well

The Good:

... more>> 1. The MC is neither a wuss nor a guy who kills people because they look annoying✨✨✨✨

2. The story has great creativity and the plot has grey elements everywhere which makes the novel a bit dark✨✨✨✨

3. The explanation is neither lengthy nor too brief and makes you want to know more about that world✨✨✨✨

4. The development of MC is neither too slow not too OP✨✨✨✨

5. The MC uses his brains a little✨✨✨✨✨

The Bad:

1. The MC is a bit dense when it comes to women... He feigns modesty like most MCs

2. The MC does not know to repay debt????

3. The MC does not understand certain things that are way too apparent

The Ugly:

The MC has his own moral code which is quite skewed even though he knows that he is not right ???

I give this novel my highest 4.7/5 For wonderful GREY story ✨✨✨✨✨???????????????????????? <<less
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Yung_lane rated it
June 9, 2018
Status: v4c47
I'm currently up to date and I have to say, it's a phenomenal novel. The author has obviously learned from the mistakes in their other novels when writing this one. That said, not perfect but I think people focus too much on the discrepancies very early on in the novel, a lot of it is intrinsic and necessary to the building of the world and the character so don't stress too much.

The novel itself doesn't really get too interesting until you get stuck into the second volume which is where... more>> I got hooked and read the rest at light speed.

My only major complaint is that I would've liked to see how others cultivate because at this moment it's very ambiguous, we're only told MC does things so differently yet there are others who are incredibly strong as well without much mention of why besides "secret arts".

it's 5/5 because I think it deserves a better rating than 3.9/5 it should be somewhere around the 4.5/5 mark. <<less
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sibiris rated it
September 26, 2021
Status: c1024
It pains me to write this.

The novel is great, is has a gritty atmosphere and doesn't shy from brutality most of the time. The writing is clever and the translator did a great job. There are vampires, Arachne, werewolves and demons and more. Its a great novel, characters and relationships evolved very naturally throughout the journey up to a point...

Starting around chapter 800-900 the writing quality dips. Some characters become exaggerated and some are completely reworked, mind that there is no time skip or anything. Close to chap 1000 the... more>> novel loses all credibility, the previous setups become irrelevant, MC beliefs cease to exist, his actions become completely illogical, forced and contradicting the whole ordeal just becomes an extremely average cliche cluster. Specifically revolving around aphrodisiacs and snow peaks. Its as if some other author took over.

It pains me how the novel devolved, the MC went from a resolute character who stares death in the eye and doesn't flinch when it stabs him in the gut to a flowery white knight without a single though but to protect and serve, throwing all of his conviction up to that point away without any reason. Just because.

I'm dropping this with a heavy heart, after all 800 chapters of quality is a big piece of content, but everything can be ruined by 1 paragraph in the end (or 1 back breaking ark), making the read absolutely not enjoyable and not worth the time.

TLDR: Avoid, extreme dip in quality by the end rendering the development irrelevant. <<less
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zozzythebeast rated it
December 5, 2019
Status: c979
let me update my review. Ok after 320 chapters of absolute sh@t and the worse main character personality there ever was it gets better, but the MC still sucks. Never makes any decisions and puts any choices off for at least 500 chapters other than dying in battle. On chapter 500 and he still hasn't made a single damn choice about direction, family, future, woman anything he pisses me off. He's also s*upid stubborn to an infuriating degree does nothing other than fight. As well as many other defects. So... more>> if you can suffer threw that. The story get better for 350 chapters or so. Until chapter 975 when a girl literally throws herself at him naked and she will die if they don't sleep together. He refuses because he's to concerned about being true to and following around his ex that broke up with him like a pathetic wounded puppy dog. Its like the author set up this situation to show how monogamis the MC is. Or the authors letting there stalker tendencies bleed into there writing. Where if the MC hangs on tight and long enough they will get back together. Being a story I'm sure they do. Thinking it makes the MC seem great but in my opinion supper creepy and pathetic. There will be no more updates because I dropped this novel like a rock after that. It's to bad this novel is packed with potential. <<less
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fewer rated it
September 26, 2019
Status: v2c57
Monarch of Evernight has an innovative plot and a great introduction, long chapters, the writing and worldbuilding isn't bad (though the politics is remarkably dull) and although the translation has some occasional awkward grammar, it's always easy to overlook it; however, this isn't enough to make up for the mc's irritaring (as one commenter puts it: cookie cutter) personality which he suddenly develops after the first arc.

