Konjiki no Moji Tsukai (WN)


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Five people are summoned to another world to battle the demon lord who threatens that world. However, there were only supposed to be four heroes that were summoned; the other was an innocent bystander. What will the innocent bystander do next?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Golden Word Master (WN)
Konjiki no Word Master (WN)
金色の文字使い ~勇者四人に巻き込まれたユニークチート~
金色文字使: 被四名勇者波及的独特外挂
Related Series
Konjiki no Moji Tsukai (LN) (Light Novel)
Konjiki no Moji Tsukai (Reboot) (Spin-Off)
Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru! (WN) (3)
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN) (3)
Sevens (2)
Pivot of the Sky (2)
The Elf Is a Freeloader (2)
Legend (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Isekai Fantasy | #1
  2. Things I've Read pt 2
  3. J/K novel
  4. Novel's I like
  5. My Top Light Novel

Latest Release

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65 Reviews sorted by

qzty rated it
March 17, 2016
Status: --
The cheat is that draw to this story, how MC uses it is best thing. Though MC may come as arrogant, " I don't care, if it does not have to do with me." Is something that completely a valid stand for someone, who was transported to another world without any say, and this does that in a good way.

Though he is getting dragged in the issues of the world, and solving problem. Conclusion Tsundere MC

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Sillyislandbum rated it
April 4, 2021
Status: c47
Pretty terrible overall. There is honestly nothing to like about the MC at all. He’s a d*ck for no reason at all. People try to help him or act respectfully, he acts like a dick. Walk up on cooking food and demanding it for free, then complaining that he doesn’t work for free when the people he’s taking the food from are attacked. It’s not even an edge lord mentality, it’s acting like a d*ck when there was no reason to act like one. The heroes are made to be... more>> shallow, and when they tried to be somewhat friendly to him, he acted like a dick.

In short, MC is an OP d*ck who somehow feels entitled to things that are not his despite pretending he is not. <<less
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Konstantin114 rated it
August 23, 2020
Status: 223/315
That was not very good.
When u read first 10 chapters, remember, it will not get better. This WN got high score, so I guess many enjoy it. But if you don't like it from the start - go to next one.

Story is strait forward and expected, characters are not developed, their growth and change is not showed, simply stated, characters' decisions and not justified and just happen. World building is bad.
Stuff happens for no reason, just because author decided that.
Stuff makes no sense. Example: there was a war, a city got invaded, civilians and children are being slaughtered. In the middle of it, MC has a comedic conversation with his loli. Commander of the garrison, who was rushing to help his troops, sees them and starts having nonchalant conversation. Wtf.

Author does not have much talent in writing (as if a teenager wrote it). He cannot paint a picture with words, write good dialogs, make sentences easy to read and understand. I often read WNs on the smartphone using text-to-speech app. When I cannot understand what's going on and follow the story - it means the material is badly written.

Lolis. So much lolis.
Don't get me wrong. Couple of lolis in harem is ok. (by loli I mean 10 year old's, not even 14). But when all of them are lolis and one actually starts leaking his face I want to call FBI. I mean there is a limit, guys!
Oh, but she is actually a bird, who got changed into a child body, so it must be ok, right?!
And jesus, every one falls for him and starts blushing 1 minute after he walks into a room.

I love when MC is super-duper OP, but this one is too much. Cmon.

Translation is... below average.
I respect people, who do it for free and spend their own time. But. There are like 5 websites, that were translating it at the same time (different chapters). There are constant changes in names, skills and so on. Too much irrelevant stuff. Long explanation about how they are taking exams, who is going to translate what. Chapters are littered with explanations about why this word got translated like that and not that.

Got tired of s*upid story and horrible writing and dropped.
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June 6, 2019
Status: c22
Man this author has attention deficit disorder or something. The story is all over the place. There is a war going on so lets do a chapter about eating snacks and going shopping. Or lets follow the MC on an adventure then cut to something unrelated. Or how about we show the same scene (chapter) from someone else's perspective and not change anything. Most of these long novels could be shortened considerably and not loose any vital information or feeling this is no exception. This started out pretty good but... more>> soon turned into a hot mess. I just cant be bothered to wast any more time on this. Its devolved to where I feel I'm reading a kids book with adult violence. <<less
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Senethari rated it
October 17, 2017
Status: c162
I like it, and I've binge read over a hundred chapters, but there are a couple of things that have knocked a star off my personal rating system. (I don't care if it's good literature, I just want it to make me squee.)

