Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear


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Yuna, a 15 years old girl started playing the world’s first VRMMO. She has earned billions of yen in stocks. She confines herself in her house playing the game without going to school. Today, a huge update has arrived. She obtains a non-transferable rare bear outfit. But the equipment is so embarrassing that she can’t wear it even in the game. Furthermore, when she answers the survey regarding the new update and relaunches the game, she appears in unknown forest in a bear outfit. Where is this? Email from God? Different world? If she wears the bear outfit she’s a cheat, if she takes it off she’s a normal girl. Her adventure starts just like that. Yuna began doing as she liked.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Bear Bear Bear Kuma
くま クマ 熊 ベアー
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (JP On-Going)
  2. enjoyed my time
  3. Isekai w slow life no harem tags
  4. Read and chill
  5. JP Novel

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/19/21 Fans Translations c378
02/07/21 Fans Translations c377
01/29/21 Fans Translations c376
01/22/21 Fans Translations c375
01/16/21 Fans Translations c374
01/15/21 Fans Translations c373
12/31/20 Fans Translations c372
12/31/20 Fans Translations c371
12/31/20 Fans Translations c370
12/31/20 Fans Translations c369
12/24/20 Fans Translations c368
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12/18/20 Fans Translations c366
12/05/20 Fans Translations c365
12/04/20 Fans Translations c364
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136 Reviews sorted by

Shiraori_ rated it
November 7, 2016
Status: c82
The title is literally Kuma in Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji, and then the borrowed word "bear" from the English language. The novel is literally titled "Bear Bear Bear Bear, " and yet somehow I'd argue the author has a much better naming sense than most light novel authors. That aside, a brief summary of what I think: it lacks depth, but it's cute, feel-good, and easy to read.

The thing I feel most preeminently about this novel is "it's okay, " or perhaps more appropriately, "it's bearable." That's what I think every... more>> chapter I read. The writing is simple and contains nothing particularly interesting, and the plot has no direction. The author constantly admits to writing on an improvisational basis, and even writes in the notes, at several points, "I carelessly wrote this thing in and now I have to write it out." Going into this novel expecting nothing great is the proper way to go about it. Maybe read in short chunks.

The reason alone I'd recommend this is because it has an overall cutesy, slice of life feel. The protagonist is overpowered, yes, but she only is while wearing a full body bear suit. Think bear pajamas for kids. She has powerful magic, summons, attacks, and skills, but all of them have a bear motif. Her magic is in the form of bears. Her summons are large bears. She creates a house with magic and the house is bear shaped, with a bath that's shaped like a bear. She opens a shop later has bear figurines and decorations everywhere. All conflicts end with no deaths, and happy endings, and our protagonist does nothing but spread positivity for the most part.

The protagonist herself isn't really anything to talk about. She isn't naive, and she stands up for herself properly when necessary. Her attitude is such that she just kinda does what she wants to, and her desires/motivations more or less amount to improving her quality of life so she can be more lazy, and as a result, though she inevitably gets involved with more and more people, those situations happen to occur as a result of her saving or helping people on a whim while she's out doing something else. She's not terribly generic, but she suffices as a decent protagonist.

As long as you don't expect anything Shakespearean and keep your expectations appropriately low, it's a cute read if you have some time to spare or nothing else to read. <<less
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nixxara rated it
May 5, 2016
Status: --
An unusually charming and interesting read for when you’re bored. The story isn’t boring but the MC doesn’t have any goals at the moment.

I like the bear outfit concept and skills. ?
57 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
ninthlite rated it
April 12, 2016
Status: --
There is barely anything in this story worth reading for. The characters are flat. The main character is flat, her only character trait is caring/helpful. The side characters can be defined all with one trait/career. The extreme flatness of the characters drains away entertainment of reading a slice of life novel. Slice of lifes are supposed to have entertaining characters to amuse the reader instead of action, however the characters in this novel are all extremely boring.

The bear suit is an eternal deus ex machina as she one shots everything... more>> she comes ac cross. The comedy aspect of a adventurer bearing a bear suit is not mentioned past the first chapters as it becomes a generic power wank fantasy. <<less
42 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
bkwrm rated it
August 7, 2018
Status: c363
Very lighthearted, very fun.

No real threats to the MC, I'd say her biggest issue is just dealing with being stuck with Bear everything.

The series is a bit slow moving, I'd say it's more slice of life and heartwarming than action packed.

Hell, half the fun is that the MC is wearing an embarrassingly cute bear costume while doing everything.

