Lord of the Mysteries


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With the rising tide of steam power and machinery, who can come close to being a Beyonder? Shrouded in the fog of history and darkness, who or what is the lurking evil that murmurs into our ears?

Waking up to be faced with a string of mysteries, Zhou Mingrui finds himself reincarnated as Klein Moretti in an alternate Victorian-era world where he sees a world filled with machinery, cannons, dreadnoughts, airships, different machines, as well as Potions, Divination, Hexes, Tarot Cards, Sealed Artifacts…

The Light continues to shine but mystery has never gone far. Follow Klein as he finds himself entangled with the Churches of the world—both orthodox and unorthodox—while he slowly develops newfound powers thanks to the Beyonder potions.

Like the corresponding tarot card, The Fool, which is numbered 0—a number of unlimited potential—this is the legend of “The Fool”.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Lord of Mysteries
Penguasa Misteri
Senhor dos Mistérios
Señor de los Misterios
لورد الغوامض
序列的戰爭 (old)
诡秘之主 (new)
신비의 제왕
Related Series
Circle of Inevitability (Sequel)
Deep Sea Embers (13)
My House of Horrors (13)
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint (7)
Throne of Magical Arcana (6)
Release that Witch (6)
Warlock of the Magus World (5)
Recommendation Lists
  1. My Reading List
  2. Mixed
  3. Top tier
  4. Apocalyptic/Survival Setting TBR
  5. my reads

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07/02/18 Seriously c15
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06/06/18 Seriously c9
12/31/18 Webnovel c9
06/01/18 Seriously c8
12/31/18 Webnovel c8
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358 Reviews sorted by

Jalexie321 rated it
October 3, 2019
Status: c483
This novel is one of the most unique gems I have found. It is rife of mystery, horror, heartbreak, action and bittersweet happiness at the same time.

... more>>

We start off with a typical 'keyboard warrior' from modern China transmigrating into the body of a young man who has died of mysterious circumstances. The transmigration is the usual nonsense filled Chinese transmigration plots, but once the new world is revealed, you realise that this novel isn't the typical webnovel filled with the basic tropes.


Each character is written out so well, I feel heartbreak and happiness watching them go through the vicissitudes of life. And although the world seems so cruel and 'the strong prey on the weak, ' there are times when people make the choice save or help others, showing how much good there still is, and how beautiful the world could truly be.

Our MC is incredibly intelligent. He uses his brains to slowly grow strong in a world where he could be picked off any minute. He has a cheat, but it is clear this cheat is not omnipotent - used s*upidly, it may very well be the end of our lovely protagonist. He is kind, but this kindness is based off the premise it will not harm himself. Each character is responsible for their own choices, and he will only guide them. Many people who review this badly have said that there is no plot or storyline, or that it is just filler, but I believe otherwise. Here's why:

All the 'filler' is used for world building, and the author is insanely good at it.

Instead of quick advancements, the author takes the time to build things up, and you have so many subplots intricately woven together that the closer you get to the end of each arc, the more you try to guess what's going to happen based off all the clues that are sewn between the seams of each chapter.

I usually don't like slow novels but this novel didn't feel slow at all. It is not a novel you can just skim through to read, it requires you to use your brain and imagine the world, guessing each move with the clues provided.

And even if you think Arc 1 is slow, Arc 2 is sure to get your heart racing - at points I even thought there was too much going on, as our main character doesn't get a break at all.

Overall, this is a MUST READ. And even if you don't like the start, KEEP READING. Trust me, THE MORE YOU READ THE BETTER IT GETS. Don't let your short attention span lose such a gem of a novel. <<less
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Gsichtselfmeter rated it
September 23, 2019
Status: c583
You know the feeling of dread you sometimes get when reading because you know that the book will finish one day?. This novel definitively evokes that feeling. Simply amazing. This is a fun, thoroughly thought-out read that will immerse you in a wonderful world between horror, magic and mystery. Not a lot of steam-punk though. 6*!
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Kezmark rated it
September 14, 2019
Status: --
This is by far, the absolute best Chinese novel I've read up to now. It isn't perfect, but I don't think 5 stars is supposed to represent that, it is however head and shoulders above the vast majority of sh*t you can find.