This is yet another revenge demon novel, this is a grievous enough sin in and of itself but to make things worse, his revenge... more>> feels entirely contrived. MC has no real motivation to hate his enemies

the vampires


Now for the quickfire round (minor plotholes and nitpicks) :

- Despite growing up in a ruthless environment, MC places a lot of emphasis on friends, which feels rather forced.

- There is never any explanation provided for MC never actively seek out a

vampire to embrace him if it would stop him from degenerating into a mindless blood thrall

despite knowing how to do so.

- The mix-mash of eastern cultivation and qi feels (personally) a bit awkward with vampires, werewolves and steampunk.

- It's sometimes hard to create a mental image of the world in which the novel takes place since there is both primitive (steampunk) technology and more advanced technology (i.e. Combat simulation technology which involves holograms) so you never know if a building has a sleek metalic exterior, if it's covered in massive gears or maybe both.

- MC is willing to sleep with seemingly any above average female, which seems to continue even after

he turns into a vampire, a species which is typically depicted as more proud and noble


- How origin guns work is never explained, there is never even a throw away explanation, only that the user somehow creates an origin bullet by charging the gun with their origin power.

- MC has no real direction or goals aside from trying to take as many


lives as he can before he dies

- MC keeps talking about killing himself before he

degenerates into a blood thrall

which feels incredibly out of character for someone who's entire premise is built on struggling to survive.

- The author is clearly striving to create a morally grey main character, one who sides neither with the empire nor with the dark races. The only problem though is that he only ever sides with humanity. A good example of this is when

some shady noble loses a bet he made on a fight because he had bet against MC and of course, against all odds, MC won. To relieve his anger he then destroys mc's town, brutally tortures one of mc's customers (since he had owned a bar at this point in time) and kills a thug boss MC had dealings with. MC then uses a method which shortens his lifespan to advance his cultivation a bit so that he can more quickly begin hunting down the guy who killed his two """""friends""""" (as I mentioned earlier, this was unnessecary and was completely out of character for the supposedly patient mc). Long story short, MC was hunting down this noble when coincidentally the noble had dealings with vampires; for no reason, after they made the trade, MC decided to kill not only the noble but also the vampires.


- The main character never has to wrestle with moral ambiguity, the dark races are evil while the humans are just. Even though all racial conflict in this world occurs only to conquer and protect their land so that the respective race's people may prosper,

- The main character's name "Qianye" sounds far too much like "Kanye". This isn't so bad but it does get irritating when you're trying to read but cant stop thinking about Kanye West.

- The main character never provides any commentary on the world around him which doesn't take anything away from the novel but at the same time doesnt makrme him feel any less two dimensional.

In conclusion, though the first volume was genuinely interesting, presented an interesting plot, introduced solid characters and had good potential, soon after the first volume ends the novel quickly devolves into your average mindless wuxia with no good moral reasoning behind the main character's actions, an absence of any moral dillemas and several inconsistencies.

If you have nothing better to read then Monarch of Evernight certainly isn't the worst possible novel you could choose, but any thinking on the reader's part will surely take away from the experience. <<less
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Osswald rated it
February 14, 2019
Status: v6c43
Currently one of my favorite novels on Wuxiaworld.

First of all big thanks to Legion for picking it up from the previous translator and keeping the same high quality translation.

The Steampunk based setting is definitively a nice change compared to all the same old ancient china novels. And while the Protagonist does fall in the category of "Powerful because tenacity and luck" he isn't as s*upid as others and actually thinks before going in and using his existing but not to heavy plot armor to be saved.

What really sets this novel... more>> apart for are the side characters who also miraculously gained the ability to think and all get their fair share of screentime and personality. His enemies, apart from the usual cannon fodder, also have a different agenda than just "kill the protagonist because reasons" and it is interesting to see how their shemes develop.

But this novel isn't without its faults either, the plot gets more and more predictable and falls into the usual patterns of finding awesome loot and saving damsels in distress, and while the current books / arcs ending hasn't been translated I hope this pattern doesn't continue or worsen.


f*** Bai Kongzhao its the only character that just feels poorly written and out of place. Maybe the Author could have fixed this by actually explaining her motivations but now she is just there to annoy.

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