Long Live Summons!


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The Soaring Dragon Continent is a world of summons, you can only become strong if you become a summoner! Yue Yang, an average high school boy, was suddenly kicked into this world. When he woke up, he was greeted with a lot of worried faces and found out that he had assumed another person’s identity. Turns out he’s the good-for-nothing third son of the Yue Family, who had just recently drowned himself because of a failed engagement. Unlike the third son of the Yue Family who was useless in summoning, Yue Yang succeeded in making a contract with a summoning grimoire on his first try, even when the other guy failed for the past fifteen years. Others would have a headache making contracts with beasts afterwards, but countless beasts tried to gain favour with Yue Yang instead, acting like a good kid before him.

Yue Yang the brat, however, didn’t feel grateful at all: “Scram, Mythical Beasts! Do you think you are cool like that? Go away from me now, I only like beautiful summons!”

Even when royal families approached him for his talents, the shameless brat replied, “I’m not interested in government stuff, I’m only interested in beauties!”

Associated Names
One entry per line
Triệu Hoán Vạn Tuế
Zhaohuan Wansui
Related Series
Heavenly Jewel Change (11)
Great Demon King (8)
Tales of Demons and Gods (7)
A Will Eternal (6)
Against the Gods (6)
The Silly Alchemist (4)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Novels I have read
  2. what webnovels have to offer, my favorites
  3. CN Harem
  4. A List of Decent Novels to Try
  5. Things I've Read pt 2

Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/02/16 Shiroyukineko... c258
05/31/16 Shiroyukineko... c257
05/29/16 Shiroyukineko... c256
05/29/16 Shiroyukineko... c255
05/28/16 Shiroyukineko... c254
05/27/16 Shiroyukineko... c253
05/26/16 Shiroyukineko... c252
05/24/16 Shiroyukineko... c251
05/23/16 Shiroyukineko... c250
05/22/16 Shiroyukineko... c249
05/21/16 Shiroyukineko... c248
05/20/16 Shiroyukineko... c247
05/18/16 Shiroyukineko... c246
05/17/16 Shiroyukineko... c245
05/16/16 Shiroyukineko... c244
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156 Reviews sorted by

Victor DoUrden
Victor DoUrden rated it
January 27, 2016
Status: --
edit: 0/5 come back to skim and sh*t even more silly story.... well I think the story drowned and sank to the bottom forever gone now just dead

edit: 2/10

I’ve read all translated chapters to this point and it’s f*cking damned saddening to again and f*cking again! See something with potential turn into garbage. The MC if you can put up with him is a flagrant dumbass but he is sly and grind happy. This makes for some funny moments at first but quickly leaves when he becomes a flagrant arrogant as*hole instead. The story begins meh at best but then picks up into something interesting, but after a hundred something turns to shit.

I don’t f*cking get this chinese f*ggottry with the MC turning into something that deserves death... MC becomes a even more arrogant shameless a**hole. The story at first had a direction but BAM boom out of NOWHERE!! Like a wild pokemon encounter look it’s a villain here! why? F*ck you I ain’t gonna tell you why here is a thin vague excuse at best instead... Suddenly new names for villian a b c d e f etc. and fights why cause.. well f*ck... just cause... Villains are incredibly forgettable without substance outside they’re awesome in X way but yue yang is awesome-ER! Suddenly love without proper motions for it. The story starts to m*sturbate itself to the glory and awesomeness of the MC without any basis outside he is awesome. Originally I quite liked the story and wanted to see how the revenge thing would turn out and read it... he just goes on a killing spree and some other violence... moral of this story is violence is always the answer.

After the meet up with clan HQ it turns very boring. Found myself skimming a lot as it just sadly seemingly starting running to the cut and paste xianxia/wuxia story where MC is super duper awesome and woman are nothing but accessories that add to the awesomeness of the MC that becomes more and more boring/shallow. Not there yet but will be there soon enough.

PS also mentioning of blah rank blah level blah blah sub rank/level which don’t really mean sh*t as usual in such stories

PPS If you non existent taste buds that are dead to the world and love repetitive bland tr*shy novels with no direction like MGA/ATG this story will be great for you