This novel can stand proud even among your more classic western novels as the writing is good, both in dialog and character, the initial setup and plot is gripping and continues to build up really well on that throughout the ongoing story.

There's a diverse and growing set of... more>> characters, each with their own personality, their own needs, desires and problems and they all are brought in to the story in a natural way, they all feel alive and you can easily imagine their own adventures when they're off doing their own things.

The world is really well crafted, its mysterious, dangerous, with lots of intrigue and secrets. There's also some lovecraftian elements to it and it just feels real, it feels like it could function and not like it was set up just for our main character.

The power system is incredible, its so well defined and weaved flawlessly in to the world and story, it not only facilitates the main character's rise in power, but also influences his actions, the way the potions work is genius as it elevates the normal leveling system from a crutch for writers to tell the reader how strong the character is to a critical story building tool. The levels themselves are well defined, you get various powers depending on the potions level and type and its not a fully upward scale power wise, some are more support oriented initially and may get more power later and so on.

The fights are great as well, there's a lot of prep from the MC to win over stronger opponents, there's a lot of movement and creative use of powers, and people/allies, you never feel cheated or feel as if there's plot armor. The fights flow well and as with the rest of the novel, are well paced.

The MC is great, he has a clear motivation from the start and as he gets involved with more people and with the potions that evolves and grows in to so much more, he develops over the many chapters and never feels one dimensional or boring, his actions never feel forced or out of character.

His "cheat", so far is in no way overpowered, it facilitates certain things and grows with his own power, it certainly has been a great help, but I never felt like it was bullshit. He does have a second "cheat" of sorts, although it isn't clear if its a side effect of his main "cheat" or not, but regardless, its not something the main character ever wants to actually use and it is very limited in scope and times it can be used.

All in all, so far, in the 546 chapters that I've read everything has come together brilliantly in this novel and I just hope it keeps up with this level of writing. I fear for it a bit, as a lot of chinese novels get far worse the higher the power levels go, but the levels are so well defined in this and so far amazingly implemented that I do believe in it maintaining its form. <<less
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minitiative rated it
August 28, 2019
Status: c498
Having gotten quite far into reading LotM, I can say with absolute certainty that this has become my favorite web/light novel to read, CN or JP. Few pointers as to what I like about this, from which others can draw whether they like or dislike:

  • The very first chapter begins with a mystery and this never lets up, instead piling more and more mysterious elements for the MC to uncover.
  • Contrary to sheer force, the MC and the powers that exist in the world vary highly and are they are defined mostly by proper usage rather than just big guns vs bigger guns. Furthermore, the way people both acquire and train power is very unique within the world.
  • The slice of life structure that the story adopts works very well in tandem with the first point I made. The MC's life consists of both mundane (earning money, socializing) to the bizarre and wondrous (supernatural criminal investigation, leading double lives, "The Fool").
  • The MC has no time for romance and the writing does not even attempt to make a poor, hamhanded attempt at it or fanservice in any way. This may be a negative point to some people, but I felt it works so excellently for this story.
I have become absolutely hooked on the story and the MC's progression, as well as the progression of... more>> his "club, " have got me eagerly wanting more to see where he goes. <<less
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TheBingeReader rated it
August 22, 2019
Status: --
This.... what can I say, an amazing surprise, it is totally unique imho, I cannot think of anything that even remotely compares to it, it has utterly none of the usual cliches and tropes of other novels, while slow in places that is absolutely not a bad thing, never once have I thought that I am reading boring filler material.

The mythos behind the whole story feels fresh and unique, I can actually very easily picture this in my mind even as a tv series and could see it work without... more>> issue given the setting of the story.

