Jun Ye Can’t Help But Tease His Wife


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Rumor has it that the empire’s first general, Shen Chengfeng, has a quirk that does not allow anyone to touch his body!

But on a certain day, not only did he touch people, but also slept with a certain person!

For countless generations, it is rumored that the empire’s well-known Xiao family only had sons who became generals. But the fact is, they actually have a daughter named Xiao Jing!

However, she must dress as a man to become a young soldier.

Anybody who will have a contact with Shen Chengfeng’s skin will die. This is the secret of the Shen family that cannot be disclosed.

Xiao Jing, however, was careless and touched the general’s body everywhere!

The Shen family is well aware of the fact that Shen Chengfeng’s both hands are like strong sulfuric acid. Once touched, even the bones will not be saved.

Xiao Jing, however, was not paying attention and touched him all over!

The Shen family understood that the body of the imperial general is special and cannot have a wife and children in this life.

However, one day, the general suddenly announced that he is going to marry a certain soldier!

In other words…

Xiao Jing didn’t have a choice but to disguise herself as a man to become a soldier. Unexpected events led her to have physical encounters with the empire’s most distinguished general, Shen Chengfeng. However, unknown to the public, this military master has a mysterious secret – anything that he touches would all turn to ash! Surprisingly, Xiao Jing was an exception!

How will our hardworking Xiao Jing keep her little secret hidden when Shen Chengfeng is constantly keeping an eye on her? And how will our formidable general react when a certain soldier is not affected by his supernatural ability?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Irresistible Love: Master Shen’s Quest to Charm His Lady
Related Series
Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man (2)
A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor (1)
Female General And Eldest Princess (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Cliches, Classics, Goats
  2. Books I have read/tried and liked/disliked p3
  3. (1)Desires of the Heart part 1
  4. Military army strong girl
  5. Complete Novels (Part 5) BG

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13 Reviews sorted by

PiCrazy31415 rated it
July 23, 2018
Status: c200
An adorable story so far. I'm hopeful that it won't become all dark and gloomy in the later half of the story like some other ones I've complained about. The romance is pretty damn adorable, and I do hope that they will be able to solve the ML's disease, even though it was what catalyzed their interaction. Love the MC's and ML's families, especially the MC's brothers. Her elder brothers are so sis-con that it's hilarious, plus how the younger brother gets ganged up on and beaten by all of... more>> the elder brothers. I do wish the MC were a little stronger and smarter and less naive though, but I guess that's what the ML likes about her? But the MC is 25 years old already, why do I feel like she reacts and acts like a teen most of the time. Emotional immaturity, ai. Bing Translate is pretty readable, thank god. Due to lack of time, I'll be skimming through more series, but I will definitely be back to finish this one. <<less
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November 7, 2018
Status: c450
Loved, loved, absolutely loved this story!

It's not just romance. It's war, it's becoming strong from weak and the hurt, the sweat, the tears, the humiliation and atlast, the f*cking pride as a woman competes against men trained atleast a 100 times more than her, loosing miserably against them and then rising above to become their equal in terms of sheer strength and power. This story is not just romance but the hard-core army training and the losses one face when in an army.

... more>>

MC is cross-dressing as a girl. She comes from an all-military family which had never ever seen a girl. Her mother is the father's third wife who is not respected by the MIL. The father and his three sons listen to MIL. So MC and MC Mom have been forced to stay outside the head house like a mistress and a bastard-child despite being legally married. MC Mom wants MC to gain recognition from her father and forces her to cross-dress and join one of the worst military teams where rich sons go to only gain a name and not do much work.

However, ML and his team come for recruitments and even though MC is terrible, absolutely terrible, she is able to touch ML (with his acid hands) and goes off Scot free. So ML takes her in as curiosity.

MC is planning to drop out as soon as possible coz she hates working hard and keeps thinking - I am a girl, why should I work as hard as a man to gain physical strength?

But the absolute derision that others have against her, the way they insult her and humiliate her when she is unable to complete even 1% of the practices make her go so crazy mad that she pushes herself. It's amazing the way the author has shown MC's despair, the embarassment and the shame, the absolute helplessness she feels at the taunts and insults and then the anger and rage that fuels her and ultimately takes her up.