But the series avoids many of the traps these Isekai novels fall into.

  • Isn't constantly concerned with the game setting and constant skill gaining/reports, once you get past the beginning bunch it's pretty rare.
  • Isn't overly concerned with converting everything from new world money into yen and being amazed by how much they made (seriously can't stand how many novels do this).
  • MC doesn't spend a bulk of the time lying about everything trying to hide themselves so they can be superheroes and isn't the oblivious to consequences give everyone second chances type.
  • MC is fairly intelligent and doesn't spend huge swatches of time being locked by their past worlds behavior (Oh no I can't talk to girls, oh no I was a loser and picked on, oh no I want to lead an ordinary life and GO HOME). Her behavior feels entirely natural and she straight up is glad about her new life experiencing things she never would have before.
  • The author is very self aware of most of the tropes and is pretty upfront about focusing on fun first and foremost instead of deep world building or serious arcs or hidden plots.
Update - read another 200 chapters and got caught up, about my only complaint is theres way too much cooking and eating.

Everything else still stands.
40 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Hazery rated it
April 4, 2016
Status: --
Review up to chapt 39~

This story is really heartwarming, a cute girl got summoned to the game world with bear costume that make her bearly op~ she's bearly cute so bear with it! (At least I try to make the joke~)

Well, this story is good to read, no complicated plot, no political mind scheme, and no uninteresting plot... it's just the daily life of our bear yuna chan to bearly fit in the new world she got transported~ a nice slice of life story~

And... comedy, yeah this story have... more>> a comedy, and to tell you the truth, I laugh so hard that I try to trow my pillow hard to the wall, now the pillow's broke and I don't have a money to fix it... so please prepare yourself before you read this story...

Overall : 5/5...
Warning! Too much bear will make your brain hallucinate thinking that bear is cute and will try to create your own bear joke because this story contain sooooo much bear that make this story bearable... Read at your own risk! <<less
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Slimikyi rated it
December 14, 2015
Status: --
You know, after reading several reviews (in general), I got mixed feelings.

I read some complain about how so-and-so novel has a generic plot. Well, this is a novel where the protagonist is transported with a cheat (or OP) ability. And the protagonist doesn't like that cheat ability but s/he forced to use it. It's like a virtual reality game with game/rpg elements. And all that are fairly "generic" and you can probably find it in a "Idiot's Guide to Japanese Reincarnated Light Novels", if someone actually wrote one.

Now, there's a... more>> deviation, a comedic plot or a "serious" adventure plot. This is a comedic one. And I do believe that, to someone, it falls under the generic comedic plot as well. Actually, I don't believe there's even a plot.

It has a "Slice of Life" touch to it. Like, Yuna isn't actively striving to be at the top of the guild. Nor is she really actively seeking a way home. She's not really aiming for anything, so I can't actually think of a proper plot for this novel. The best thing I can label right now is "she's aiming to enjoy her life" and hence, the "Slice of Life"-ness that I mentioned.


So, yes. I can probably and safely say that Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear has a generic plot, nani ka? While I often complain myself about "generic plot", there's actually nothing really wrong with "generic plot". Generic plots are generic because people often use it. And why are they often used? Because they were probably once popular and worked really well. It's hard to find innovative and unique ideas/plots. So what ends up being more important is the execution and/or delivery.

Kuma is fairly well written so what the author wants to achieve. It's really light and very enjoyable as a pastime. Yuna is a very likable character for this kind of novel. The gimmick in this novel is not a Nobel Prize idea. But it works really well along with all the cuteness overload the author tries to toss in. The gimmick is that all the cheat abilities and overpoweredness comes in the expense of wearing the Bear (Kuma) Suit. Everything is Kuma related.

Yuna wants to use fire magic? Sure, no problem. But she needs to wear the Kuma Suit. Is the Fireball too weak? Sure, no problem. But she needs to reform the Fireball into a Fire Bear.

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Mavsynchroid rated it
October 19, 2019
Status: c250
If I had only read the first 100 or so chapters, I would have rated this at 4 stars or so instead. I really, REALLY enjoyed those chapters. However, after that the main problem of this novel begins to creep up on you.