Best part of the entire thing tho is the magic system, very unique, very interesting and given the MC's own magic path and the setting of the world he lives in. You can totally picture the MC slowly get stronger when he dives into the role of his job and the theme of the story arcs progress around the MC's current magic jobtype and how he feels it should work. The characters still do not feel out of place using such magic and weapons even with the steampunk Victorian England sounding backdrop, it just meshes together expertly well.

At the very least the MC is not the usual overpowered or soon to be overpowered character we always get, nor is he some emotionless cardboard cutout you get in most novels, nor is he the brutal merciless type that just ends up killing everyone that gets in his way, so yes a very refreshing read, highly recommended...

The author is certainly improving leaps and bounds above their earlier work, this is easily the 1st novel I would want to see a tv series of today.


EDIT: Just read the ending, tbh it gets a massive thumbs down and drops to 2-3 stars, its another novel that just up and ends because reasons, many of the things you expect to happen just do not, there is no resolution to the entire story arc which was just building up all the time, the abrupt end is jarring. Feels like you were robbed of 1/2 the story, we get a timeskip, 1 chapter "THE END" situation. It's just as bad an abrupt ending as Release That Witch and Legend of the Supreme Soldier, both of which also end abruptly when the story is still gaining traction. Unless there is a sequel in the works, then this is a terrible 1/2 arsed finish to what "was" a masterpiece. <<less
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xianxia_reader rated it
June 4, 2019
Status: c333
Rating: 4 (at chapter 333)

Summary: I'd recommend it only if you like Western fantasy. If not, skip it.

Most of the Xianxia are written in what I call the onion structure. You have info dump about 2-3 power levels and the MC is a genius in his town. Then he moves to another bigger place and another round of info dumps about next 2-3 power level happens. Then he moves to another city.... You get the picture.

Another type of stories are those which don't rely on "on-the fly" onion style... more>> storytelling. You have a fixed structure in mind - a beginning, middle and end. The author controls the flow between begin, middle and end. He might decide to do a massive info dump, plot armors or just plain old lucky encounters.

LOTM falls somewhere in between. The writing is structured to look like non-traditional xianxia stories. But dig a little deeper and you realize that it suffers from the same ailments - verbose writing, too many luck encounters and too much detail.

That said LOTM is a breath of fresh air, especially the setting. I'd recommend it only if you like Western fantasy. If not, skip it. <<less
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Tabs rated it
December 31, 2018
Status: c10
I dont have much to say, but so far, the story is engaging. The characters have their own lives, separate from the protagonist. If I had to relate this to anything, this novel reminds me of Re:Zero. Also, the translation is quite good.
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BlankAvatar rated it
March 14, 2024
Status: Completed
Lotm is a must read.

tldr: Characters are emotional, rational and realistic people. World has insane foreshadowing and secrets. Power System is unique and interesting. Action is hence full of bizarre and careful tricks you wouldn't image (not just characters screaming friendship and energy blasts), Mysteries and plots are intriguing and mend bending.

It might start of a bit slow for initial readers and it might feel like it bombards you with information you don't really need so early on. But after getting past the first dozen chapters, you start seeing schemes... more>> and intricate planning be laid out before your eyes, and at some point you find yourself connecting tid bit of information scattered over a hundred of chapters ago linking to this very moment. The best part about Lotm is the extremely detailed world, in which, the history of the world itself leads to understanding future plots and reasoning behind subsequent actions. And most importantly, with supernatural powers being basically synoptic to death, characters feel like they are actually mortal, and can die at any second with one minor mistake.


The characters are well written and aren't one dimensional plot devices, like a stray villian that just wishes for evil and destruction, but characters that have motives and personality. Characters are driven by their own principles and rules, and don't adhere to absurd actions that contradict their person.