I've gotten a little annoyed with all the lolis. The loli special beast girl was fine. The loli princess made sense actually, (though helping her didn't, the MC's a glorious dick), but then there was the lolibaba doctor sensei, the lolibaba unique jousan, the... more>> *other* loli princess... it goes on. Seriously, it's like no one without a y chromosome grows up in this world. He can't walk down the street without tripping over a new loli character. Is troli a thing? Trolled by loli, cuz that's how I feel. Insert table flip here.

Add to that the "everyone but the MC is ret*rded" mentality that sometimes slips in, and my enjoyment slipped a bit. Granted, part of the reason I'm reading this is that I love to live vicariously through a winner, but when a teenager with no social skills is ever so much more brilliant than centuries old demons, even with crafty politics, sometimes I get huffy.

And finally, his speech patterns are more suited to a Yankee than a bookworm, so I'm constantly taken by surprise when some bit of text reminds me he looks like Harry Potter.

With that said, it's still a brainlessly fun read. If you like your MC's dickish and OP, uninterested in harems, and completely superior to all native forms of life, this one's for you. <<less
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SquadCammander354 rated it
September 10, 2017
Status: c172
This is one of my favorite novels. (I'm not vary good at making statements so I'll keep it at minimum)

The protagonist has an 'odd' personality, however that's what makes it interesting. The way he deals with things also become bolder the as he grows, also...

... more>>

the loli's were a bit unexpected, the story progresses a bit differently than the manga. The MC's arrogant or aloof attitude is also something unique about him, he is not the hero, nor is he the bad guy, he's just Hiro (the MC's name), such a cheesy line. No but really, it's a great novel and I recommend it.

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Baka dono
Baka dono
August 18, 2017
Status: c274
I really liked the concept of this story even tho its "another world OP " kind of story, it managed to pique my interest cause the MC is kind unique, while other novels when the protagonist sent to another world they take the role of the hero and go lvl up to fight the demonlord.. ect , well hiiro San our protagonist in this ln is really different he's an innocent bystander who only care about book & food with a some sheet-like omnipotent magic. still he always end... more>> up in a situations finding hem self helping a lot of ppl.... oh also their is alot of lolis for some reason I mean a..... lot...

Well if u like a story with op. smart MC with a unique character and lolis this one is for u !! <<less
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TheRaven rated it
July 24, 2017
Status: c98
My main gripe with this story is that it appears that the author bit off more than he can chew with the MC's power.

His power is Word Magic, where he can write a word on a surface or shoot the word (kanji - character) at a surface. This basically allows him to alter anything and anyone. He starts out with having access to only one word (kanji) at a time, getting access to more as he levels up.

The problem I face is that even though he has access to a... more>> magic that allows him to do basically anything, yet he never uses it in a versatile way. He basically only uses 'Protect' and 'Speed', with a couple of other like 'Fly' and 'Pry' to move about or gain info. Sure there's couple of others, but the first time he even thinks about using an adjective is when he already has access to three-word chains. And the words he used were 'Colossal Strength' to punch an enemy that has regenerative powers on the scale of limbs-restore-within-seconds... Disappointing, to say the least.


Sure, his intention was not to defeat that monster. But the entire situation was so completely out of character for our MC anyway, so...


Moreover, the guy learned the language of that world so he could read books better, but it never occurs to him that something that is a two-kanji word in Japanese, like transfer/teleport, might be a 'one-word' word in a different language. Especially since more-word chains cost a lot more mana, aside from other restrictions mentioned in the story.

In short, a power with great potential ruined by another protagonist that should have been smart, but really isn't. <<less
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drunkenbull rated it
June 29, 2017
Status: c220
At first it was great and interesting for about 80 chapters. BUT the time skip of him getting super powerful and more arrogant is borderline annoying. If you've read a Chinese novel you know about arrogant characters but this novel does not do it well. He basically antagonizes anyone before even fighting and judging how strong they're. The story got very stale very fast. No world building and you cannot become immersed like you can in some xianxia or good JP novels where they go through struggles and life and... more>> death battles to become stronger while not time skipping and not explaining anything of what happen.