This may be my first time saying this, but this novel eventually becomes TOO slice of life like. I say that being a huge fan of easy going slice of life novels. I think it's because after 100 chapters or so, the pacing just drops horribly. You'll be... more>> spending like 5 chapters or so with her creating a strawberry short cake and showing everyone tasting it. The battles at first are somewhat interesting due to her "cheat" like powers, but then you begin to realize they never evolve into anything new. Even the boring battles happen less and less, and it slowly evolves into something of a children's book. A 15 year old girl spends most of the novel hanging out with 10 year old girls, cooking food for them and acting SOMEWHAT like a big sister. It just loses the interesting aspect that was originally in the novel. She gets a new ability exactly when she needs it due to the plot genie, but even this is extremely rare. The enemies she comes across are extremely 2D and barely last. It just gets so... boring. In my eyes, slice of life has never equaled boring, but this novel makes it so.

The worst bone I have to pick with the novel is the character's personality transformation. She begins the novel as an OP character who kind of has a "blas

I used to wonder why there wasn't an anime for this novel series, but now I think it's pretty obvious that after the first couple of episodes, it would have just petered out into something gruelingly boring. Who knows, maybe it gets MUCH better in the chapters that haven't been translated yet. However, based on the way it was going so far, I don't believe that's the case. The author, proven by the many foot notes he leaves at the end of the chapters, doesn't have any sort of roadmap or direction for this novel, merely writing the chapters at a whim as they come to mind. This may explain why the pacing of the novel turns terrible 100 chapters in or so. I'm going to finish the last 30 chapters or so that's already been translated just so that I'm caught up, but if I'm being honest, I'm really not looking forward to it.

Maybe it's a communication barrier due to different languages, but I've always found dialogue in Japanese light novels to be extremely bland and monotonous. This novel makes it even more so, especially when any snarky or witty things are only said in her mind, while she's walked all over by everyone.

EDIT: One thing I forgot to mention. You'll start to actually get annoyed with how almost EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER doubts that Yuna is an actual adventurer. Now, I know that this makes sense with how she looks, but the author makes it a point for EVERY character she meets to act this way. Some of them even treat her rudely, but at this point she's already in Doormat mode, so never says a word in defense. The first time this happened, when she was still the somewhat cool MC, she beat the snot out of the person who offended her. Now, she doesn't even respond. While this might make sense in reality, it's both extremely boring and annoying for a reader to watch her get insulted and looked down upon without trying to even defend herself, even verbally. <<less
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mllhild rated it
May 21, 2016
Status: c53
Extremly lovingly and adorablely cute. Pro:
There is no central plot to worry about.
The main character has her feet on the ground, not a s*upid soft heart, not cruel, just a lovingly human girl who sees the world in a realistic way and is "my pace".
She is not OP, but her equipment (bear clothes) are.

short chapters
maybe lacking Character depth, but the chapters are short so they are still world building and

a lot of the main side charater's are less than 10 year old loli's so they didn't live long enough to build and interesting character

22 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
BaramII rated it
August 31, 2017
Status: --
It's your typical transported to another world japanese novel.

Minus the cringey, socially inept MC.

Minus the harem every chapter (chapter 1, OP girl get, chapter 2, loli get, chapter 3, tough gal get, chapter 4 villain, chapter 5 MC blushes)

... more>> The MC is OP, and She doesn't really experience any hardship (No sh*t sherlock, there's a tag "Strong to Stronger" and 'Overpowered Protag")

But as the tag say, it's a Cute Story. Easy to read. Since it's a cute story, don't expect any plot other than some "aww" moments every few chapter, if not every few paragraph.

The story follows Yuna, an OP girl with no common sense in a Bear costume, doing things what a young girl in a bear costume and no common sense would do. Read what she does and what happens to her surrounding and how she affects the other people around her <<less
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Riverlia rated it
June 19, 2018
Status: --
By most of my usual metrics, Bear bear bear should be a bad story.

Yuna the MC is a bear sue. There's nothing she cannot bear through and every good person learns to love or respect the bear. The author himself frequently admitted that he has zero plan and was just writing the most bear thing coming to his mind.

Yet I found myself refreshing daily to see if there is a bear update. It's like I'm back to my childhood and the only thing I need to enjoy a story is... more>> my favorite hero fooling around, or in this case a bear doting on children and kicking asses.

5/5 would bear again! <<less
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enigmator rated it
April 21, 2017
Status: c330
Here's the thing: I'm nearly caught up with the raws (the writing is a lot simpler than other web novels out there), and I can't help but have mixed feelings.

