Martial God Asura


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One night a mysterious and unexplained phenomenon occurs in the nine provinces. Five years later Chu Feng, a regular outer disciple of the Azure Dragon school, awakens one of the mysterious nine lightning beasts. And discovers an egg sealed inside him.

From there we follow Chu Feng on his path of cultivation.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Shura Valkyrie
Tu La Vu Than
Tu La Vũ Thần
Xiuluo Wushen
Xiu Luo Wu Shen
Xiuluo Wu Shen
Related Series
War God Asura (Prequel)
Against the Gods (25)
Martial World (10)
Wu Dong Qian Kun (8)
Chaotic Sword God (7)
Tales of Demons and Gods (5)
Battle Through the Heavens (5)
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  5. I hated it !!

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289 Reviews sorted by

Earlyiest_One rated it
July 24, 2019
Status: c3525
Well the story is meh it has so much potential and action that can happen throughout all it. A great job is done building on the world that already exist rather than just a world where he needs to become the peak there's basically a universe. But the author missed so many good ideas because of what is mentioned a lot in the reviews the characters have no substance to them it almost seems that the author thinks every person acts the same. This leads the reaccuring plots and arcs... more>> where the only the really changes is the power and names of people.

The powers that the cultivators possess are beautiful I love the bloodlines and spirit bodies and the always increasing limit the max power of this universe. But yet again is just fizzled out when you get to where I am and the authors now spends ENTIRE chapters with needless dialogue, we get it everyone is an idiot and the main character us the only person who has a brain. And the fact that the author uses this dumb excuse, that Chu Feng can't be that Chu Feng just someone who has the same name as him, when the author (according to what I remember) hasn't even repeated a name when the main character has busted multiple worlds. Which is why all of these arcs are dry because the authors spends more time on names than the plot of the story.

All and all I feel like this story has amazing potential and ideas that if any author wrote it the story would improve by leaps and bounds. And I would recommend people to read this just up until the first continent because by then everything good is done and it starts to repeat itself after you get past that one sence that draws you in. <<less
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bushwhacker2k rated it
July 24, 2019
Status: c264
The story seems fairly interesting, the setup and mysterious background of the protagonist both work and keep it interesting.

Unfortunately the author has a nasty habit which always bugs me personally and makes it impossible for me to enjoy a story:

He likes using r*pe or the threat of r*pe to create tension. This is not terribly rare, but not only does this trope bug me in general, it's too prevalent in this story and the justification behind it is ridiculous to the point that otherwise good characters come off as slightly... more>> insane.

Chapter 44 or so:

Sect-sanctioned r*pe squad. Not even kidding.

Su Rou, instead of dealing with this as she should have already (she herself easily has the power to resolve this without losses) finds it a shame that the protagonist destroyed the g**itals of a rapist and just shakes her head and says that he's foolish for doing so. It's only when she hears that he can be 'useful' to her that she gets off her ass and saves him from torture, crippling and likely death.

Plus, the protagonist acts completely unphased by his torture and doesn't regret not having utilized her as protection earlier or having ANY BACKUP PLAN AT ALL.


Chapter 60:

A bunch of douchebags, from their own sect no less, gang up to kill them, steal from them and r*pe the girl (who should have some kind of protection for this sort of thing given her background, but lacks any such thing apparently). During the fight, 5 of the 6 enemies fighting stop trying to win and all simultaneously try to grope her mid-combat. It's utter insanity that this could be considered even slightly acceptable writing.

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May 26, 2019
Status: c1415
Its 5/5 for the majority of the first chapters, but it drops hard. All was good and enjoable until we saw his Fiances (or at least 1 of them) again. At the time they sepperated he was 103400 times stronger than them and while he wasted 1, 5 y traveling through the holy land and got a good development, they got cheat support from an old geezer that is probably related to Chu Feng and are now stronger than he is (and that remains for the entire novel... more>> from that point on). That he have to struggle hard while this old guy obviously have the ability to boost him incredible fast but doensnt offer any help is a Total No-Go and makes me drop this sh*t instant (I wouldnt care at all if they just got a good boost, but I will not read another 1500+ more chapter where he is allways weaker than his harem and friends) <<less
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CantBeBothered rated it
September 14, 2018
Status: c2800
A reasonably entertaining novel in the first 4-5 volumes (1500-2000 chapters), which is already a lot of chapters to be honest. Plenty of face-slapping and all that. But it gets way too repetitive after a while. Most readers, like me, would have kept reading only because they had invested a lot of time into this and wouldn't like to drop it.