I would recommend this novel to someone who has run out of things to read. But in reality they're so many better novels. The novel has become so stale and boring that I've stopped reading instead of getting to the latest chapter like I do in most novels.

P.S if you like an Arrogant and Ignorant MC with no world building to get immersed you will like this novel. <<less
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PringleStorian rated it
May 8, 2017
Status: c268
Tl;dr? Good for the first 100-ish chapter

Spoiler Free

The Mood: The mood can change TO fast sometime especially with the newest arc but then sometime it's really lightweight and because of that there is no consistency of mood sometimes it's REALLY heavy then the mood suddenly lightweight because of food

... more>> 2/5

The Setting: The setting is really good with everything happens with a reason no one do anything Just because he likes it or not (i know that the newest arc antagonist does it just because he likes it but no he does it for a reason)


The Story: Oh boy the story what a roller coaster of awesome fight (Like the tournament arc) and basically boring fight that were overdone but if you were able to overcome that the story might surprise you because it's actually VERY deep


The Character: The character reaction is very boring but some really refreshing but what I gotta talk is the protagonist and his friends. The protagonist can be hypocrite sometime and demands thing for free when himself doesn't do it for free also the lack of goal the protagonist have can sometime make it irritating. The protagonist friends it self can be divided to 2 camps which is memorable and forgettable but regretabbly there are only 9 characters out of total of 40-ish character that is memorable <<less
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rdawv rated it
February 24, 2016
Status: --
Above average, rated 3.5, rounded up to 4.

It’s hard to take the MC seriously, because he remains unflappable even though he and his companions were transported to another world and told to be heroes and fight. Yet the young MC had the presence of mind to refuse and walk away. Once you get past the typical Japanese light novel tropes of such a hero, you get a decently written adventure story that has the MC drowning in lolis and capturing their unwanted attention despite his brusque nature.

For a MC who... more>> professes to not care and prefer books over people, he can’t help but to lend a helping hand to those in distress and thus earns their respect, trust and friendship: be it a human, a beast race, a demon or whatnot. The MC and the plots are somewhat simplistic and predictable if you have read a lot of light novels, but the presentation is good enough to make it stand out from the sea of similar titles, and like most decently written Japanese LNs the side characters are all given characteristics and mannerisms that distinguish them from each other (though still stereotypical and generic to the genre).

Give this a whirl, each chapter is relatively short and you can probably make up your mind after the first few chapters. <<less
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Dem0nflare rated it
June 27, 2021
Status: c319
Was great, MC enters with one personality and does not change... he changes the world for him. One of those OP MC's that occasionally gets put in a tight spot, but he's the MC. I like to think of him as a vehicle for the other characters story's with the waring factions. The last arc I read though was too dragged out and big of a conflict to really keep you interested.
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February 7, 2021
Status: c30
It's s*upid. When they first get summoned, the MC act self-important and thought they won't imprison or drug him? After that he just request to leave the castle while the king didn't do anything? The MC is ignorant of this world, no money, no strength, he didn't even know how strong he was at that time but want to leave? And registerig the guild do not need any money? Even test? So they just let any brat join in and let them die doing quest. I had read too many... more>> chinese novel but really, can't author try to implement human nature and all the people in this novel are idiot. The MC is so weak at the beginning and act like an idiot. I cringe so hard reading him act so careless and if it in chinese novel, he would already die 100. Times. Where is the cautiousness?! <<less
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kisa1234 rated it
June 24, 2020
Status: --
It starts out good at the beginning become boring latter, MC is a Mary Sue, get a bunch of Loli which nobody gives a shit, world-building start becoming more and more forceful, a bunch of concepts like world-energy suddenly appear out of nowhere.
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mio rated it
October 30, 2019
Status: --
the premise is good, the magic system interesting, but the story, although starting out a bit interestingly, quickly devolves into a sequence of failed gags and "funny" moments.

sadly, the author has zero talent in this aspect of writing, which results in an amalgamation of cliché, overused tropes that start of feeling bad, and go on to make you feel suicidal.

included are; "loli-lover dad" "masochist dude" "arrogant ojou-chan" "clumsy maid"... and that's just the first 60-70 chapters! don't worry, if that doesn't get you to jump off a roof, there's still... more>> more than 200 of them to really give you that nice big kick in the ass that gets you to take the plunge! <<less
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cute bird of sadness
cute bird of sadness rated it
April 4, 2019
Status: c295
Good novel.

