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A man who had lost everything.

An almighty power, the [Zero Code] held within his hand.

“Player Kim Su Hyun, do you truly wish to revert the time of Hall Plain?”

“I want to go back 10 years. To the period when I first came here.”

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One entry per line
Related Series
The Second Coming of Gluttony (Shared Universe)
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The Second Coming of Gluttony (11)
Reincarnator (10)
I am the Monarch (6)
Master Hunter K (6)
Return of The 8th Class Mage (3)
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51 Reviews sorted by

Noahjeno rated it
September 16, 2018
Status: c82
I always get the feeling of tiredness after reading 2 chapters continuously. I don't know about the story as it was not yet clearly stated about purpose of MC but story writing is bad. Way too much monologues. MC character is very inconsistent. His team mates are spoonfed by him. The story feels like moving in a slow motion while its not. Until the further chapters reduces MC monologues and inconsistency in his character, I will not be able to enjoy the story and the good points it offers
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Tragically Rad
Tragically Rad rated it
February 26, 2017
Status: c35
So far, I'm a little confused as to why the MC went back in time but liking the novel. The MC is a cool, dependable, antihero. The characters and their interactions are well thought out. Pace is slow but I'm alright with it. When I first started the novel I was not aware there was a harem, which is disappointing.
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Raubtier rated it
February 15, 2018
Status: c57
It's a good read until chapter 51. Zenith Novels stopped translating and the novel turn to sh*t. It's worse than mtl.

I'm hoping for a continuation of this though. Overall, the story is good. The pacing is a bit too slow with an event spanning several chapters. The characters are decently written.

... more>>

A minus for me is I don't quite get the MC emotional standpoint. There are also a few contradictions in his character. If he is a purely rational rather than an emotional type of person, his decisions aren't supposed to go this way. That's what I felt on some parts of the story.


I'd recommend this story if only they would continue updating it. It's fairly good, I thinks it's better than 'Dungeon Hunter' but not quite as good as 'King of the Battlefield'. <<less
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gary0044187 rated it
April 23, 2017
Status: c36
Really enjoying this story. I will agree with many of the people here that the concept is interesting. I was really agitated with the MC's "wait and see" attitude. As previous reviewers have mentioned someone with military experience would be very unlikely to passively watch as so much went down. Again, MC is way too passive. Too bad about its translation speed. It's been over a month since the last one came out. I saw there were over a thousand chapters left. Pretty sure this is one I will never... more>> finish reading because of this and with how slow the story goes. You just can't get into the story this way and by the time the next chapter is translated it will be forgotten. <<less
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Guymaioh rated it
September 3, 2016
Status: c8
This is pretty good! So far I'm really liking the character, he's dark and we'll probably see more of that side.

It's early days, but if it continues as it started, it will be similar to how KotB is proceeding. Not the same though.

I do like the game elements and looking forward to the impacts of the Seraphs.
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arifureta rated it
October 6, 2020
Status: c100
The good

-The MC is Cautious which is nice and

- The harem members are enjoyable for what little screen time they have although a certain blue haired 21-22 year old girl is not fun to read about at all

... more>> - The plot is extremely slow paced and you don't feel like your being rushed through the plot

the bad

- The MC can be ridiculously dumb at times for example at the beginning he told them how to get out of the area they were set to at the beginning and he mysteriously had multiple items everyone could use yet he expects them to notice nothing wrong

-The translators get switched often and a good portion of the chapters are poorly translated

- The names of the characters change between translators so you have a hard time telling who is who this has gotten even worse now that the manuwa (I doubt I spelled that correctly) has come out and the series has its own wiki page

-There are definitely some trigger moments in the MC's past like his girl got r*ped until she got pregnant by a demon and at times the series can be a little dark which I personally like although some people aren't ok with that so I'm listing that under bad because it can be a turn off for some people. I like the series but it can be a turn off at times. Also fun fact the manuwa got 50 chapters the translations have stopped because they fear a law suit since the series became adapted and there's literally no word of when or if there will be a season 2 so you literally have to read an MTL to continue this beyond chapter 117. <<less
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slovino rated it
August 8, 2020
Status: --
If it were possible, I would like to give this novel zero point out of 5. Out of many years reading novels, this one has the worst MC, he has no personality at all, he asked the girl to put her trust on him, while he kept hiding doing thing all alone with suspicious movement or motive or whatever it is that he doesn't want people to know that he's strong and yet he requires "Faithful" and "trust". I'm really sorry for that girl, the more I think about it,... more>> the more frustrating it gets.