The initial 1.5k-2k chapters aren't so bad because the MC, despite the s*upidity and the plot-armor, has some motivation to get strong, and the conflicts he gets into have some... more>> justification. A typical entertaining cultivation novel until this point.

Later on, it's a whole lot of:

  1. Le wild stranger appears
  2. Two chapters later, MC is best buds with the stranger for no reason
  3. Le wild young master appears and disses MC or his best bud stranger
  4. Best bud stranger is caught in the crossfire
  5. MC has to power up to save best bud stranger
  6. Mini-arc of going into some dangerous ruins, which MC struggles through with loads of plot armour
  7. Powered up MC saves the day
  8. Best bud stranger disappears, or appears later in the story to motivate MC to power up again
Rinse and f*cking repeat over and over to fill up thousands of chapters.

The biggest problem is that the power levels are very poorly handled. There's too many levels, so the MC is piss weak and needs to power up very often. Obviously, it can't be easy. And since the MC isn't crazy (or is he?), he needs motivation to jump into dangerous ruins. Hence the s*upidly repetitive "saving best bud strangers" plot.

This could have been a fairly good novel if the author had wrapped up the whole thing in a thousand or so chapters, but oh well. <<less
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ZeroBlink rated it
September 11, 2018
Status: --
If the novel ended at 500 chapter it would be a 5 star. Because I could put it to rest without regrets despite its flaws and just enjoy it.

However Im forced to drop it at 1200 chapters instead absolutely disgusted.

The first 400-500 chapters are pretty good everything that happens has a good reason and feels organic, after that it becomes too mechanical.

... more>> It's too predictable.


2. someone is going to get r*ped...

3. mysterious expert is going to save his ass

4. he's going to eat a bunch of pills/medicines to increase his level

5. someone is going to praise his cultivation, despite the fact that all he ever does is eat pills

6. Someone is going to ask him if "he dares" again... without realizing that he has a bucket of pills saved up for such an occasion

The MC is unlikable, 99% of time I want him to shut up, because he's basically no different to the idiots that he faces of against... BUT slightly stronger

Part of the reason I am dropping it as well is because I predict that in the future some of his friends will get r*ped and then he's going to go mad. The authors idiotic r*pe fetish really puts me off.

Poor Su Ru and Su Mia were dodging the r*pe bullet since like chapter 20.

Personally I have the "practicefetish", I love when Mc's train... he doesn't train and when he does it's just like 1-2 lines of text saying "yeah he trained a bit".

also his backstory is terrible... it really truly is dogshit

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July 15, 2018
Status: v4c1023
I'm in volume 4 now.

I enjoyed reading the novel overall except for those gross r*pe and the masochistic torture scenes...I'd would skimmed them over. In other countries, these things would have been censored or banned. The author portrayed the MC as righteous and just. That's BS... he's bloodthirsty, heartless, arrogant and hypocritical in my opinion. However, looking in the perspective of the world the MC is living in and the rule of law/morality (or the lack of it) in such a fantasy world where the strong is the mightiest.....

I have... more>> to say that this novel is not for everyone.

However, what makes me soldiered on through the novel are the world building and its unique cultivation methods... and the story itself. The development of these factors kept on building up as the story goes on over time. As the story develops, the fantasy worlds the MC encounters become more and more mystical and awe-inspiring - I like that and I can't wait to read what kind of new places the MC will encounter in future.

Other people said that the novel is repetitive and the characters are one dimensional. That's fine with me - it's a light novel anyways. I skimmed through the repetitions and overload info/explanations and just go into the gist of the story instead. I tend not to be too judgmental and treat it as a light reading. I like the fantasy world envisioned in the story... maybe its just me. Kind of an escape world whilst I'm reading it.

My thanks and appreciations to the hardworking translators of the novel at Wuxiaworld and hope that they persevered and continue translating until it is completed. At this time of writing, the novel is already at chapter 3748 whilst the translated chapters are at 2823... this must be highest number of chapters in a novel and fastest translated novel in my opinion.... but my god! the author is not finished yet, he's still churning more and more chapters.. <<less
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humbawamba rated it
July 1, 2018
Status: c320
Uh, the start was really quite good! Unfortunately, I got bored after that. The reason why is because I think the main character is too much. He's very arrogant and bloodthirsty. I mean, yeah Xianxia is known for that but most main characters don't take it as far as this MC does.


