Martial King’s Retired Life


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Starting from today, I am retired. But what should I be doing? I neither have the skills, nor the mind to do business, my only advantage is this pair of hands which have taken this world. What a headache…

Note: The usage of the term “retired” here doesn’t mean retiring from old age, work etc. It’s a specific term to refer to not involving oneself in the affairs of a certain society.

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74 Reviews sorted by

optjam rated it
January 24, 2018
Status: v3c24
Wow. Read up to the latest chapter. Supsringly ended up binge reading all the chapters. This novel takes you for such a fun ride. So far no harem, but there are slight hints at romance here and there. The plot thickens throughout the novel once it gets pass introducing the characters. Cannot wait for the story to keep developing.
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Cheesetakery rated it
December 29, 2017
Status: v3c12
The start is a little weak, a little too pe*verted, and shows too little of the MC to really be interesting. But the story picks up by the end of the second volume, as the MC's layers are slowly peeled back and we learn much more about him. I think its unfair to judge the story before the second volume, so at the very least read the second volume before judging.
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sleib rated it
November 17, 2017
Status: v10c20
OK, try to get past 15 or so chapters, after that if you rate this lower than 4 stars you have no taste. This one has a good humor, action and side characters have their definitive personalities. One of the best reads on novel updates. It's a shame it does not have more translated chapters yet.

I rate it 4 stars now because MC is too much of simp.
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turbotails23 rated it
October 8, 2017
Status: v2c24
My first review on this site--but this LN's quality stands out in a way that it simply must be commented on. The Translator has taken a very fluid approach in translating this. He isn't stiff like most machine translators, or semi-flexible like a long board, but rather translates like water.--Its a completely dynamic and flexible translation that really, truthfully read really well like it was written in English to start with. The only times I am reminded that its not written in English is when some terms come up regarding... more>> rankings or cultivation terms.

The LN itself is very good as well, and its a shame it doesn't have more people reading it. Its a Comedy/Puzzle with a bit of action spread about, with the standard process of revealing info to solve the puzzle. Its a solid read that is honestly one of my favorite LNs listed on NU. Com. <<less
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rheaaa rated it
October 6, 2017
Status: v2c24
Amongst the countless Chinese novels I've read listed on NovelUpdates, this definitely ranks amongst my favorite. The protagonist is a breath of fresh air, he's not a hero, he's an anti-hero and we all love him all the more for that! I love reading his antics with his fellow brothers.

I love seeing his interactions and responses to others. The humor is great, and believe me, I've never laughed before for any Chinese novels, but I laughed out loud because the jokes are that good. Trust me, the mystery of the... more>> main character itself would drive you anticipating for the next chapter. The series moves fast and interesting. Love love love it.

Thank you for doing such a great translation as well, Wu Jizun. I hope that the publisher understands the great market it has outside of China and would allow you to continue translating. If I could write countless number of reviews for you, I would. Kudos to the author for the amazing work, I'll be definitely checking out his other works and put this Martial King's Retired Life amongst the top of my list. I'll be sad to see its translation get halted. <<less
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diarrheavomit rated it
October 4, 2017
Status: v2c23

First things first: I like this novel. This novel is a good novel. I was not paid for this review. I was not coerced to write this review. I like this novel. Please read this novel and leave a review and support the translate thanks.

It's a lighthearted novel as expected and is nice to read while wasting time during long commutes. The main character is the most powerful character we have been introduced to so far in terms of fighting power and the story is a sol that... more>> follows his shenanigans as he attempts to stay low and live a comfortable life in the employment of a sort of policing force. Supporting characters have some sort of backstory to them most of the time and are exactly like what they seem like. Some people might call this 1D flat characters without personality but I think this fits rather well into this sort of light-hearted comedy. Some characters do die which is something that usually turns me away from reading a series, but the ones that do die don't have a lot of impact and I didn't really feel anything at their deaths so it's all good.

The setting: main character, Ming Feizhen, was raised while subject to various martial art techniques and that resulted in him becoming strong. Some things happen which we don't know the specifics about yet and now he wants to retire from the world of fighting and live a lazy life. He somehow joins Liu Shan Men, one of the three main policing forces in the country and is forced to go through troublesome things against his will. This is a story about those things.