But I do love the relaxed pace of this series. In fact, the best chapters are the ones where Yuna just hangs out with her friends or invents some new dish. However, the comedy, while not terrible, can get stale after a few hundred chapters unfortunately. Yuna does something amazing, people are amazed or otherwise in disbelief, then she laments her... more>> ever-increasing popularity. Though I'm not a fan of how she tends to deflect responsibility for the crazy things she does, particularly when it comes to receiving gratitude. Well, in any case, she's a hikikomori and a gamer (as she loves remind us time and time again), and these aspects of her character strictly define her interactions with other character. So it's probably pointless to expect any development from her any time soon. In general, the segments where Yuna fights monsters and does adventurer things are just plainly worse than the ones where she just lazes around and makes friends.

All that said, this is still nice, chill series to spend many an afternoon on. I wouldn't have gotten so far with this if I didn't like it after all. There might not be a lot of tension to go around, but it the heroic image of Yuna acting on behalf of the children still makes my heart swoon every now and then. <<less
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Celestale9Point rated it
February 8, 2021
Status: c354
I really love this novel especially the protagonist Yuna-chan and many of the side characters. The story is so cute and relaxing.

But now, I'm thinking. What in the world happened and they added harem and shoujo ai tag in this novel!?

I'm expecting yuri, alright. I want yuri.
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Seregosa rated it
March 14, 2019
Status: c97
I used to love this over two years ago. I felt like it somehow had healing powers. I now read this again and somehow I started to get fed up with it quite quickly and felt that it was both boring and a prime example of bad writing. I couldn't even get up to where I left off over two years ago before I had to drop it because it was just frustrating to read. I tried very hard to like it but I just start to dislike it more... more>> and more.

The author is one of the laziest I've seen. He frequently even complains and says how it's hard to write the chapters and how exhausted he is and how nothing ends up the way he wants it to and how he just writes it without planning anything at all, day to day. Also about how initial plans doesn't end up fulfilled for some reason, obviously because he's too lazy and doesn't want to leave the easy street.

The thing is, this author puts no real effort into the novel. About one chapter a day that is pretty much filler quality. He doesn't even care to world build even a little bit and avoids any and all things that requires a little bit of planning and thinking. He doesn't even want to make a basic and rough currency system, instead giving the MC infinite funds from the start and never mentions anything about money or what it's worth. The rewards she gets from whatever she does feels useless because she really does nothing with it and it's a drop in the ocean. There are no thoughts put into her motivations or goals, it's just a day to day thing. Every event and arc ends very fast with minimal developments. It just lacks substance overall.

Then he does s*upid stuff. He planned to move onto the royal capital quickly but somehow delayed way too long and started to introduce new things that never existed before the moment he decided they should. Like the lord of the city or the orphanage and its issues that was randomly written all of a sudden. This works even worse because the author doesn't want to put any thought into anything so the logic never checks out, ever. Also, it turns into something of a food novel after while, everything is about food because it's easy to write about. Somehow the food she needs gets summoned close by, usually some random villager that just happens to sell something from earth. Oh, and these things are also always very unpopular or unappreciated despite being common and good food, like cheese, eggs and potatoes. The logic about this is like cheese having mold outside, potatoes being able to make people sick sometimes (when they have poisonous "eyes" which no one knows despite the obvious use of trial and error, it's imposible) and no one thought to domesticate the chicken-like animal for eggs despite the popularity and "rarity of them", they're easy to get and capture and everyone knows they lay eggs but somehow no one ever thought of domesticating them? Don't be s*upid. It's just a few of many things.

One of the worst decisions the author made in this novel is the introduction of a portal ability. She was supposed to go on an adventure, but somehow the author became unwilling to let go of his previous characters and towns, so he introduced this cheat ability. She can now teleport with or without other people back to the start town whenever she wants to. This makes sure that she takes up permanent residence there and it becames a completely different type of story. The type of story where she stays around the same place all the way through. She might teleport to other places to check them out, but it's more like picnics than any real journey or adventure. She can just go back every night or at any time she wants to. The initial character cast was quite boring in the first place, so keeping them around does no good for this novel, especially since this author, as he himself states and knows, isn't good at writing. It's better to dump the old stuff and try out new things for him and the type of writing style he's got, but he refuses to do so and instead turns it into something of a pseudo-cooking novel with lots of kids everywhere. Her main concern seems to be a search for food and taking care of people, usually the kids. Well, this makes things very easy for the author has he has to think even less.