There's also r*pe. That's why I dropped it.

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itdontevenmatteruknow rated it
June 30, 2018
Status: c2796
Many people hate on this novel for no "real" reason. Its a cultivation novel and it will have all the stuff that comes with it. U either like it or not. The girls r there to create different plots rather than just to fall into MCs hands. He progresses fast, but not to the level that hes best all of a sudden. It has its good points and people would see it if they just try to. Even with all the hate it gets, its still one of the most... more>> popular novels around. <<less
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June 28, 2018
Status: v7c2792
This novel is a very interesting pieces of novel. There are lots of cultivation levels, the MC does not get powers straight away but instead build up slowly. Lots of interesting scenes that I personally think are amazing! I highly suggest to people to start ready this novel, it currently has 2700+ chapters which are full of interesting parts!
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Neup rated it
June 27, 2018
Status: c2790
Dear translator,

I honestly love this novel and I have been an active follower of this novel from 2 or 3 years ago when it first began it was my 3rd ever novel I read. I honestly got hooked in the very beginning and I cant even imagine how far the story has progressed. My love for this novel is just to big to comprehend. I just wish the translator could do more chapters like he did before (5 chapters a day xD) I know I am thirsty for knowledge,... more>> but there are many others who also love this novel as much as I do. I can understand if the translator has difficulties in life like any other guy so even though my thirst of this novel is as great as Chu Feng's thirst for power to protect his close ones, I am always thankful that our translator is able to produce these translations for us. Even though I'm Chinese... lol I am still learning some of the characters so many of them are like ancient scriptures from a long lost era. Anyways, I do hope I can win at least some kind of money so I can shove it into my parent's face xD, but I know the chances of this happening is equivalent to having the best Divine body/power in the galaxy. Keep on translating, your disciple in name enjoys every read I get.

Yours truly,

Neup :3 <<less
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BenjoSpaha rated it
June 27, 2018
Status: c2790
Just gonna bring out the cons this novel has for me :)
- a little bit repetitive, mostly the same arc with some twists here and there but it's easy to read

- the chapters are getting shorter or is that my imagination
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Probably_an_Asian rated it
June 26, 2018
Status: c2761
The book is okay for the most part. It did and probably will continue being really repetitive though, sometimes I found myself skipping 3-5 chapters at a time due to how repetitive the book is. His "powers" grows really quickly. There's not really any real bottleneck so far, ... more>>

or I just somehow skipped one, but probably not.

The story cycles over and over again, like this review. Still, I read it because the story plot as a whole is a good one to pass the time with as there is well over 2 thousand chapters, while more are still being translated. <<less
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Belkar rated it
June 23, 2018
Status: c4718
It might not be one the best stories out there, but it's one of my favorites.


    • A kick-ass MC who grows power. You'll journey with this underdog as he slowly gains the power he needs to achieve his goals.
    • Lots of action with very descriptive battle scenes and impressive fighting moves.
    • There is an actual storyline and development in stages. Sure our MC still has plot armor, but at least it makes sense. There's no magic fairies, overpowered system or casual god strolling by to save the MC whenever he's in trouble.
    • Both the MC as well as the side characters have some dept to them. They have emotions, dreams and goals. These can cause even the good guys to turn ugly at times or make you feel sympathy for those seemingly unredeemable monsters.
    • Both the world and power structures are well designed. Not all information is available from the start and the MC has to look, learn and explore.

    • The story overall can be kind of repetitive. Our righteous MC thwarts an evil henchman/junior/disciple, they threaten him with the massive power that's backing them up, he stops/beats/cripples/kills them anyway, the evil organization/senior/clan comes after our MC, he runs away and escapes, queue the training montage, he come back stronger then ever and gets his justice just in time to save the day for his friends/allies who have been taken hostage while he was away. This is a pattern you'll see A LOT! However there's plenty of variation in the little things.
    • Almost all law enforcement elders are corrupt. Kindhearted Bee seems to have some issues with authority seeing how he uses this stereotype so often.
    • The heroines are mostly groupies there for the MC to relieve his urges or damsels in distress who desperately need saving.
All in all a fun story that does not require much thinking from the reader. If you want a lot of action and the righteous hero triumphing over evil, then you'll enjoy this novel.
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willson0908 rated it
June 23, 2018
Status: c2805
It has been a long ride... and still reading it! im still in love with this novels since the day I started reading chapter one over 2 years ago! hopefully it will be another 2 years or more to finish this novel! MUHAHAH

