Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect


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A cultivation story about how a declining sect is restored by a narcissist, troublemaker, meanie, idiot, and wimpy kid.

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Coins of Destiny
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Льов Яо: Відродження спілки Фуяо
Лю Яо: Возрождение клана Фуяо
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89 Reviews sorted by

heaven_falling1381 rated it
January 21, 2023
Status: Completed
"In all likelihood, if one can die without regrets, that could be seen as ascending, couldn't it?"

Priest novels always take long time for me to finish. Cause I don't want it to end at all and I know I won't have enough time in future to read them again. Sha po lang took me nearly two month with heavy poetic and schemes and all other thing for me to fully understand the novel while reading. Liu yao it took three weeks to finally finish it. I read in really slow... more>> motion to understand all characters and waste more time on thinking about them. And just to finish from part 105 to 108 it took four days cause I really didn't want it to finish I knew I should read to know what's going to happen sooner it was crucial moments but I couldn't convince my heart. And now that it finish I feel so full filled. There is really no need for me to talk or describe c*cky sect master Yan Zhengming and his junior brother Cheng Qian, friends talk about them a lot. The side characters who have their own life and hardship. The master who died young and his master who lived his life without confessing his love making a big regret for both sides but they were still together till the end so no comments they lived how they liked.

Anyway.... I have a feeling neither joy nor sadness.... I feel like I'm not feeling at all but I have hundred emotions about this when whirlpool novel... Just read it... Half of your life going to get waste if you are Danmei reader and don't read this. (my only regret is that the scenes are all fade to black ༼ಢ_ಢ༽) friends if you know any fanfic pls let me know. <<less
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Anime.lover rated it
September 22, 2022
Status: Completed
Okay I plan to make a bigger review in more detail but since I've just binge read this in a night and day this is a simple one.

so my thoughts are if you enjoy a deep world that goes into expansive thought into what cultivation and Ascension is what it means to be a cultivator what it means to be immortal this is for you

while some people say the main love interest and main character do not have a strong Romance I have to disagree to me the romance was... more>> very strong but Subtle. Which for me was for their characters had a way bigger impact on me than if it was just love bombs everywhere and to me that mainly had to do with they were kids, for half of the book and really what the circumstances they were under it would be kind of unrealistic to expect a big romance with everything that was happening with them.

To me it really shows how they developed in their emotions with each other but mainly the thing that struck me was the found family aspect of this.

weather it's to do with the peac*ck male lead or the serious but loyal MC, the always getting into trouble Second brother or the dumb but mischievous Han yuan or our little crybaby puddle they all ended up finding their way into my heart and all of them whether good or bad had a very strong character development.

Especially the MC, ml, and, Han yuan and to be honest it shocked me how much I loved this novel at first I thought this was gonna be a comedy slow paced story then it hit you real quick with all the drama and the angst and sadness of their situation.

But yeah this definitely became my favorite Danmei. And without a doubt will be one that I remember for a long time and will probably do a reread to give some more thoughts! <<less
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Cattyblack rated it
June 17, 2022
Status: --
My favorite of Priest's. I don't like angsty novels. Every chapter was a despair in my heart. But I can't stop loving it because the story is fascinating and touched my heart from the beginning.
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Stripes rated it
February 24, 2022
Status: Completed
Priest has a ton of great works and I haven't read them all, but Liu Yao really has a special place in my heart. It holds up well for rereadings.

It's a very cosy novel. The family of disciples is cute and the main couple is so funny. Not too much overt romance, but enough pining for a tasty read.

Also I love that dumbass peac*ck (affectionate) Yan Zhengming so much.

Some of the more esoteric stuff went over my head at first. Wish I could read and understand the original Chinese, it... more>> must be even better.

Really recommend to most people unless you want smut scenes or sprawling epics. It's a 'quieter' story if that makes sense. <<less
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elsololobo rated it
January 9, 2022
Status: --
Wow, this novel was one hell of a ride. The plot, world building, and character development are all very complex. This has to be my favorite novel about cultivation yet, it is just immersion overload.

The story just kept me hooked, the knives hurt, and the fluffy moments were also there. The characters are the best, I love their lil sect family and how they overcame all the struggles and hardships they went through. Each of the main Fuyao sect members were well developed. I also love how realistic the interactions... more>> of the CP were, like it isn't forced and they aren't shallow h**ny monsters (unlike some novels out there).

Would recommend 10/10 <<less
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namika_shikaa rated it
December 5, 2021
Status: Completed
This is huge roller-coaster. Ups and down, ups and down, fluff and pain. Fluff and pain again. Super master piece.