If you are looking for mofu-mofu romance scenes, this is not the book for you. For more than half the book, the MC is hiding as a boy and there is NO romance between her and ML. There is a lot of military exercises and projects and assignments that they carry out. And importance is given to what these assignments are and how they deal with it. So please be warned, there are fights, almost-deaths and deaths of team-mates and loved ones.


Oh and you will hate her family. They are f*cking weak loosers in my opinion. Her brothers are the first ones to realise she is a girl and suddenly feel very bro-like and try to recruit her into their own teams. Dad is the last one to realise and starts feeling bad. Her grandmother is an evil witch who should be burnt on stake. Enough said.


Read it! Read it! Read it! <<less
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Xiu_er rated it
January 28, 2021
Status: c129
I had such high hopes for this novel, but was eventually disappointed. Looking at the tags, there were things that I usually like, for example a hard-working MC, military and cross-dressing. While I did read a few bad reviews on here beforehand, I gave the novel the benefit of the doubt, especially because I'm pretty low maintainance and can read pretty tr*shy stuff for entertainment.

However, this was so jarring to read because of the FL/MC. She is a silly and narcissistic Mary Sue who is naive, dense and stubborn which... more>> also makes her not care that she is causing trouble for others. I personally really dislike causing trouble for others so seeing her act so unruly and entitled makes me wanna punch her in the uterus so she can't procreate. She even dares to play the victim and blame others for wanting to follow protocol when it puts her at a disadvantage due to her own fault. There is also her being oblivious to her surroundings to the extent of having her thoughts drift away in the most inconvenient times. Her careless/sloppy manner also makes it hard to believe that she passed 2 years in the military without her gender being found out, considering how many times she had already been close to being found out in the short time after meeting the ML.

Another thing that disrupts the reading flow is the lack of clear depictions of time. What time of the day is it? How much time has passed simce the happenings in the last paragraph?

What the novel also lacks on top of that is common logic. The military should be really rigid and strict so why are there so many rules being bent for the FL? And why the f*** do they have practice with live ammunition and shooting at each other. They are just asking to have a few casualties during training like this. At that rate, they would run out of soldiers before the soldiers could be dispatched on missions. But oh, it's okay, a gunshot wound heals in only a few days and a grave burn is also fine in but a week~ Someone sent the author some common sense in the mail because they seem to really need it.

So... if you haven't already guessed it yet, I dropped the novel. The premise was good, but the execution was just lackluster. At least the ML seemed decent from what I have read so far even if his powers make zero sense. Boy can burn and melt metals, but for some reason his gloves/clothes are fine and the tiles in his bathroom on which he surely walks barefoot are also fine... His powers should have melted his clothes off his body and the ground under his feet long ago and left him sitting in a hole since it's implied that he can't turn his power off when someone touches him or he touches someone else... I should stop my rant.

Summing up:

- annoying FL

- plot holes/ lack of common sense

- lack of accurate time depictions

If you are a bit more demanding towards your literature than those who just like romance and don't care for realism, then keep away from this novel. <<less
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jellybeanhater rated it
February 27, 2019
Status: --
*I have not read that much so far but the chapters are fairly long and to save anyone else the trouble, I am just going to review what I have noted so far.

Firstly the writing style and plot are quite disjointed, not really stating much about either the environment or characters whatsoever and completely devoid of any use of poetic or descriptive language. It's basically just a summary of events and actions by the characters that are used to drive this non existent narrative forwards.

Character development? What is that? No... more>> really, the characters themselves are paper thin in terms of any depth in their personalities or relationships between one another. There is not a lot of description or complexity to how they actually FEEL or think, I guess emotive language is probably just an alien concept to this bland, paper thin world that the author has created. The MC herself has little to no personality whatsoever from what you could extract from her overly-simplistic dialogue, that reads off like it was written by an immature 12 year old. Also, her reasoning behind cross-dressing and hiding her gender for most of her life is not really well developed in the slightest and rather than finding it to be empowering, it seems more like submission to the patriarchal values of the family that has neglected her for most of her life which dictate how a male is inherently worth more than a female, wherein she doesn't really try to prove her worth or take pride in her role as a woman.