For those who loves a story that builds up from weak to strong, brutal to decisive, and loves a bit of harem... this novel is for you.... period...
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sicarius_kk rated it
June 21, 2018
Status: c1800
Great read for binging though the chapter length is a bit short. The start is great though it falls of a bit in the middle parts. The world building and narrative is good. The MC is your typical lost child from a great clan who fumbles at the start and becomes a bit narcissistic later on.
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Emperor.X rated it
June 20, 2018
Status: c2785
This novel is one of the very first I’ve read, as such, my opinion might be biased.

Personally, I find this novel to be interesting. While it is true that what others have said regarding it being a bit repititive is correct, it is still an interesting read nontheless.

It starts with a hot-headed MC who is also extremely impulsive thinking that what he have done is justified even if it contradicts his own ‘beliefs’. However, throughout the novel it is noticed that many of the impulsive acts are becoming less and... more>> less indicating some form of character development.

The story itself is about an eternal struggle. If the MC was strong from the very begining it would have been a boring story, right? Encountering a situation where the MC has to ‘restart’ all over again becomes a little bit old when you reach the later chapters but there is a certain charm that makes you still want to read more to learn about what happens next!

The idea of creating a huge ‘harem’ doesn’t last very long and instead the story shifts more towards longing for the past lovers instead of seeking more. I actually am glad that the writer didn’t make this novel into one with an MC surrounded with women left and right.

All in all, the novel has its charms and also its ugly sides but the charms outweights the ugliness in it. <<less
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turtlewok rated it
June 19, 2018
Status: c2772
This is the first novel I've followed and it's honestly more addicting than drugs. I can't get enough of my weekly chapters :)

he characters develop very well, continuously self improving from his trifles which allow him to understand more about himself along with the vast world. The adventures are well thought out and the author conveys vividly the vast encounters that the main character stumbles across.
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June 14, 2018
Status: v7c2700
I've been reading MGA for a long time.

My opinion on MGA has fluctuated with different arcs.

Overall, I find it worth the read, however, there are definitely arcs where if they were to define the novel as a whole, I'd cast it aside without any hesitation. Chu Feng has moments where he's brutal and bloodthirsty. He can be absolutely ruthless, without restraint. You can chalk it up as "that's the culture in the novel", but it doesn't change the fact. He's r*ped more than one young woman, offer whatever justification you... more>> will, but he did.

Those things having been said, I can genuinely say that he develops during the novel. His world view broadens, and he becomes more forgiving. He's still ruthless, and he still deals harshly, but he also doesn't kill at every turn. He has moments of gentleness and kindness. He gives everyone their chance. He's loyal, and aboveboard.

MGA deals with many issues, and it has a progression of moving to different realms as the main character powers up. A group of Chu Feng's friends followed him for the first 1500+ chapters, but he separates from them often, and they're only occasionally seen, until he finally leaves them behind. After that point, only his (3) closest lovers go to a higher realm at roughly the same time. There's also others who do go, but they don't really play much of a role through out any part of the story thus far.

Some of the main challenges of Chu Feng, especially regarding his blood related family aren't addressed until very late, and there remain many questions, which for some parts leaves readers wondering, but it will get addressed once they reach a certain point.

Once again, I would recommend this novel, but only if you're prepared to read the entirety of it, at least I'd recommend reading until 264, if you like it until then, keep reading till 548. If at this point you're doubting, just drop it. <<less
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Wolf-29 rated it
June 14, 2018
Status: c1000
One of the first novels I read online, and I was absolutely floored. Sure the MC has a lot of plot armour, and I mean lots of plot armour, but this is what you expect from a novel. The MC won’t just die, he’s the MC for gods sake. Otherwise a very good harem...
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zaimokuza rated it
January 25, 2018
Status: c1961
Okay, the story is pretty typical should I say, moreover the plot is pretty much the same for every arc.

Plot armor (SUPERoldMAN) everywhere who'd save him everytime, too many rubbish which makes the story flow very slowly.

To put it shortly, the story isn't exactly exciting or fun, but since there's a bulk of chapters that have been translated (like 2400+) it's still passable to read when you have too much time to waste, well until you can't find the story to be bearable, that's it.
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