Edit add on: Another thing that make the character literally the worst scum in this novel is others villain number X just kill.... the MC has flagrant rapist and creeper tendencies. Such behavior realistically/plausibly by the women characters in the novel who are all smarter then the MC would NEVER go with such a person. No women would willingly be attracted or hang out with someone who sexually harasses them and lies all the time no matter the where, what or when. This entire thing with the BS harem nonsense is more unrealistic then the entire spirit and magic stuff.
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ththth12 rated it
January 23, 2016
Status: --
This is a story with great comedy. Main character is a master troll and compulsive liar. He really does as he pleases, without any shame. It's also one of the best examples of how to hide your OP powers. You do not have to be a doormat. He beats up people, and then lies with straight face about it. All you need is to hide your best trump cards, there is no need to worry about it so much.
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ZhaWarudo rated it
January 1, 2016
Status: --
Bad comedy bad shounen... yep that sums it up, dropped after 23 chaps. I know this review ain’t much but if you’re like me and start reading it thinking well it’s okay, maybe it will get better... well then may this help you drop it sooner and not waste your time.
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Astaroth rated it
December 23, 2015
Status: --
This novel his hilarious, shamelessness is justice! Fu*k all the indoctrinated kids whining about Yue Yang not being the over used cliche hero spouting “justice” bullsh*t at every chance he gets.

If there was anything to ever complain about it’s that with one chapter translated per day (current translation is at the early 100’s) it’s going to take like another 3 years until all 1500 something chapters are translated...

Hopefully there’s going to be some extensive dictionary and better translations program some time soon-ish to read the from the source as... more>> it has already been completed in Chinese since 2013 or whatever it was. <<less
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Screed rated it
December 13, 2015
Status: --
At first I felt that this was just an okay novel. However as more chapters were released I realized that this was awesome. The MC is really funny. Instead of flaunting his power he acts as a weakling since he only wants to create a harem. The MC is different from other novels and thus the story has a unique aspect.
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12kucingputih rated it
December 3, 2015
Status: --
great MC (cunning, smart, brave, and don't give f*ck to other people except his family) and great story
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gordo1194 rated it
November 28, 2015
Status: --
The MC just might be my favorite MC in any novel I'm reading. He's hilariously shameless and doesn't care about giving face or any of that nonsense.
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the_cheater17 rated it
November 27, 2015
Status: --
I like the comedy and story line and this shameless MC.
He is OP, but pretend to be weak.
Some of you maybe will not like it, but... yeah.
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Skool rated it
November 25, 2015
Status: --
Mc's a reincarnated human, that consider other living being as an NPC, except his family and maybe a few friends and girl ? , So what could possibly go wrong?

exactly!, so other people belonging is his belonging, since they're NPC, I mean they drop stuff when they're dead right?

so yeah, it's really good stuff, pretty good comedy, and some more!!!
mc's is a likeable dude, so if someone give mc's a choice between A or B, he make a C

totally Recommended for you who's looking for something Different
Mc's a total badass, with a little bit of spice of a-holeness
but We love him for it!
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BQDJ rated it
November 5, 2015
Status: --
Reincarnated story, like Peerless Martial God and Against the Gods because he arrives in the body of someone who is already pretty old. Here he arrives in a 20 years old body. The MC is a compulsive liar who is blessed with extreme luck so he becomes OP pretty fast. A lot of people seems to despise him in the ratings but I like the constant trolling/lies, they are a lot of people like that who troll non stop, I like it => Note that most of his trolls are... more>> understood by the surrounding characters, so it’s not like he’s cheating his world, he hides a lot of things, that’s it. Compared to Death March where the MC constantly hides his strength and it involves a lot of political schemes and complicated things. In LLS when the MC is hiding is strength it’s not that frustrating because we still get a good fight in the end, it’s the simpler version of Death March, I’d say.

People who likes summons system like Pokemon will probably like this novel, sometimes the system is not always clear but it’s ok. Definitely worth a 5, it's one of the novels that I always look forward to. <<less
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Lachiel rated it
October 23, 2015
Status: --
Main character gets transported into a body of someone who just died.. And makes his life better.. We get to see the MC getting stronger.. And becoming OP.. Yea. OP meh. Oh well still doesn't pull away from the plot.

I would recommend this to anyone who likes the fantasy type reincarnation.
Oh yea I forgot.. The summons is a interesting concept pulled off pretty well.
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Moesin rated it
October 22, 2015
Status: --
I love this series, at least what ive read upto ch 73... them feels when his (now im pissed) switch gets flipped is just fricken hilarious the way he shreds people down be it physically or verbally. I also like how he doesnt come off as a hero of justice cause of previous worlds morals
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justmehere rated it
October 12, 2015
Status: --
laced with weird humors,

I for one is pretty bored with goody 2 shoes in xianxia. This guy is not exactly bad, but hes not good either. If u want to get the gist of his character, just read the first chapter... That pretty much sums up his shameless character part.

As for his plants eating people alive, come on... He thinks his reincarnation is a big game. What did u expect? And with most xianxia, the protagonist most likely has powers that sacrifices people or monsters.. Directly or not.