And personalities aren't the basic, noble is arrogant, pirate is rude and this and that. Most of the characters have aspects of their personality that coincide with their environment but also differ due to there own family and friends influencing them.

World Building:

The pieces of the puzzle seem to go on infinitely as the history and world of the series is incredible. The story being set in the 5th epoch, you wouldn't think events that occurred in the 4th, 3rd or let alone the 1st epoch has too much relevancy. But just knowledge of said events pieces together why a diaster or blessing occurs in present day.

Most crappy aristocat based novels at most go in depth with a noble family, whose ancestor is blah blah blah, and that means they get some big inheritence or weapon or whatever. Or at best theres strife between clashing houses and that means newer generations despise each other. In Lotm, there is so much more than these basic elements. Why did the noble houses form? Why did these factions engage in this battle? What are the hidden secrets behind the disappearance of so and so? More indepth questions are asked and once finding the answer, unlocks a new plot line that you didn't even consider.

Power System:

Not the standard magic system with mana and spells, or game status with skill points and levels, or martial techniques and formations, but ritualistic magic. Supernatural powers that originate from otherworldly beings and existences. The powers gradually scale up from basic level wierdness, to completely bizarre and unorthodox abilities. Its not just "fireball" or "ice blast" but dreamwalking, summonings, sealing and more.


Fight scenes are equally bizarre and require careful planning. In this world where death and supernatural are one and the same, if one doesn't plan there fight out, they will die without even knowing how or why. Fights are just a battle of bullsh*t strength where ones fireball magic is bigger than the other, but one where fireball first shot was an illusion, made to distract you from the real threat of the knives to your side. But one wait, you think thats all? No, there are also hidden artifacts that restrict your movement layed there days prior. But did you think you was attacking me? That was a fake clone.

Honestly, the fights are just full of bizarre level planning that at some points feel a little bull shit. But this is outweighed by how indepth each character utilises their respective abilities.


As the name implies, there is an awful lot of planning and foreshadowing behind every major plot point. Bread crumbs are scattered about the chapters, and honestly, there are hints to events that will happen hundreds of chapters down the line. <<less
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Nanath24 rated it
December 20, 2023
Status: c1391
I am absolutely enamored with this captivating story!

The world-building is truly top-notch, and it sets the stage for an immersive experience. The characters are expertly characterized, each possessing depth that goes beyond merely filling space. The plot is intricately woven, and while the narrative can be a tad wordy, it is essential for grasping the nuances of the world and its power system.

I got interested in trying out this story because of the fan artwork that I found on the internet.

The first volume serves as a gentle introduction, sprinkled with... more>> tantalizing mysteries. Following the first Tarot Club gathering, I found myself hooked, embarking on a month-long marathon to savor every moment. It turned out to be the best month of my year.

My favorite arcs, including the Megosa arc, the Hero Bandit arc, the German Sparrow arc, and the UTOPIA arc (man, do I want to experience this eerie town) , showcase the story's diverse offerings.

Each volume contributes something unique, making the reading experience consistently enjoyable.

Now delving into the second book, I am pleased to report that it has not disappointed thus far. The narrative continues to unfold seamlessly, maintaining the high standards set by the first volume. I eagerly anticipate the journey ahead and am grateful for the rich storytelling that has made this series a standout in my reading list. <<less
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apparentlyangel rated it
August 11, 2023
Status: Completed
I typically don't read long, 1000+ chapter books like this because I occasionally have problems with my memory and even 300 chapters can make me forget somethings about a book. As expected, I forgot pretty much 50% of the book, but I remember the general premise. And I also remember how this book made me feel.

The writing is straightforward and gets to the point in an eloquent manner that really sets the atmosphere. I appreciate how the author can make humor in precarious situations, and I also admire how the... more>> author can set aside humor in any scenario to touch the hearts of the readers. I've cried during this book! I don't remember what about, but I know I cried more than once, and that's not something that happens often.