Overall, I'm not impressed at all. I wonder why I loved this over two years ago. I must've gotten in that special mood where you get immersed and don't think about the flaws, but I couldn't do it this time around. I only recommend this novel if you want a half-arsed slice of life novel with a cute bear girl protagonist and nothing heavy happening where "plots" and "arcs" pass in a few chapters and nothing goes on for more than a few chapters at most. Do consider that it will turn into a novel where the MC has a permanent residence, takes care of a lot of young kids, pretends to be all nice and nothing is truly happening. <<less
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EmilyEvelan rated it
January 5, 2017
Status: c97
First of all, if you came here and saw the tags "Cheat", "Overpowered Protagonist", and "Lazy Protagonist", and proceed to expect them to not one shot everything/struggle, you're s*upid.

As you could probably tell from the tags and the description, Yuna is really OP. Now, everything about this story is generic, but the things that really makes the novel stand out from the other translations littered around the site are the following qualities:

1) Surprisingly good translations: They're easy to read and understand, and perfect for the mood set by the story.
2) Doesn't take itself too seriously: Now, some people might complain that's its too shallow, but then again, how deep do you expect a story about a girl wearing a bear suit who just wants to chill be? It's pretty much without plot, much like Yuna herself. It largely glazes over the oh-so-tragic things that other novels will go overboard about. Kuma doesn't do that. It knows that it's a comedy series, so it stays true to its genre.
3) Comedy: The comedy is amazing. And cute. Unbearably so. Anyone who doesn't like cute bears being petted by adorable girls should just go away because that's all this book is about. Just kidding. It also has funny reaction chapters, food chapters, subjugation chapters. Everything a generic Japanese light novel have, but somehow it doesn't bore me like the rest.
4) Characterization: Spare me the whines that the characters are one-dimensional. See point 2. The book manages to make most of the characters unique and stand out from each other, and over the course of almost a hundred chapters, we get to know the main character Yuna pretty well. We know her motivations, habits, feelings.
5) Author notes: Read them.

The tags and description does a pretty good job warning the reader going in, and what it advertises it delivers. Some people just can't take the diabetes ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯
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emivy rated it
October 17, 2021
Status: --
The novel feels like it's a 10 year old's everyday life diary with some day dreaming sections. Whole novel reads like a bland script or a children's story book. Do action 1, something happens, do action 2, something else happens. Pretty much the only description on different characters are "they are happy", "they are angry" and whatnot. Rarely does it go beyond that level of writing.

I don't mind novels having no main plot and just write about slice of life stuff, I actually quite like the easy to read and... more>> fun nature of slice of life style of novels. However, this novel is just so bland. I started reading this after watching the anime, but can't get past reading more than 30 chapters. <<less
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chayken rated it
April 9, 2020
Status: c319
The only thing I could remember is that most I did was skip and skim. The only thing that is good in this novel are the beginning chapters.

I am not into specific types of novels, but this is really frustrating, the MC is op but still gets the verbal abuse. Mostly treated as a kid wearing a party suit. "what's with the bear suit? ", "you're just a kid, I'm worried about you" (even though they knew how op she was) and then repetitive.

hugging bear, swaying bear, hugging bear, swaying... more>> bear, hugging bear, swaying bear ahhhhh for once I just wished an antagonist comes and kills them both, it's not even getting cute or fluffy anymore for it's repetitive use.

The MC is op but the fight scenes sucks to the very core.

btw, almost all of the characters here are useless, the story goes around more on cooking, eating and playing with the summons (repetitive bears)

people around the MC keeps on asking help, it's repetitive from the very start. MC doesn't do much on her own, just like kids going with the flow, I think I was just forcing myself to read this. what's wrong with me. haaisst

I forgot on what chapter started where the mc's level has been showed. The level up has been forgotten. So many monsters killed no level updates.

and... this has so many... lovable to skip chapters.

I recommend this novel if you want to.... ummm skip and skim or drop (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ <<less
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justice41 rated it
January 14, 2020
Status: c290
*This novel is soooooo cute so it should have 5*.... Well sorry but it missed faster than it hit...

Well basically the story became more and more boring and annoying than the initial premise hooked me.. While this is really just a fun light hearted novel to read, there's just one thing that really ruins the story. The main character's s*upidly hypocrisy..
It is true that the author is lax and writes whatever is under the sun that it's truly lacking in substance.. BUT that should not be a reason to flip-flap the MC's line of thinking. Yuna is supposed to be a level-headed girl... but no.. she's just an annoying spoiled brat that spoils other spoiled brats.. And to add to the insult she will always spit out words "stay away from trouble" yet she is the one that frequently mingles with said "troublesome" people... goddarn...