If... more>> you want a novel with good chuckles now and then, also with a protagonist that isnt as boring as hell, you should read this novel. <<less
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conspible rated it
October 7, 2015
Status: --
This story does not hold true to the title because the MC makes sure the summons of other people do not live long. Jokes aside, good story, good MC, and doesn't take too long to get into.
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zaoh rated it
October 7, 2015
Status: --
We get to see a protagonist who doesn't keep shouting 'justice' and just does whatever he feels like it instead of being a s*upid naive idiot in a dog eat dog world where there is very little meaning of human life.

about the dog Hui Tai Lang getting kicked around by the main character, its mentioned that because the dog ate the demon lords arm it has trouble absorbing the arm and it would have died if not for being kicked around and its not like the dog suffers when its kicked it enjoys it (it's a masochist dog) . And about killing people left and right that is written above, the world is a place where kill or get killed so he chose kill.

I really think people are underating this novel where you get to see things in a different prespective.
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wait321 rated it
June 29, 2021
Status: --
It’s ok but not that great. There’s too many random events that mysteriously power up the MC. For example, he sees ancient runes and they just make him stronger without explanation. It’s interesting when he quickly learns new skills but it’s boring to see his luck because even a brick could become god with the number of unexplained powerups he gets.
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Tiger Soul
Tiger Soul
May 24, 2021
Status: c1320
I really can't tell y everyone says that the girls here r of same personality which they r clearly not

Every girl has different personalities nd their interactions with MC is also different

Like- one girl treat MC as her knight, another treat him as a friend, another one treat him as a scumbag etc. Nd the MC also interact with them in different ways that I have not seen in any novels where they love each other talk some sweet things nd over- that much is the interaction between female character... more>> nd MC in most novels

Nd every girl gets her time in wether it is traveling with MC, fighting, studying or sex

The guy thinking with his dick- if he thinks with his d*ck then wat do we think with? How many women did he leave who tried to kill him or his loved ones? U guys didn't even read the story whole nd come here to talk sh*it bout him, I mean at least he shows he's normal not like other MCs who act like high god when they get power, stop respecting their elders just cause they become powerful

Whoever thinks he only thinks with his d*ck is a person who feels insecure bout himself nd trys to find a MC here who is better than u nd u then try to imagine him as urself nd feel better bout urself

I mean he want everything a normal person would like to have - wants to have a herem✓, become powerful✓, wants to have every beautiful women in the world✓ (nd yes no matter how godly u act like most people always wants to have every beauty for himself),

Wat he acts like- acts very h**ny type infront of "his" women (wen he acts like a h**ny dog infront of others then he's only acting nd is not is real self), respects his elders (even if the other person is very very weak than him as long as that elder is his relative or his women's relative he respects them, like- even after he becomes very powerful then also he asks for permission to marry a girl even tho her father wasn't even n ant in front of him), acts arrogantly infront of others but is very cautious bout every enemy in his mind, doesn't hide his feelings from other female characters wen hes interested in them (if u call this caracter of his as him always thinking with his d*ck then I don't kno wat to say), very smart wen it comes to tactics (author has done his homework) <<less
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kowtoww rated it
August 19, 2020
Status: c258
As others have said, LLS starts out fairly well, and has good comedic value with an MC that is unscrupulous in his actions. Later though, the author starts showing problems in their novel build. There's a character during a tournament (a prince) and as the reader, I'm convinced with the graphic description that this guy has kicked the bucket from having his head squashed by a half giant or such. A scene or two later, same dead guy stands up and isn't dead - no real explanation behind that. That's... more>> a bete noire to me in a novel - when an author is too lazy to keep track of who dies and who doesn't. Along the same lines of, hmm, shall we say laziness? The author makes a point of stating the Goblin Tribe members can't become innate experts, but sooner than later, he describes an assault by the same GT members and indicates they are innate experts.

Then there's the increasing usage of "hey come over here and tank for me" MMO terms thrown into a novel world that isn't based on an MMO like say Sword Art Online, which makes it very clear that the story takes place in an MMO world regardless if you liked the story line or not.

On the flip side, the author does a good job of taking the time to explain and build out a fairly exact magic system (summoning, physical combat skills, etc.). The MC is not a standard built-to-attract-the-admiration-of-many type, and if you can set aside the constant lecherism (much more than Against the Gods MC), then you'll find an interesting MC design at work. <<less
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ReviewObtainer rated it
January 2, 2020
Status: c124
The only reason I'm leaving this review is because the 3.9/5 is far too high for my taste.

story: 2/10 (Literally is the most basic and boring concept possible - He goes down to the shops, random clerk cannot be seen through with his divine vision. Goes anywhere, super OP ranker shows up but is still weak enough for MC to kill after protracted battle... boring).

characters: 2/10 (two of the characters are actually alright with sound personalities that are consistent).

