I’ve Been Reincarnated as Son of a Mastermind Family, Ignored the Original Story to Become Independent


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Yuri Louth was the third son of a ducal family, the mastermind family of the story.

The family is behind all the events that aim to turn the country upside down, but in the end, all their evil deeds are revealed by the main characters, and like this ducal family was doomed

I’ve been reincarnated as such a character, and to avoid my doom, I decide to ignore the original story and become independent.

I developed the small, weak territory that my father had given me, and was trying to become a knight with my achievements.

However, in the original story, Yuri, the ruthless last boss, is so strong that his talents are too cheat that the territory develops into the most powerful territory in the blink of an eye.

Then, the characters from the original story, who were supposed to have avoided me, started to come at me .

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plainwalk rated it
November 21, 2023
Status: v2c14
Harem and loli. In the first volume he only had one (very clingy and jealous) girl (that very annoyingly refers to herself in the third person) around him, but once the second volume started, girls began popping out of the woodwork. We seem to be up to five, as of now. Most of whom are underage, as in ten years old, or thereabouts.

I have harem and loli blocked when looking for a story to read for a reason. I don't like sinking time into one only for this to happen.
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kuma-san rated it
April 23, 2024
Status: v1c24
all the girls in this story are annoying.

It feels like the author just googled a bunch of female fictional stereotypes and stuffed them into a story.

the villains feel shallow and the demons only show up just to show how strong the protag is. I feel like just turning off my brain isn't enough to try and enjoy the story, because the plot is a mess the villains are dumb, the main character is a pushover who doesn't even try to think of what his actions are doing to the original... more>> story.

He says that he doesn't want to get involved with the original story but doesn't think about what it means for the final boss to f*ck off somewhere before the story even starts.

saving people that should have died and making a territory where a lot of the original plot points should have started. He is just a mary sue who claims to have a brain at this point.

The story could be a good one it has a decent base it's just the execution leaves far to much to be desired in my personal opinion.

it's not to my taste but some people like this kind of story give it a shot if you hate it you hate it but if you like it then no loss but I'm going to drop this story here as I don't see my opinion changing. <<less
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