Another note to add, but the current translation so far (by Babel) is done quite poorly, with a confusing mix up of gender pronouns and names as well as the typical grammatical issues. <<less
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Nelhiro rated it
July 16, 2018
Status: c1
a promising and entertaining argument, it shows that there will be many fun moments and a lot of fluff! just need to see how everything progresses, at the moment all super good.
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chibiheaven rated it
February 23, 2019
Status: --
The novel started out interesting but steadily devolved into a pile of garbage as the MC and ML become uncomfortably lustful alongside a clear diversion from the original storyline. Even if I treat this as a comedy, it's still difficult for me to enjoy the bland personalities of all the characters. Seemingly all of them are just childish despite their mature age.

The later half of the novel made me feel uncomfortable with how our MC lusts over the ML and is constantly trying to kiss him and have s*x with... more>> him. It just became incredibly annoying because they can't seem to keep their hands off each other. I didn't read this novel for an incredibly sappy and lame love story, as the army aspect of the novel seems to have been shoved to the side.

I was hoping for something like The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness but with faster progression and was sorely disappointed. <<less
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Sauramon rated it
February 17, 2019
Status: c7
Somehow I'm okay with the weird touch-me-and-incinerate disease of the ML, but I'm NOT okay with all the hateful characters around the FL.

Sure, I only read 6 chapters and I'm sure it gets (a tiny bit) better, but I really don't have the stomach to push through it. The abuse she gets from her insane family is unbearable for me.

She's a waste because she's a woman? Her grandma (who should be a woman) despises her because she was born without a d*CK?? In the MODERN world??? What kind of logic... more>> is that?? What kind of logic leads her to crossdress to enter the army and NOT prove herself?? Hide for 5 years and then keep hiding for the rest of her life? Wtf is going on with this premise??

If her family is so awful she should (a) run away or (b) prove her value AS a woman. Is not like life in the army for a woman is any easier, so I really don't get the crossdressing part of this story.

Also, great brother. Knows his only sister is hiding and sends a freaking weirdo to mess with her. Lucky he's not really a creep, otherwise she could end up in a living hell.

I'm sure she proves herself eventually, but unfortunately I won't be reading it. <<less
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Jevanka926 rated it
February 22, 2020
Status: --
I kinda like this story. I could have given this five stars if not for:

1. The messy timeline

2. The family

... more>>

I just want to vent my frustation about number 2. The family is awful.

Her grandma is psycho who was obsessed with the family's glory and reputation. The father was not decisive enough in my opinion.

He was supposed to be a marshal, but he still wavered between saving his abused daughter or respecting his mother. Sure, he finally decided to side with his wife and daughter, but seriously? It took him two decades to decide?

But my biggest frustation is tge mother. She held this kind of hope that her husband would lovingly hold her in his palm. She knew that she and her daughter were being looked down and her husband wanted to do nothing about it. I may be biased because the novel world setting is still quite conservative, but it really pisses me everytime I read her being sad, and telling her daughter to be patient. She even promised her daughter that they would leave the family, but she finally sent her to the army! What kind of logic is this? Once again, I may be biased, but I can't stand mothers like her. Even when she had the chance to divorce, she didn't!


So, yes. -1 star for the messy timeline and another -1 for the FL'S family <<less
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_dreamlesscloud_ rated it
July 21, 2019
Status: c22
There's so much potential and I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. But then they switched translators and my reading experience went downhill. I went from enjoying the story to not making heads nor tails from what I'm reading.

There's a reason why I rarely mtl and patiently wait for the translated updates. (╥﹏╥) being a non-native english speaker doesn't help, in my case.

Maybe I'll try reading this again, when I somehow learn to read mtl or something... As for now, I'll be dropping this.
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jaxter rated it
January 6, 2019
Status: c325
This is absolutely one of the best Chinese novels I've ever read. Especial the male lead is a gem, an absolute masterpiece and xiao Jing the female lead is seriously an inspirational character, almost at the level of a feminist icon. Seriously she is too amazing.

... more>>

I mean a female who is sniping terrorists from a speeding car while several months pregnant. Oooofff!!!!