I don't know what inspired Cuttlefish to write this book, but I'm glad they did. I'm currently on chapter 19 of book two, and I can't wait for more! <<less
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blank1134 rated it
June 12, 2023
Status: Completed
What a cliffhanger. I shouldn't have read it, well that's that. I usually read novel that are already completed and it annoys me when I read books with a to be continued vibe in it. But it was a good novel thought. It is interesting how the author used the tarot cards as symbols of the characters and the puzzles and mysteries in it. It's a bit predictable and it would've been better if the author made it the character more detailed and mysterious making the novel more interesting for... more>> me. Still liked it though so thumbs up. <<less
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kaptenkeim rated it
May 21, 2023
Status: Completed
One of the few series of web/light novel form that clearly deserve a physical book release, LotM is undoubtedly a great book. From start to finish, it remains a captivating story with many twists that give you a breath of fresh air and instantly take it away. I finished this book in a matter of 3 weeks, spending many hours a day actively reading and most of the rest of the day thinking about it. The author of this book is truly capable, and I can not wait for the... more>> completion of the next two installments of this series. <<less
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Queen77 rated it
March 4, 2023
Status: Completed
LOTM is wonderfully written and not written like a typical webnovel. I like the scp vibes added into it. MC and the side characters are well written, have their own flaws and motivations and unlike other cn MC, Mc's actions, character and behavior is questioned by the side characters. In fact, the plot is also based on asking questions, curiosity on things that aren't meant to be known or can be known if you are able to bear the consequences.

The mysteries surrounding the Gods and beyonders is interesting and the... more>> world building is on point.

LOTM is certainly well thought out, every subplot or event that happens links to another.

There's no romance which is a bonus, and it's not hinted at all. In fact, a lot of authors use romance as a driving factor to show Mc's emotions and to drive the plot, here it's unnecessary

as a beyonder when they advance gets closer to being a God (and being a God doesn't mean they lose their emotions but rather their humanity, though they lose it. They treat their believers as believers, they don't cross "boundaries"by being affectionate, they don't even answer their believers prayers. While MC strives to keep his humanity even after he became a God because unlike the current God's he remembers the world before beyonders and Gods) so the focus isn't on the fact that you can feel sadness, hate, love but rather on your humanity nature in a way and Godliness


I'm looking forward for book 2.

The Cons: it's way too slow, the ending was way too rushed. Author is trying so hard to remind us the difference between MC and Amon, The Villain Amon is a much better character than the MC. The build up for Zaratul was so great and yet un fairly used. Evernight Goddesses reason for helping MC is just too lackluster, but she gains a lot (shrugs). The evil pathways have more followers (lol) than the good ones and they are always planning something (I hope the good pathways retaliate well in book 2 /3 can't just be passive all the time now) <<less
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rizzmaster173 rated it
January 26, 2023
Status: Completed
This is so good. The world building, the lore, and even the side characters were well developed and written. I simply love these types of novels, long at first, but, once you dive into it, it will leave you hungry for more, I am 13, so I can't really describe my words well, but this webnovel took me 3 weeks to finish. It is stunning and absolutely breathtaking. Genuinely the best webnovel for me. I highly recommend it.
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Cloudyrain rated it
January 25, 2023
Status: Completed
Honesty this novel was something I wasn't sure about when I first read it because the first few 100 chapters was bland and didn't have a lot going on plus there wasn't that much development. So I can kind of see why people would just drop it off there and find it too slow paced, but in a way the author is doing that to set up the world. Which then adds up very beautifully later on in the story. Plus as the story process even more the development just... more>> gets better and better.

Not to mention the characters mention in the novel is not 2 dimensional or cliche unlike a lot of transmigration novel where they always seem to have that person or group with that same repetitive villainous personality and character characteristics; not to mention so dumb that they always highlight the protagonist. All the characters mention have a certain indepth personality and felt very life like that when they die or are in a sad situation you can't help but cry for them. Also the main character is a very likeable person and isn't a stubborn, arrogant, or overpowered person, his journey to becoming stronger was one of the things I enjoyed the most and his interaction with the other characters was the most enjoyable.