Frankly speaking, this MC is a coward. <<less
4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
August 5, 2020
Status: c62
I really like Second Coming of Gluttony so I decided to check this out and from what I read its pretty decent but I'm going to stop at chapter 62 since the translation is so bad I can't even begin to understand what's going on anymore. I hope one day that someone will properly translate this novel so I can enjoy it but as is I feel the current TL will only continue to push me away from the series despite the novel being good.
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Vizeon rated it
April 28, 2020
Status: c60
This novel is ok. The main problem with this novel is the translations.

This series has gone through different translators, and some of them are just shit.

There are also a lot of inconsistencies in this novel. But I'm pretty sure it's because of the slow pace of the novel.

... more>> I can deal with slow pace so it's ok for but the translation is just sh*t and unreadable, so I will be dropping this novel.

If you can survive through the crappy sentences, then I believe all the inconsistencies will be solved further on in the novel. Overall it's a fun concept, but the translation goes back and forth between bad and good and it throws you off.

There are some problems with the character development.


The MC becomes a nanny. He just loves his kids so much now. Sure he gets mad at them for their s*upidity, but he's definitely a nanny. And the three of his kids are definitely brain damaged and dumb. The author tries to say that An Hyun has a normal level of intelligence, but he's also just dumb. They see corpses in the tutorial, and the MC slits the throat of a bandit girl, but then they all get scared when they see a corpse in a dungeon.



Basically it becomes parent simulator...

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richter03 rated it
September 12, 2018
Status: c42
I'm separate from this story a long with Kim Han-Byul, I'm disappoint MC behave like a teen age kid in the end; many thing can solve with the right word and yet this over 30 years old guy still act with full ego instead calm and collect as he should be.
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worom001 rated it
August 13, 2018
Status: --
Great novel.

Although this has nothing to do with the novel itself. I went s*upid and though MEMORIZE might be a different meaning since the letters are seperate.

'Mem' in Latin means 'mind; memory' while 'Ize' means 'make; become'

Although it's just me being special and definitely doesn't actually have any meaning I found it funny the word 'memorize' has the same meaning as the two words 'mem' and 'ize' forming 'make memories'
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sleed rated it
April 14, 2017
Status: 416
Edit: I gave the novel another chance, now having experienced the overall novel quality on the site.. And knowing what's the best on Asian fiction. I tell you were this novel is at.

This novel is pretty badass.

... more>> 5/5. Completely worth to watch.

Except Maybe the start.

The start it's pretty rough.. The first like 90-100 chapters are not clear.

It's not clear were the novel is really going and what the novel actually is.

It looks like MC says he's one way but behaves another way i.e (oh, im too cold bloded and jagged) but sometimes cares for "the children " almost in a nanny way. IN the begging.

longs story short, the contradiction it's eventually fixed and he becomes really more balanced.

The story style and means get clarified and the potential of this story eventually starts being actively FULFILLED.

and generally other than like 6-9 core members in the start, everybody else gets treated very accordingly to the nature of were they are (fairly and like adults, hehe most of the time wink.. Wink).

Even Core members get treated rationally (as users/players as they say), specially as plot advances you can expect character maturation.

But this novel has so many interesting things going ON so fast.. I love it.

This isn't all about a bunch of children maturing really.

It's about MC conquest of that challenge, partially with the help of other users and returning to Earth.

He is not his nany or teacher. He is their leader. And individually he is an user wich actually wants to leave that place and return to Earth point made.

This novel it's about contemplating prowess, feats of strength and a ruined world.

He cares about his subordinates but except from the start don't expect him tending their emotional needs, bending his back etc. Etc. (No Japanese bull-)

Some times it surprises me how he is able to make the cold but fair decision. And I respect that. I specially enjoy that a novel has REAL human consecences.

The characters are worth contemplating, the author respects the sense of the novel;

I mean the author won't pull like something totally out of bounds (what had been reasonably presented or what's really possible to happen; really unfair.

Also feels like death can happen to anybody at any time really.

That said there is definitely some luck in certain parts of the novel but it is to be expected and not rule breaking.