I feel like there's 4 main characters so far;

  • The main character, Ming Feizhen, is overpowered and somewhat silly. He's impervious to nearly all status ailments - a poison that has a 100% fatality rate only made the affected areas swell on his body and there was no pain. He likes girls so you'll see a of scenes where he's thinking le*d things about the girls he encounters and heck even a girl-like boy (who may be a girl but is probably a boy). in essence, he's a sleazeball. He's also well versed in various martial arts and is capable enough to use them to their limits. Basically, the main character is a 14 year old self insert fantasy. So far there's no character growth but then again, its a comedy.
  • Tang Ye, one of the main character's squad buddies, a typical main character person - fights for honor or to regain his family's honor or to win against some opponent who defeated him in the past or maybe it was his family idk. He's strong and powers up like a main character in a typical battle shounen. Written like one too, doesn't have any dark sides to him and is pretty straight-laced. All he does is train and justice and train and justice and yeah.
  • Su Xiao, the trap type character. Written like a girl who's cross-dressing in order to be accepted without the prejudices that come with being a girl in a male dominated workplace. Pretty law-abiding, if a bit dull (in term of the novel's world's standards of intelligence). Haven't seen much of his backstory but the atmosphere surrounding him feels ripe for it, so you can expect a lot from him some time in the future. He gets touchy about being girl-like or underestimated. Since the main character *likes* girls, Su Xiao gets some comedic moments where Ming Feizhen is lusting after him...
  • Shen Yiren is the vice captain of Liu Shan Men, which in the past was pretty strong but is now a shadow of its former self. She wants to regain its former glory is a hard worker. Some circumstances surrounding her, which ties in the plot so far and has some character progression (if you call being tsun for the main then somewhat dere but with a lot of tsun still remaining character progression). The dynamic between her and the main character feels quite natural to me but to be honest I have no idea how boss-employee relationships are supposed to work. She works him hard, he lusts after her, that's how it goes.
There's a bunch of other characters, but they currently aren't as heavily explored as these four. In fact, the first girl we're introduced to, who is written to be the main heroine, appears briefly for the first few chapters then disappears. Perhaps she'll reappear later on but right now, I feel like these are the four main characters that drive the narrative.

So far none of the characters have shown any growth but I think they're fine being exactly as they were introduced - they're well defined enough to be unique and not bore (me) as plot happens.

The writing itself is very well done - the translator Lord Obsidian is has a very good grasp on how to write entertaining sequences and I feel like the flow of the story is paced quite naturally. For the most part, there are no lengthy expositions that are unrelated to whatever is currently happening. Sometimes I'll find a passage where the main character will get sidetracked and talk about a girl, but I suppose that's in line with his personality.

A great aspect about this novel are the rare moments when the main character shows his true power. Trumping interpersonal interactions and comedic moments, I feel like this novel (actually, the author I guess) may be very well suited to writing more dramatic action stories. The smattering of action scenes punctuate the various interactions between the characters so I'm almost never bored. But personally, the thing I find the most appealing about Martial King's Retired Life is the lightheartedness of it. If you happen to be down or in a dark place in your life or even just bored while stuffed in a train full of commuters, this is a great novel to read. It's not exactly a fluffy novel but it unwinds my stress and I feel like I am looking through its world through the eyes of Ming Feizhan, laughing where he's laughing and lusting where he's lusting. I suppose it may be because I am an easily influenced person because if I look at it objectively, there are certainly mistakes and areas which could be improved - harder and more detailed descriptions whether it be events or persons are severely lacking in my opinion.

All in all, if you're simply looking for a comedy where the main character is OP doing slice of life-like things, then this is one of the best novels to read.

