Know on the Third Morning


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Dee, who reincarnated in the game world that he was addicted to in his previous life, was satisfied just by looking at Captain Leonardo, who was his favorite, from a distance as a member. One day, he was elected as a new unit and decided to be transferred from Leonardo’s unit. The next morning when Dee was drunk with a drink that was held as a promotion celebration, Dee woke up and saw Leonardo in front of him. Or rather, there was a Leonardo’s thing in it. * This is an erot*c story.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Sandome no Asa ni Shiru
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Recommendation Lists
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
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10 Reviews sorted by

natsuluv rated it
July 14, 2021
Status: --
It’s so cute but unfortunately short lol like I wished for more. 10/10 smut.
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dday0425 rated it
December 26, 2021
Status: part3
This novel has a good smut, but I'm sorry, the MC is really not my cup of tea.

He's so dense and pessimistic.

What's happening with those emotional monologues in the beginning? That is just unnecessary. Honestly, with how the story progressed, they could just go straight up to the smut scene and be together.

And I really can't understand the MC. Two people waking up naked in bed, the MC found out that his crush's d*ck is now sticking in his as*hole (although the man is still asleep), yet he still managed... more>> to overthink things, be pessimistic, and get depressed all by himself. This is unbelievable. 🙄 I want to scream. The captain definitely consents! He's after you! Why are you being so overly dramatic, goddammit!?

By the way, the smut here is very sexy. The captain is masculine, and he does the "deed" very well. My heart is beating so fast that I almost thought I was going to have a heart attack, lol. <<less
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enaillig rated it
October 23, 2021
Status: part1
It's short and fluff. A decent read. I just don't like it how it seems the MC is so unbelievably dense and naive, he doesn't believe Leonardo liked him all along, even when his team mate already told him at the end. He can be like, get tricked by everybody into doing something and still believes everything was his fault.
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Fisukisuki rated it
August 29, 2021
Status: Completed
It's Short but not too short. It has Good Details and leave no hole. It was Absolutely Sooo Much better than I expected and I Love it Waaaay Too much!!! Though I admit I would love for more!

The details of the s*x is just sooo Good!!! That's Japanese Novel for you. 😘👌👌👌

The Characters are great... Plot is Good.... Everything is Awesome! Yes, I love it Sooo much!!!
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Realvnv rated it
August 6, 2021
Status: oneshot
Those 2 "1 star" ratings, don't let me find you or I'll escape real quick idk I have a combat strength of a radish-

Anyways, I would want more details about the drunken night, otherwise it was good. Nothing kinky since it's just 1 chap.
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Asphyxia778 rated it
December 25, 2023
Status: Completed
Short and cute

The smut was good and the MC and ML are both in love with each other. MC is just pessimistic and dense lol. ML is quick to stake a claim on MC.
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HiddenHermit rated it
June 18, 2023
Status: Completed
Super short and heavy on the smut story. The intro says it all, there isn’t much plot and the ending is predictable.

MC, Dee, and ML, Leonardo, had a mutual liking so no angst here. You got the right novel if you're mainly interested in the naughty stuff 😉
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orztodaempress rated it
August 5, 2022
Status: Completed
This is such a one-shot gem.

Consensual and steamy. A very satisfying smut, nothing more to be said.
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0m0zenzen15 rated it
July 29, 2021
Status: c3

Everything was vivid, the flow of the story was just hnnnggg perfecto~

i want moar (who doesnt?)

its such a fine read~ the characters make me squeal. I love Dee and the interaction between his squadmates~
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July 19, 2021
Status: --
I want MOARRR 😩. More details on what happened the night before butttt I guess all is good with this one and I could understand since this was a one-shot smut novel BUT I STILL WANT MORE FLUFF&SMUT 😩😩
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