For the people which Are doubting (after reading the bad/rough start) :

If you can't decide and you feel this has potential; read until chapter 120 and figure if this novel is for you. If you can't stop reading THEN, you will know.

Else don't really bother. The writer has very quirky personality you either get it or don't. I got irritated quickly and had better things than read the novel. But then I didn't and read the whole thing. It was amazing. Haha.

If you read the second coming of avarice, the sense it's similar, also there are s*x scenes, more pronounced that the second coming..

What I like:

MC strives for his values.. Is not like the environment totally dictates his actions and he just takes the beating after beating passively.

He thinks about what he wants and how to get it. It's not only him reacting to whatever. Wich I specially hate.

(See Japanese MC being the gods pet wiggling its tail actively omitting his individual cognition. I.e were I'm, why I have to do this?)

MC's action have real, interesting impact. Both good and bad.

The best;

Characters are credible and rational; selfish and realistic- not like in machines, but when it really matters you feel you are looking at an interesting human being.

What I don't like.

For me talking about the bad parts feels like nit-picking specially relative to other Asian novels.

But some times I feel romance gets neglected..


the MC is not a passive stone.. But a concience capable of romantic thinking.

he's more like a hardened jagged man, but some times he could be more caring towards females and accept their love.

To illustrate, one time..

a good nature women weeps and well tries to make him love her, but he says essentially she's not his type.

He ACTUALLY has a standard, i.e ideas or values Which he THINKS about. And can speak something believable and understandable.


That said I think he can be more amorous with females.. But I understand.. How one would harden in that world.


I feel that this novel has a dark and deep theme.

But I know the author really wrote this novel in a very very solid truth ;

That there can be hope after tragedy. They even if humans face unprecedental unfairness somewere in the world there a way that peace and justice can really and harmoniously can exist.

And if there's tragedy only will be for the contrast of hope.


Good drama, good interactions. Superb events. Nice world building. THE AUTHOR actually let's you in on his plans..

It's not like this MC, has a plan and always evades or hides what he's going to do or go to.

This novel it's pretty balanced on they aspect. But I definitely don't like the MC which just goes around not sharing anything; this novel is not that novel.

I don't think they're anything more that's really worth commenting on.

Enjoy and thanks for the people who translate this.

Specially thanks to author who though such an amazing adventure. <<less
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Nedrey rated it
September 8, 2016
Status: c51
Edit: Failed Promise. The story starts off promising like a couple other KR novels with similar beginnings, but it's come to the point where it becomes clear that the author doesn't have a clear direction to go with this story.

The story has really yet to take off. Don't pay attention to any critiques made at this point yet. In terms of ease of understanding the story and translation quality, they're both on the better side. For now, just keep an eye on the story to see where it goes.
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qull rated it
December 31, 2019
Status: c120
Story about a man who jump back in time 10 years before he cleared the death game. A dark setting filled with cruel depiction, violence, and r*pe. The fantasy are mostly western fantasy with angel, devils, monsters, etc. The MC is generally cold-hearted and decisive but still protect his people. He has a dark past and also seek on vengeance.

The novel is written in first person with a lot of human psychology and sociology. Rather than having MC go all over the place banging monsters, a lot of chapters are... more>> spent on MC inner thoughts and second guessing. We also have, since it's first person, a lot of unreliable thoughts and half-ass information by narrator.

The downside of this novel is its overuse of first-person narrative. It literally gets to the point where it's difficult to follow the story progression. Maybe partly due to me reading the translation rather than original. For example, the paragraph would suddenly jump from the midst of boss battle to MC's inner flashbacks without any forewarning--- leaving me thinking what the heck just happened. Sometime, you'd have to read 2~3 chapters before realizing these were all merely MC's flashback NOT the reality.

Overall I'd give it a 3.7/5. The latter part of the story can get very messy and unpolished. If you want a better version of a similar plot, I'd recommend you to read a much newer, polished novel "Second Coming of Gluttony" written by the same author. <<less
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onlyforNini rated it
December 21, 2019
Status: c25
I am currently at ch 25 and I'm telling you all that this is a good read.

Yes it might be REALLY SLOW PACED but that aside. The plot, characterization and narration so far has been great!

POV changes happen rarely but they're very easy to understand and the over all plot might be generic for these types now a days but it gets more and more enticing.