Worldbuilding: 1/10 (This is actually awful. There is no redeeming factor of... more>> anything about the world building, societal structure, or close to anything else in the story.)

This is just a joke novel but fails to even do that. The dialogue is awful, the school is awful, the characters are half decent but the women are all just s*x objects and tools in the eyes of the author. There's about 8 references to Chinese LN's or stories every chapter and I don't think there is a single dialogue line where he's not directly talking about history or people in his past life but he's so concerned about people finding out he's fake, yet he goes around being a pe*verted cry baby wuss that drops the names of famous Chinese people, Chinese philosophies, and Chinese quotes.

The entire personality of this MC can be summed up as

"Sex? Yes please :). Wait, what do you mean you don't consent? Idk what that word means lol, have fun getting mol*sted. Women should learn to be s*aves haha XDDD."

"All people except for these people I met 15 minutes ago are NPC's destined to be used by me." 10 minutes later... "Poor random bug who had bad luck, I feel so bad for it : ( ( (Boo hoo. Random bug thing that is a literal f*cking bug is something I'm so empathetic to : ( ( (but don't mind me feeding literal living people to this pet plant of mine lol, I'm so random and hardcore Xdddd. "

MC: Opens mouth *Lies, but does it so badly that he basically looks like a douche bag*.

There is no redeeming factor to this LN. The MC is a pe*verted freak who goes on and on about women and s*x until he finally does something at chapter 100 and it's of course sexually assaulting someone. And yet, women are just lining up to date him... Apparently being a pathological liar and a creep who wants to sexually assault women desireable traits in this world...

Hahaha, so funny am I right? Women are property lol - author.

This could have easily been a good story and the monsters and magic system is atleast semi- interesting or else I definitely wouldn't have been able to stick through to 100 chapters. But there are also major problems with the magic system. You have no f*cking clue how strong he is. Like ok, he has this physical ability, these other creatures and this other weapon to use. But they rank people by a level system and he just never is ranked or has skipped over the entire system itself as he becomes an Innate ranker. There is no explanation for a lot of the details and it is just really frustrating to read.

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KirbyReviews44 rated it
November 11, 2019
Status: c400
This novel is a barely above tr*sh tier novel that has a lot of flaws. The main selling point is the initial concept of summoning monsters and training those monsters to become sexy monster girls that the MC wants to eventually sleep with. If you are drawn to this type of story for reasons... its worth a read in the beginning. To me, this novel is extremely similar to Ancient Strengthening Technique, it basically has the same upsides and many many downsides.

Initial strengths

  1. Interesting unique concept that involve people fighting with monsters that can be summoned and that can level up and have special skills. The strongest monsters can slowly evolve to gain intelligence and evolve towards a more human form, which is the end goal of all monster evolution.
  2. Strong beginning of the story, I think the first 100+ chapters are pretty good. You get good characterization of the MC, he is a pe*vert, habitual liar, and otaku transmigrated from another world. The supporting cast is pretty interesting, including his family and potential love interests. The first few potential love interests are well characterized and their interactions with the MC are quite funny.
Where it falls down

  1. World building is haphazard and confusing. Its almost like the author doesn't do much world building at the beginning so that he can make up absurd stuff later on. At around 400+ chapters I still don't know wtf is going on with the world.
  2. The plot is garbage. There is no overarching plot to keep me reading. At the same time there are so many 'side quest' type of filler arcs where the MC goes to some forest or some mountain or some dungeon to collect treasure and fight random enemies. A long story needs a goal, this novel has none.
  3. The harem can only be described as very large and pointless. The initial 4-5 love interests were interesting but around 200+ mark, the MC starts collecting more and more and it just becomes lazy. Its very similar to Ancient Strengthening Technique in this regard. The MC goes off on side quests for tens of chaps, collects treasure and perhaps one or two new girls, goes back home, sleeps with his harem for many days, goes off on side quests again, repeat. Also the MC eventually starts sleeping with his humanoid monster girls in additional to human girls so the harem just explodes in size.
  4. The MC's op cheat powers are way way too op. The fights with enemies are rarely interesting. Even if he meets an overwhelming opponent he normally would have no business fighting, he would gain a magical breakthrough in one of his many many OP powers and beat the enemy. The power progression of the MC is really terrible.
If you like the initial premise of the novel, no problem, read this novel, enjoy the first 200+ chapters. But don't get too invested in this novel.
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