In V3 where Yuna annihilates monsters she request her acquaintance to shush about it.. But no they're f*cking loud mouth people who can't even uphold a promise.. And Yuna will say "personal information protection law" bullsh*t when in fact she doesn't even do something about it. Ohh for f*ck's sake.


And it just goes on and on repeating this bullsh*t far too much it just becomes a *meh*.. I keep up on having hopes but it seems that time to give this novel the slap it deserves.
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JoyArenas rated it
July 25, 2019
Status: --
2 stars.

Ilike OP protagonists but I hate it when she's spoiling the children and can't say no to them even though they're being unreasonable brats. And she's cold and threatening to adults just because she like kids more and she's always assuming that the adults are bullying the kids. It's seriously annoying.

I already dropped it. But it's quite entertaining, it's just that I'm not that fond of kids and that irritating protagonist.
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mrcogllrdo rated it
October 9, 2018
Status: c150
I wanted to like it, I really, really did. And at first I did like it! I got to c150 before I got too fed up with it. It's not that the story is uninteresting since I'm not too interested in plot details and the author seems to have no intention of guiding the story according to a plot (they explicitly state in a few chapters that they are essentially winging it). I am a little annoyed that it doesn't make enough use of the game element mechanic but it's... more>> not a major issue.

There are 3 main things that made me quit reading the light novel.

1) There are way too many characters to remember. There are already like 15-20 names thrown around that I'm supposed to remember when some of them have only been mentioned a handful of times? That's asking too much. Maybe that's not a huge issue for others, but for an individual like me that has a tough time remembering names IRL then it's a real struggle. It also seems rather unnecessary since only a handful of these are actually fleshed out characters with the rest serving as filler material. They're essentially props set up to show how great the main protagonist is. This is especially apparent when the character is introduced to new people and side characters make sure to brag about the main character's achievements. It's done often enough that it makes me question if it's being used as filler. Leading me to my second point

2) What's up with all the side perspectives? I get doing it occasionally with characters that are constantly hanging with the main character, it helps lend substance to them beyond serving as props in the protagonist's life. This author does it way too much though. It seems the only purpose to them is to bolster the main character's image to the reader. The worst bit about it is that you can skip those chapters and you wouldn't really miss anything important since it's usually a recap, just a different perspective. In other words it's all filler material. I understand that the author isn't going in a particular direction but this reeks of desperation for material, it's a horrible writing habit that disrupts the reader's experience of being stuck with one point of view. This sounds very critical and for other stories I would be inclined to agree but you must keep in mind that the writing so far has been set up in one particular manner only: show how great the main character is. So why on earth should I care about the side characters if they're obviously not the main attraction? If you're going to orient your writing to support one single character only then you should stick with that character's perspective. The chapters c182, c183, and c184 are literally others' perspectives back to back. I wish this was a single-time only but this sort of thing happened in earlier chapters.

3) I don't know what the appropriate term for this is since the closest I can think of is "deus ex machina" but it's not that extreme. The story resolves itself too easily. When the main character is going through some conflict that might even look remotely annoying then somehow through luck they stumble upon someone or some event that ends up solving it for them. One immediate example that springs to mind is how the main character notices an orphanage she sponsors has recently doubled in size. The number of caretakers haven't changed so she has been thinking of looking for people that would be interested in helping out. She is also thinking of opening up a restaurant that sells seafood and needs to find workers. Well it turns out a group of bandits have been harassing a coastal town and they have taken a few women as s*aves. The main character obviously saves them, and in a stroke of luck they end up working in her seafood restaurant and the orphanage. Seriously? If this was a one-time thing then whatever, it's not a huge deal if this happens occasionally, but it happens often enough where there's no suspense anymore when the main character gets into an issue. Why care when the reader knows from past chapters that it will be promptly resolved in a manner where the main character doesn't jeopardize her image. In other words it feels like there's no real risk to the main character in regards to her health or to her personal/business ventures.

I have a few other complaints but these are the main ones. I had such high hopes for this light novel too since this is one of the few that incorporates some game elements without incorporating a harem or chuuni-type of vibes. The magic stone idea is a little interesting and I wish it could be expanded upon some more, in particular to the potential applications it can be used for. The idea of magic lines as a substitute for electrical lines was interesting to consider, I hadn't really thought of that. Unfortunately the things I listed is too much of a bummer for me that they cannot be ignored. <<less
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Sinai rated it
December 1, 2018
Status: c110
Flat, unoriginal, and basically uninteresting isekai with extremely simplistic writing style.

Yet still somehow charming and readable.

Good for wasting your time, but ultimately, a waste of time.
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