Good MC.

Nice plot. (Not that I cared about the plot to be honest.)

I liked the mc's power since it's pretty unique stuff for a novel and the MC also had some pretty badass moments as well.

I recomend this.
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Zeikfried rated it
February 20, 2019
Status: c267
The story isn't "one note, " but rather a series of "one notes" that really don't come together to make a song or a very good story.

The protagonist is passable for a manga character: He is essentially an unchanging kuudere with Gary Stu powers that do not require him to grow as a character.

The side characters are a collection of bumbling nobodies, comedic "fall-in-love" lolis, and 2.5 dimensional fantasy trope characters who are 50% there to advance the plot and 50% there to stand in awe of the word magic.

The... more>> actual plot and setting are fleshed out enough for you to accept what is going makes sense. Enough lore and development is put in for you to extrapolate on actual story, as opposed to just showing the readers the repetitive gags.

Overall: Read it until you are sick of it. The instant you are sick of the story, stop. It doesn't ever get any better than the beginning as far as I know. <<less
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FakkuNano rated it
August 5, 2018
Status: --
Actually, I found this novel is gud to read, I like the MC chara who is arrogant but has a brain. But even so, he sud be not dense of romance while his personality is being like smart person. Thats the flaw of his character from my guest, overall is fine.

For the story, to be honest I prefer the web novel than light novel. But from the story on demon continent after the desert incident. It just suddenly jump to where the MC already on royal capital, and also he... more>> already lv 300. Ffs, we the readers dunno what happened to the story after the author skipping the adventure of MC & red loli after asura tribe.

Regarding of each king on the story. The beastman king is only battle junkie, while theres no intelligent personnel around, how can he make the beast country proper. That king is only know to battle, that is the weird part. He sud have someone intelligent who aid him from shadow.

Well, its only from my point of view. <<less
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GabeZhul rated it
April 28, 2018
Status: c203
This is a solidly "meh" series.

The premise uses the clichéd "modern day high-schoolers are summoned to be heroes into a fantasy world with an RPG system, but a bystander gets caught up in the process, and he is somehow the most broken of them all", but the author later does a bit of subversion, like the king summoning them turns out to be the main warmonger while the demon king is a pacifist, which is at least something.

The main character is a loner who gains the ability to warp reality... more>> way beyond the scope of normal magic by magically writing out kanji and associating an effect with it (hence the "Word Master" in the title). He is mostly stoic, and his early attitude was refreshing, whereas he only helped people in exchange of some form of compensation (mostly food), but over time he developed the general LN MC chronic hero syndrome anyway, it's just that he throws out a few tsundere lines after helping someone to keep up appearances.

The first part of the story is a road-trip deal, where the readers get introduced to the world while the protagonist also starts to build his loli harem (which he is naturally unaware of, because japanese writers apparently still think that donkan protagonists are funny), which then segues into a war after an absolutely atrocious time-skip that completely destroys the pacing of the story, which then turns into a tournament arc with a mind-numbingly predictable set of matchups, victories and conclusions.

Overall, this LN isn't bad, but it's not particularly good either. It's decidedly average, with an OP, donkan MC, a constantly growing harem, characters that are closer to caricatures than actual people, an author who has the worst naming sense ever, and due to how many different people translated bits and pieces of it, the different styles, romanization of names and terminology and the general formatting oftentimes makes it borderline impossible to follow the story from chapter to chapter.

In short: If you just really, really want to read a straight Isekai story, it's readable. Otherwise, I wouldn't recommend it unless you have completely ran out of novels to read. <<less
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wateverittakes rated it
March 26, 2018
Status: c120
The start is mediocore. The skill is ok. The characters is somehow interesting but because the main is spineless and lacks a character developement. For me as the story goes. As long the main is present it gets boring. Why? Because he is shy and selfish which make the main story to suffer all because it is hard for world building with that kind of main..
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