2.23/2.23 very recommend <<less
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Chinese Electric Batman
Chinese Electric Batman rated it
October 1, 2017
Status: v2c22
I don't usually review things often but felt like gotta start somewhere

This story is about a person who was trained by many different fighting styles by his master which the master had no idea that it would actually work (lol). So our MC became super OP and he gets responsibilities pushed onto him by his master to take over the sect but our MC wants to live a carefree retired life. This story is about how he miserably fails at that goal (lol)

Anyway it is mainly comedy combined with... more>> some serious scenes so go ahead and give it a try <<less
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mr.tanen rated it
October 1, 2017
Status: v2c21
if I had to describe this novel i'd say it's far from the norm

the main element is comedy, and at times it might get a bit repetitive, but all in all it's one of the series I enjoy the most reading

the start was a bit confusing and slow, but then it really shined from the middle of the first volume onwards

for people looking for something different this is a sure thing
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Trent rated it
July 18, 2017
Status: v1c44
I love the concept, but the author isn’t able to do it well. It’s a pretty flat story which becomes less entertaining with every chapter.

It’s kind of funny sometimes. But whatever’s going on is always, always not as funny or awesome as it could be, or even as you expect it to be. The romance is also annoying: beautiful women falling for the MC for no reason at all, the MC falling for beautiful women for no reason at all (i.e. Simply because they’re beautiful). Sometimes, the author makes the wuxia and martial arts parts of the novel (and other things) interesting and sensible. Other times, he pulls them out of his ass and gives no regard to continuity or believability.

During the first few chapters, I... more>> hoped it was just getting into its groove. Forty chapters later, I've stopped trying to fool myself about it, and can only accept that it's just an okay story. <<less
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June 22, 2017
Status: v1c48
Almost 50 chapters in and still no H-scenes with the adult tag, was laughing the whole way reading it.

MC is so underestimated despite being so powerful that I pity him.

The fact that he's stingy, perverse and wants for nothing but a stable life makes him comparable with the MC from Kono Suba.
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sawwon rated it
March 2, 2021
Status: v4c45
Solid light novel with the kind of compositional diligence you see from japanese LNs but also the hot-blooded masculine values chinese stories are known for. Just make sure to dip when it starts getting boring instead of forcing your way through the way these more negative reviewers did; if you get out while the going is good there's still a lot of meaty writing to appreciate for the action and flow.
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Renaxan rated it
February 11, 2020
Status: v6
This novel start of promising then it turn into too much detail and derailed plot that I cant hold it anymore after v5.

Story about MFZ who are supposed to be OP martial artist who want to be retired. The thing is, more you into the story the more s*upid it becomes. Author did a good job for comedy, but repeating BL and plague thing isnt really fun to read.

Character is pretty detailed even to side character, actually the most vague one is the MC.. I cant understand him. I thought... more>> he was supposed to be lazy s*upid guy who become OP but he sometimes even become more s*upid and indecisive as time goes, especially in v5 really infruating me.

Plot, is kinda great. There's a lot mystery happen and a lot complicated or s*upidity happen too.. I'm decided to stop reading after v5 because im extremely feeding up with pace and arc plot of v5, also a lot infodumping and leeway happening a lot of time make me skimming chapter.

Its really good novel, but 4/5 from me because it cant manage to keep my attention to read it, what i'd expect reading this was we got MC who always has their way and decisive but no, he didnt. Its really good novel though for plot and storywise, I can guarantee. I might try to comeback reading in future as my feeling was infuriated after v5. <<less
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Chourou rated it
January 30, 2018
Status: --
A very enjoyable novel. But messy grammar in volume 3. Sigh... Volume 1 had decent translation, volume 2 had some messy grammar here and there. Volume 3 showcased of more weird grammar sentences and structures.

4 star from me. This is a good novel. Recommended read.4 Star is only based on The novel and not the translation.

Anyone who says translation is great obviously dont have english as his or her first language or skip out on their english class lessons and courses too much. If you are born in UK or... more>> USA and still don't notice these flaws, well thats sad.

We are 3 volumes in and title doesnt seem to have any relation with whats been written. Perhaps we will be shown more by the writer in future volumes. Or it has something to do with his goals of finnishing up unfinnished buseniss in the capital. Who knows. <<less
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DubZer0 rated it
December 1, 2017
Status: c40
Barely interesting, the author throws in random thoughts the MC has in an attempt to be funny but it's really boring. The whole plot is pretty boring as well, MC goes around acting like a loser, while supposedly strong people can't see through his act for some reason.
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