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The Jinyiwei: Formerly known as the “Ceremonial Luan Division ”, they had originally served as the Imperial Court’s honor guards, before gradually gaining Emperor’s trust. For one to assume the roles and responsibilities of the Jinyiwei, one would need to possess a certain type of background, the character of a faithful hound, a very good physique, and mastery of martial arts. Their uniform consists of flying fish clothing and they bear embroidered spring knives.

This is a story about the youngsters of the Brocade Imperial Guards or Jinyiwei.
It is also a tale about a small, feral cat and a large, wild leopard.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Brocade Imperial Guards
Cẩm Y Vệ
Imperial Ming Bodyguards
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2 Reviews sorted by

orztodaempress rated it
October 23, 2022
Status: c19
Giving this 5 stars simply for the painstaking amount of historical details the author included for the story to be historically accurate. The amount of footnotes is insane. Props to the translator for their hard work, I don't think I personally would have had the patience to do that much research.
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novel.junkie rated it
October 19, 2024
Status: Completed
I don't recommend this. I'm normally lenient with my ratings but this pissed me off. To keep it vague, the only thing that was special about this was the sheer amount of historical knowledge used to write this story. I learned a lot about history so I don't regret reading this, but if you read this for plot, characters, romance etc., I think you'd better of reading something else. I personally read this because I wanted some historical romance but what I got was crumbs of a childhood sweethearts romance... more>> and then dogblood plot. I read this almost to the end because while I didn't love it, it was okay to pass time plus I wanted to see the MC and ML to finally be able to be happy together.

What pissed me off and made me drop it was something that happened near the end:


The sister of the MC just died suddenly (like within a few paragraphs she was dead and buried) and then her husband, so MCs brother-in-law, who was kind of like a brother and father to him sometimes (their relationship was a little complicated, and at that point in the story he had acquired great power with the help of the MC) r*ped the MC because he looks like his dead sister??? Then the brother-in-law put him in a cage and paraded him around to humiliate him and make the MC have to rely on him or whatever.


Anyways the ending is that

the MC and ML flee and live somewhere beyond the border, if I remember correctly.


I really didn't understand why this scene and the subsequent plot had to happen. Normally, even if the ending isn't satisfactory, I can still try to appreciate the rest of the story but the beginning and middle wasn't good enough to offset my bewilderment at the ending.

The novel had potential: The romance is between two people who have known and spent most of their time with each other since they were kids. The dynamic was interesting and the romantic and s*xual tension was there. There were even very cute short flashbacks that tied to the present! But then MC and ML were separated most of the time. I think the political plot should have been a background thing or be executed better because everything I liked about this novel was destroyed by it and it wasn't even good. Don't get me wrong, I like political novels but this one wanted to combine many things and therefore executed nothing in a satisfying way. I think the low key political undercurrents and cause and effects were captured in a good way, but the big things that happened weren't.

About the s*x scenes: I don't know if I'd tag this as "smut". There was like one or maybe two s*x scenes and what took me off guard was that the first one was

them full on having s*x in a public room using a dildo (after not even having confessed to each other and after having just met after years apart) with a group of people watching them, so just full on exhibitionism? So unexpected


So yeah, all in all, if you have other novels lined up to read, I'd recommend giving them a try before touching this. <<less
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