The best things is the growth of the characters. All of them splendid. Luv it ;3

My fav part is; even in big criss or in huge battle, their Fuyou Sect siblings still bickering each other. So funny and fluff. Hahahhahaha

I gonna read this thing agian ❤️❤️❤️
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somiahu rated it
November 19, 2021
Status: c109
I started reading this novel about a year or so back when the translation was only updated to bout chapter 71 and only now have I been able to fully finish the novel and MAN it has not disappointed!! The found family dynamic makes me want to laugh and cry all the same, the way the characters have developed, all their flaws (because none of the protags are perfect by any means, and the whole bit with each of their precepts was a touch that I adored because it meant... more>> room for growth and change), the battles they have to fight through (both mentally and physically), and the pining? Gosh the pining was phenomenally executed. And the fact that the BL wasn't on the forefront, it was more so something on the sidelines of the main story, I liked that quite a lot too.

The humor is fantastic and never failed to bring a smile to my face, and constantly there were lines and parts where I'd have to stop and completely reconsider my place in the universe and think about my regrets and hopes and dreams and dang even with all the tiny crises I had reading this, it was worth the read.

The only thing con I would have is the amount of difficultly I had keeping up with what was happening along the last few arcs. Just--lots of terminology and even as someone who can understand Chinese, just keeping track of everything (especially since I jumped into the novel like a whole year after I started it) was definitely hard for me. Otherwise, love love love this novel so much; it's definitely up there in my favorites and I'd recommend it to anyone willing to give found family a shot. <<less
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Kyuusaku Lee
Kyuusaku Lee rated it
September 25, 2021
Status: Completed
First let me talk about things that I like from this story. I love the interactions between the main characters. It feels like a real family. Although they like to bickering with each other everywhere everytime, when one is in dire straits, the others would even willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of the other. It not only happens to the main cp, but also the whole Fuyao Sect family. The romance isn't toxic at all (there are so many novels I've dropped because the relationship is very toxic,... more>> with kind of overpossessive character). The main character's bound (5 disciples from Fuyao) is truly likable. But there are also a few (not many) parts that make me can't give it 5 stars. First, the MC is sometimes too overreacting, to the point that it became unnecessary if not for the sake of plot development. Second, many parts got me confused. Maybe it's just that my understanding toward the plot is low. Well, those are all just my personal opinions. All in all, a warming story and good to read. <<less
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CarmenLongo rated it
July 31, 2021
Status: Completed
So beautiful, I love it. My favorite Priest. Super recommended.
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The_yiling_patriach rated it
July 14, 2021
Status: Completed
What a journey wowwwww and I don't know why many ppl didn't like ML whyyyy he is such a cutie I love him so much even though he is arrogant at first After that he suffers alot and our MC even tho he is cold he is adorable
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Skullysinner rated it
July 3, 2019
Status: v2c36
So far I am totally in LOVE with the story and the characters. PRIEST is excellent of story building and character creation/development. I can't wait for more ;o;
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February 17, 2023
Status: Completed
Priest is well known for her world-building and plot, the philosophical and thought-provoking kind regarding cultivation and ascension. What does it mean to ascend, and what is ascension if no one else has ever successfully achieved it? This novel tells the story of five misfit fledglings coming together to revitalize their sect amidst an overarching conspiracy. That alone is worth following their journey as each character grows and develops, learning from their failures and overcoming their flaws to be their best self. What is lacking tremendously in this novel is... more>> the buildup and believability of the romance between the MC and ML. They could just stay as sect brothers, and there wouldn’t be any major differences to the plot line. The romantic tension between the side couple was better than the main CP. <<less
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October 5, 2022
Status: Completed
The plot is really good. And the love between the ML and the MC is also good.

Our ML is peac*ck 🦚 here. I kinda love peac*ck MC. He’s a narcissist *the best narcissist peac*ck is still Xiao Feng from WuShuang though*

The MC is also very likable. And the character development will make you love him. Everyone here got a character development. And the supporting characters are also very likable.

But the thing that in every major fighting ... more>>

the MC will vanish and will return later. And in the last 2 final battle both the MC and ML was somewhere else being lovely dovely (they’re fighting too) while the supporting characters are fighting the main battles. That didn’t make sense to me. I understand the supporting characters are strong but I felt that the MC and ML being in the fight would feel better. In the first battle the MC vanished with his shifu and shimei, second time he vanished while they’re fighting in the ocean *the MC comes back and die here **sob sob*** then in another battle both MC and ML went into heart demon and in the final battle they were first at the sea Beiming then placing the wish granting object. I mean each time someone must go missing from the fighting


Well, overall it was good. I enjoyed it <<less
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peppergum rated it
September 15, 2022
Status: Completed
As my third Priest novel, I really am impressed with how dynamic her characters are, and the versatility of her stories. Liu Yao isn't just a xianxia novel, but a close examination of the genre. It's a conversation about the meaning of ascension and cultivation, taking readers through the contemplative process itself rather than simply dazzling an audience with splashy scenes. Life, death, and the universe type beat.