The chemistry between the leads is also off the charts and shen changfeng is an ideal husband. Seriously he is my new book boyfriend. In fact the entire special ops team the couple belong to is too good. This novel really wrings out the emotion out of you, especially some of the tragic scenes, after all it is a military novel. This is well worth the read any day and I completely recommend this to any reader. <<less
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hybridiris rated it
May 19, 2020
Status: c108
I haven't read that far into the series but I just can't invest more time in it right now. I haven't enjoyed any part that I've read. This novel is very jarring and I'm not sure if it's due to the translators or the author, but the split between when the character goes to sleep and wakes up has no division. I'm always left to guess by context whether the character suddenly woke up hours later in the morning or just right as they were going to sleep in the... more>> night. All the days seem to be mashed together because of the lack of division. Also there's all this patriotic fervor from the MC juxtaposed with really petty and silly actions that make it a very hard sell for me. The internal monologue from the MC is sometimes believable but sometimes just outright insane. It's like her brain is wired to soap opera logic sometimes and she fantasizes early on imagined romance vibes with the ML that just seems so ridiculous. She also talks a big game and mouths off and the ML let's it go. Her cheeriness, s*upid carelessness with her breast band and hiding her gender all seem to raise the question of why she is so unprepared when she's survived so long already dressed as a man. I find her airheaded and this may be the author's part of having an unreliable narrator to a hundred or two chapters later slowly show us some more serious stuff but I can't last another hundred chapters of airheaded internal monologues with silly jokes and no character development. The narration doesn't explain how she get's better, but just shows her suddenly having better results. Everything about her growth so far is hidden from the audience and that makes it hard to follow in a novel that is all about a MC self improving. The fact that she internal monologues as a pretty cute girl in random inappropriate moments further irritates me because of how OOC it is... Maybe the later chapters redeem this but I can't see a reason to continue. She's just not the type of MC I enjoy reading. That's not to say others won't enjoy reading this MC, but the story telling and narration are really poorly transitioned and different parts of a day or days blur together without distinction. It's confusing to follow and further more confusing due to the translations (after chapter 6) being little better than edited MTL.

TL:DR As of 108 chapters the MC appears to be a shameless airhead. Maybe things will get better. Don't expect the story telling and transition to improve within these chapters so far. <<less
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kieranfortier rated it
March 5, 2024
Status: c33
I tried hard and reached chapter 33, but that’s my limit.

The plot is interesting enough to convince me to read it and the rating is not bad, but I’m too incompatible with MC.

So, since MC is a woman, I’m guessing her family didn’t invest in her as much as the other four boys. I don’t get why she being a woman is supposed to be a secret to her brothers. Maybe the explanation will come later, but I don’t really care.

MC was sent to a regiment where “weak” people with... more>> background goes. They are called waste. The training is lighter compared to other places and people are lazy, waking up late and all.


MC spend few years there and never tried to change until ML went to select one person to have a chance to enter his special elite regiment.

You see, this elite regiment is not a place you go to learn from basics, it’s a place you go to improve what you already have. It’s not easy to enter, usually only the best soldiers of other regiments are select to have a chance.

MC is weak. She never tried to improve herself beyond the lazy training on her former regiment, she has no experience, nothing, nada.

Yet, she thinks she is suddenly a shehulk.

She wants to be in this elite regiment, she wants to prove she is also a proud son of her family, and she wants to do that going from 8 to 80 in one month, training basics while everyone else is level advanced.

Totally out of her mind. And when people say that to her, she is sarcastic, stubborn and inconsequential.

She is the pig teammate of the new recruits, because not only she is incapable of see her own level, she end up boycotting / delaying the others. Because of her, the whole team failed again and again (she being the only one who truly failed).

So, yeah, I don’t like MC. Not because she is weak - she could go somewhere else for training and try again later, but no, she has to stay now or die. I don’t like her because she thinks too much of herself when she is basically a nobody without her surname or without someone helping her. She is a spoiled brat in distress who believes to be a badass.

and that annoyed me to Nárnia.

it’s horrible to see MC almost ruining her teammates chances because of her useless pride while thinking people should go easy on a delicate girl like her (and remember that she is pretending to be a boy). And then putting pressure on people with her family. That is no longer ingenuity, it’s straight s*upidity.

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heartlessbambi rated it
March 2, 2023
Status: c329
This book looked so promising at the beginning but later it turned out to be a monotonous read.

The MC has a strong ambitious personality. But she is very cheerful at the same time. It was very interesting, reading her little funny thoughts in her head that mostly revolved around according to the soap opera TV series as her as the lead which ended up as face slappings in the reality. The male lead is introduced as a very stiff character but he takes a huge turn around when he falls... more>> in love with the MC. His special body condition is one thing that had made this novel unique.

As mentioned above the plot gets kind of bland later on. I found myself skipping chapters because there were so many fillers.

This book is alright but I don't think book addicts like myself would have the patience to read till the end. <<less
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