After reading this novel it has currently become one of the best web novel I have read so far and will always have a special place in my heart. So I really hope people that want to try it wont just give up on the first 100 chapters and actually give it a chance. <<less
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GGbookluver rated it
January 24, 2023
Status: Completed
Throughout the past two years I've been reading this novel, and my opinion of it changed many times. But I can now say after having completed it, god tier storytelling. I love it, I will forever love it. The story is a huge puzzle that continues to be put together throughout the story, and is still incomplete even now that part 1 has reached its conclusion. I loved the worldbuilding, the power system, the fights, the characters, and our MC. I'm sad I have to wait for the sequel now.

I... more>> don't have much to add that isn't already said, so I thought I'd just tell you its really good. <<less
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nguyenlinh rated it
January 18, 2023
Status: Completed
I swear this novel is so amazing that I'm having a hard time finding a new novel that is actually up to par with this.

The world building is so unique. I heard that the second part is coming out now in China so can't wait to read it
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November 29, 2022
Status: Completed
After finishing the book, all I could think of was, 'Detailed' and 'Organized'

From the beginning to the end, every event and its corresponding chain-reactions were in sync. The novel is a bit of detective type and a little bit of slice of life type with incredible supernatural elements. It has a brilliant story.

The novel is a bit underwhelming, especially around the first ⅔ of the story. As a novel with mysteries genre, it failed to give the impact it should have given when many histories and mysteries were revealed. Most... more>> of the time, It felt like I just learned something NOT important. It was also a little confusing since sometimes many pieces of information were stacked up altogether (those parts were not well executed and was a torture for the braincells).

Many of the time the author intentionally gave false info as to misguide the readers and to make the story feel more mysterious; of course everything gets clear after finishing the book. Also at the start of each volume, the story slowly builds up momentum and releases it at the end of the volume. So people might find the developments slow in these parts.

I had the most fun when the war began. Since then all the important figures were active and most of the critical histories were revealed.

Some other aspects:

*Characters: Superb. Most of the characters had enough screen time for their development, especially the members of the Tarot Club. They had their own uniqueness. The villains are also well written.

*World building: It's a simple world with continents, countries, empires blah blah but it has a little twist to it. Its year is split into 12 months; 365/366 days= 1 year. It also has seven days a week. Yeah.. You'll get to read this kind of stuff 😶

*Power System: This is the most interesting aspect of the novel. Even though I'm a fan of cultivation system but the power system and power structure in lotm was cool.

*Main Character: This is what I care about the most when reading a novel. If the MC isn't to my liking then no matter how good the story might be, I can't make myself read them. Klein has become my third fav MC. An easygoing personality with a bit of humor. Take responsibilities seriously and has many other sides which I really like about him.

The Ending, though not complete, was great. Very emotional and impactful. An excellent and a deserving ending. <<less
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1MysticUmbreon rated it
October 22, 2022
Status: Completed
Interesting story, interwoven with mystery, action and fantasy elements. A nice thing about it is that unlike many stories it lacks romance. The setting of medieval Europe is quite interesting as it demonstrates the authors perception of this time period. It is also quite novel seeing fantasy elements intertwined with a medieval setting. The author also does a great job at world building, creating a detailed magic system, establishing a mystery and solving it as well as writing detailed and intriguing characters. I recommend reading this story if you are... more>> interested in such genres. Though the start is slow and poorer quality compared to the remainder of the book, you should give the story a chance. The book is quite memorable and worth reading. <<less
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Lordwizzy rated it
October 5, 2022
Status: Completed
It is one of the best novel I have ever read, so far,

No over power MC, the stronger u get the likely your lose control, there by making everyone think twice before advancing to the next level.

In all it was a nice and intresting novel to read.
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