... more>>

I especially liked chapter 18's fight scene. Where you see that the MC is quite literally somewhat unbalanced BUT it's the kind of unbalanced that you expect to see from someone so strong. In other words, it's my kind of crazy ??


I will be back to assess the chapters further, but so far so good!

4 stars from me?


I'm on chapter 70 now, and I think the novel just got sadder : (it's not about the plot or the story line. It's more about the translations. I'm not yet taking down my 4 stars rating, just incase the other future chapters get a better translations, but if I have to rate it now at this chapter, it'll be only 2 stars.

The translations are really chunky? Mouthful? But kinda hard to read. It doesn't read naturally, it kinda seems like google trans did it....? You can't follow the POVs that much and you can't even clearly distinguish who is speaking who and plus the translations are taken too literally, like if you're not used to watching/reading korean you'd be like "??????????????________????????????" Level:500

I'm very sorry for the translators but this is how I feel about it : (

I hope that the translation gets better. <<less
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AsianOtakuGuy rated it
February 24, 2019
Status: c23
Translations: 3.5/5
The translations aren't horrible but they still tend to sound awkward.

The pacing of the story is really slow. Agonizingly slow. The MC is also one of those passive MCs disguised as a strong badass MC. I also have no clue why he went back to the past. In fact, I have no clue why he's doing anything. He's basically a Lv 100 end game character in the tutorial and yet the plot somehow devolved into him becoming a side character of the plot while the story focused on 4 actual side characters that I don't care about. To make it worse, instead of the action and thrills of surviving and fighting you'd expect, the author literally skips over half of the action. Most of it is described later by the characters. Then for "plot" he just has characters argue and talk to each other, which doesn't sound bad if most of it wasn't drama and surface level brainless arguing and drivel. Maybe it'll get better later but I'm not too hopeful. 24 chapters in and there's just so many plot holes already that the story's starting to look like a donut.

2/5 story

Don't really bother unless you like bad drama disguised as a survival with game elements.
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jerry rated it
August 19, 2018
Status: c54
Similar to Reincarnator, but much better in terms of thrill and suspense. Though I havent read many reincarnattion based stories, I did like this one!!
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mcahmad rated it
August 13, 2018
Status: c65
This is a decent read, I am glad someone picked it up again.

The story itself flows well, you have got different side characters and the protagonist is nicely shaped out, it feels like the author puts a lot of thought into various characters and the main lead. Story can feel a bit slow for some as information and certain revelation happens at a slower pace
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Valixiant rated it
September 20, 2021
Status: c34
Initially, when I was reading, I thought I accidentally clicked on a different novel. I suppose I should've expected this much because theres basically zero good novels on this site that have a harem tag. However, the conversations are super dull for the sake of romance/characters getting to know eachother better.

... more>>

For example, they just escaped a zombie-infested forest, got attacked by a spooky ghost, and found a abandoned city full of basic necessities and tons of food. Despite this, no one really seems to care besides one character mentioning that it's kinda suspicious.


Main character. Described as cold, ruthless, and cunning. Ten chapters later, he starts acting like a child with abandonment issues that just got superpowers. I haven't read too far but the main character seems like a pushover.

Side characters. A burly dude who protects his sister thats already heavily-reliant on the main character. The sister who has the temperament of a ten year old. (Shes 19) And two psychopathic women.

Furthermore, the instant they got to a safe area in instantly turned into a slice of life romance novel. Listen, I don't mind slice of life but I don't need to hear meaningless small talk about how two people eat differently. It's getting to the point where I'm starting to cringe pretty hard.

Overall, novel with a half-baked idea, "ruthless" main character thats actually 12 year old in a 23 year olds body, and pacing that makes me want to give this novel a 1 star. <<less
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June 16, 2021
Status: --
I'd say its good but not one of my favs. Decided to drop it after that s*x scene. I just don't like that the MC actually had s*x with someone who is part of their caravan and would possibly be part of their clan in the future. Would just be awkward especially since its not like he loves her or something. Also, the reason why they decided to have s*x jus made think like wut??? Would have been better if they just focus more on action and improving relationships without... more>> the need to have s*xual relationship. This just made me feel like reading a good action story but then later found out its harem as well. Just ruins the story for me <<less
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