At the same time, Liu Yao has severe flaws, which I think is why there are polarizing reviews. The plot is cohesive, weaving... more>> about three storylines together throughout the course of 100 chapters (the Fuyao sect familial bond, the conspiracy, then the grand conspiracy). But I think the problem is that several important scenes were choppy and certain events weren't fully depicted, which really undermined potential impact.


1. The battle of Immortal Binding Platform had great build-up, and there was so much at stake when Yan Zhengming charged in there to save Cheng Qian. But as soon as Han Yuan came, what could've happened was the depiction of a huge battle that involved a dozen very powerful characters. Instead, what did happen was that the subsequent battle got reduced to exposition.

2. The story of Tong Ru and Han Muchun was heart-wrenching, but there's the feeling that I didn't see enough of it. If the sentiments of the 3rd extra were expanded more into the main story, a lot more tears would be falling.


Also, though I am very thankful of rustycol's translation, it wasn't nearly as accurate nor articulate as Chichi's. The sentiments lost in translation made certain scenes a few degrees harder to understand.

In regards to the romance, I really liked the relationship between CQ & YZM. The idea of a peac*ck male lead was so refreshing, and their constant bickering was sweet to read. So many heartwarming scenes that I had to go back and reread a few times.

So tldr, despite all my complaints of Liu Yao, I won't forget its vivid cast of characters, nor its fantastical world-building, any time soon. <<less
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Lekour rated it
August 31, 2022
Status: Completed
After 12 years, this is the first novel that has managed to grab my attention enough to make me finish it. The story was amazing, the characters and their development were masterfully written. The romance felt natural, and what I loved about it, is that it's not the main focus of the novel, but rather a strong motivation for the main characters to keep fighting. Its main focus is actually the struggle of the five martial siblings to find each other, defeat their enemies, and return to their sect so... more>> they can live a peaceful, carefree life like the one their master tried to give them until disaster struck them.. About the villains, that

third prince

felt like kaguya in naruto lol, but the rest were great, especially the big bad and his story, I really thought he was just an aloof guy with no ambition haha. Everyone says the last part was rushed or complicated, but I think it was fine. This is definitely a story that will stick with me for a long time. <<less
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CriTheMarshall rated it
July 22, 2022
Status: Completed
Not a favourite out of the Priest novels. The plot is all over the place at points, certain scenes made my head hurt trying to understand what was even going on. But, the plot is executed well enough to still understand the main points and since it isn't the most important part of this novel, it's not a deal breaker.

The strongest part of the novel are the characters, which were executed pretty well. So if you don't mind being confused at times for the sake of a really interesting cast,... more>> go right ahead. <<less
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AdventurousKat rated it
June 18, 2022
Status: Completed
An amazing story that follows 5 disciples on their cultivation journey. Every character is great and likeable in his/her own way. It has a lot of action, but also slice of life, an interesting storyline and very sweet romance. 5/5 can recommend!
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Peerless White Chrysanthemum
Peerless White Chrysanthemum rated it
October 31, 2021
Status: Completed
This story deserves 5-star. From the plot, the settings, the depicting of actions, to the uniqueness of the characters the translators did a very great job as well as the author!.. If this story is rubbish for you... Rubbish your sister!
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WeiWuBebe rated it
October 20, 2021
Status: C80
Okay, so, I'm near to completing this novel so I am updating my review. Yes, the first part of this novel does deserve that 2 star rating. Books 1 and 2 really did test my compulsion to keep reading. But I had already gotten so far and, though the story was boring me to anger, I wanted my payoff, gosh darn it. So I kept reading, and thank god I did. While this story is far from 5 stars, book 3 and up is worth at least 3.5 stars. Overall,... more>> the second half of this series really saves this story. I at least got my payoff. Although I think this story can be a skip. I only started reading out of curiosity cause I saw it was getting a Donghua, but personally it doesn't live up to the hype. <<less
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October 13, 2021
Status: Completed
The story about cultivation centers the life of the kids from different background had come to train to find their Dao but in the end, found something better. Their relationship did not start as smooth, as what others say, the bonds comes strong when surviving a great challenge.

It was plainly a barbeque stick. It was beautiful and painful.


It showed helplessness, that certain circumstances pushed them to strive and grow stronger in order not to be stepped on by outsiders. Their young hearts were orphaned too soon of their newfound family... more>> and was forced to grow up to protect what remained. It was not victories without sacrifices, they lost but they found courage to go forward-- together. Yet even when apart, they have the same thought in their hearts: Fuyao! The very symbol of their childhood and of their future.

"In all likelihood, if one could die without regrets, that could be seen as ascending, couldn't it?" <<less
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